Thursday, March 15, 2018

Ksharkarma in Ayurveda

Views shared by several Ayurveda professionals and non-Ayurveda people in discussion group:
All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.
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Next topic for discussion: Ksharkarma in Ayurveda
Ayulink: Besides kshar-sutra, where can I read or know more about Kshar karma? Any ref of it in any treatment?
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Pratisaarniy and Paniy kshar.1st 1 externl.2nd one internal
Ayulink: Yes. In theory we read this. But in practice? Only Kshar sutra is popular. Kshar as internal medicine? Narikel Lavan? apamarg Kshar? But what about Kshar karma? As an external application? Only kshar-sutra?

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Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Warts,  polyps, external skin tags pedunculated, which hv base to hold the knot of kshar thread
Dr. Maheshbhai Maysore: Kshara lepa for internal haemorroids. First to sec degree
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: tvagaarsh too, with ksharsutra. excellent results with no scars. must b sufficiently large and with  a base to hold the knot properly in place
Ayulink: Must go back to Sushrut Samhita to find more. There must be lot more applications - not only Kshar sutra that I believe. In the text it is described as Kshar karma and Agni karma. It must be more than kshar-sutra as they have mentioned the word `karma` with it. Alkaline cautery is the concept.
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: yes. Kshar karma local application also internal use.
Dr. P S. Desai: Kshar Sutra is one of the external kshar preparation. In Samhita there are many reffences for internal use of kshar. In Shalya we are using pratisharniy kshar means paste like kshar for various conditions
Ayulink: Please give more details of that paste application.
Dr. P S. Desai:We are using in internal piles, Pilonidal sinus, Non healing ulcers.I have used kshar varti in pilonidal sinus along with excision of tract
Dr. Amrish A Shah: Good Results but Vd not Prefer because long Time Treatment
Dr. P S. Desai: It will give better result with no recurance of disease.In skin warts also if patient not ready for Elctro cauterization I use pratisharniy kshar
Dr. Devesh Kumar: Which kshara sir apamarga or else??
Dr. P S. Desai: Mridu kshar
Ayulink: Kshar karma = is it only cautery or else? Does it have any other action - reaction or mode of actions?
Dr. P S. Desai: Kshar means Phyto chemical Cauterisation. It necrosis the tissue by its highly alkaline property
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Kshar Lekhaniya.
Dr. P S. Desai: As standard kshar have pH around 10-12
Ayulink: Does it improve blood circulation or it reduced inflammation?
Dr. Amrish A Shah: Ksharsutra is best Teatment in Piles 
Dr. P S. Desai: For pratisharniy kshar as it first Co agulate the blood at local site and causes cell death
Then slough formation
Healthy wound formation
Dr. P S. Desai: This mode of action we use in tonsil and piles. To reduce the venous engorgemnet locally
Dr. Amrish A Shah: 3rd 4th degree piles only
Dr. Sahaj Shah: 4th degree haemorrhoids??
Canada Nitin Shah: Paaniya kshara which is used in aqueous form for internal usage. There are many indications in the original texts but hardly used in daily practise now a days except apamarga and forgot the name but which has chemical structure is NaHCO3.External application of kshar or ksharasutra does coagulative necrosis of the tissue.
Vd. Jignesh Thakkar: We have frequent use of paniya kshar previously it was kept in the form of liquid nowadays so many medicines contains kshar like
1) shivakshar pachan churna(carminative and digestive)
2) shankh vati(carminative and digestive)
3) kshar Parpati( diuretic and anti caliculi)
In panchkarma kshar is used as
1)kshar basti
2) vaitaran basti
Kshar is used in apamarg  kshar tailam in ear disorders
Dr. V B. Maheshwari: Kshara sutra best in external growth like warts, piles etc. It does necrosis with healing also.
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: I have find kshar karma Ch. in shushruta Samhita and astang hridaya.Any reference for uses of kshara in charaka Samhita?
