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How to increase mamsa dhatu
(muscle and ligaments) with diet plans and herbal supplements?
Vd. Piyush Prajapati: Mash increases Mans Dhatu.
Dr. Sheetal Sumra: Musli can be use to increase muscle & Ashwagandha
Dr. Anup Torane: Aja mansa rasayan, With ashwagandha
Dr. Sheetal Sumra: Gokshur, vidari, bala, These all medicines
can be used… Diet wise dates helps in form of pak-avaleh, Kajur pak
Dr. Prerak Shah: please mind that we want to increase mamsa -
snayu, not fat (meda dhatu) pl consider this. Thnx
Dr. Devesh Kumar: मांसं मांसेन वर्धते
Dr. Prerak Shah: some friends suggest protein diet: but can
any one explain protein diet - how it works on snayu or mamsa dhatu
according to ayurveda? I think to suggest protein diet is more or less western
Dr Jaydeep: Cissus quadrangularis (asthi shrunkhla)- is well
researched herb specially for muscle building. And also for osteoporosis.
Vd. Piyush Prajapati: Aja mans nu sewan karwu..
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: My experience suggests don't treat tha
same dhatu but from stert from rasdhatu then further dhatu. Kedarikulya nayay
should be apply….Increase the dhatvagni first then mash
asthivardhak medicine
Dr. Ravindra
Upadhyay: Manspachak yoga
from. Charak samhita chikitsa sthan, jwaradhikaar.
Vd. Gurumahantesh: I usually start from laghumalini vasant as
it helps clearing rasa dhatu dushti….Later you can shift to mamsa rasa basti Or
any other medicine of your choice
Anand Javeri: Can anyone tell about the proportion of
the above things like ashwagandha, musli, asthi shrunkhla, gokshur, vidari,
bala, etc. And ideal time to consume these?
To be consumed with what?
Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: To overcome mansadushti mansapachak yog
will be preferred as it overcomes Dhatwagnimandya, followed by Dates,
kharjurasava…. Rasayankal ie, early morning empty stomach
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Santarpan and aptarpan should be
Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: Massage with CHANDANBALADI OIL,
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Shastishali pingswed of gotbeef is advised
Anand Javeri: Different people suggested different things to
consume for increasing muscles & ligament mass.
My question is:-
1) When to consume these
2) In what proportion?
3) Along with what should
these herbs be consumed?
Dr. Prerak Shah: @Anand: Yr points are valid....but in
ayurveda the answer is well known, it depends on yr body constitution, age,
sex, season, vikruti, agni, satmya etc……..even for the same purpose, the suggestion of
herb, quantity of herbs, anupan -with what substance you should take, all
aspects may be totally changed……That's why yr questions are unanswered. I also want to know from friends who suggested
protein and what is the logic of protein in ayurveda...and how can
we co-repate it with mamsa dhatu?
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Basically we must know the causes of muscular
wasting and degeneration of ligaments…..Many complicated cause are their
Neurological,Spinal, Tuberculosis , Leprosy….So please first rule out the
causes then apply medication
Vd. Kinshuk Hirpara: 1stly we have to work on mansa
dhatwagni. Many males who wants to have muscles more in body use protein
powders and they contain creatinine which causes water retention in body. That
is harmful. I would suggest to correct mansa dhatwagni so that can help digest
proteins perfectly and improve metabolism. Instead of protein powders use
actual protein sources.its very tough but long term it's beneficial.
A combination of Neem,
patol, trifala, draksha, musta, indrayava. That will regulate
mansa dhatwagni. According to my parents experience( Vaidya pravin and sushama
hirpara) ashwagandha, Shatavari, galo, gokhru and amla also increase
mansa dhatu.
Yoga practice is a must for
building muscles.
Dr. Prerak Shah: The response from Dr. Jyoti Ashok (group
2) is very good.
Mamsa vriddi from mamsa
.For vegetarians equivalent to mamsa like Masha,.
First step increase the
agni, then second step snehana, swedana(vATA will b controlled) ,
third step - then
Shodhana.After Shodhana, give rasayana .
for example : Brihat
charaka grita or chyavanprash or ashwagandha avalehya or shatavary avaleha
depending on the patients.Also go for Vyayama to build the muscle mass(not
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Basically we must understand the etiology and
We are very excited to
start medicine
Because of that we miss
important diagnosis
Vd. sandeep Ahirkar: Always we have to think about agni if it's key
to dhatuposhan if it WL increase definitely Mansadhatu in WL increase then we
have make different diagnosis of that conditions
jwar ,Vata vikaras by taking in consideration these disease we have to plan
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Now a days Lead poisoning is causes of
muscular wasting and degeneration of nerve
Dr. Prerak Shah: Yes. Before we suggest any treatment,
finding out the causative factors are very important. Why there is loss of
mamsa dhatu? What are the possible causes? Also it is important to check
balance or status of other dhatus too.
