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Today's topic for discussion: Oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) and its #Ayurveda
Vd. Kinshuk Hirpara: No direct correlation of the disease OSMF is found in our
classics. But we find description of
symptoms like difficulty in opening the mouth – Krichhen, vivrinoti mukham;
burning sensation in mouth – Mukhadaha, Usha-
intolerance to spicy food
- Tikshna asaha; dryness of mouth-Mukhasosha;
defective gustatory
sensation- Arasagyata, Alparasagyata, Virasagyata;
ulceration of the oral
mucosa-Mukhantargata Vrana ; Fibrosis-Vranavastu,
Durutha Vrana, but these
all are present in scattered form. Mukharbuda - The
dreadful complication of
OSMF finds a mention in our classics.
Sthanika Chikitsa:
i)Mukha dhavana: Cleaning
the oral cavity with Kwatha of triphala, patha,
draksha and jati pallava
with Madhu. (A.H.U)
ii)Pratisarana: It is a
procedure wherein medicines are applied locally to
the part affected. Local
application prevent or suppress the inflammatory reactions, thereby preventing fibers by decreasing
fibroblastic proliferation and deposition of collagen . Pippali, lavana ,haridra, yashti
madhu, Ela, madhu, laksha etc can used for this purpose.
iii)Kavala and gandusha :
This can be done with tailas like haridradi taila,
yashtimadhu taila, jatyadi
taila or even with madhu or gritha. This not only acts as
a biogenous stimulator-by
accelerating cellular metabolism, increase blood
circulation and tissue
vascularity (Courtesy dr suja banglore)
Vd. Prerak Shah: We
consider tobacco chewing is major cause for OSMF. May be in time of Ayurveda,
tobacco was not there?! That's why the condition was not much familiar.
Vd. Kinshuk Hirpara: Another research article on OSMF
Dr Dipak Shirude: There is direct correlation with o s m f in Ayurved !!
I have done clinical study and a kind of research years ago .. Find || maans
sanghaat || in Sushrutas text .. We got sure results with Pratisaaran and
Gandush chikitsa ..Systemic treatment : Aarogyavardhini
and other adjuvants is useful .. And of course .. Nidaan parivarjan is must ..
Shri Minoo parabia: At RMD Hospital. Vagaldhara. We used to receive scores
of patient from all over the country. Not all but most of them had history of
chewing things. My observation is, not only tobacco but any other thing, may be
sopari/areca nut, clove kept at one particular site is the constant source of
irritation resulting in to death of submucosal cell death. Buccal cavity has
highest regeneration capacity turning out newer generations of cell every day.
This active state needs constant supply of vit B and healthy nuclear material.
Irritants cause mutation, when
inherited, result in to cancerous
growth. More dangerous were metastatic states. The treatment offered
was........Kaval/gandush by Gaumutra. Solutions of Akakia, trifala. Local Application of gairic, tume F
mixed with honey.
Kanchnar, Abhrak bhasma, Annasaheb
patrwardhan kadha based tab Carcinocare.
Or decoction it self. Panchgavya
daily in the morning. Diet restrictions.
Only cows milk, ghee.
Jav/barley, unpolished rice, mung, papaya, pomegranate. Oat, were allowed. Flex
seeds with paneer were given occasionally.
Success rate, if without
metastasis, was about 30%. Fresh water
extract of giloy, kumarpathu, bhoy
pathri, bilipatra, tulsi was given every day.
Decoction of tulsi were
refilled in earthen matkas every day for patients to drink. Raw water was not
allowed. Symptomatic regimem like chhardiripu, hemogon, hemomore,
Arogyavardhini, agnitundi vati. Bronchonil,
Asthacure, Bhallatak ghrit, were
Vd. Dipam Tripathi: My 2 pt. Only 10% relife please suggest me good
Vd. Prerak Shah: It
is not compulsory that all OSMF cases turn into cancer, but it is increasing
all Parabia sir mentioned ..the cause is not only tobacco...but
chewing / keeping any substance in mouth on one place and creating friction
....results in inflammation and ultimately ulcers...but developing submucous
fibrosis is also threatening condition. Sometimes my patients with OSMF, dont
have ulcers or inflammaiton...but they simply cant open the mouth, cant eat any
solid food, mouth opening is hardly 5 mm, and sometimes painful too. Then it is
very difficult to treat. Usually I go with oil gandush, local - external
abhynag and svedana and nasya too.
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: OSMF:-
On analyzing the disease
condition with Ayurvedic approach, it seems to be nearer to Vata-Pittadominant
chronic Sarvasara Mukharoga, Factors include
Areca nut chewing, Ingestion
of chilies, Genetic and Immunologic processes, Nutritional deficiencies, and
other factors.
