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Next topic for discussion: #Ayurvedic management of Daha (Burning sensation) of any origin - in any system.
Dr. Sushant Patil:
Koshth Gat Pitta get Prakopavastha due to wrong diet and Vihara and Vaat Spread it in Shakhas.
Vd. Manhar Prajapati:
Dah is basic symptom of aggravating pitta so any ahar Vihar which specify pita
it works...
घृतंपितानीलहरं ।
Dr. Supratim Bir:
Prakupita Pittasya symptom daha raga
So kasaya tikta madhur ahar, mahatatiktaka ghrita/
dhatri lauha/kamdudha/sutasekhar rash, avipattikar curna or swadist virechan as
nitya virechan.
Vd. Manhar Prajapati:
Hastpadtal dah is associated with prameh so it should ruled out....
Daha can be associated with different shrotas (e.g. Burning in urine or burning
in feces or burning in abdomen - koshtha), it can also be associated with
particular organ (eg burning in eye, burning in nose or burning in skin) and it
can also be connected with other Patho-physiology (e.g. Neuropathy or Diabetic
neuropathy) etc. so we want to discuss here all kinds of Daha.
USA Irene CCA:
Pitajja, amlapitta pitta in rasa dhatu
from annavaha srota (amasaya).
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana:
Daha mainly by two doshas :-
Pitta vrudhdhi (
Kapha Kshaya (
Dr. Dayanand Bothre:
Shat dhaut ghrut is best locally applied medicine for twak dah due to burn.
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: In
sushruta samhita different types of Daha described in uttartantra ch.47
Madhavnidan also described
7types of Daha
1.Madhayaj Daha
2.Raktaja Daha
3.Pittaj Daha
4.Trushnanirodhaja Daha
5. Raktpurnakoshthaja Daha
6. Dhatukshyaja Daha
7. Marmaabhighataja Daha
Exi Kir Moo:
Very spicy & oily food, specifically in dinner causes 'Daha' in stomach and
urinary track.
Vd. Khyati Jariwala:
Cow's milk is miracle as medicine in DAAH. One should stay only on cow's milk
for atleast 15 days... N than on items of cow milk like dudhpaak,dudh poha,etc.
N gradually routine meal have to b started.
Lets discuss one by one different kind of Daha as described by Dr. Dhruti.
Dr. Bhadresh Naik:
Raktamoxan is advised for burning with throbbing pain. Pitta avrut vat. Manas
dah is one of the dd.
Dr. Uday H. Hanagal:
When person following Pittakara ahara, vihara, achara, vichara( Vriddhi Samanaihi
sarvesham 14th shloka A.H.Sutrasthana 1st cha ) that time Pitta vriddhi
happens, A.H.Sutrasthana, 11th cha. Doshadi Vijnyaneeya adhyaya, 7th shloka
Peeta vinmutra netra tvak kshuttrut daha alpa nidrata pittam. Here daha is one
of the lakshana of Pitta vriddhi.
Viparetai viparyaha A.H.Sutrasthana 1st cha
Ayushkameya adhyaya 14th shloka, Viparetaguna(Viruddha) of pittavriddhi ahara,
vihara, achara, vichara explained by Vagbhata very beautifully in 13th cha
Doshopakramaneya adhyaya A.H.Sutrasthana,
4th to 9th shloka, Pittasya sarpishaha panam------------sarpivirekascha
V isheshataha.
In Kamala, Visarpa, Jvara Pittaja hrudrog,
Raktapittadi (Pittapradhana vyadhi) Daha is one of the main lakshana.
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana:
Features of Daha:-
1. Pittaja Daha:
All the features are similar to Pittaja Fever; Mouth
ulcer, headache, burning sensation in chest, eyes and face. The measures
prescribed for Pittaja fever are adopted here.
2.Madyaja Daha:
Madya means alcohol. Excessive consumption of
alcohol provoke Pitta due to warm and penetrative qualities (Ushna and Teekshna
guna of Madya).As a result, Rasa and Rakta dhatus (nutritional juice and blood)
dry up. When this enters the related organs like stomach, liver, spleen etc, it
causes burning sensation in chest and stomach.This is also managed similar to
3.Raktaja Daha:
Hot –spicy and penetrative food and beverages
aggravate Rakta Dhatu (blood) and in turn burning and reddish discoloration is
caused in the dependent body parts like eyes, tongue, axilla and chest. Severe
thirst, coppery complexion, redness of the eyes are the other characteristic
features. Metallic smell is felt in the body as well as mouth.This is managed
by cooling therapies.
4.Trishna nirodhaja daha (burning due tosuppression
of thirst):
Constant suppression of thirst aggravates Pitta and
in turn it dehydrates the tissues.Thus it causes burning sensation internally
and externally, debility, dryness of the throat, palate, lips and tongue,
trembling etc.This is treated by cold infusions and coolant food and drinks.
5.Shastra Praharaja Daha (burning due to injury or
effusion of blood in visceral organs):
It produces features described as in the condition
of fresh wound.It is managed by the remedies prescribed under the heading of
acute ulcers.
6.Kshayaja Daha (burning due to emaciation):
Emaciation of the tissue brings about severe burning
sensation accompanying with dryness, thirst, feeble voice, retarded activities
etc.It is managed by Rakta and Pitta pacifying measures.