Dr. P S. Desai: Charak mentioned paniy kshar in Gulm chikitsa  And in fistula in Ano as a Ksharsutra in Shoth chepter
Dr. Navneeth Krishnan: Yava kshara is used in many prepration like indukanta kashaya, indukantha ghrta,guggulu tiktakam, kankayana vati etc
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Yavkshar best for intetnal. mutrakruchha esp with  burning.  Yavkshar with Takra along with just a pinch of trikatu. or without it. best alkaliser of urine where pH needs to b maintained.A H
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Effect of kshara  may related to factors including
* pH of the kshara
* Concentration of the drug
*Length of the contact time
* Volume of the off ending agent
* Physical form of the drug
Dr. P S. Desai: Exactly
Dr. Shantanandkumar: Kshara if mixed with Amla dravya like takra it not work because Amla dravya reduces it's properties
Aman patel:  26 types of kshara are mentioned in charak samhita. However description of individual kshara are not found except yavakshara. Yavakshara is useful in the treatment of hrdroga,pandu,grahani,pliha,kasa,kaphaja arsa. Different types of kshara mentioned in charak samhita are lavana. Based on the similarity in the appearance,smell,taste and touch of urine a subcategory of pittaja prameha has named as kshara meha.
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Takra though Amla taste on tongue, Vipak is not acidic. Ashtang Hruday Mutrakruchha chikitsa its listed Yavkshar with Takra. Charak Viman sthan 4th adhyay 15th shlok. Kshar Lavan Pippali. never to be used regularly. Lavan n kshar different based on end product after digestion, Vipaak. Lavan mostly Amla, Kshar mostly  Katu.
 à¤µिमानस्थानम् - à¥§. रसविमानम्
अथ à¤–लु à¤¤्रीणि à¤¦्रव्याणि à¤¨ात्युपयुञ्जीताधिकमन्येभ्यो à¤¦्रव्येभ्यःतद्यथा-पिप्पलीक्षारःलवणमिति||१५|| à¤†à¤¯ुर्वेददीपिका व्याख्या (चक्रपाणिदत्त कृत)
अभ्यस्यद्रव्यंप्रभावोदाहरणार्थमभिधायानभ्यस्यानाहअथेत्यादिअधिकमन्येभ्य à¤‡à¤¤िवचनादन्यदपिचित्रकभल्लातकाद्येवञ्जातीयंनात्युपयोक्तव्यंपिप्पल्यादिद्रव्यंत्वन्येभ्योऽप्यधिकमत्युपयोगे à¤µà¤°्जनीयमितिदर्शयति||१५|| 
Compiled by - Dr. Dhruti Kagrana

Amla rasa (sour taste) - it's uses in the management of health # According to Ayurveda

Views shared by several Ayurveda professionals and non-Ayurveda people in discussion group:
All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.
(Any ayurveda or medical doctor, If you like this activity, and wants to be a part of this chat discussion on whatsapp, please send in your request by email to Thank you.)
Next topic for discussion: Amla rasa (sour taste ) - it's uses in the management of health # According to Ayurveda
Vd.Piyush Dodiwadiya: Amla ras- Contains vit C. Its a good wound healer. In gujrat its myth that during taking of any medicine one should not take amlaras because of reaction But not always, other than skin disease and in case of wound I purposely advise please take amla ras with medicine, take butter milk lemon water etc.
Ayulink: Can u elaborate guna- karma of amla rasa ?
Dr Anshul Bahl: Guna – Hot , Light  and unctuous. Karma– Clearance of oral cavity, tingling sensation of teeth & blinking of eyes.

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Dr. Piyush Dodiwadiya: One more thing I want to add that in amla ras media the absorption of iron will increase, so in our iron preparations there will be BHAVNA of any amlaras dravyas.
Ayulink: Does amla rasa has any role for immunity or longevity?
Gary Yuen: Sour seems to be a component of some of the better foods such as amla pomegranate and mango though unsure.Frequent use of sour such as tamarind in the south, would that be considered excess amlarasa? Has anyone noticed symptoms among some that use sour often?
Gary Yuen: Caraka Vi 8.140 lists amlarasa herbs. In what cases are one preferred over another?
Dr. Satish Panda: Most commercial “ amala ki juice” format uses preservatives like Sodium Benzoate . If you google Sodium Benzoate with Vitamin C creates “Benzene” which is a carcinogen. I would suggest go for fresh fruit in the season or go to pure powder when Amla not in season.
