Views shared by several ayurveda professionals and non-ayurveda people in discussion group:
All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.
Todays topic for discussion: "Corn" on soles or
Group 1:
Dr. Chirag Vyas:
I got best results for corn ..AGNIKARMA...folled by
agnidagdha vran hara lepanam
Group 2:
Vd. Hardik bhatt: Conil plast for 10-12 application….Agnikarm also gives best
Burn Apamarg bark
/ wood …. Smoke / fume should apply to corn ---gives result.. this is heard
from old person…not tested by me.
Group 3:
Minoo Parabia :
Pipal ash to be put on a piece of cloth cover the corn
with this ash containing cloth and fasten with adhesive tapes. Replace every
day. Corn will come out within 2 weeks. Apply Calotropis/Ark latex/kshir on a
Group 5:
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana:
Corn on soles removed by the use of Agnikrma
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