7.Kshataja andMarmaabhighataja Daha (burning due to
injury to vital area):
When a person is inured and vital organs are
affected, ingested food gets mixed with blood (in vital organs)or is
accompanied by various agonies and hence internal burning is caused.
Unconsciousness, severe thirst and fever are the characteristic features ofthis
condition.Such a condition is managed by all pitta pacifying measures and with
pleasant atmosphere which cools both body and mind.
Can all types of Daha be treated with pitta pacifying food or herbs?
Dr. Bhadresh Naik:
No; Neurological burning pain,Dm releted burning pain, Herpes zoster pain, Psychological
burning pain
We have to consider different line of treatment.
Pitta pradhan - Vayu or cough second - Rakta third..According
to dosh pradhanta manage the life of treatment
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani:
No, sometimes normal pitta is dragged by Vata to any place and cause Daha, in
this case, Vata nashaka treatment should be done as pitta is normal condition,
its called Aashayapkarsha.
Dr. Uday H. Hanagal: If
only dosha vruddhi, prakopaavastha is there doshapratyayanika chikitsa is helpful, When Samprapti of vyadhi
is completed that time Vyadhipratyanika chikitsa is helpful explained in
Vd. Sachin Kadlag:
Haritakyadi kwatha
Ingredients :- haritaki, duralabha (dhamasa) , krutamalaka
(aaragwadha) , gokshur, pashanbheda
Anupana :- madhu
Indications :- sadhaha , sashula , savibandha
mutrakruccha that is burning, painful,
and obstructed micturition.
Reference : Sharangdhar samhita madhyamakhanda
adhyaya 2
Gokshur with yashti with goghruta as anupaan also
very useful in sadaha mutrapravartana.
In gastrointestinal system , for daha , from mouth
to anus , yashti is best medicine.
Pravalpanchamruta is useful in daha which is
associated with urdhwaga amlapitta.
While kamdudha gives results in daha , associated
with adhoga amlapitta.
In rajayakshma chikitsa , charak has mentioned
Vasaghruta and shatavari ghruta for hastadaha padadaha and angadaha specially
when associated with jwara , urdhwaga raktapitta . So in dhatukshaya janya both anuloma and pratiloma ) samprapti which
results in such kind of daha, this 2
ghrutas will be useful.
For daha associated with jwara , sahastradhauta
ghruta or chandanadya taila for abhyanga is useful.
kanji, milk, curd,
ghee, water , different kinds of shita (cool) parisheka,
and avagaha are useful.
In daha which is originated in upper and middle gastrointestinal intestinal
system due to ajeerna (indigestion mainly vidagdha-ajeerna) , virechan , vaman
, followed by tiktak ghruta , dadima
must be used.
Vd. Hardik bhatt, Idar: Chandraprabha
vati and chandrakala ras are good for daha
Bunty Gandhi:
Balaguluchyadi Kwath is good for burning pain like neuropathy.
Padmak is also good in pitta conditions associated
with increased kapha.. padmakashtha can be used in Gastritis, burning sensation
in eyes, neuropathy ..
Dr. Sushant Patil:
Kavachbij is laso dicribed as pittagna in Charak
What abt neurological Daha? Can we use kauncha (mucuna pruriens)?
Dr. J. T. Contractor:
Neurological inflammatory cure best by seeds of malkangni.
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani:
Dhamaso is also good in Daha caused by neurological problems.
Dr. Bhadresh Naik:
Nirgundi, Parijata, Guduchi Patra svaras indicated in neurologic disorder.
Along with vatgankushras in vat and kaf related to
neurologic pain according to yogratnakar.
Vd. Khyati Jariwala: I
think in neurological daah...have to concentrate more on vaat dosh...
Have to do....vaat naashak treatment. Neurological
daah seen in diabetic neuropathy commonly.
Dr. Bhadresh Naik:
It's absolutely interesting. We have to understand the physiology or nerve.
Because mylian sheet – Axon – Neuron.
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari:
Neurological daah...i think is always associated with majjadhatukshyjanya .. so
rasayan..esp. Aamalaki, and Ghrut. panchtikta ghrut guggul.
Croatia Branko Markovic:
To what extend can we use shatavari in daha?
Anand Javeri:
What happens in neurological dah?
Shri Minoo parabia:
Irritation of nerves result in discomfort, pain, itching, burning sensation. Vat/pitta
shaman should be fine. Aswagandha, brahmi, nagarvel helps. Application of
natural vinegar could be tried.
Vd. Sandeep J. Prasad:
100 time washed go ghrit.has extra benifit in burning sensation
Vd. Vipul Patil:
One anubhut yog - Dalada ghee + gairik ( geru). This cream is very useful in my
practice. Any kind of daha. Skin problem,any local region daha.
Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay:
Combination of
pittapapada usheer Chandan and udichya.
Unfortunately udichya has gone into endangered
NB one should use real chandan.
Dr. Bhavesh modha:
Compiled By : Dr. Dhruti Kagrana
Raktamokshan is the best tt for dah.Satdhauta ghrit is useful for local application in dah.kali mati is useful as lep.