Some healthy juice recipes:
by Sunil Sharma:
Golden Milk, is a unique tonic that applies the attributes of a special Indian root called Turmeric, and strengthens it with many other organic ingredients. Turmeric has been used for thousands of years as a cleansing substance for the body. It is known to be beneficial to the inner organs, the spine and the joints. The milk recipe displayed here has been shared to potentialize its healing properties.
2 Cups of Almond Milk (homemade recommended)
1 Tablespoon of Local Honey (may be added after milk is cooked)
1 Tablespoon of Coconut Oil (optional)
1 Teaspoon of Ground Turmeric
1 Cinnamon Stick or 1 Teaspoon of Ground Cinnamon
Small Pinch of Black Pepper and Grated Ginger (the fresher the better!)
To make the milk, simply mix all the following ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a light boil for about 5-7 minutes (or until golden yellow)
This drink is super healing, and also detoxifying. It is recommended that you drink a small glass of water after drinking this golden milk to help flush out your system.
Prevent and Stop the Growth of Cancer
Treat Respiratory Illness
Cold and Cough Remedy
Ease Menstrual Cramps
Alleviate Aches and Pains
Relieve Insomnia
Cure Arthritis
Revitalize Blood
Increase Bone Health
The main ingredient in this recipe is turmeric. Turmeric contains curcumin, the polyphenol identified as its primary active component and which exhibits over 150 potentially therapeutic activities, which include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Adding black pepper to turmeric or turmeric-spiced food enhances curcumin’s bioavailability by 1,000 times, due to black pepper’s hot property called piperine. Yup by mixing turmeric and black pepper together, you increase your body’s absorption of the turmeric by 2000%!
Additional benefits:
-Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antiseptic,analgesic,.
-Boosts immunity.
-Helps maintain cholesterol levels.
-Promotes digestive health.
-Liver detoxifier.
-Regulates metabolism and weight management.
-High blood pressure.
-Memory and brain function.
Cow milk or coconut milk can also be used in place of almond milk . Coconut Milk and Coconut Oil: The Other ‘Magic’ Ingredients in Golden Milk There are many variations of golden milk you can try, but most are made with coconut milk (and some include coconut oil as well). Blending turmeric in with coconut milk not only adds a soothing, creamy base but also additional health benefits. Coconut milk is made from the expressed juice of grated coconut meat and water. About 50 percent of the fat in coconut oil is lauric acid, which is rarely found in nature. Your body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, a monoglyceride that can actually destroy lipid-coated viruses such as HIV and herpes, influenza, measles, gram-negative bacteria, and protozoa such as Giardia lamblia.
Dipak Padia Osho: Excellent Product. One has to use daily in life to become energetic and long life . Send more receipes for daily use for common man����
Sunil Sharma :
This powerful drink was introduced by Chinese Herbalists for the treatment of lung cancer and many other diseases ages ago. But currently it has gained massive popularity all over the world because of its magical health benefits. The drink is simple to make all you need is a juicer, apples, carrots and beetroots. Juice them with their skins on and consume right after making it. Do not store. How many carrots, apples or beets you add to the juice is up to your own taste. You can either add more carrots or increase the quantity of apples. For best results, try to take them in equal quantities. You can even add lime juice to enhance its taste but do not add sugar.
Packed in this juice are the power of two vegetables and one fruit, all enriched with plentiful amount of lifesaving antioxidants. Apples contain nutrients like Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, E and K, Folate, Niacin, Zinc, Copper, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Calcium, Sodium and Manganese. Also the dietary fibers found in apples are very beneficial for health. Carrots contain a wide variety of vitamins such as Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E and K, Folate, Niacin and Pantothenic Acid. There are minerals like Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Selenium packed in it. One of the most important components found in carrots is beta-carotene. You can get the best of these nutrients by juicing the carrots. And the heart friendly Beetroots are enriched with nutrients like vitamin A, C, B-complex, potassium, iron, magnesium and copper. They contain anti-aging agents as well.
This drink few years ago was suggested to those who have been suffering from lung cancer for which it is necessary to drink this for 3 months continuously after which it has been found that they have completely healed from this life taking disease. This drink is not just limited to lung cancer but also is known to treat all types of cancer by restricting the growth of cells which can lead to cancer.
