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Next topic for discussion: : Anger
management with #Ayurveda
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Anger is habit…….Emotion………Lack of
tolerance……….Lack of understanding……..How to handle unwanted condition…….Dominance…….Superiority……..Unble
to understand opposite Person view……..Personal revenge to perticular person or
event……can medicine change or stop anger……….Good debut……Rajas and tamas mandosh
are play role in anger
Dr. Lokesh Mehta: Mansyadi kwath bhrami ghrit
shirodhara and regular pranayam like anulom vilom and bhramri will help in
anger management.
Usa Dr. Vaduvur S. Narayan: Anger is a symptom of a
deeper internal problem and Ayurveda has its role I believe, but the underlying emotional issues also need
to be addressed
Dr. Rajeshkumar Radadiya: For control anger Satvavajay
chikitsa…..For that
Medhya rasayan…..Brahmi ,sarpagandha,vacha are more useful
Dr. Sheetal Sumra: In ayurveda anger(krodha) is one of the
five vikar (evils). Anger is one of the emotions which is a part of living
things. Not only human animal can also
express a emotion call anger. Anger is
an emotion associated with pitta Dosha.
In ayurveda yoga,
meditation, pranayam is very
helpful and useful to control our emotion call anger. It helps us to change our negative thoughts
into positive thoughts and keep a our mind calm and peaceful.
Dr. Piyush Pampaniya: Anger (krodh) is a causative factor rather than disease to
trigger many pitta dominant diseases and Manas
Rogas so as per sushrut "Nidannsya parivarjan" those
conditions which bust anger and for that satvajay chikitsa ( counselling) and Madhur and shit
aaushdhyukta(chandan, sariva, ushir, etc
Dr. Prerak Shah: I would suggest for
shiropichu with Brahmi oil - for any age group. It's more effective then
shirodhara and most economic too.
Colombia Enrique Jorge Galindo Bogota: Bhakti Yoga and
prayers all days, twice a day its help…………Go tamas and raja to satva guna
Dr. Prerak Shah: In practice we have many young adult
patients of impatience and a lot more anger. How to control them it's most
common question. Similarly school going children are also showing a lot more
anger then need.
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani:
सडंगात्सन्जायते काम कामात्क्रोधो अभिजायते!
भवति सम्मोह....बुद्धिनाशात्प्रणश्यति---भगवद गीता.....
आगंतु ज्वर चिकित्सा------कामात् क्रोधज्वरो नाशं
क्रोधात् काम समुद्भवः--- च.चि.३
Pls explain how kam jwara subsides by krodhdha, while in bhagvad Gita
describes that kama leads krodha and this is advancement of mental disease………Kaam (lust) is maansik
aavaranjanya (pragyapradh), so krodha being tikshan and ashukari breaks the
aavran and kaam (lust) gets down.
@ pawan sir , as both are manas dosha(negative energy), it may possible
that when kama is at its peak level, create krodha so krodha subside kama...
And krodha will do less harm than peak
level of kama…….If kama not fulfill leads to krodha. And krodha leads to moha …………-
this is sequence mentioned in geeta. But charaka says that kama subsides by
krodha.. Then is there possibility that krodha leads moha according to geeta?
Sir, allow me to say a concept over the veterinary angle aka Pashu
We all may be knowing that the JALLIKKATTU (don't know it's equivalent
term in North India) arranged over the occasion of every sankranti in Tamil
Nadu and other certain states is actually for the breeding of the species
reason. The the oxen when gets threatened it gets anger . It is a natural
phenomenon in oxen that post session of anger, it goes in search of cows for
sex aka kama. Only hence, in order to breed the cows, the farmers use
Sankranthi festival to create an environment for recreation of the oxen which
had helped them all over the year in ploughing their field and also attains the
benefit of impregnating their cows. This in a way explains krodha jvara getting
reduced by kama. I beg the scientific community by reasoning with a tradition
followed in India over the lines of Pashu Chikitsa.