Gary Yuen: Amalaki has other tastes so i think it might not have much therapeutic value as amlarasa.
Ayulink: Is it true that Charaka has mentioned all taste in a specific sequence? like Sweet, sour, salt, punget, bitter and astringent?
Does it mean any specific thing? One scholar interprets this as the sequence of the food / taste to eat. He meant that we should eat first sweet taste, then sour, then salt and astringent in last (like kattha, bittle-nut  or lime in bettle leaves).  Is it so?
Dr. V B. Maheshwari: In our texts the sequence matters a lot. Not only Aarachya Charak but everyone follow the same sequence, bcoz if anyone follow this then his uttarottar dhatu will be at its finest form. But if we are talking abut diseased person then this sequence will change according to his/her dosha utklesh. That's why in olden days, people used to take paan, supari in last.
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: yes, there is not only this reason. there is another also यथापूर्वंबलावहम् ।।Madhur rasa  is most capable of providing बल  while astringent is least capable for providing बल. For intake of food  sequence is in beginning Sweet , in middle  sour and salt , in later half spicy , bitter and astringent. amla rasa dravya are commonly pittakar exception is dadima ( pomegranate) and aamalaki. in my opinion all exceptional dravyas are  best working medicines in their groups like amruta , patola in tikta rasa, like pippali , vishwa  i katu rasa, like saindhav in lawana rasa , like haritaki in kashaya rasa.
Vd. Gurumahantesh: And based on guru laghu guna also
Dr. Vasupradha R: Yes , indeed. In a feast or any ordinary meal That's y fruits are served first Then payasam / any sweet Madhuram Then all vegetables Then Sambhar  Amlam Then Rasam   Lavanam n lil Amlam, Some salads with bitter items   Thiktham Then buttermilk/curd rice with on without pickles. katu n Kashayam Ending with Tambula sevanam
Ayulink: Another group of scholars believe that this particularly sequence is indicating the amount of food . Means sweet in large portion then little less sour, less salt and so on. Kashay - bitter should be nominal or very less. And on deep thinking this is also seems ok. If bitter and astringent taken in high dose, it will denourish body and vata will be increased,. Sweet is nourishing and needed for all dhatu development. : In this context sour taste comes second in food sequence. Means we can't or we shouldn't take sour food or diet on empty stomach. When we plan our food or diet, it should come second course of meal. And it should not be main meal or large meal. It should be always lesser then sweet. That means only eating sour fruits or tomato soup or drinking lemon juice are not considered good. Is it so?
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Paarthiv Jaliya Agney Vayviy and Akashiya in that order predominant mahabhutas producing Madhur Amla Lavan Katu Tikta Kashay. 2 successive Mahabhutas  each in every Ras. Doshavastha swabhavik, Kaph pitta vaat, madhur a l k t k, Digestive process too like wise. Kapha 1st vaat may be  for maximising synergistic effect..this order is mentioned.
Dr. Jyoti Ashok: Adhik amla is one of the nidhan for prameha, vatarakta etc which is v. common now a days. For daily consumption of amla dadima & amalaki is advised.(not tamarind, nimbu or tomato).
Gary Yuen: Great observation. Indeed it seems dadima is better for daily use than tamarind or amchur. Tomato, along with capsicum and chili, I think became frequently used since red foods containing lycopene seem to be the best skin protectant against sun damage.
Dr. Renu Agarwal: Excessive use of amla ras leads to greying of hair
Dr. Vasupradha R: Amla rasam is hrudyam
Dr Mahjabeen: Amla used in Digestive disorders: Dyspepsia, gastritis, hyperacidity, constipation,  colitis, diarrhea dysentery, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and gastric ulcer. Gastroprotective activity Mehrotra et al.reported a novel property of ethanolic extract of Emblica officinalis (amla)  fruit pulp in inhibiting the growth of Helicobacter pylori in-vitro, and recommended it
suitable for a therapeutic use against H. pylori infection and gastric ulcer. Hypolipidemic effect Gopa , Bhatt and Hemavathi evaluated the efficacy of Amla in patients with type II hyperlipidemia and compare its hypolipidemic effects with those of simvastatin. Amla produced significant hypolipidemic effect along with a reduction in blood pressure.
