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Next topic for discussion: Understanding of Duodenitis and its management approach with
Can we consider this condition as 'Grahani'? Duodenitis most common symptoms
are vomit, nausea, discomfort in abdomen and many times gas trouble. That makes little difficult to interpret as
'Grahani'. Grahani disease is correlated with Irritable bowel syndrome, sprue, malabsorption syndrome. That makes
this debate open for its understanding in #ayurvedic view point.
Dr. Pramod Nakarde:
Pittaj grahani???
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Grahani defines a diseased condition, in which the integrity and the function
of the small intestine (known as grahani in Sanskrit) is compromised. Grahani
is the principal seat of agni… the digesrive fire. Normally, grahani holds up
the meals, until it is digested and releases it from the site only, after
digestion is over. But when the function of grahani is compromised due to
weakness in the digestive fire, it releases the ingested material even in
undigested conditions.
Vata grahani (Malabsorption caused by vitiation of the
biological air): In vata grahani, constipation is the predominant symptom.
Pitta grahani (Malabsorption caused by vitiation of
the biological fire): In pitta grahani, diarrhea is the predominant symptom.
Kapha grahani (Malabsorption caused by vitiation of
the biological water): In kapha grahani, dysentery is the predominant symptom.
Tridosha grahani: In this case, all the three
biological humours are involved.
Other texts have mentioned two varieties of grahani
accrual (samgraha grahani) (accrual malabsorption) and an incurable type called
ghatiyanthra grahani (tympanitis predominant malabsorption). This has been
described as sangrahini.
Dr. Piyush Dodiwadiya:
I think grahni now a days consider as ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel
syndrome. Sprue is very unlikely. In My 9 year carrier in ICU and allopathy
hospital, I never seen patient diagnosed as a sprue.
GRAHANI SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: Abdominal pain, Anaemia, Dehydration, Depression,
Diarrhoea with fatty stools, Lethargy, Loss of weight
Dr. Piyush Dodiwadiya:
Deodinitis can be taken as parinam shool
So this became more interesting to understand Duodinitis....???
Dr. Mrugeshkumar Patel:
Deodenal ulcer become deodenitis then become structure of duodenum then reqar
Dr. Sushant Patil:
A disorder characterized by abnormally increased motility of the small and
large intestines, producing abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea, is also
known as irritable colon, spastic colon, or mucous colitis. We can say and
compare about Grahan like this. Ayurveda characterizes the disease by the
passage of stools alternated with constipation or diarrhea and with undigested
food particles. This disease is also associated with thirst, distaste,
blackouts, pedal edema, pain in the bone, fever, and vomiting. It is a motility
disorder involving the entire GI tract, causing recurring upper and lower GI
symptoms, including variable degrees of abdominal pain, constipation and
diarrhea, and abdominal bloating.
IBS is also associated with non gastrointestinal
conditions such as headache, low back pain, arthritis, non cardiac chest pain,
difficult urination, and fibromyalgia.
our question for today is how to interpret Duodenitis ? and its management
according to Ayurveda. Until we have clearity in mind for any health condition,
how can we suggest any management?
Vd. Pritam Bharat Veer:
Duodenitis according to AYURVEDIC point of view is just about pitta prakop
along with vat which may show symptoms like shul , daah , rag of internal
lining of duodenum which we can corelate with Parinaam shul also. Treatment
given according to me us pittashamak like avipattikar , dhatri , duralabha ,
kamdudha , praval etc.
Usually 'itis' means inflammation or Duodenitis means
inflammation of duodenum? Can we consider as Grahani shoth? But the first
question is Duodenum = Grahani?
Shri Minoo parabia:
Mostly it is triggered either by some infection , crohn's or by aspirin like
medicine or by bile reflux. My experience is , freshly dicocted Panchvalka
kadha + pittashamak, cures the problem. Helicobacter pylori is the culprit in
most of the cases.
Dr Jayesh Patel:
Yes we consider duodenum as grahani.......
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana:
Our Aacharya consider grahni also as Agni. So grahni is not only duodenum. But
we also include liver, gallbladder, pancreas etc in the world Grahni.
That may be true. Our main objective is to understand deodinitis, not Grahani.
Duodenum is clearly defined in modern science. Plus inflammation of
Duodenum is deodinitis. But the symptoms arise in that condition are completely
different then Grahani. That's main objective of this discussion. Thnx
Dr. Sushant Patil:
I have a doubt that How can we compare A modern terminology in Ayurved Text.
See We don't have name for many diseases in our old text separately. We can
give medicine on Dosh samuchhyaya and sthana of Dosh. It's wrong if we diagnose
as per modern terminology and think to give as per Ayurved aspect.
Thank you for this note. That is exactly the idea is, Main objective is to
understand Duodenitis. We do not want to label it in ayurveda ways. Also we do
not want to mix up with our terminology. I do agree that we are capable of offering
asymptomatic treatment for this. Many choices are with us to control symptoms
such as vomit, nausea, discomfort in abdomen and many times gas trouble.
(Lakshnik chikitsa). But the question
still stands remain there, Understanding
the pathology / etiology of such symptoms which can lead us to stop recurring
Vd. Jayesh Thakkar:
Yes agree with above. Have found Praval panchamrit, Punarnavadi mandoor,
Manibhadra lehyam helpful in such condition.
Dr. Dayanand Bothre:
Since grahani is chronic condition where dominantly pitta dosh vitiated and
intenstine also gets weak ( abalatwa) hence after dipan pachan of aam by
aampachak vati we use ghrut for vitiated pitta and to strengthen the intenstine
and for healing also
In ashtang hrudya there is shatavari ghrut which is
find better
Compiled by: Vd. Dhruti Kagrana
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