Views shared
by several ayurveda professionals and non-ayurveda people in discussion group:
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All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.
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Todays topic for discussion:
Sarpagandha - uses, complications, side
effects, special recommendation / caution for use.
Vd. Jignesh
Thakkar-Bhuj: major
complication with sarpagandha is impotence
Gandhi: When my mother
was using Sarpagandha Ghan Vati for insomnia ,She was having problem in opening
eyes in night. She was feeling like vibration in eye cornea. Only in night. And
we tested it for few days. That was happening only when she used to have
sarpagandha ghan vati ..Reason : Don't know actually ….
Later on moved
on Siledin in which there was no such problem.
Vd. Dhruti
Sarpagandha -
Krumihara –
useful to relieve worm infestation and infection. Useful in the treatment of
insect bite, scorpion bite, rat bite etc. Removes the toxic effect of rodent
bite. Vishamajwara – useful in recurrent and chronic fever. Sarpagandha has
calming effect over mind and brain. It induces sleep. It also relieves excited
state of mind, hence useful in schizophrenia (insanity). It decreases blood
pressure. It contracts uterus and induces menstruation. It is used in the
treatment of epilepsy, panic attacks and anxiety. It suppresses early
Hence used in
the treatment of premature ejaculation and early excitement.
Because it
stimualtes uterus, this herb should not be used during pregnancy.
This medicine
should be used strictly under medical supervision. Special care is needed when
it is administered along with other medicines for high BP. The combined effect
may lower the BP to a great extent. Its sleep enhancing effect may further
increase if taken by an alcoholic.
Hence, precaution is needed.
special recommendation / caution for use:-
HTN, Insomnia
Vd. Dipam
tripathi: i used only
sarpgandha churna in case of anidra and hypertension.... good result and i
never seen any advers effect….in the use of sarpgandha ghanvati...some pt
having sleepiness.... the morning....
parabia: Rauvolffia
perhaps one of the earlier herbs like Papaver and cannabis to draw attention of
modern researchers. Dr. R. J. Vakil, the then chair of botany at KEM Mumbai,
published his paper 1949. He showed anti hypertensive effect of isolated single
molecules of Sarpagandha. Interested can see the original paper on Himalaya
website. It was highly held regimen,
soon to be recognised as depressant on prolonged usage.
Lateron NCL Pune
showed that there's a whole battery of molecules and if given in combination,
iatrogenic reaction could be avoided! Lo
and behold, why not to use the natural one, so kindly gifted by the nature!
It is intended
to regulate BP. And it does effectively. Disciplined use is required, as
already mentioned by Dr. Dhruti.
Germany Helga
Fuchs: No experience
with sarpaghanda, sorry. No sideffect with sarpaghanda in High BP? Interesting.
Vd. Ajay
Pithiya: I noted
adverse effect of sarpagandha - nasal congestion…in Some articles also quoted
that it creases suicidal tendency
Gandhi: Once Dr D N
Shahane told me that sarpagandha if used alone for long time then it can have
side effects in some patients so it should be used in combination with other
medhya herbs.
parabia: You are right
Mr. Gandhi. I prefer Brahmi-Centella and Suhaga.
Vd. Ajay
Pithiya: Sarpagandha
ghanvati is a good combination but dosage must be very strict it contains
parsik yavani (hyoscyamus niger) and jatamansi..Ideal anupana (vehicle) for sarpagandha
is milk or ghee
Dr. Dipak
shirude. jalgav: Definitely,
Sarpgandha is a best choice for hypertension .. It works right from the moment
you swallow .. Very remarkable thing I have found about it is that the action
remains at least up to 18 hours ..