Kaam, krodha, lobha, moha, bhaya……..All are different forms of the same
energy and they are being transfered into one u explained...
The above sholka might be equal to the state of a criminal who looses his
mind when anger ....where he may (moha.. here may mean what he loves the
most ..... money .revenge.....theft rape.....showing power kill
somebody in his anger and lost mind) .....where he enjoys his pleasure of doing
so.....kama....I may be wrong....but thought it might be the compared with a
criminal / disturbed mind.(Discussion regarding anger and lust from.another
Colombia Enrique Jorge Galindo Bogota: Can liver
disease to produce krodha? What is the relation
Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: it is the other way.
Dr. Prerak Shah: All philosophical and
spiritual knowledge is very important, but my question is that as a
practitioner, what we can do to our patient? Specifically with age group of 12
to 18? How to treat them? Thnx
Germany Rabia: I am not ayurveda expert but a professional
pranic healer. Regarding anger, hypertension and short tempered behaviour. These all emotions are connected with mainly
solar plexus chakra( under the ribcage in the center) and meing mien
chakra(back of the naval) Main causes: fast food, fast life, stress and
frustrations. One has to understand the cause and then treat it.
Foods which are breaking very slow in the body and hard to
in fiber, raw salad and satvik foods are good in such cases. That gives body to
work slow on the food but effectively. Is healthy and gives peace to the
Yoga helps to keep it together but It's hard to make a child do yoga or
meditation. So tell them easy methods likes………Gibberish...go to some place
alone in the nature and start talking whatever comes in mouth and makes no
sense……If allowed try cut a tree or dig a ditch in the ground…………Idea is to use
power and break or hammer down something but make it productive in the end………Put
cold clay pack on the stomach. ……..Mix water and rosewater 80-20 and use it for
dhara on the related chakra will help too………Cold Milk mixed with a spoon of
gulkand to consume after that……….Before sleep put pure rose oil around the
naval and solar plexus.
Dr. Prerak Shah: To put rose oil around naval is very
interesting. I would like to try it in my patients………..Nabhupuran is never
thought for this treatment.
Dr. Pradip Patel: People who are easily angered generally have
what some psychologists call a low tolerance for frustration, meaning simply
that they feel that they should not have to be subjected to frustration,
inconvenience, or annoyance. They can't take things in stride, and they're
particularly infuriated if the situation seems somehow unjust
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: The "fight (anger)or flight(fear)
response" is our body's primitive, automatic, inborn response that
prepares the body to "fight" or "flee" from perceived
attack, harm or threat to our survival.
According to charaka, Rajas(passion) and tamas (ignorance) are the
morbific factor affecting the mind. Among the disorders brought about by these
two are- desire, anger,greed, infuation, envy, conciet, arrogance, anxiety, remorse,
fear, exhilaration etc.. क्रोधमभिद्रोहेण--anger can be examined by
actions of violence..
Anger is a causative factor of vitiation of the channels conveying the
sweat(sveda vaha srotas)....During condition of fight, persons get angry and it
cause increased blood pressure, increased metabolism and increased sweating
that lead vitiation of the channels of sweat...
I treated one patient(auto driver), had problem of excessive anger,
sweating and high blood pressure.. In that pt I got good result of
Dhamaso(fagonia cretica)..
[1:42 PM, 3/24/2016] Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Non drug treatment is
more useful in management of anger...
1) काम्य अथँ- providing desired objects
2)मनोज्ञ अथँ- providing pleasant objects
3) सद वाक्य- correct advice..
Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: switching over to
saatvik Aahar, which is devoid of. excessive use of garlic, spicy food, deep
fried food, stale food, will help to overcome pittaprakop.this in turn will
help overcome anger, krodha, similarly
the same type of food must be avoided in. summer, i.e. Greeshma. and. Sharad. Rutu.
