All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.
Todays topic for discussion: Premature grey hair...and baldness
Group 1:
Vd. Chirag Vyas:
Palitya and khalitya ...Due to...
1.kapha blocks pittavaha srotas
2. Vitiated pitta causing damage in hair roots
3. Associated problems like
mandagni...grahani...pandu..amlapitta...pitta prakruti...pitta prakopa rutu and
Nasya karma: ( shodhana and shaman ) * Shirodhara or Takradhara...*
Sw.virechana 1tsf empty stomach once only * Amlaki ras or aamlaki rasayana * Bhrungaraj
aasava * Kasisa bhasma or yashada bhasma and praval bhasma yoga..* Satavari..yestimadhu...japa...trifala...Saptamrut
loha...combination...Good result
Group 2:
Vd. Hardik bhatt: Anyone have idea for male pattern
baldness ..?
Dr Pinal Shah: (homoe) according to me
for male pattern baldness… nothing guaranteed
But sometimes
misotherapy and prp –platlate rich plasma works nice with some vitamins and local application
Dr. Dipak shirude (jalgaon): Ghritpan, Ghrit nasya,
Shirodhara with amalaki siddha coconut oil
Regular intake of genuine chyawanprasha, Padabhyanga, Saving
the hairs while travelling etc from direct
sun light
One experience by PHKulkarni sir Pune…..He advised
someone (a foreigner case of total alopecia . not a single hair all over body)
to apply chywanprasha externally on scalp I.e. shirolepam .. He got amazing results in a year ..
Group 3:
Dr. Minoo parabia: Baldness due to heredity, could only
be delayed. If due to alopecia or dandruff or mineral deficiency, would respond to the treatment. Nasya / nasal drop helps. Mixture of Bringraj
black sesame amla nirgundi and survari harde gives great results for blackening
the hair. Even the prolonged use of haritaki and application of castor oil
keeps hair black. Greying due to mental
stress and aging is most difficult to treat. I would not venture
Mr. Manilal Solanki: Gm,Sir for Nasya which drop
should be used for baldness.
Dr. Parabia: Cow's ghee. Oil prepared according to
Bharat bhaishajya ratnakar.
Germany Helga Fuchs: Grey hair and baldness, follow
strikt daily routine, no chilis, also not green. Most Problem are emotional disturbans
with to busy lifestyle, no strenght to deal wirbt conflicts in relaxed way……
Treatments : bodymassage with kseerabala, bala. Nasya with
ksheerabala 107; Massage the scalp daily with bringaraj. Medical head massage
with brahmi. For more treatment pc minimum
for 6 Werks, virecan, Navara kithzi for min 7 days after nasya vor 7 days.
Majjadhatu is dry, not only Stagnation in circulation of head, skin. And sure,
patient have to learn he is not the navel of the world and he is not a hero. To
clear out the problems is a need.
Meditation, soft sport, soft yoga, pranayam only breath
fliegen softly in both nostrils same time. No press or control of breath, no
concentration only sitting or in flor in the back. Forgot shirodhara by pc
before, after nasya. Sorry for my English
Dr. parabia: Helga. Don't worry about your English.
As far as it conveys the meaning; it's
ok. This I wish to convey to all the other friends too. Its just fine. Go ahead
and interact. We're more interested in knowledge and not language
Group 4:
Vd. Nayana Sharma: Gogrutadi Nasya. In. Gray. Hair
Vd. Dipa Mehta: Cow ghee, Pratimarsh nasya for
premature grey hair
Dr. Nita Goswami: Rasayan tab, amalaki rasayan,
brigraj ghan vati, kasis, loh bhasma etc.& hair oil, hair pack ,
Nili,amla,yastimadhu siddh cow ghee for nasya give best result
Vd Daxa Patel: In premature grey hair first virechan
then 3to 5days nasya of anu tail then cow ghee 's pratimarsh nasya and medicine
dhatriloh, bhringraj and triphla give good result.
Vd. Kalpesh Makvana Surat: Premature hair grey
Hetu (causes) - Pita vrdhak aahar-vihar
(amal-lavan-katu rasadhikay aahar, viruddh aahar, ratri
jagarn, hair wash with hot water)
Use yasti ghrit for nasay and aamlaki rasayn, bhrinraj
ghan,avipattikar churna
Group 5:
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana:
Premature Grey hair/Palitya and Baldness/Khalitya :- Rasa Dhatu dusti
Mainly Pitta dosha. Due to Krodha(anger), Anxiety,
Excessive use of salty, Spicy food, Junkfood etc ..
Aamalki, Shatawari, Nimba, Guduchi, Bhrungraj,Yashtimadhu
is a choice of drug.
Nasya-Pratimarsha nasya,
Shirodhara,Shiroabhyanga and lepan is useful.
In Baldness Prachchanna karma is also useful.
Group 6:
Vd Avni Vyas: Bhringraaj swaras 5ml 2 times, Aamlaki
rasayn 2times 2 tab internal medicines for grey hair
Vd.vimalben - Anand : Nasya karma with goghrita or
til tail (sesame oil) with keshya drugs orally
gives good results
Vd. Kundan Gadhavi: for baldness first we
have to see cause acc. to that treatment:
hastidant masi lep & oil, karanjyadi oil, nasya with
anu/ shadbindu oil acc to dosha
orally tab hairtonz combination of zinc, gandhak, muktashukti
amalaki+yashti with ghrita,madhu,sakar
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: in most cases of premature
hair greying, there is anger as causative factor. So medhya rasayana as well as
nasya give good result... Saptamrita yoga tablet(saptamrita lauha, guduchi,
swarnamaxika..) for hairfall and premature hair greying... male pattern bald ness(temporal) is
hereditory...i think we cant do much more in such cases. Nilibhringraj taila
for local application and nasya..
Vd. Ritaben - Nadiad: Aamlkirasayana + bhugraj churna
+ mandur bhasm combination are good for gery hair…When pt is younge then black
til 1/2tbs take daily it is give good result
Views shared
by several ayurveda professionals and non-ayurveda people in discussion group:Disclaimer:
All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.
Vd Chirag Dobariya Surat:Sodhan Karma and than Rasayan.Virechan,Nasya by Goghrit.totally avoid spice,less salt,oil. use Goghrit in veg.frying and head massage.oraly saptamrut loh avleh,Amalki rasayan yastimadhu bhrigraj kasis bhasma and mainly maintain stress with pranayam