This juice is known to be perfect choice for development of various organ’s health like kidney, liver and pancreas saving them from various problems which also helps in strengthening of heart and lungs.
It is already known that this miracle drink consists of beetroot which is known to look after the health of heart along with presence of carrot which is known to help in promotion of heart health with compounds like alpha and beta carotenes and lutein. When all the goodness from these both vegetables is mixed with apple aids in keeping the cholesterol levels down and having a control on the blood pressure also acting like a shield in front of heart from diseases.
There are many who state that this miracle drink will also help in keeping the skin without any spots, pimples and also extending the time during which the skin keeps on ageing. Younger and fresh skin that is dream of many can be easily acquired by one glass of this miracle drink daily.
This juice is also said to improve the entire digestive system in the body that protects stomach health saving it from ulcers, controlling the bowel movements and relieving chronic constipation.
This is the best drink which will help in providing brain with all the necessary nutrients which in turn increases the memory and helps in proper functioning of brain.
This works great even for the eyes and is suggestible exclusively for those who are forced to work on computer for several hours which might result in drying up of eyes, irritation and tiredness.
This juice also works great in enhancing the immunity system at the same time safeguarding the body from different types of allergies, this works even in curing any sort of throat infections.
This miracle drink is also known to detoxify the liver and blood purification thereby helping in increment of red blood cells production.
Women suffering with too much pain during menstrual cycle can also go with this drink since it is known to relieve from any such pains and cramps apart from this it is said to relieve pain from any sort of activities which might also include physical activities.
This is also said to work wonders for those who are looking to lose some weight at the same time giving necessary energy without putting on additional calories.
In order to get maximum benefit from this miracle drink it is suggested to take it on empty stomach that too early in the morning and one hour after its consumption people can go ahead with their regular breakfast. But this does not have to be restricted only once but can even be take twice every day in the evening before 5 pm which may change from one person to another.
This drink can be taken for one month continuously or even 3 months for this drink to work effectively making it part of diet to get benefit for longer duration.
One of the most mysterious organs in the human body is the pineal gland, also known as epiphysis cerebri, inner eye, or third eye. It is a small endocrine gland situated in the center, between the two hemispheres, of your brain.
The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland inside of the brain that many call the seat of the soul. It produces melatonin, which modulates your sleep patterns, and can be found near the center of the brain between the two spheres....continued
ENLIGHTENING GREEN SMOOTHIE The green smoothie is easy to make. Simply blend 2 tablespoons of spirulina, 1 frozen banana, 2 cups of strawberries, 2 cups of baby spinach, and 2 cups of coconut water.
Eye-Opening Avocado Smoothie. Blend one cup of purified water with 1 very ripe avocado, 2 peeled limes, 4 cups of spinach, 1 cucumber, 1 inch of raw, creamed coconut, and a bit of ice to chill it.
Super-Sight Super-Mint Smoothie Blend 1 tsp of coconut oil, 1 chunk of fresh ginger, 5 mint leaves, 3 stems of parsley, 1 lime, 4 cups of spinach leaves, 1 very ripe avocado, 1 cup of filtered water, and a couple ice cubes to chill it.
Blend 1 cucumber, chopped, 3 kale leaves, 2 tablespoons of hemp seeds, 1 cup of coconut water, one peeled lime, 1 very ripe avocado, 3 stems of parsley, 5 mint leaves, and a bit of stevia to sweeten it.
Maybe a blueberry on top for appearance!
Dr. Dhara Patel: Stevia leaves for sweetness should be consumed cautiously, as they are carcinogenic..
Sunil Sharma:
Lauki, which is also known by a variety of other names like bottle gourd, calabash gourd, doodhi and ghiya, (Sorekai/Chorakkai) in Tamil, ‘Chorakaa‘ in Malayalam,(Sorakaya/Anapa Kaya) in Telugu,(Sorekai/Esugai Balli) in Kannada, ‘Lau‘ in Bengali, ‘Dudhi‘ in Gujarati, (Pandharabhopla / Dudya Bhopal) in Marathi and ‘Ghia Da Sag‘ in Punjabi. Lauki is a staple item as far as Indian cuisine is concerned. It is a vegetable with pale, smooth and waxy green surface and white spongy pulp. The juice of lauki is consumed by thousands of people because they believe that it would benefit their health in many ways.
