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Next topic for discussion: Pandu (anemia or low HB %??) #Ayurvedic
Dr. Daisy
Kanabar: Sptamrita
Vasupradha R:
Vasaguduchyadi kashayam
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Dr. Hemal
Abhishek Bhatt: Tapyadi loha
with avipattikar churna for garavishajanya pandu.
Dr. Vasupradha R: For Garbhini Pandu?
Dr. Hemal
Abhishek Bhatt: Garaviahajanya
means viruddhahara janya
Dr. Vasupradha R: Treatment for Garbhini Pandu?
Vd. Divyakumari
solanki: Punarnava mandur, Phaltrikadi
ghanvati, Navayas lauha
Shantanandkumar: For Garbini
Dr. Hiral Khakhar
: Habit of eating soil in children is
also one of the reason.
Dr Mario Herrera: Does any of these medicines produce
constipation as secondary effect?
Dr. Hemal
Abhishek Bhatt: It is iron which
causes constipation
Dr. Hiral Khakhar: How's the result of prickly pear juice?
Ayulink: for anemia? Never heard.
Dr. Hiral
Khakhar: Yes..Hathla Thor Na findla..
Dr. Piyush
Dodiwadiya: Anemia is very
big topic. We should understand the pathology first and try to co relate with Ayurveda.
First we should diagnosed that type of anemia. Usually I observe in our
hospital below listed anemia 1. iron
deficiency 2. Megaloblastic (b12-folic acid deficiency) 3.mix... iron and
megaloblastic i.e nutritional anaemia 4. Anaemia due to blood loss, usually due
to menorrhagia or piles or trauma. 5. Drug induced 6. Some viral infections 7. Bone marrow
suppression 8. Haemolytic anaemia
Mostly patient will from above types :
Primary workup needed.Then plan for treatment.
Dr. Daisy
Kanabar: Yes sir it gives very good result...
Vd. Manhar
Prajapati: Mostly ahar vihar
ni aniyamitata, excessive intake of food hb saru thay aem vichari fruit dry
fruit food milk lidha kare so main ras dhatu dusti na lidhe rakt dhatu joie
atla praman ma thatu nathi. Female ma exceessive mc also cause for anemic
Dr. Piyush Dodiwadiya: Common blood
test, CBC, Peripheral smear, S.iron, TIBC, UIBC, Transferin, Feritine, LDH, Bone
marrow, Retic count.
Branko Markovic: How accurate can we determine by sparshana
and darshana lack of haemoglobin and iron? And what means do you use to check
it? I check paleness of: inner part of the lower eyelid, nails, tongue, skin.
Nadi correlated to spleen and liver deficiency via ranjaka pitta.
Dr. Vishva Joshi: Also puffiness, Edema, C/o low grade fever, Malaise,
Vd. Dhruti
Kagrana: Our Aacharya mentioned that If pandu
patient follow pittaj diet then it convert to kamla(jaundice). Means jaundice
patient firstly suffer with Pandu(Anemia)
then it convert kamla. Anyone observed this?
In Pandu we seen the all symptoms of
kshya of Rakta dhatu, Mamsa dhatu and oja and also dushti of sadhak pitta.
Vd. Pritam Bharat
Veer: Pandu and Anaemia are two different
concepts if we are thinking about Ayurveda point of view , pandu is ras rakt
dushti , pitta prakopak vyadhi. In pandu we see pitta prakop symptoms. Symptoms
:: Shwet warn of nail , eyes, face, Dourballya
, raskhayjanya lakshna like Hrutspand , hrutshul , bhay. To treat pandu just
give ras and rakt paachan along with symptomatic treatment , hrudya aushadhi
like dadimavleh.