Vd. Neeraj Pooner: Agray in charak -mans bhrhiniyam, Kukkut
Vd. sandeep Ahirkar: Sir kukkut (cocks) which we have to take it's
not urbanized which ppls giving Harmones injections to get more mansa to make
more money it will increase more diseases
Vd. Neeraj Pooner: Achinta ,harsh, santarpan ahara,swapan(samyak
nidra), aparsang krisho varah eiv pushyate ( astang hridya sutra 14/34) Acc
to shusruta - paysa ( khsir kakoli, ashwagngdha , vidarigandaha, shtavari, bala,
atibala, nagbala, dughda , dadhi, ghrit, mamsa, shali, shastik, yav, godhum
vihara,,- divaswapan, bhramchrya, avyam ,bhrihan vasti
Acc to charak-laghu ahara
plus santrpan .Navanna ,gud vakritt , snighdh madhur vasti ,tailam abhnga
,gandh malya Sevan,shukal vas, yatah kala dosha avsechana , rasyan and vrishya
yog , snighd udvartan , nav madya, grymaya anup mas ,
Canada Nitin Shah: Particularly muscular strength and
endurance type of activities. Vriddhi hi samanai hi sarvesham
So the substances have
similar properties can increase the mamsa Dhatu and yes according to kedari
kulya nyay, if a person is anemic or deficiency in rakta Dhatu can't expect to
have a great muscle mass. So rakta Bala vriddhi can lead to mamasa Bala vriddhi
Vd. Tanuja Gokhale: Raisins, black currents, Dates, figs,
apricots are good for rakta as well as mansa vruddhi.
Canada Nitin Shah: How about the greens? Some of the greens
have a good amount of iron as well certain essential amino acids. Protein's
final digestion product is amino acids And protein is like a building
block for muscle and ligaments
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Respected vd preraksir Similar but
opposite of subject Please comment on Myopathy disease
Dr. Prerak Shah: Yes. We wish to touch that subject too. Let us
understand the basic of healthy mamsa dhatu. We will go with its disorders.
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: 45age Bilateral upper and lower
extremities muscular wasting wrist and ankle
Power-Grip-Sensation are
poor,Numbness,Muscular wasting,Discoloration of skin,Shoulder girdle
distributed,Mri,Nerve condition test are normal,No history,Diabetes
hypertension,Traumatic injuryKindly suggests Diogenes,Realated to subject
Vd. Hardik bhatt, Idar: Regular excersise is also increase and give
strength to muscles ...
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Regarding muscles upgrading: it's also
hereditary, but one of the reasons responsible of the disorder or lake of
muscles is excessive & often intake of nicotine-amid, drug edict, frequent
consumption of pain killers, malnutrition, etc, due to which body cell being
intoxicated at great extent thus deteriorating takes place & muscles faces
shrinkage, To overcome this stage, first toxin be flushed out the metabolism,
good balanced variety of foods,fruits,tonics with light exercise & more
over regular good massage is done as that of the wrestlers (mull) good hot
sponge also instigative
A patience required to
regain the muscular body without any steroids
Vd. sandeep Ahirkar: management of karshya. Baladi Vati
Fresh Churna of roots
Shatavari Ashvagandha,
Vidarikanda, Bala, Atibala,
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Please add bilateral Wrist
and ankle drop with wasting
In case study
Dr. Meghdoot Satvekar: Mamsa Dhatu – It is compared with
muscle tissue. It gets its nourishment from Rakta Dhatu. Its main function
is Lepana –It gives shape to the body parts and it sticks to the bones,
helping in locomotor activities. It is controlled by Kapha Dosha.
Usually Kapha Dosha increase and decrease leads to Mamsa Dhatu
increase and decrease respectively.
Dr. Prerak Shah: Let's discuss mamsa dhatu disorders
too. That would be nice to make a list of such diseases.
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Answer of cases
Lead poisoning……..The only
disease in bilateral ankle and wrist drops is lead poisoning
It's effects on motor and
sensory neurons…….Myelin sheets also effective
Neurologic involvement, Increase
blood lead level more than 50mmol
Psychological distribution,
Wasting, Numbness, Discoloration of skin
Amalibij chirna, Pipaltvak
kwath, Gomutra, Gudduchi. Asvagandha, Bala,
Mild laxative, No
panchkarma applied…..Within three months of treatment lead level normal
Precaution: Avoid lead
exposures, Injury, Since two year patients lead level normal, No wrist and
ankle drop, Weight gain, Walking is normal, Power and grip are normal, No need
to prescribe any massvrudhikar medicine
Due Maggie's children may
develop lead poisoning so please kept in mind lead…Thanks
In morden chelating
medicine line of treatment according to leval of lead level
Dr. Meghdoot Satvekar: The doshas can also travel into mamsa
dhatu and create tissue changes to the quality of mamsa dhatu, called dushti.
If Vata dosha travels into
the mamsa in excess, there will be acute pain in the muscles, spasms, tremors,
fatigue, and a wasting of the muscle with dry skin.
If Pitta dosha travels into
mamsa, boils or red skin will appear and there will be inflammation,
fibromyalgia, fatigue, and tendonitis.
Kapha in the mamsa dhatu
will show as swelling, flaccidity, excess ear wax and nasal crust with possible
uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, heavy and “sticky” muscles,
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Is Serum uric acid a dosha of the mamsa?