As lauki contains almost 96% of water, it is perfect for juice extraction. It is readily available in the market and is affordable too! Moreover, extracting the juice from lauki is not at all difficult. Lauki juice is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B, sodium, iron and potassium. It has low fat and cholesterol level. As a result, this anti-oxidant drink is quite popular among health conscious individuals.
Did you know that every cup of lauki juice that you drink contains 26 mg of Vitamin C? Vitamin C, which is an active antioxidant, protects the cells from being damaged. It also prevents DNA oxidation. Moreover, it boosts the production of collagen. Zinc, which is an essential mineral, is amply present in lauki juice. In fact, with every cup of bottle gourd juice that you drink, you supply your body with about 1.8 mg of zinc. Zinc is helpful in maintaining healthy functioning of cells and regulation of hormones in the body.
TOPMOST Health Benefits Of Lauki Juice:
Among the several benefits that you can derive from the juice of bottle gourd, here are the top 8 reasons for which you may wish to incorporate it in your regular diet chart:
1. Promotes Weight Loss:
Bottle gourd juice is popular among those who want to lose weight. All you need to do is peel the skin of a fresh lauki, cut it into little pieces, put it in a juicer and prepare the juice. Have this juice regularly to reduce your weight. As this juice is loaded with vitamins, potassium and iron, it is extremely nutritious. Moreover, this juice is believed to curb your appetite if you can manage to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.
2. Helps Digestion And Treats Constipation:
Bottle gourd contains not only soluble fiber, but also insoluble fiber along with high water content. Lauki juice is beneficial for improving the digestive system. Drinking lauki juice is known to treat constipation effectively. It also helps in treating problems related to digestive system like acidity and flatulence.
3. Provides Cooling Effect:
Since lauki juice is rich in water content, it provides a cooling to the body, which help to replenish the water lost in the form of sweat. It is an absolute must-have during summers!
4. Treats Urinary Problems:
Since it is diuretic in nature, lauki juice flushes out the excess water content from the body. Lauki juice becomes even more effective when a spoon of lime juice is added to it before consumption.
5. Treats Sleeping Disorders:
If you are suffering from insomnia, try mixing sesame oil with lauki juice. It is known to help you sleep better.
6. Replenishes Loss Of Water Content:
If you are suffering from health issues like profuse sweating, fatigue or diarrhea, then drinking a glass of lauki juice would prove to be extremely good for you. Lauki juice naturally helps to replace the water content lost and at the same time, controls extreme thirst, which is common among diabetic patients. It revitalizes you by replenishing the loss of water.
7. Keeps The Heart Healthy:
Drinking bottle gourd juice helps you to keep the heart healthy by regulating the blood pressure.
8. Reduces Inflammation Of Liver:
Ayurveda recommends drinking lauki juice for reducing inflammation of the liver.
Lauki Juice Recipe:
How to make bottle gourd juice?
Drinking the juice of bottle gourd or lauki has amazing benefits. But if do not like the flavor and taste of raw bottle gourd, here is a lauki juice recipe that you may like to try:
Take a small lauki, about 250 or 300 grams in weight.
Wash the lauki thoroughly to do away with any surface impurity.
Peel the lauki and cut it into small pieces. If possible, taste a small piece to find out if the bottle gourd tastes bitter.
Add five or six mint leaves.
Add a bit of water and put it in the blender.
Once it is done, add a spoon of cumin powder, two spoons of black pepper powder and salt to taste. Stir well and add a few ice cubes.
Just follow this recipe and you too will become a fan of lauki juice!
Beauty Benefits Of Lauki Juice:
Did you know that drinking bottle gourd juice regularly in the morning can be helpful in preventing baldness and premature graying of hair? Not only that, drinking bottle gourd juice is known to give a healthy glow to your skin and prevent pimples and acnes by promoting inner health. Lauki juice can be extremely good for your skin and your hair in the following ways:
9. To Prevent Untimely Graying Of Hair:
If you regularly drink lauki juice early in the morning, chances are that you would not get premature grey hair.