Dr. Prerak Shah: Anger and any relation with
moon cycle? In Jain religion, it is preached to avoid leafy vegetables on
certain days of lunar cycle, which is now proven by science too. Lunar cycle
affects mind, mental activities and psychological behaviours……….Can Such diet
restriction during certain days also helpful in anger management?
Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: Ayurved also has given
importance to. Chadrama,
"chandrama. manaso. jata," during poornima and amavasya there
is distinct difference in the mental status, behaviour of. human being. thanks. Prerakbhai for timely. reminder of.
Chandrama, Moon on human. being……..yes
this type of diet does help quite a lot, even in the management of. simple
fever, and. pittaj. Jwar.
IPR Chhayaben: Yes... On full moon day people are slightly
hyper.. As it goes on aamavsya side (no moon day)…... People became calm...
Colombia Enrique Jorge Galindo Bogota: Yes, i have a
son with autism and during poornima (full
moon day) he is crying without aparent motive
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: We r solely the part of solar system
and our body is adjusfed to the solar system and solar system is adjusted to
milky way.... and finally everything with universe. Hence there is no
controversy in Loka purusha samyatha both in Ayurveda n modern science
IPR Chhayaben: I agree.. It makes a lot of difference on mood
for a sunny day and a cloudy day... A full moon and no moon night...
Dr. Pulastya Vora: Dudhi in hair oil is also
cooling Dr. Pulastya Vora
Dr. Bhavesh Modh: Several scientists and research
institutions have conducted experiments over the years to study the effect of
moon and full moon nights on the human mind and behaviour.
1⃣According to Quantum Physics, the moon has an
operating frequency. The frequency emanated by the moon affects the
frequency of the mind that exerts control over our feelings, emotions and
2⃣The mind, which consists of conscious and sub-conscious mind, reacts to the standing and
positioning of the moon in the sky.
3⃣Neuroscience has recognized that the subconscious controls 95% of our
4⃣The moon frequencies have the power to make the thought frequencies in
our sub-conscious mind to surface to the conscious
5⃣Melatonin (hormone that helps in regulating sleep cycle) level had
dropped compared to other nights hence proving the fact that people are prone
to insomnia during full moon nights.
6⃣Practitioners of Ashtanga yoga are asked to avoid doing yoga on moon days: full moon ( पूर्णिमा )& new moon. (प्रतिपदा ) reason for the , that one
exhibits too much energy on full moon days, which might lead to injury and
fracture in the body. It is, thus, advised, to indulge in activities
that calms the mind, for example — meditation.
Be watchful of your behaviour, impulses and thoughts on moon days. Since,
new moon asks a part of your unconscious to rise up, you can use this as an
opportunity to cleanse your mind off those thoughts which tend to bother and
disturb you. New moon energy can be used
in our favour if we choose to harness that energy to reflect and create a
better self.
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Moon is Adhidevata of mind...To conquer
anger ,Jaladhara (of cold water) is best, as we do on Somashekhar(Lord
IPR Chhayaben: Oh!! So
because ganga is doing jal-dhara on shiva 's head, he is' cool '...
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Yaa, Swami Vivekanand was so angry
during childhood.. Once he got too much angry and her mother did Shita
jaladhara(cold water) on his head, he lost his anger immediately.. And after
that swami vivekanand got control over his anger by meditation...
Germany Martina Kobs: To control anger is
difficult but not impossible😏
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Anger is a very useful instinctual emotion
that arises from the frustration of a basic need not being met. Too much anger
or having a hair trigger means too much pitta accumulation.
Stress Free Emotions supports natural resistance to emotional stress and
fatigue. It promotes self-confidence, positive thinking and feelings of
fulfillment. The herbs in this potent formula help improve coordination of mind
and emotions, emotional stability, and support resistance to emotional stress.
Up to a certain point it is positive and healthy to feel and express your
anger, because it indicates you have the will to live.
It is important to express anger in a constructive rather than a
destructive way.