Dr. Meghdoot
Increased Mamsa dhatu -
Fibrocystic changes in
uterine fibroids
muscle flaccidity - lacking
muscle hypertrophy
undue growth of muscle
fibroma & myoma
Decreased mamsa dhatu
Carving for protein
Emaciation - abnormally
thin / weak
dislocation of joints
loss of muscle power
atropy / wasting of muscles
Common primary muscle
disorders include inflammatory myopathies, including polymyositis, which is
characterized by inflammation and progressive weakening of the skeletal
muscles; dermatomyositis, which is polymyositis accompanied by a skin rash; and
inclusion body myositis, which is characterized by progressive muscle weakness
and wasting. Other common disorders are muscular dystrophies and metabolic
muscle disorders, he said. Muscular dystrophy affects muscle fibers. Metabolic
muscle disorders interfere with chemical reactions involved in drawing energy
from food.Neuromuscular junction disorders impair the transmission of nerve
signals to muscles, Schabbing noted.
The most common
neuromuscular junction disorder is myasthenia gravis, which is characterized by
varying degrees of weakness of the skeletal muscles. Schabbing said.
"There are many types of peripheral neuropathies that can be secondary to
other medical conditions, such as diabetes, or due to a variety of other
causes, including toxins, inflammation and hereditary causes," he said.
Motor neuron disorders
affect the nerve cells that supply muscles, Schabbing said. The most
recognizable motor neuron disease is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS,
commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease.
- reference site
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Mansa dhatu means not only muscles..
Peshi= whole muscles
Mansa dhatu= Muscle fibres
Mansa dhatu kshaya➡ wasting of buttocks,
cheeks, lips, pubic region, thigh, chest,axilla, calf, abdomen and neck...This
shows decrease of dhatu , not any disease..Here quantity is decreased
Toda, malaise, looseness of
arteries are also symptoms of mansa dhatu kshaya, this shows disease process
due to mansa dhatu
Dr. Prerak Shah: Ok. Let's now go with different kind of
myopathies and muscular wasting. Let's discuss in deep.
Dr. Meghdoot
Satvekar: Muscular dystrophy
can be defined as a group of muscular diseases that weaken the muscles
Progressive muscular
Difficulty in walking
Change in walking pattern
Limited range of movement
Difficulty in breathing
Poor balance
Difficulty in climbing
and getting up
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Aahar dravyas only can increase dhatus,
medicine have little role in increasing dhatu..
Lots of non-veg articles
are mentioned to increase mansa dhatu...
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Muscular dystrophy is related to dna comanly
depurination and deamination
Dystrophin stabilized
cytoskelation and dystroglycans it's regulate calcium level
So think about protiens
pachan may related to aam
Balanced to calcium
Experts are involved in
this comment
Dr. Meghdoot Satvekar: Muscular dystrophy -
Treatment -
A) Ensuring proper
nutrition and growth of the muscles
B) Maintaining a good range
of movement for all the joints
C) Proper nutrition to the
body as a whole.
Useful Herbs /
Mansrohini, Marich, Triphala,
Guduchi, Guggul ,Tejapatra, Nirgundi, Masha,
Bala, Ashwagandha
(1) Mamsagni Rasayana
(2) Sukumar Guggul Rasayana
(3) Ashwagandharista
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: What is the prognosis of under 19 Childrens
Dr. Meghdoot Satvekar: The prognosis for people with muscular
dystrophy varies according to the type and progression of the disorder.
Some cases may be mild and
progress very slowly over a normal lifespan, while others produce severe muscle
weakness, functional disability, and loss of the ability to walk.
Bad prognosis in children
below 18 yrs with muscular dystrophy adulthood with only moderate
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Vd prerakbhai, Please guide about muscular
It's wrost problem for
parent's and children……Usually life span is 19 years only……..I tried in adult
patients results are encouraging
But Childrens no results
get in not a single children all are died under 19 age……..So what can we do for
victims children
Dr. Sheetal Sumra: Well I have seen one patient(kid) who was
suffering from rickety myopathy, in my college days which was treated by my
sir.. He used to give mansa ras basti with ghruth in it.. And
balatail massage as it is a kastha sadya rog so result was slow but that kid
atleast started walking with support
Vd. Gurumahantesh: I tried to treat one case of deuchennes muscular
dystrophy with shashtika shali pinda sweda nearly for about 2 months. Soon
after the cessation of treatment , the patient's weakness and pain recurred,
.hence I stopped treating
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: We treated 4 pts of DMD with Majja siddha
fails anuvasan Rajyapan basti, sastishali pind Sweda, abhyanga and orally
medicines during PG..All pts got relief and reports were improved but pt
got problems at home after discharging from home...
Dr Modh Bhavesh: मांसधरा कला = Deep fascia. Or inter muscular septa
कला नाम श्लेषमस्नायुअपराच्छन्नो शारीरवस्तुविशेषः
Not for धातुनिर्माण ।
शरीरबृंहणे नान्यत् खाधं मांसद्विशिष्यते ।
मांसमाप्यायते मांसेन ।
Vd. Sunil Suthar: Very poor prognosis in DMD ,
There is no future these
kind of patients , so as per my opinion plz declare totaly right matter which
can be occurred in future , dont give any hope for future !