10. To Get Smooth And Beautiful Skin:
Since lauki juice internally cleanses your system, it helps to promote good skin by keeping pimples away and by balancing the secretion of oil.
by Sunil Sharma:
Golden Milk, is a unique tonic that applies the attributes of a special Indian root called Turmeric, and strengthens it with many other organic ingredients. Turmeric has been used for thousands of years as a cleansing substance for the body. It is known to be beneficial to the inner organs, the spine and the joints. The milk recipe displayed here has been shared to potentialize its healing properties.
2 Cups of Almond Milk (homemade recommended)
1 Tablespoon of Local Honey (may be added after milk is cooked)
1 Tablespoon of Coconut Oil (optional)
1 Teaspoon of Ground Turmeric
1 Cinnamon Stick or 1 Teaspoon of Ground Cinnamon
Small Pinch of Black Pepper and Grated Ginger (the fresher the better!)
To make the milk, simply mix all the following ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a light boil for about 5-7 minutes (or until golden yellow)
This drink is super healing, and also detoxifying. It is recommended that you drink a small glass of water after drinking this golden milk to help flush out your system.
Prevent and Stop the Growth of Cancer
Treat Respiratory Illness
Cold and Cough Remedy
Ease Menstrual Cramps
Alleviate Aches and Pains
Relieve Insomnia
Cure Arthritis
Revitalize Blood
Increase Bone Health
The main ingredient in this recipe is turmeric. Turmeric contains curcumin, the polyphenol identified as its primary active component and which exhibits over 150 potentially therapeutic activities, which include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Adding black pepper to turmeric or turmeric-spiced food enhances curcumin’s bioavailability by 1,000 times, due to black pepper’s hot property called piperine. Yup by mixing turmeric and black pepper together, you increase your body’s absorption of the turmeric by 2000%!
Additional benefits:
-Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antiseptic,analgesic,.
-Boosts immunity.
-Helps maintain cholesterol levels.
-Promotes digestive health.
-Liver detoxifier.
-Regulates metabolism and weight management.
-High blood pressure.
-Memory and brain function.
Cow milk or coconut milk can also be used in place of almond milk . Coconut Milk and Coconut Oil: The Other ‘Magic’ Ingredients in Golden Milk There are many variations of golden milk you can try, but most are made with coconut milk (and some include coconut oil as well). Blending turmeric in with coconut milk not only adds a soothing, creamy base but also additional health benefits. Coconut milk is made from the expressed juice of grated coconut meat and water. About 50 percent of the fat in coconut oil is lauric acid, which is rarely found in nature. Your body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, a monoglyceride that can actually destroy lipid-coated viruses such as HIV and herpes, influenza, measles, gram-negative bacteria, and protozoa such as Giardia lamblia.
Dipak Padia Osho: Excellent Product. One has to use daily in life to become energetic and long life . Send more receipes for daily use for common man����
Sunil Sharma :
This powerful drink was introduced by Chinese Herbalists for the treatment of lung cancer and many other diseases ages ago. But currently it has gained massive popularity all over the world because of its magical health benefits. The drink is simple to make all you need is a juicer, apples, carrots and beetroots. Juice them with their skins on and consume right after making it. Do not store. How many carrots, apples or beets you add to the juice is up to your own taste. You can either add more carrots or increase the quantity of apples. For best results, try to take them in equal quantities. You can even add lime juice to enhance its taste but do not add sugar.
Packed in this juice are the power of two vegetables and one fruit, all enriched with plentiful amount of lifesaving antioxidants. Apples contain nutrients like Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, E and K, Folate, Niacin, Zinc, Copper, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Calcium, Sodium and Manganese. Also the dietary fibers found in apples are very beneficial for health. Carrots contain a wide variety of vitamins such as Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E and K, Folate, Niacin and Pantothenic Acid. There are minerals like Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Selenium packed in it. One of the most important components found in carrots is beta-carotene. You can get the best of these nutrients by juicing the carrots. And the heart friendly Beetroots are enriched with nutrients like vitamin A, C, B-complex, potassium, iron, magnesium and copper. They contain anti-aging agents as well.
This drink few years ago was suggested to those who have been suffering from lung cancer for which it is necessary to drink this for 3 months continuously after which it has been found that they have completely healed from this life taking disease. This drink is not just limited to lung cancer but also is known to treat all types of cancer by restricting the growth of cells which can lead to cancer.