Croatia Branko Markovic: Use of Vrikshamla in cooking is also very good option as it is even having some heat resistant qualities. Amalaki and Dadima don’t..
Dr. Amrish A Shah: Gastroparosis Good Result
Dr. Siva Kumar: Bt we use cincha in vastis even
Ayulink: chincha = tamarind, is good for Vaitarani basti which is useful in Rheumatism
Shail H. Bhavsar: Dadima is amla and it is grahi
Dr. Pritam Veer: Amla ras mainly hrudya dipan . Pitta vardhak .  Dadim is good for health . Which does not increase pitta. Madifal Rasayan is the medicines which contains  amla ras dravyas. Which I give for dipan and paachan. Got very good results of madifal.Also I usually tell my pt to prepare Dadimavleh in season.
Ayulink: In ancient literature there is no ref of sugar what we eat now a day. It was rock sugar mentioned everywhere. Jaggery is also advised in many formulas. Rock sugar or any sweet what we should consume must be having coolant property, Shit Guna. The sugar or any sweetener what we are using these days are acidic in pH, hence can't be shit or coolant. So even sweet is acidc, pitta increasing these days.
Dr. Vasupradha R: just need a clarification U mean शीत gunam Sir ?
Ayulink: Yes. Rock sugar or mishri must have shit Guna according to classical text books.
Croatia Branko Markovic: How good is to simply add lemon or lime to food?
Gary Yuen: I don't think it should be that bad. Excess of amlarasa I think would only occur in excess consumption of fruit alone. In food, one normally wouldn't add enough to matter otherwise it would taste too sour.Though amchur pomegranate or tamarind are also sweet so it cools be better.
Dr Mahjabeen: We use amla ras means juice for making hairs black long olden days saying Amla makes black if it fall on stone stone will also become black. I make oil out of the juice by boiling  with  other ingredients of triphala +bhringraj juice in coconut oil
Gary Yuen: Amlarasa is supposed to help with weight loss, reducing kapha and ama. Any experiences? Maybe eating less sweet fruits and more lemon grapefruit pomegranate and tamarind along with eating less works.
Dr. Vikas Sharma: Amla ras along with chandan powder use as sunblock lotion.
Mona Patel Naturopath: Functions of Amla rasa or sour taste: Amla rasa stimulates agni and is good for heart. It increases digestive actions and kindles appetite. The potency of this rasa is hot, hence increases body heat. Vata dosha gets normalized and traverses its normal path when amla rasa is consumed in required quantities. But its effect on other doshas is different. When this rasa is consumed in normal quantity it increases pitta , kapha andRakta (blood).
What happens when sour tasting foods are consumed in excess?
When sour foods or foods with amla rasa are consumed in excess, it vitiates pitta, kapha and rakta (blood).It drains the strength from tissues and causes giddiness.Giddiness can cause temporary loss of vision.Increased consumption of amla rasa can cause itching on skin and scalp.It causes outbreaks ofherpes. Swelling, small boils may appear on skinb surfaces. Increased thirst and body temperature are other symptoms which appear when sour foods are consumed in excess.
Dhruv Jani: Amla rasa do Prakopa of Pitta and Kapha Dosha and Shamana of Vata Dosha as It has Prithvi and Agni Mahabhuta dominance.
Saparsha: Generally Amla rasa aggravate Pitta, except Dadima – Pomegranate – Punica granatum and Amalaka (Indian gooseberry).
Dhruv Jani: Amla Rasa is Hridya. That is the reason most of the drugs of  Hrdya Dashemani of Charak Samhita are Amla Rasa dominance. I think it is true because in ancient time first of all take sweet ( Madhura Rasa)so that Dhatu pushti occurs. At the end of meal concept of Tambul sevan is given which has Kashay Ras dominance which cause Mukha Shuddhi
Compiled by - Dr. Dhruti Kagrana

Kshirpak kalpana and it's uses in Ayurveda.

Views shared by several Ayurveda professionals and non-Ayurveda people in discussion group:
All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.