Because in our science also
"asadhya" word is der !
Every time pt wants miracle
it is not possible ! Because we are not doing miracles , we are treating pt
with science ! Sorry to say but some of our colleagues try to recover these
kind of patients to take name & fame and they give positive hope to family
but complete fake thing!
Expert opinion always
welcome here !
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Actually, there is no Rustam in medical
science not even modern medicine who can not give guarantee Dr can try their
best to even animal-kingdom to cure to save is bit farther to say though,
Any mammoth disease takes 6
to 12 weeks to respond, there is no magic remedy !
myasthenia graves Deflazacort
Designated Fast Track Status for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has granted Fast Track designation to deflazacort
(Marathon Pharmaceuticals) for the treatment of patients with Duchenne Muscular
Dystrophy (DMD)
Dr. Bhavesh Modh: As of 2016, there is no specific treatment
or cure for muscular dystrophy. However,physiotherapy, aerobic exercise, low
intensity catabolic steroids such as prednisone,
anddeflazacort (for which the U.S. FDA has designated fast track status in
January 2016 to conduct clinical trials) can help to maintain muscle tone.
and Becker muscular dystrophyConsumer-friendly information about human genetics
from the U.S. National Library of
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
(DMD) is the most common childhood form of muscular dystrophy; it generally
affects only boys (with extremely rare exceptions), becoming clinically evident
when a child begins walking. By age 10, the child may need braces for walking
and by age 12, most patients are unable to walk.Life span ranges from 15 to 45,
though there are a few exceptions.Researchers have identified the gene for the
protein dystrophin which, when absent, causes DMD.Since the gene is
on the X chromosome, this disorder affects primarily males, and females who are
carriers have milder symptoms. Sporadic mutations in this gene occur
Dystrophin is part of a
complex structure involving several other protein components. The
"dystrophin-glycoprotein complex" helps anchor the structural
skeleton (cytoskeleton) within the muscle cells, through the outer membrane
(sarcolemma) of each cell, to the tissue framework (extracellular matrix) that
surrounds each cell. Due to defects in this assembly, contraction of the muscle
leads to disruption of the outer membrane of the muscle cells and eventual
weakening and wasting of the muscle.
Dr. Bhavesh Modh: Patanjali research foundation studied the
effect of 18 months of yoga practice and ayurvedic drugs on 16 patients with
DMD. All patients were attending the outpatient department in a hospital in
northern India. The age of the patients ranged from 4 to 23 years (mean:
11.2±5.3 years). Diagnosis was based on muscle biopsy. As can be expected, the
serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK) value was high in all these patients. Yoga
interventions were based on the traditional text,Patanjali's Yoga Sutras,
compiledcirca 900 BC. Ayurvedic medications were in the form of
poly-herbal tablets and liquid decoctions. Patients learned yoga for a week and
were then followed up at home by telephone for 18 months. Mobility, self-care,
and level of comfort were assessed based on responses to relevant questions.
Out of the 16 patients only 10 completed 18 months of follow-up. Of these ten
patients, three patients practiced yoga regularly for 18 months, five patients
were irregular in their practice, and two patients stopped the practice before
completing 18 months. At the end of 18 months a positive outcome in mobility,
self-care, and respiratory ease was noted in the three patients who were
regular with yoga and ayurveda. Out of the five patients who were irregular
with yoga and ayurveda, three took some other alternative treatment and two
reverted to corticosteroid treatment. The two patients who took steroids had
marked increase in weight, which caused difficulty in balancing. The main side
effect of corticosteroids in patients with DMD is obesity. In the three
patients who took other alternative therapies but were irregular with yoga and
ayurveda, the self-care and mobility deteriorated while respiratory ease
remained unaltered. One DMD patient out of the two who stopped therapy died
during the study. This patient had respiratory problems and was bedridden due
to a fracture of the lower lumbar spine. Respiratory disease in DMD is a major
cause of mortality.
Thus, after 18-months of
follow-up we found improvement in four out of ten patients who were regular
with the yoga and ayurveda regimen, which suggests that there are some benefits
to be had from these practices. Definite conclusions would be possible with a
larger number of subjects but the need for long-term follow-up makes such a
study difficult to organize.
Article information
Indian J Palliat Care. 2011
May-Aug; 17(2): 169–170.doi: 10.4103/0973-1075.84544
PMCID: PMC3183612
Patanjali Research
Foundation, Haridwar, India
Address for
correspondence: Dr. Shirley Telles; E-mail: moc.liamg@selletyelrihs
Dr. Bhavesh Modh: Treatment of DMD:
At present no treatment is
known in any system of medicine which has any definite influence upon muscular
dystrophy. According to the research, Ayurvedic treatment involving medicine
and Panchakarma massage, Yoga and Pranayama have shown definite protective
influence and longer survival upon muscular dystrophy.