But when the anger is lead the person to destructive way it's managment
is important..... Anger is usually attributed to a pitta imbalance. Ayurveda
Taste(Rasa): Emphasize foods, herbs, and spices that are sweet, bitter,
and astringent.
Smell(Gandha): Use aromatherapy with sweet, cool aromas, such as
sandalwood, mint, and jasmine.Aroma Oil Worry Free…This formula is designed to
help you unwind and create your own personal oasis of calm as well as for
easing your reactions to stress.
Sight(Darshana): Indigo and blue help to cool feelings of anger.
Hearing(Sabda): Listen to soft, soothing classical music or the
midmorning raga between the hours of ten A.M. and one P.M.
Touch(Saprsh): Apply Brahmi oil for head massage
- Brahmi, Shatawari are the useful drug....
-Shirodhara, Meditation are also useful...
Dr. Satyendra Sharma: Anger is mainly
associated with hormonal balance which
is controlled by endocrine system .In adverse situation a hormone called
Adrenalin releases iin blood which inhibits optimal flow of blood in brain
,causes anger.1Take Akarkara powder with milk in morning 2.Write down valid
reasons of anger and find right solution .3 clip and laugh laudly infront of
mirror in morning for 21 days .3. Take CO enzyme Q 10 rich food
Vd. Kinshuk Hirpara: Anger is a symptom of emotional
imbalance and a weakness , maybe cause of chronic fatigue syndrome . Best
results I have seen through by giving a pinch of jata mansi powder on tongue.
So that whole nervous system get relaxed. Also Shirodhara with gayatri
mantra and breathing meditation help to
get rid of high temperament. Another thing, direct sugar always worsens mental
disorders so sugar taken by fruit forms ( with anti oxidants ) is beneficial.
Vd. Manali Davra: Anger is the sign of aggravated pitta
in the nervous system. Pitta is necessary for right understanding and judmgent,
but when it gets disturbed or out of balance, it creates misunderstanding and
wrong judgement, leading to anger and hostility. The aim is to bring the pitta
back to its normal constitutional function.
Diet:- Perhaps most important, a person who becomes angry easily or often
should follow the pitta-pacifying diet , especially avoiding hot, spicy and
fermented foods, citrus fruit, and sour fruit. Favor simpIe, bland foods and
cool drinks, and avoid alcohol and drinks with caffeine.
Daily regimen:- Pranayam (sheetali), Yoga, Nasya of go-ghrit,
Choice of drug:- Brahmi, Shatavari, Medicated Ghrit
Dr. Meghdoot Satvekar: Anger is due to pitta
dosha , is the instinctive behaviour of responding to challenging situations by
becoming upset. Shatavari , Ashwagandha, Yashtimadhu, Brahmi cap , Pravalpanchamrute,
Kamdudha ras , Arjunarista , Ghee nasya, Yoga & pranayam
Vd. Ajay Pithiya: Abhyanga – massage, Seka -
pariseka – dhara, Pichu, Basti
Having More quality in increasing order……But whr should we put pichu? Pichu
means oil deeped cotton or soft cloth
Dr. Prerak Shah: Pichu is placed on
brahma-randhra. Universal point or sahastradhar chakra on head.
Sweden Nayana Chauhan: Anulom- vilom pransyam, Shitali
pransyam And Singing Bowl meditation
Dr. Meghdoot Satvekar: Brahmi rasayana is Ayurvedic
polyherbal preparation which is used to improve intelligence, memory and
concentration. It is also used to reduce stress, Anger and depression. It also
revitalise and rejuvenated body.