I use it in
choorna tablet form .. Each tablet weighing 250 mg approx. In difficult kind of
HTN patients, I have started it 2 tablets thrice a day even but then after
regular record keeping of blood pressure, we reduced the doses up to 1 tablet
only in a day .. We can choose vyaan kaal as well as evening vaat kaal for
better results .. Before reducing doses of Rauwolfia, we usually give up
patients ongoing modern medicines with or without the consent of modern
physician and of course patients own will .. It is joyous for a patient to give
up modern medicine for hypertension .. But it is notable that we need to
provide other cardio protective medicine as well as proper attention towards
patient's routine, diet, exercises along with effective counselling is
important, as disease relates to sadyopranhar marma ..
presents some unwanted symptoms like extra drowsiness in the morning, sleepy
tendency, slightly puffy face (Shopha), weight gain in some patients. I have
yet not noticed any long term side effect about Sarpgandha, but I think that
they exist. More study and experience (and more number of patients also)
Vd. Bhavesh
Thakkar: According to
bhav prakash nakuli Katustikta kashayoshna. It has hot property. Usna virya,
yet I found many of ( not all ) patients got severe cough and cold during the
period of intake of sarpaghandha.
The symptoms
subsides as soon one discontinuation of sarpaghandha.
few of my
patients got mild psychological symptoms mainly delusion.
sleepiness are common complains.
Infect I use it
in many insomnia patients for short period of time.
Vd. Mahesh
Akani Palanpur: Sarpagandha
is very good in
1, psorisis : if
it's created by psychological
2, any cause of
High b.p
3, insomnia,
Anidra…….but it's dose is very low. As 60 mg to 120 mg on one time…
Heavy dose gives
symptoms of bhram, low bp, weakness
Vd. Prerak
Shah: My query is: is
it dependable herb for high BP?
Means can I be
assured after giving Sarpagandha in high BP condition, just like any other modern
anti-hypertensive drugs?
Vd. Dipam
tripathi: ya.....maintain
the dose
Vd. Pankaj
Chhayani: It will
depend on sarpagandha works on what level and cause of Hypertension as there
are many causes...
Vd. Kinshuk
Hirpara: I would
prefer jata mansi rather then sarpa gandha drug as so much controversy over it.
N in my practice jata mansi I have seen gives best result even in high blood
pressure and insomnia related to stress
Vd. Rajal
Shukla: Complication of
Sarpagandha is nasal blockge. ....some times brethless filling. .Use Sarpagandh
with Rasayan churna/ tablet… Triphala churna/tablet with equal part of
parabia: Dr. Prerak's
question is very pertinent….Let me make some comments. Sarpagandha is certainly effective on BP. But
not without side effects.
So like
Vatsnabh, Bhallatak and many other
herbs, sashtra has pinpointed either mitigation methods or recommended
combinations. Over the years the knowledge system must have evolved and got
refined as data from individual experience flow in. This is the unfortunate
part. Most of the time the information remained burried. For the first time I
am seeing this happening on this platform. This makes me immensely happy as my
beloved knowledge system is being modernised in real sense. This will make it
sharper and better understood by the rest of the World.
Vd. Pankaj
Chhayani: Reserpine is
alkaloid of snakeroot..its antihypertensive.. Reserpine and beta blockers both
cause nightmare.. Many times only reserpine is used, I think we must use sarpagandha
as whole rather than its alkaloid
reserpine.. This must be apply on all herbal preparation.. Many pharmacy uses
only active principle..its not Ayurveda concept. Its true it will be beneficial
to use in combination
Vd. Ketan
Bhimani: I got best combination
of sarpgandha as tab cardostab from nagarjuna company. .....
Sarpagandha+triphala same part. .... Because of our general opd, there is 60%
pt diagnosed as udavart mins vayu n vichar vayu compression. I found best
releif by this tab along with panchakarma therapy.
parabia: Yes. Very true. History of single molecular drug,
maybe of herbal origin is before our eyes. Quinine, reserpine, penicillin,
taxol and many more are having
side effects
Treat a man as a
whole and use a drug as a whole.
What we must
seek is still better understanding of our drugs. They are so wonderfully broad
acting that others are not ready to accept. Therefore our triumphs at
individual level must be made public. One may not have sufficient evidences but
then let it be for our young researchers to prove the claim s.
Science always
progresses slow.