Ayurvedic treatments:
Mamsagni Rasayana which
contains Curcuma longa, Withania somnifera, Terminalia arjuna, Tinospora
cordifolia, Suvarna bhasma, Praval, etc.Ashwagandha arishta / Bala arishta
Panchakarma therapies:
Abhyangam with Shat bala
prasarini tailamPizichil with Chandan bala lakshaadi tailamTil-Mash Pinda Sweda
with use of herbs like Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Bala (Sida
cordifolia), and Ashwagandha (W. somnifera), and Nirgundi (Vitex negundo), and
Haridra (Curcuma domestica), and Daru Haridra (Berberis aristata), and Mustaka
(Cyperus rotundus), and Barbreng (Embelia ribes), and Mamsa Rohini: (Soymida
febrifuda) as additional ingredients to Til, Masha, unpolished rice and
wheat bran, all cooked in the decoction of Bala (Sida cordifolia), Ashwagandha
(Withania somnifera) and milk.Anuvasana basti with Shatbala-Prasarni oil or
Mustaadi yapan basti.
Benefits from the Ayurveda
Delays or slowdowns or
reverse the progressive muscular degeneration.Retards the muscular degeneration
due to fat deposition.Weight lossReduces serum Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK)
levels thus helping to reduce the muscle damage.Allows longer survival by
increasing muscle CPK enzyme.Improves muscle tone and functional
abilities.Helps to stabilize the Sarcolemma membrane defect in the muscle
fibres.It also remove excess fat deposition in the muscle and increases muscle
Yoga and Pranayam:
Pranayamas – Anulom-Vilom,
Kapalbhati, Bhastrika.
Yoga asana - Pawan
muktasana, Padmasana, Veer bhadrasana, Parvatasana, Surya namaskar.
Diet:Avoid saturated fats
and refined foods.
Sea vegetables, fruits,
whole grains, essential fatty acid and legumes should be taken.
Other treatments:
Physiotherapy is very
helpful in DMD.
Vitamin E, B-complex and
minerals like Selenium too help to reduce the effects of DMD.
Conclusion:Though genes are
considered to be the culprit for the disease, there are a good number of DMD
patients who do not have a family history of the disease. So, a person should
undergo tests to diagnose DMD and contact Ayurvedic doctors at earliest to help
such kids to be independent and have a long life.
(P.S: As every human being
is different according to Ayurveda, all have different cures. So, kindly
consult us or an Ayurvedic doctor before taking any herbal medicines.)
👉 This post is written by Dr.Jaina
Patwa who is a Chief Ayurvedic practitioner based at Vile Parle, Mumbai,
India. contact on +919833998817
Vd. Dhruti Nirav
Bhatt: Cow ghrit,
Ashwagandha ghrit helpful to build muscles. Basti treatment is very iffective for
that and for muscular dystrophy also.according to Sapt dhatu vrudhi kram
we should give dipanpachan Aushadh.
Food: Halwa, Sukhdi, Udad
dal(black gram),Chana (yellow gram) and Desi gud (jegury ),Makhan (white
butter) with Sakar (suger)
Bunty Gandhi: Cow ghee, gugulutiktam gjrita for nourishment of
asthi sandhi majja, ashwagandha, vidarikand, kavachbeej, ksheerbala
avarty could be beneficial for muscular dystrophy
Vd. sandeep Ahirkar: Nice explanation by dr.jha sir
Dr. Bhavesh Modh: Duchenne's muscular dystrophy (DMD); the
dystrophin -glycoprotein complex appears to confer stability to the sarcolemma.
Primary deficiency of dystrophin may lead to secondary loss of sarcoglycans and
dystroglycan. Disruption of dystrophin - glycoprotein complexes weakens
sarcolemma, causing membrane tears and a cascade of events leading to muscle
fibre necrosis.. this sequence of events occurs repeatedly during life of a
patient with muscular dystrophy.. DMD may benefit from either replace defective
gene or missing protein ( dystrophin) or implement downstream corrections (e.g.
skipping mutated exons)..ayurveda; maansa is maatrija bhaava ie x-chromosal
disease.. in DMD deficiency of maansaagni is present so saara
bhaaga(dystrophin-glycoprotein complex) is not produced and leading to riktaani
mansavaha srotaansi (muscle necrosis) poorayitvaa anilo bali(ch.chi28/18)
maansagata vaata and manifests gurvangam.............. shramitam ati
artham ( undue fatigue).. etc..(ch.chi28/32).. t/t vireko maansamedahsthe
niruhaa shamanaani cha (ch.chi 28/93) so we have to think about drugs
acting on maansaagni , "saamaanyam vridhi kaaranam " for
replacement of specific maansa dhatvaansha...shaman and niruha for both maansa
and vaata..
Basically dhatu nirmaana is
being affected so there is less saara bhaaga utpatti and in turn
weakening of dhaatu ie necrosis..since there is rikta srotas due to necrosis so
vaata prakopa occura to fullfill srotas and in turn there is
pseudohypertrophy.. so i think initially there is maansa gata vaata , later due
to pseudohypertrophy there is aavrita vyaana ie maansaavrita vyaana..t/t;
vrihat vaata chintaamani rasa , laghumaalini vasant , pravaala panchaamrit rasa
, combination of ashwagandha shataavari balaa kapikachchhu maasha saarivaa
manjishthaa mustaa amritaa aamalaki haritaki vidanga daarvi bilva pippali...
snehana ,pinda sveda, maansa rasa basti/yaapanaa basti , physiotherapy and
Germany Helga Fuchs: Yes Dr. Gurumahante, shashtika pinda sweda is
very useful. It is done as treatment over 3 months or longer, dayli in a hospital
in Kerala. It nutrients nerves and spine to, and help a lot.