Rasayanas are preparations that
help to balance vata, pitta, kapha and helpful in curing various physical,
mental disorders. These are helpful in promoting good health, memory,
intelligence, complexion, restoring youthfulness and giving longevity. Mandukaparni,
Shankhpushpi, Kantakari, Shalparni, Gambhari, Bilva, Brihati, Prishniparni, Punarnava,
Bala, Vidanga, Darbha, Mudgaparni, Nagkesara, Erandamool, Mashaparni, Haridra,
Dosage- ½ to 1 teaspoonful with milk or water twice a day after
Germany Helga Fuchs: Anger: only to heal by deeply
understanding and by respect for the other. If a situation makes you angry,
change it or respect it. Medicin or food
calms little for a moment, but if understanding and habit is not changed, mind is not able to learn. We have to tell
the mind how he have to be. Intelligent and strong minds most angry about bad
habits oft others.
Weak minds are angry about everything. Help the mind with yoga and
pranayama and with thinking oft god. This guid you for better habits and
increase intellect.
Dr. Swarup De: Krodh & Visad are two mental condition
with opposite features. Krodh or anger mediated by Raja, Pitta and Vata dosa
whereas Visada or Depressed state of mind mediated by Tama, Kapha and Vata
dosa. Yet Acharya Charak described Krodh is pitta predominant and Visada is Vata
predominant disease. For management of Krodh you have to use such drugs which
pacify pitta as well as Vata and Raja dosa like Shatavari, Guduchi, Tagar,
Brahmi, Krisna Chaturmukh, Mukta, etc and to control Raja dosa, Shiropichu or
Shirodhara with Takra Amalaki or simple milk Dhara daily for 7 or 14 days are
necessary. In case of Visad use tiksna and ushna drugs like hingu, pippali,
trikatu ……One medicine, Laghbananda Rasa(ref.Rasendra Sar Samgra) 250mg with
Jatamamsi infusion, very effective in
both condition with different anupan.
Dr. Sujata Vaidya: There are few
"Mudra"s that help rebalance the mind emotion link. Anger is an
expression of intolerance. This percolates into various symptoms leading to
disease. intolerance comes first.... disease follows. Intolerance is a part of
personality... so "treatment would be very slow... sure.. and long term.
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: No specific line of treatment to
everybody……….State of mind is verable to everybody…………..Similar condition for
each evryone is different…..We learn to understand condition…………Circumstance, Time,
Position, Understand to opposite person, Counseling
Satyen: I presume there can be many reasons for anger. If
it's physical then medicine can be of help. If the condition is due to lack of
harmony, meditation and pranayam can be helpful. Our sages used to consume
brahmi juice and bhang before meditation. I think there is ample scope of
treatment with this two herbs.
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Anger attitude is a
result of frustration either a byproduct of family,society,system, or heritage!
Solution seems to b psycho therapy, means rather a councilor supportive
therapy,but no sedatives or tranquilizer(organic or inorganic)mustn't b
incorporated, else fearing addiction, Aqua therapy is best as in nature
watering blaze (fire) bursts in smoke, Frequent angry natured person may
subsides if he/she makes a habit of consuming whole lot of water during day
results in to the extent of hell lot of urination exerts all 3 affluent body
bio chemicals, pitta, kafa,vata. Easy & cost affective too!!
Germany Helga Fuchs: Angry childs need sport, enough sleep,
intelligent parents with sattvic behaviour to others, or if not sattvic, with
selfdiscipline and open mind. And a good training to trust her one mind and
talents. Normal childs learn Form adults a lot. Yes she have her one mind, but
rajasic or tamasik mind can be trained and this is happen in familys very
Dr. Hardikchandra Kalal: ⚛Anger =
1⃣It is not every time harmful because artificial anger is helpful in
improvement in any type of work.
2⃣It is harmful when we can't control anger.
3⃣It is harmful when we would like to suppression.
4⃣It is useful when we would like to express with positive intention.
5⃣It is not more harmful when we would like express as nature mental urge rather
than suppression.
6⃣We should try to make a small our anger area .
*Anger area = We do anger only on our family or nearest friend or
relative and unknown who ones harmful for us .Rarely , we do anger on our
patients , respected teachers,guru..etc so we shoul try to this our anger area
to make a small.