Gandhi: How effective
sarpagandha is in unmad roga ?
Dr. Hardik-
MD: Sarpagandha is
very useful in erection without any cause in night also….Redness of eye and
excessive salivation are complication of srapgandha including above discussion…Shushrut
has mentioned it in amanushopasargadhyaya
Germany Helga
Fuchs: Only a small
question at least about Sarpagandha for high blood pressure. Is there any end
for using the herb, and, then the hight BP is healed? Is gone? Or is there the
need to take it for ever? Hm, I guess without changing lifestyle and food
habit, and some work on the mind, only by medicine there may be a big helph but
not healing. Is it like that in your experience dear Doctors?
Vd. Pankaj
Chhayani: In primary
HTN, there is genetic predisposition + environmental influences..its necessary
to avoid environmental factors...its necessary to give attention on these
factors with Herb like sarpagandha
etc... Primary can be controlled while secondary is curable...sarpagandha and
other herbs are beneficial in primary HTN.. Sometimes with appropriate management , it gives good
relief, but there will be always tendency of HTN... And it can even possible
that there is no need of medicine for lifetime in rare cases...
Shri Minoo
parabia: Helga, total
healing in cases if HTN is conditional. Change of life style and food habits
are must. Yes yogic exercise may compensate up to certain extent to unchanged
lifestyle and stress. Failing which recurrence is inevitable. So continuous
monitoring with dose modifications is the advisable management. I have seen
cases with remarkable recovery with lifestyle change and controlled foods.
Vd. Hardik
Bhatt: I think
Hypertension causes are many more ... So not only any medicine either Ayurved
or alopathy effect for temporary or permanent .. Change of life style , diet ,
pranayam are also advisable for hypertension..
Vd. Bhavesh
Thakkar: Hypertension
- is not mentioned in ayurveda texts.
How to see
hypertension according to ayurveda..? Is it a condition or disease..?
Dr Dipak
Shirude: I have seen
tapering in the dose of Sarpgandha .. Many patients are shifted then on drugs
like Dhamasa, Ashwagandha etc. This will feel enthusiastic to somebody but it
is true that Ayurved can cure HTN !!!
Vd. Jignesh
Thakkar: I did
virechan in some patients not for HTN but for other problems like
urticaria,skin disaese,digestive tract diseses.
Which patient were on antihypertensive amongst them some are noticed
dizziness when i did chek up. i get bp low and discontinued modern
anti-hypertensives. I think virechan and
rakt mokshan can be anti hypertensive treatment modalities in ayurveda. we
should spare Sarpgandha as tranquilizer and use cautiously in HTN
Vd. Mahesh
Akani Palanpur: Sarpagandha
give after food. I am using cardostab.
HT as per text
pitta-vataj symptoms; we using Sudarshan, dhamaso, guduchi satva, kadu etc But
today our subject is sarpagandha
Vd. Jignesh
Thakkar: Respected
team of doctors for night giving sarogandha is ok but plz suggest when in day
time we are prescribing Sarpgandha what type of combination we should make? As
during day time sleepiness creates troubles for some patients. because i have
some patients driving heavy vehicles. In them Sarpgandha is not applicable.but
if we think some combination for drivers.
Gandhi: Tagarashwagandhadi
Yoga would be helpful in those patient if you are indicating for mental stress
and sleeplessness.
Vd. Prerak
Shah: During
panchkarma processes, in few cases, I have observed rise in blood pressure. In
such cases, can I give sarpagandha? will it work for sure? (patient does not
have past history of high or low BP)
Vd. Mahesh
Akani Palanpur: I have
observed that. After process will be normal. But during process can give it.
Dr Dipak
Shirude: I don't think
anyone can give Sarpagandha or any other medicine especially when we have to
induce Vaman, virechana, raktmokshan or basti.
Before snehan swedan or shirodhara or lepam etc .. Small scale up-karmas
, Sarpgandha can be administered , as I think and do. It is a kind of achieving
fitness before operation . It is simply vast prakop as per Ayurved !!
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