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Sir want to know more about myasthenia
graves & its treatment
Germany Helga Fuchs: Good posts all, thank you. Sure Yoga is
helpful, but surya namaskar only possible for pt who are strong enough to stand
up. Hm, have to think about. But I think asana to increase prana, shamana vayu,
vyana v should be helpful. All pranas are disturbed in this condition, apana
not free to.
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: We yet come to understand and basic
principles etiology of myopathy
Family counseling to
prevent such a genetic disorder
Please discuss etiology
point of view to better service to human beings
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: I visited Ipcowala polio foundation at
Malav lake, ahmedabad where they also run a clinic for Muscular dystrophy.
There are about 20-30 pts of Muscular dystrophy on every saturday.
Consanguinity was found
one of the main cause in muscular dystrophy...
There is one sloka in
Rugveda for treatment of Genetic disorder.. Apamarga churna is indicated to
prevent genetic disorder..
- पूर्णंषोडशवर्षा स्त्री पूर्णविंशेन सङ्गता !
- शुद्धे गर्भाशये मार्गे रक्ते शुक्रे अनिले ह्रदि !!
- वीर्यवन्तं सुतं सुते ---
According to Ayurveda, age
of reproduction for female is 16 year and for male is 20 year. During this
age(early age) of female, the ovum will be pure without any cytogenic defects.
According to modern
science, Female Fetus before even takes birth, they start their 1st meiotic
division in the ovaries for the ova development and they slightly carry out the
some steps of 1st meiotic division. And then freeze the 1st miotic division at
a special stage which is called deplotene stage.
After that female keep all
those cells arrested in deplotene stage in which chromosome and genetic
material is loosely arranged and more vulnerable to environmental and other
types of mutagenic influences.
Female is born & she
reaches at the age of puberty, then menstrual cycle start & at every month
some of the frozen cell (arrested in deplotene stage) are reactivated &
complete the meiotic division which is going to be matured Ovum.
As female age keep on
increasing, the chances that her premature gametes with open genetic material
where genetic material is arrested in deplotene stage that has more and more
chances of being influenced by the MUTAGENIC substances. And baby is more
vulnerable to cytogenic disorders.
So why Ayurveda suggests
young age for Reproduction...
☝☝This is to prevent genetic diseases☝☝☝☝
Ayurveda can do a lot in
prevention of genetic disorders. Proper counselling, shodhana before conceive
and all Ayurveda procedures during pregnancy along with all Samsakara can
prevent genetic disorder..
I have seen one successful
case peventing a genetic problem in which Canadian physician strictly warned
couple for pregnancy, but we got success after all of these procedures
and delivered healthy child, even Canadian physician was amazed...
Dr. Bhavesh Modh: श्रृणु मांसप्रदोषजान्
अधिमांस अर्बुदं कीलं गलशालूक शुण्डिके ।
पूतिमांस अलजी गंड गंडमाला उपजिह्विकाः विधान्मांसाश्रयान्
& we can't
discussion about it yet..
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Arsha is called as Mansankura.
Dr. Bhavesh Modh: मांसाजानां तु संशुध्धि शस्त्र क्षार अग्नि कर्म च । Chakrpani
also described Kil as a arshrog…In charak chikitsa Ch.28 including
all disease of myopathy described as ( मांसआवृतवातदोष ) Vatvyadhi chikitsa .
Shri Minoo parabia: The tissue may be inherently weak due to genetic
disorder. Or may be due to acquired mutation at gene level. I think nothing
much can be done.
However, if the disorder
has arisen due to malnutrition or external factors, vat vyadhi treatment does
help. Now it is almost impossible to arrive at the decision by routine
So in the interest of
patient offer some treatment at least to improve the quality of life, may be
hither to considered incurable.
Spondygo oil mixed with
Jyotismati oil orally has helped in my experience. Erandavleha is also good.
Boosting of nervous system
is also proved to be of great help. I recommend Brahmivati ot Nervon +
Vd. sandeep Ahirkar: Suvarna malini vasant,laghu, malini
vasant,rasaraj rasa,vasant kusumakar rasa these medicine having good result in
mansa dhatu vikaras
Dr. Anup Torane: Suvarn malini vasant+ amruta satva hav
satishfactory result in any typ of mansa kshay
Dr. Meghdoot Satvekar: Muscular dystrophy Abhyangam with
Balaswagandha Laxadi Thailam, svedan, Shiro Dhara, for the Long Term Management
of Muscular Weakness. Swarna bhupathi ras, Rasaraj Ras, Agnitundi Vati, Yogaraj
Guggulu, Laxadi Guggulu, Aswagandha awaleha
end of comments from active group -------------------------
Dr Ganesh pawara.: समाने समाने वृध्दी..Eat nonvej...
Vd. Vishal Rajparia: Protein diet with exercise
Dr. Sujata Vaidya: Like replaces like
end of comments from group 1 ---------------Vd. Pulkit D. Patel: तेषां क्षयवृध्दी शोणितनिमित्ते सु.सु.