7⃣we should try to don't anger on other naturally and it is possible when we follow मनसो ज्ञानविज्ञानधैर्य स्मृतिसमाधिभी :ll
and we should try to advice for the patient.
Vd Hardik bhatt: Jalli kattu ... Nice
...explanation .. I do not know abt it like this way...
Dr. Sumita Jaiswal: discussion on Anger....reminds me
of...krodh agan se tej hai....means krodh I.e. anger is stronger than destroys d mind body n soul of a person....a person harms no one bt
himself by getting angry. I belief anger is nothing but a expression of
helplessness...when some1 could not handle a difficult situation by own...then
comes d anger. So self belief n a strong mind n will power is necessary to
overcome it.
Anand Javeri: According to me, children of age between 12
& 18 go through lot of mental burden, confusion, questions, etc. due to
environmental changes & puberty. Also,
there is lot of study competition. At this point of time, all they need is
parental support, warmth & a friend in parents. Parents should avoid nagging, and should
rather give a quality time to their children particularly of this age, along
with making their children aware of their responsibility, not by just scaring
them about future cons, but by focusing more on the pros & positive side of
life. In a nutshell, parents should well
counsel their children to prepare them for a healthy harmonious life.
Dr. Sujata Vaidya: Parents need the treatment
for children of 12 to 18 with anger issue……Break the TV.... Family time should
not be at restaurants ….A family conversation should be 5% study 5% their
friends 60% kids choice 30% patents
choice...... kids too need to know they are a part of collective decisions……..More
asking.... less telling....And good wholesome food……….Nothing here for medical
practitioners tho......
Satyen: nice thoughts Dr Sujata. @dr Minaxi how to attain
alpha state of mind. 700+
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Children between this
age r inclined more towards sports, v see them seeing matches interestingly,
it's an instinctive quality of children & that's the only a source of
treatment, society, Gvt, even the family soulfully allow & facilitate
children to focus sports in them, physically & chemically if v c
,specifically when they perspire in playing more effluent of body comes
out,tiring body is almost distempering! No way anger blooming state! Hardly has
time for study,here careful counseling desired to pamper them towards study as
well. I think it could b creative way to build future of children setting a
disciplinary attitude
Dr. Hardikchandra Kalal: "Anger is also
one of the way to express love "
one example :- Parent anger on child
is for with positive intention. Child is anger on parents is not good
but it is also indicate that child is most loving to his/her parent and child
is not anger to others relative as like on parent. Hence,it is also indicate
strong attachment and love between parent & child. So ,we don't more
hesitate with this situation but when this situation is out of control then
required impediment in behavior from both side.
Dr. Suyog Kulkarni: My experience with shirodhara is very
encouraging . I use oil siddha by brahmi , jatamansi , shankhapushpi , vacha
Satyen: What about chandan tilak? Jains do chandan
tilak and never gets angry. Can we find solutions for anger in Jainism? Avoiding
tamasik foods
Dr. J. T. Contractor: True
Vd. Neeraj Pooner: Breathing exercises n meditation on
continues basis helps a lot in reducing anger ...breathing exercises instantly
relieve a person state of mind from anger n concentrate it on inhalation n
exhalation. ..we can encourage patients or persons so dt dey can mange it at
any time……..Continuous meditation helps person to detach his/her mind from
anger thoughts………Moreover shitali , sitakari , anulom vilom , bharmari are
helpful from yog shastra to overcome anger …….One more things nowa days are in
practice binaural beats ..
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Chandan is thandak ' Good for temperament ' Food is definitely a
part & partial factor , besides android cell ph also responsible
Vd. Ram Shukla: Chandan is sheet virya. Tilak
is applied on the Lower part of forehead just behind is infundibulum in which
pituitary-master gland is located
Dr. Arun Tiwari: Why do you want to reduce kam, krodh,
moha, lobh etc mansik bhava that are the instrument given by nature for survive
a person in the world.