(Any ayurveda or medical doctor, If you like this activity, and wants to be a part of this chat discussion on whatsapp, please send in your request by email to Thank you.)
Next topic for discussion: Kshirpak kalpana and it's uses in Ayurveda.
Ayulink: Can anyone explain abt kshirpak, and it's specific recipe
Dr. Jyoti Ashok: In vataja type of pain like whole body pain , shifting in nature, & people sitting in AC whole day & suffering from pain I advise lashuna kshirapaka.
5 globs of lashuna crushed boiled with equal quantity milk & water. Boiled till kshiravashesha & drink twice a day.  2) in dry cough I advise yashti kshrapaka( 1/2 tsp yashti churna boiled in milk & water)& drink by adding ghee to it.
I have got good results in both .
Dr Anzil Eramangalath: Lashuna ksheerapaka is having rapid effect in reduction off Cholesterol
Shail H. Bhavsar: I have seen some vaidyas giving arjun kshirpak basti in CP.

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Dr. Kalpesh Vani: Pippali or marich kshirpak in Hypothyroidism / shoth as srotoshodhan
 Dr Anzil Eramangalath: Sahasrayoga (typical kerala Ayurveda Book) have big description off Ksheerapaka for nine months off pregnancy time (for safe and healthy delivery)
 Vd. Avni Kaneria: In which type of conditions of hriday roga can give arjun ksheer pak
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Ashwagandha Shatavari Sunth  siddha Ksheerpak.
almost all patients  at Mittal IPD was given for psychological relaxation and deepan , balvardhan. etc.
Dr Anzil Eramangalath: Siddha ksheerapaka?
Dr. R Prathiban: Can anyone say about dosage and frequency for kshirapak?  Any contraindications? Lashuna + kshira isn't virudha combination?
Dr. Kalpesh Vani: Not viruddha as lashun lacks amla ras and hence it's shuddhi is in Takra
Dr. R Prathiban: It is virya viruddha combination. Lasuna kshirapaka is explained in gulma, in that specific condition of that disease this combination of lashuna and ksheera was necessary
Dr. Pritam Veer: Powder drug 1 Part Milk 8 Times drug Water 4 times milk sugar for taste
1.Take Milk and water in pan and boil it.
2. then add kalk( Paste) of powdered drug who's ksheerpak has to be made in above mixture of water and milk.
3. Boil whole mixture. 
4.  when only milk remains in mixture switch off the flame.
5. Allow to cool naturally.
6. Filter mixture and add sugar and administer.
My guru used to give Lashun Ksheerpak for Acute pain in Abdomen. Quick results. Dr. Maheshbhai Maysore: Also in Diseases where Kapha obstructing vata. Improves circulation very effectively
Dr. Pritam Veer: In ancient times also either people don't know science very well but our grandparents are used to give Lashun Ksheerpak for  Vaataj Kaas. Arjun ksheerpak can be used in cardiac disorder.yes Vaataj glum - Pain in Abdomen.
Vd. Gurumahantesh: But can anybody specify. Which cardiac disorder, Vataja, pittaja, kaphaja hrudroga
Dr. Pritam Veer: Antianginal (stable angina pectoris), Antiatherogenic, Anti-ischemic, Antioxidant, Cardioprotective, Hypolipidemic
Dr. R Prathiban: Veerya of ksheera is sita, veerya of lashuna is usna - it is virya viruddha, so only i posted the question of dosage and frequency of kshirapak
Dr Anzil Eramangalath: While we use Lashuna Ksheerapaka, we will Fry little quantity off lashuna with out oil...., And then we will prepare ksheerapaka
Dr. Pritam Veer: Lashun Panch Rasatmak without Amla Ras so no virudhha
Dr. R Prathiban: Sir virya viruddha is based on virya i.e. sita or usna not about rasa of dravya
Dr Anzil Eramangalath: Fry Lashuna in mriduvagni, and make it into paste. And make ksheerapaka
Dr. Pritam Veer: Lashun Ksheerpak I have prepared simply by adding half crushed garlic in milk.
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: yes. Aardrak ksheerpaak for deepan paachan
Croatia Branko Markovic: Could you write in more detail please?