तेषां हे सप्त धातुंसाठी आहे
धात्वाग्नि अधिक - धातुक्षय
धात्वाग्नि मंद| - धातुवृध्दी
अनुमान प्रमाणाने धात्वाग्नि वृध्दी व मांद्यासाठी रक्त १ प्रमुख घटक मानता येईल...
Colombia Dr Mario Herrera, Neiva, Huila: How is increase of mamsa
dhatu associated with any western medicine pathology?
Dr. Prerak Shah: @Dr. Mario: This is the question, we want to
know from you. How u can co-relate it in modern terms?
Vd. Pulkit D. Patel: this is good idea by that active member
have increase there knowledge
Dr. Gaurav Makan: Proteins are used for developing muscle
mass.. So, protein supplements like cheese, soyabeans, lentils are some veg
sources and non veg sources include meat, liver, egg
Vd. Pulkit D. Patel: madhura skand aoushadhi is also have good
Dr. Gaurav Makan: Mams se mams ki vridhi hoti hai... Is what
told in ayurveda.. So according to that concept too.. Nonveg sources which
contain maximum amount of amino acids are the best source for developing
Vd. Pulkit D. Patel: vyayam and abhyanga also do mamsa
Colombia Dr Mario Herrera, Neiva, Huila: One is the conditions is
cáncer cachexia. But usualy red meat it is not recommend
Dr. Gaurav Makan: Yes Dr. Prerak sir.. In egg we have to
take white part that is a source of protein.. And not the yellow part that
contains fat..
South Africa Tamlyn: Since mamsa dhatu has snigdha and guru
gunas those foods which possess the same qualities such as nuts specifically
brazil nuts are good for nourishing mamsa dhatu, consumption of lentils which
are nourishing such as urad dhal and moong dhall also help to build mamsa dhatu
(ofcourse in moderation). Also including protein rich foods such as chicken and
eggs also help build muscle. Foods that are rich in fiber such as apples and
grapes also have great benefits for the same. Ample exercise such as walking,
cycling, running and daily routine of yoga and pranayama is also beneficial. In
terms of herbal supplements madhura skanda dravyas such as shatavari,
ashwagandha and yastimadhu can be beneficial but one should first consider
prakruti and vikruti.
Dr. Ravi Dewan: Mahamasha tailam & mahakukkutmamsha
tailam abhyang increases mamas dhatu according to saamanya Guna vardhanam
Dr. Prakash B N Bangaluru: Mamsarohini twak kashaya is good.
Dr. Jyoti Ashok: Mamsa vruddhi from mamsa .
For vegetarians equivalent
to mamsa like Masha,.
First increase the
agni,then sandhana,swedana(vATA will b controlled) ,then Shodhana.
After Shodhana,rasayana .
Brihat charaka grita or
chyavanprash or ashwagandha avalehya or shatavary avalehya depending on the
Vyayama to build the muscle
mass(not gym).
USA Irene CCA: Food that increases mamsa dhatu such
vegetable proteine (legumes, tofu, sitan, grains) and animal protein such as
milk and meat
Also Abhyanga with sesame
Argentina Barbara Ferraris: sources of vegetable protein beer yeast.
tofu and also control samana vayu. lift weight and some aerobic exercise.
always eat after training session.and do not skip breakfast since energy intake
while fasting comes from mamsa tissue
Dr. Kiritbhai G.: asvagndha avleh with warm milk 3to 4
month take
Opd Dr. Nehal Shah: Ashwagandha Ghee, Oil, or Powder
according to Patient's clinical condition.
Tonic (Nutritive-Bruhan
Karma ) Herb Amalaki, bala, Ashwagandha, Bhringraj, Bibhitaki, Gokshura,
Guduchi, Guggul, Shatavari,Yastimadhu, Vidari kand, Vidanga,
etc.And cane Sugar, Coconut, Dates, Ghee, Honey, Milk, Raisin,
Sesame seeds,as food.