Vd. Ram Shukla: Chandan relaxes pituitary. Kshatriya
apply blood or ushna virya dravya as they need to keep their pitta elevated
Satyen: Is gayatri mantra helpful in conquering anger
Dr. Satyendra Sharma: Sure
Vd. Meeta Parekh: In my paediatric patients,I give Suvarn
Prashan Sanskar consequetive 3 months.It gives good results in anger.I mix
galosatva also in Suvarana Prashan medicine.
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari:
Anger is not the problem. Its manifestation in socially unacceptable form
, behaviour is the problem. Behaviour can be modified with Discipline and
character- building………Krodh is one of Dharaniya Veg. ……..Children learn their
behaviour from social & family environment
around them since birth. …….When a flower doesnt bloom we dont fix the
flower we fix the Environment. Children just Mirror the behavior.. So
resolution of kids behavior starts from Adults around them. ……………..It is better
to divert the energy manifested as anger to some productive instead of distructive. How to do that let
teachers or behaviour therapists decide………..As practitioner, rajas to be
controlled by vatshamak.. Jaiphal best for mild suppression of chanchalata of
mind………….Can tamper with pitta if vata is vitiating imbalance in
behaviour. Too much tampeting with pitta
may cause imbalance, may cause depression, bipolar disease. Pradnyparadh.
DhiDrutiSmrutivibrasht: =Anger
Dr. Milind Patil: मानसो ज्ञान विज्ञान
धैर्य स्मृति समाधिभिः।।
In anger management.
Vd. Kinshuk Hirpara: One more thing I want to
share- krodha (anger) and pitta have ashrayashrayibhav so pitta virechana is
must. So in kids trifala garmalo daily at bed time is beneficial .
Dr. Arun Tiwari: Charak mentioned manah preeksha .
Described 21 mansik bhavas examin with arthvyadhikaren one of them anger (क्रोध) examin to heen madhy uttam
condition with lowliness (दीनता,विनम्रता)। Bhavas can not be changes by medicine. It may change with sanskara संस्कारो हि नामः गुणान्तरा धानम्। ……Now we can say this is behavior condition and sanskara is the tool
witch can manage…….This my personal opinions that if you reduce one bhav then
another bhav will increase if you reduce anger then lobh and bhay will
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Yes. Less anger means
more depression. Balance is key. Balanced mind. Anger is outward expression and
depression is inward expression. Anger too much , most of the times lead to
other psychiatric conditions. Mind to be
maintained with control of Shadripus.…….In Charak a shlok mentions.. antidote for Sadness is
Dr. Arun Tiwari: Charak mentioned 6 bhavas vikrit out of
21. Moh, krodh, shok, lajja, dvesh and chadm.
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: shadripus of mind. 6 enemies
to keep away from mind.
Shri Minoo parabia: My God! What a great amount
of wisdom churning out.
ANGER!..........True anger, I try to keep away for a very simple reason.
Why punish myself for some one else's stupidity? False/action of being engry or enoyed, yes I
do specially for my kids and students to send my message home. Third thing is the acceptance of the situation
as such, when one's enger is just futile. This had helped a lot. As a Doctor one
certainly comes across a situation, when a counselling matters more than a drug
proper. Impatience and short temperedness
go hand in hand. .. ...typical bilious
personality. Try to change it to phlegmatic, if you can. Similarly Melancholic to little phlegmatic.
Dr. Milind Patil: ध्यान, धारणा, समाधि!! Active engagement of
attention signifies top-down activity, an antidote to going through the day
with a zombie-like automaticity. We can talk back to commercials, stay alert to
what’s happening around us, question automatic routines or improve them. This focused, often goal-oriented attention,
inhibits mindless mental habits. So while emotions can drive our attention,
with active effort we can also manage emotions top-down. Then the prefrontal
areas take charge of the amygdala, tuning down its potency.