This juice is known to be perfect choice for development of various organ’s health like kidney, liver and pancreas saving them from various problems which also helps in strengthening of heart and lungs.
It is already known that this miracle drink consists of beetroot which is known to look after the health of heart along with presence of carrot which is known to help in promotion of heart health with compounds like alpha and beta carotenes and lutein. When all the goodness from these both vegetables is mixed with apple aids in keeping the cholesterol levels down and having a control on the blood pressure also acting like a shield in front of heart from diseases.
There are many who state that this miracle drink will also help in keeping the skin without any spots, pimples and also extending the time during which the skin keeps on ageing. Younger and fresh skin that is dream of many can be easily acquired by one glass of this miracle drink daily.
This juice is also said to improve the entire digestive system in the body that protects stomach health saving it from ulcers, controlling the bowel movements and relieving chronic constipation.
This is the best drink which will help in providing brain with all the necessary nutrients which in turn increases the memory and helps in proper functioning of brain.
This works great even for the eyes and is suggestible exclusively for those who are forced to work on computer for several hours which might result in drying up of eyes, irritation and tiredness.
This juice also works great in enhancing the immunity system at the same time safeguarding the body from different types of allergies, this works even in curing any sort of throat infections.
This miracle drink is also known to detoxify the liver and blood purification thereby helping in increment of red blood cells production.
Women suffering with too much pain during menstrual cycle can also go with this drink since it is known to relieve from any such pains and cramps apart from this it is said to relieve pain from any sort of activities which might also include physical activities.
This is also said to work wonders for those who are looking to lose some weight at the same time giving necessary energy without putting on additional calories.
In order to get maximum benefit from this miracle drink it is suggested to take it on empty stomach that too early in the morning and one hour after its consumption people can go ahead with their regular breakfast. But this does not have to be restricted only once but can even be take twice every day in the evening before 5 pm which may change from one person to another.
This drink can be taken for one month continuously or even 3 months for this drink to work effectively making it part of diet to get benefit for longer duration.
One of the most mysterious organs in the human body is the pineal gland, also known as epiphysis cerebri, inner eye, or third eye. It is a small endocrine gland situated in the center, between the two hemispheres, of your brain.
The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland inside of the brain that many call the seat of the soul. It produces melatonin, which modulates your sleep patterns, and can be found near the center of the brain between the two spheres....continued
ENLIGHTENING GREEN SMOOTHIE The green smoothie is easy to make. Simply blend 2 tablespoons of spirulina, 1 frozen banana, 2 cups of strawberries, 2 cups of baby spinach, and 2 cups of coconut water.
Eye-Opening Avocado Smoothie. Blend one cup of purified water with 1 very ripe avocado, 2 peeled limes, 4 cups of spinach, 1 cucumber, 1 inch of raw, creamed coconut, and a bit of ice to chill it.
Super-Sight Super-Mint Smoothie Blend 1 tsp of coconut oil, 1 chunk of fresh ginger, 5 mint leaves, 3 stems of parsley, 1 lime, 4 cups of spinach leaves, 1 very ripe avocado, 1 cup of filtered water, and a couple ice cubes to chill it.
Blend 1 cucumber, chopped, 3 kale leaves, 2 tablespoons of hemp seeds, 1 cup of coconut water, one peeled lime, 1 very ripe avocado, 3 stems of parsley, 5 mint leaves, and a bit of stevia to sweeten it.
Maybe a blueberry on top for appearance!
Dr. Dhara Patel: Stevia leaves for sweetness should be consumed cautiously, as they are carcinogenic..
Sunil Sharma:
Lauki, which is also known by a variety of other names like bottle gourd, calabash gourd, doodhi and ghiya, (Sorekai/Chorakkai) in Tamil, ‘Chorakaa‘ in Malayalam,(Sorakaya/Anapa Kaya) in Telugu,(Sorekai/Esugai Balli) in Kannada, ‘Lau‘ in Bengali, ‘Dudhi‘ in Gujarati, (Pandharabhopla / Dudya Bhopal) in Marathi and ‘Ghia Da Sag‘ in Punjabi. Lauki is a staple item as far as Indian cuisine is concerned. It is a vegetable with pale, smooth and waxy green surface and white spongy pulp. The juice of lauki is consumed by thousands of people because they believe that it would benefit their health in many ways.