Rayomand Parabia: We are using aabha Guggul for tendons and
ligaments also
Australia Vd. Neerja Ahuja: Bala, ashwagandha, shatavari, sesame seeds
, sesame oil massage
Dr. Lalit Kansal: शरीरवृदिकर भावा कालयोग सवभाव
आहारसौषठव अविघात
>आहार विधि विधान आहारविधिविशेषायतन
Dr. Nikhil Baxi: मांस धात्वांग्नि मांद्य causes wasting, प्रथम मांस धातु अग्नी वर्धन आवश्यक give निंब, पटोल, त्रिफला, मृदविका, मुस्ता, वत्सक in every pt, then शोधन चि चिकित्सा then रसायन,
Neck, cheeks thigh main
regio of मांस धातु
पृथ्वी महाभूत (बृहण) कर्म अपेक्षा
Internal &external oleation
Vd. Rupa Raval: Muscular dystrophy.Post injury muscle
wasting,Muscular weaknesses due to nervous problems
Dr. Gaurav Makan: Kwashiorkar and Marasmus to start with.. Wasting
of muscles occur
Dr.Yogesh Gorakhnath Patil: Basti chikitsa is key role to treat
muscle wasting
Vd. Kinjal Patel: Nirgundi patrapinda swedan in pseudo hypertrophy….. Vesawar
Kalpana in muscle wasting
Dr. Gaurav Makan: Shashti shalik pind sweda has magnificient role
in muscle wasting and dystrophy
Dr.Yogesh Gorakhnath Patil: 👌👌 shashti shalik
Dr. Nikhil Baxi: GBS - we got very promising results mahanarayan
oil & pinda sweda qith bala ashwagandha.vishtinduk vati useful if stiffness
Dr. P. A. Deshpande: For the treatment of muscular dystrophy I
am using methods to correct digestive, circulatory and nervous system. It's a
autoimmune disorder hence to correct the route cause detoxification,
alkalinisation and boosting immune system is necessary. For correcting GI tract
colon irrigation, for liver bottle gourd, cucumber and juice of green leafy
vegetables. For alkalization lime and coconut water. For immune system soup of
goat leg or soup of bhendi tomato and one teaspoon of gum powder. For
strengthening muscles exercises by giving tension by elastic cord as in
photo. For nervous system ozone blanching on spinal cord and head. Pranayam,
exercises and alkaline diet has no option. Excellent results to improve muscle
power and strength and restoration of muscle power.
Dr. Nikhil Baxi: manspachak draway are useful in in early
Dr. Shakun Palkar: Tvacha n Vapa are Upadhatu of Mamsa
so while giving treatment of tvacha one must keep in
of comments from group 2 --------------Vd. Ekta D. Patel: Shasti shali pind sweda, aswgandha are
Vd. Binal Jagani: In diet black dates with milk very
Dr.Sandeep Saluja: Would they help increase muscle strength in
frail elderly?
Vd. Binal Jagani: Shasti shali pind sweda helpful in this
Dr. Hiral Sengal: bruhanigan drugs....vidari kand
,xirkakoli,kakoli aswaghandha.....udad dal..also. in diet..udad dal ..vth
Dr. Sreedevi N V: Deepana pachana then brimhna chikitsa?
Dr. Manjula
Ranagatti: Ajamamsa Rasayana
Dr. Sreedevi N V: Vidaryadi ghrta,koosmanda rasayana, Balaswagandhadi
taila fr abhyanga.. Mamsa pustikara ahara like ksheera,mamsa w cant
advise divaswapnam na?
Dr. Supratim Bir: Sarbada sarba bhabanam samanyam briddhi karanam.
So jangal mamsa seban with agni dipan
Dr. Sreedevi N V: Jeevaniya gana,vidaryadi gana drugs
Vd. Avni Kaneria: Masha pind swed....
Vd. Ashvin Dhamsaniya: बल्यादि वर्ग - बला अतिबला एंड्री etc
Vd. Dilip Kantariya: According to bhavprakash nighantu,in Amrafalaadi
varga mentioned that banana(kadali)
As apakva kadalifal acts
vrushya and brimhaniya,and ksata- ksaya vata nashak…..but
also pakva phala acts as ruchi and mansakrut.
Dr. Prerak Shah: Let's discuss mamsa dhatu disorders too
Dr. Sreedevi N V: Mamsa dhatu kshaya z included in muscular
dysptrophy….. In phakka roga also mamsa dhatu also decreased……In
rajayakshma, Anorexia nervosa, also
Vd. Ekta D. Patel: Mamsa prdoshaj vikar:- Adhimansa
– Alji, Arbud-tumor, Galshaluk- Sundika, Putimansa- Kill, Galgand-goiter, Gandmala-tubercluloied
Dr. Prerak Shah: Ok. Let's now go with different kind of
myopathies and muscular wasting. Let's discuss in deep.
Dr. Chirag Vaghela: Godanti bhasma for muscle wasting
Germany Dr. Keerthy
Sankalp: In muscular dystrophy
mamsa kshaya is present due to sroto avarodha. So here at first agni
deepana should be done and dhatvagni shd be corrected n later brumhana chikitsa
should be followed……..Rasayanas like narasimha rasayana,
ajamamsa rasayana also helpful depending upon the condition
Vd. Khyati Jariwala: Ashwagandha tailam,mahamaash
Vd. Yashpalsinh Jadeja: बृहणिय महाकषाय - increases mams dhatu or meda dhatu??? I
think..if mamsa dhatu xay- bruhaniya mahakashay will be useful and if
mamsa dhatu is ok or no कार्श्य present- balya mahakashay
will be useful to increase quality of muscles
Dr. Yogin Patel: Aja rakt basti? Can it help?
Dr. Hiral Sengal: yes . in karshy..balya maja kashay &
in mamsa shy...bruhniya...
Vd. Yashpalsinh Jadeja: aja rakt basti more useful in thalasemia
or other blood loss..
Vd. Rahul Botadara: if anyone has prectial experience of aja
rakt basti so please share hear
Dr. Sachinkumar Jinture: Plz if possible Descripation of Mamsa
dhatu From Sharir to Chikitsa .....normal abnormal in both condition as well as
its updhatu too..
end of comments from group 3 ------------------------
Compilation courtesy: Vd.
Kinshuk Hirpara
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