After Koshthashuddhi(mild
purgation) and Shodhana Nasya; Pratisarana(external application) with
Madhupippalyadi Yoga,Kavala(gargling) with Ksheerabala Taila and internally
Rasayana Yoga useful..
Vd. Ajay Pithiya: Supari - areca nut is main culprit to cause osmf.. As continous long term irritation on daily
basis does not let to heal and thus fibrous tissue occura. Secondly
caustic (chuna) also cause irritation. Osmf can be called as chronic healed
wound.. Sushrut has given 60 upkrama for
better healing of wound... I think we
have to concentrate on that.. Local application nd treatment are must... Pratisharan
…..Gandush or kaval is beneficial
Vd. Dipam Tripathi: In my pt....they all are tobbeco chewing whole day....
In treatment i give
kshirbala oil gandush..Kshirbala 101 paki...nasya
Arogyavardhini, satvbal tab....and ofcourse abhayng not gave me
Shri Minoo parabia: The sclerosis coupled with calcification hardens mucosa so much
that mouth can not open.
Vd. Mahesh Akani: I haveNo pt of OSMF but one time A pt . He is suffering with complete
lock of jaw. Advised as Externaly lepan of Gobar, int Gomutra with water &
cow's food yav, when it's comes from Gobar, it's became his food
we seen good result
Vd. Ajay Pithiya: paper published in "AYU" journal by gujarat
ayurved university
Oral submucous fibrosis
(OSMF) is a chronic debilitating disease of the oral cavity characterized by
inflammation and progressive fibrosis of the lamina propria and submucosa, that
results in marked rigidity and eventually inability to open the mouth.
It manifests as blanching and stiffness of the
oral mucosa, trismus, burning sensation in the mouth, intolerance to eating hot
and spicy foods, repeated vesicular eruption and ulceration of the buccal
mucosa, palate and pillars, loss of gustatory sensation, etc.
of betel nut and tobacco chewing, excessive consumption of chilies and spices,
genetic susceptibility, immune mediated process, smoking, drinking alcohol
coupled with dietary deficiencies are thought to be the causative factors
of the OSMF, but there is
compelling evidence to implicate the habitual chewing of areca nut with the
development of OSMF.
involved pathogenesis is stimulation of fibroblast production, increased
collagen synthesis due to areca nut alkaloids mainly arecoline along with
stabilization of collagen structure by catechin and tannin contents of areca
nut. Worldwide estimate of OSMF indicates that 2.5 million people are affected
with most cases connected on the Indian subcontinents, especially southeast
India. An epidemiological assessment of
the prevalence of OSMF among Indian villagers based on baseline data, recorded
a prevalence of 0.2% (n =
10071) in Gujarat and 0.4%
(n = 10287) in Kerala.
alarming fact is that there has been a drastic increase in the incidence of
OSMF in the younger age group in India as Pan‑Masala and Gutka are easily available in most part of
the country even to young children.
Bunty Gandhi: Is recurrent mouth ulceration is one of primary symptoms of OSF ?
Dr. Hardik- MD: In
OSMF 150gm pure alum powder + 75 gm rock salt + 10 gm (clove)syzygium
aromaticum + 5 gm karpur (camphor) mix it closely and put it in glass bottle
and early morning instruct to patient for scrubbing in mouth with this
powder. Before this scrubbing gargling with 1 glass of hot
water. Than scrub it with brush on gums and tooth. After scrubbing again
gargling with 1 glass of hot water. Than tell to patient blow up his/her mouth
for 5 to 10 minutes. Don't eat any thing for 1 hour after this mouth cleaning. Tell
to patient strictly to avoid tobacco chewing or any bad habit…With this powder
pt will get benefit after few weeks.
Dr. Pulastya Vora: I have got encouraging results with Irmedadi tailam
Vd. Piyush prajapati: I think that Fibrosis is exactly Kaph xay janya vaat vrudhhi
condition. Gandush of Decoction of
black till added with Jaggery in TDS dose may help in OSMF.. Gandush is better than Kaval. Patient is also
advised for some facial exercise which exactly work for maxilo mandibular
muscle . Patient can b suggested for
Local Massage of Til Oil at night ..
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Rigidity in jaw joints & gum,due to excessive use of chewing
tobacco/ Gurkha is Sub Mucus Fibrosis causes tightness in opening full mouth(
hardly mouth opens a centimeter) difficulty in chewing food. Best way to make
the jaw flexible by massaging it with oil preferably rectified caster oil mixed
wth sweeten mint oil, glycerin can be used in place of caster oil, more than
thrice a day, optimum result found in a month or so
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