An angry face, or even that cute baby, can fail to capture our attention
when the circuits for top-down control of attention take over the brain’s
choices of what to ignore. क्रोध: Mindless Mental Habit!! Control
it by adopting TOP-DOWN approach.
Dr. J. T. Contractor: There r two types of human
natures :-
(1) one bitten person who won't raise head to resist
(2) another just give a frowned look at & he Rebels to the extent as
if he will remove one's eyes aggressively,It's very difficult task to segregate
types of angry human,Who though angers, but can gulp it inside if opposition is
Every action has equal & opposite reaction, much complexity in the
subject as people say hit when iron is hot, but in this case deepen it in chill
water when it's hot, v witness many cases in day to day events on media,where
there is a quarrel bet two persons,any arbitration causes in to falling self
victim, दो बैल के बीच झाड़ की
शामत! "ANGER
A DANGER" many a times counsellor get a back foot from new generation v c
them shouting तू तेरा संभाल like dialogues !
Dr. Pradip Mohan Sharma Jaipur: Dr Milind ji DHARNA, DHYANA
& SAMADHI are way to renunciation. The meaning of renunciation is here
standing for the PRATYAHARA. To switch off all 5 sensory organs from external
If someone is not indulging in any worldly reciprocal activity, he is in
the state of "chittvritti nirodh" means now he is the master of self.
Dr. Prerak Shah: Anger and any relation with moon cycle?
In Jain religion, it is preached to avoid leafy vegetables on certain days of
lunar cycle, which is now proven by science too. Lunar cycle affects mind,
mental activities and psychological behaviours. Can Such diet restriction
during certain days also helpful in anger management?
Dipak Padia Osho: If you are observer of your own Anger
or any Bhav your chit which is real mind get real hapiness and spiritual
awareness .
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Very well said, a
Bengali gentleman long ago added that high & low tied in sea which is due
to moon orbiting around globe also affects mind,
Dipak Padia Osho: one should be responsive rather than
reactive in Anger
Vd. Dipak Upadhyay: Resp.drs., My observation is that Moon cycle does affect mental response. When moon
approach to the FULL Moon day ,those who are suffering from MD ,will ↑ one
hyper activities.
Dr. Hardikchandra Kalal: Yes..... true
Shanku Chirag: I got results for simple Ghee Nassya in my
practice for anger management - as per our ancient belief our Anger stay at
nose - " iska gussa to iske Nak pe hi rehta he" iska to bat bat pe
nak chad jata he" so, friends for
anger balancing Ghee nassya is best
Vd. Dipak Upadhyay: Anger in ds age group is common. I can
quote from resp. ZAVERCHAND MEGHANI " घट मां घोडा
थनगने , ने आतम विंझे पांख।
अण दीठी भोमका माथे यौवन
मांडे आँख। " It means
that during this age group... A person (f/M - both) want's to do something
different from their elders. They want their own IDENTITY. During 5 - 14 years
age they just watch " what is going on in the family as well as in the
around his network. Parents &
schools & others says that be live like a KING HARISHCHANDRA...honesty,
true , be a RAM ect....
BUT In the real life is totally
opposite.....That's y they can't decide between GOOD & DEVIL ....ITS result
in anger....My opinion is that we can council them by become their
friends...not advice's & don't...Let them handle the situation
and if they need some help we are ready.
As a doctor you can provide some medicine as par our GHANTHA , bcz this
is our bread and butter.
Dr Feroz Khan: Prophet mohammad said in his spiritual
preching whenthere is anger shaitan
(evil spirit) flows with blood in your body and he made from (aag)heat so one can clearly see furiousness
in his in anger if you are upright then sitdown if u rsitting then u
liedown .or u make uzu. (Three time face hand & leg walsh procedures)
becauze evil-devil is made from aag (heat) and only water can extinguish aag.if
u made uzu expericnce is amzing and fantastic.Thanks.
Dr Bhagyashri Panchal: Very nice information
on anger. . Thanks to all ...
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