As lauki contains almost 96% of water, it is perfect for juice extraction. It is readily available in the market and is affordable too! Moreover, extracting the juice from lauki is not at all difficult. Lauki juice is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B, sodium, iron and potassium. It has low fat and cholesterol level. As a result, this anti-oxidant drink is quite popular among health conscious individuals.
Did you know that every cup of lauki juice that you drink contains 26 mg of Vitamin C? Vitamin C, which is an active antioxidant, protects the cells from being damaged. It also prevents DNA oxidation. Moreover, it boosts the production of collagen. Zinc, which is an essential mineral, is amply present in lauki juice. In fact, with every cup of bottle gourd juice that you drink, you supply your body with about 1.8 mg of zinc. Zinc is helpful in maintaining healthy functioning of cells and regulation of hormones in the body.
TOPMOST Health Benefits Of Lauki Juice:
Among the several benefits that you can derive from the juice of bottle gourd, here are the top 8 reasons for which you may wish to incorporate it in your regular diet chart:
1. Promotes Weight Loss:
Bottle gourd juice is popular among those who want to lose weight. All you need to do is peel the skin of a fresh lauki, cut it into little pieces, put it in a juicer and prepare the juice. Have this juice regularly to reduce your weight. As this juice is loaded with vitamins, potassium and iron, it is extremely nutritious. Moreover, this juice is believed to curb your appetite if you can manage to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.
2. Helps Digestion And Treats Constipation:
Bottle gourd contains not only soluble fiber, but also insoluble fiber along with high water content. Lauki juice is beneficial for improving the digestive system. Drinking lauki juice is known to treat constipation effectively. It also helps in treating problems related to digestive system like acidity and flatulence.
3. Provides Cooling Effect:
Since lauki juice is rich in water content, it provides a cooling to the body, which help to replenish the water lost in the form of sweat. It is an absolute must-have during summers!
4. Treats Urinary Problems:
Since it is diuretic in nature, lauki juice flushes out the excess water content from the body. Lauki juice becomes even more effective when a spoon of lime juice is added to it before consumption.
5. Treats Sleeping Disorders:
If you are suffering from insomnia, try mixing sesame oil with lauki juice. It is known to help you sleep better.
6. Replenishes Loss Of Water Content:
If you are suffering from health issues like profuse sweating, fatigue or diarrhea, then drinking a glass of lauki juice would prove to be extremely good for you. Lauki juice naturally helps to replace the water content lost and at the same time, controls extreme thirst, which is common among diabetic patients. It revitalizes you by replenishing the loss of water.
7. Keeps The Heart Healthy:
Drinking bottle gourd juice helps you to keep the heart healthy by regulating the blood pressure.
8. Reduces Inflammation Of Liver:
Ayurveda recommends drinking lauki juice for reducing inflammation of the liver.
Lauki Juice Recipe:
How to make bottle gourd juice?
Drinking the juice of bottle gourd or lauki has amazing benefits. But if do not like the flavor and taste of raw bottle gourd, here is a lauki juice recipe that you may like to try:
Take a small lauki, about 250 or 300 grams in weight.
Wash the lauki thoroughly to do away with any surface impurity.
Peel the lauki and cut it into small pieces. If possible, taste a small piece to find out if the bottle gourd tastes bitter.
Add five or six mint leaves.
Add a bit of water and put it in the blender.
Once it is done, add a spoon of cumin powder, two spoons of black pepper powder and salt to taste. Stir well and add a few ice cubes.
Just follow this recipe and you too will become a fan of lauki juice!
Beauty Benefits Of Lauki Juice:
Did you know that drinking bottle gourd juice regularly in the morning can be helpful in preventing baldness and premature graying of hair? Not only that, drinking bottle gourd juice is known to give a healthy glow to your skin and prevent pimples and acnes by promoting inner health. Lauki juice can be extremely good for your skin and your hair in the following ways:
9. To Prevent Untimely Graying Of Hair:
If you regularly drink lauki juice early in the morning, chances are that you would not get premature grey hair.
10. To Get Smooth And Beautiful Skin:
Since lauki juice internally cleanses your system, it helps to promote good skin by keeping pimples away and by balancing the secretion of oil.
I like to drink juice especially when it's orange and mango flavor.
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