Dr. Piyush
Dodiwadiya: Pandu can leads
to kamla. But not always
Ayulink: Interesting observation
Dr. Piyush
Dodiwadiya: Now a days it is
said that absorption of iron will increase with vitamin c. So in our ayurvedic
iron preparation acharyas use aml dravy bhavna
Dr. Piyush
Dodiwadiya: Can anyone
noticed that in case of jaundice where liver is compromised, and if we give
loha preparation then may lead to complications?
USA Gary Yuen: That is true. I think the study of increased
iron absorption was done by an Indian and used foods such as amchur powder.
Garlic and onions are supposed to also help. Capsicum is also high in vitamin C
and likely also works.
Shri Minoo
parabia: But Ayurveda knew this. Saptamrit has Trifala.
Not only has that FeSO4, iron source caused severe constipation making pregnant
lady victim of piles, so trifala.
Dr. Bhavesh Modh:
शोणितवहानां स्त्रोतसां यकृन्मूलं प्लीहा च । ( च वि अ 5 )
रस + रक्तधात्वाग्नि = रक्तउपादन धातु (= Produce
रक्तउपादन धातु + रंजकपित्त = रकत ( संपूर्ण रकत )
According to ayu. In anemia
(पांडु) first of all
given medicated Ghee ...
After विरेचन ( purification process
of पाचक पित्त & पित्तवह स्त्रोतस )Than given आंवला ( phyllanthus emblica) which is best
sorce of vitamins C with naturally iron. Recommended with Protin rich Diet
Dr. Ujwala Said:
USA Ami Keyur shah: Great topic..Would love to learn more about
this..chronic anaemia and chronic constipation....and always low do you
handle?? Even with healthy lifestyle..Yoga and meditation. HB is 10-12 ..most
of the time..Specially Ferritin is very low so iron binding capacity is very
high.feeling tired and irritated. Cannot handle iron supplement because it messes
up the bowel movement.
Shail H. Bhavsar: What is the cause of sickle cell anemia??
Dr. Bhavini Raja: Which med is useful for anemia due to
menorrhagia? All common medicines or is there any specific?
Dr. Supratim Bir: Most of the time menorrhagia is associated
with dismenorrhoea. The contributing dosha is Vata mainly along with pitta n
kafa respectively. In such a case snigdha virechan do control both pain and
Dr. Supratim Bir: Pradarantak lauha & Gynemforte - a combo
of multiple pradar rogadhikar med work good in my experience.
Dr. Ravi Goyal: Sir pandu is all about
ras chay its different from anaemia. Anemia and pandu rog are 2 different things
Vd. Dhruti
Kagrana: Yes, Pandu is not anemia. But we
involved anemia in Pandu.
Dr. Ravi Goyal: I have seen many pandu rogi whose HB lv is
Dr. Sharmila
Kulkarni: In aspect of
treatment is considering symptoms of Adhog Raktapitta I give
Nagkeshar n Lodhra aong with Pravalpiahti
22864: I found many patients, whose Hb were normal.
Anaemia is totally different from pandu. Pandu is rasa kshaya and anaemia is
rakta alpata. We can say that every low Hb we can consider as pandu but in
pandu it is not necessary that there will be low Hb.
Dr. Ravi Goyal: Erectly pandu or anemia dono ka treatment
alag h
Vd. Pritam Bharat
Veer: I don't think so In AYURVEDIC
preparations we Add amla vargiy dravyas bcz they are hrudya means good for
heart and sadhak pitta's sthan. So to correct sadhak pitta amla gun is added. Don’t
get confused with allopathy concepts if we are discussing AYURVEDIC views.
22864: In many texts Hridya means palatable. In
treatment also, many combination for rakta alpata we use amla drvya, like
amaalaki rasayan. It is best for rakta alpata.
Dr. Sharmila
Kulkarni: Acharya mentioned
...Amleshishirpreeti in Raktkshaya lakshana. And now it is proven that Vitamin
C in needed for the absorption of iron in he system. I think this is the
correlation between Raktakshaya n Vitamin C
Compiled by: Vd. Dhruti Kagrana
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