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Kshirpaka  - where milk is media of extraction of active principles of the drug to extract water soluble and fat soluble contents.
In sharngdhara samhita mentioned: Kshiraavshesham tatpittam shulamamodbhavam jayet Means kshirpaka is helpful for Aama & Shula
Panchmulapakva kshir(Laghu panchmul)  - Useful in Jirna Jawar, Shwash, Kasa, Shirahshula, Parshwshula & Pinas.
Panchkola kshirpaka - Shita updrav chikitsa
Vd. Hardik bhatt, Idar: With lashun kshirpak one pt.'s CRP downs .....
Ayulink: Garlic and milk are viruddh as a basic rule. But there are exceptions. Lahsun kshirpak is a special recipe, it is not just mixing both dravya. A special recipe for specific purpose described in classical books and found very effective since hundreds of years. It is not considered as Viruddh - incompatible. I would like to know more about marichi kshirpak. Shatavari kshirpak is good galactogauge - increase milk production during breast feeding. This is very commonly prescribed by ayurvedic gynecologist.
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Similarly I use ksheerpaak of Shatavari Ananta Amruta combination  mainly in jirna jwara avastha (after 21 days ) where pitta vata are still dominated with dhatukshaya , daurbalya condition.
Dr. Navneeth Krishnan: Is ksheera paak and ksheera kashaya the same thing??
Dr. Pritam Veer: Can understand Amruta for Jirn jwar but what about Shatavari ananta why? Can you explain Also tell me dose and duration of Ksheerpak
Dr. Ravibhusan S Sonawale: In hriday gat vat asnshumati siddha kshirpak ..
Dr. Vishva Joshi: For chronic low grade fever our guru k.v.nath given ti one pt who had low grade fever since 1 month or more severe weakness and wt adv to take black mari kshirpak two times a day and no other think he was taking. after that gradually intake started and pt fever goes away,
31503: For IUGR treatment Shatavari n Ashwagandha siddha kshirpak
 Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Shatavari is bruhan , guru , so this question comes in mind but it also has tikta rasa , vatapittaghnata , and gives bala which is required after jirna jwara. ananta is also jwaraghna ( one of the content in raktapachak that is satat jwara kwatha charak chikitsa 3/ 198-199)  all I use samapramana for 80 ml of milk 80 ml water and each amruta ananta shatavari churna each in range of minimum  2.5 gm to 5  gm as per desired.. boil it till milk remains filter it and add sitopala (khadishakkar ) if required
Vd. Vipul Patil: Satavari is not content of rakatpachak
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: yes, I am talking of Ananta (that is Sariva ) not Shatavari
Shatavari is use as balya
Dr Jayesh Patel: Panchkol ksheerpaak uses in agnimadhy & Sometimes uses in Jvar.
Dr. Hiral Khakhar: Ashwagandha ksheerpak is useful to reduce stress, induce good sleep,strengths body n increases libido..
Dr. V B. Maheshwari: I tried this and get very good results in anxiety related problem. Same arjun ksheerpaka is also very good for hrudya dorbalya. For lahsun ksheerpaka what should be dose of ksheerpaka and  duration of medicine?
Dr. Bhavini Raja: Is lasun kseerpak useful in aamvat condition?
Dr. V B. Maheshwari: Powder drug 1 Part
Milk 8 Times drug
Water 4 times milk
1.Take Milk and water in pan and boil it.
2. then add kalk( Paste) of powdered drug who's ksheerpak has to be made in above mixture of water and milk.
3. Boil whole mixture. 
4.  when only milk remains in mixture switch off the flame.
5. Allow to cool naturally.
6. Filter mixture and administer.
Dr Piyushbhai Prajapati: Bhallatak xirpaak is used in aamvaat.
Vd Rameshwar Dhanaji: Tiktakshirbasti is mainly used for asthijanit vyadhi. Can we use tikta sidha milk at apankaal with the same effect??
Vd Raksha Shukla: I have got good results of Arjun kshurpak on high blood pressure
Croatia Branko Markovic: Did anyone try with yashtimadhu?
Dr Piyushbhai Prajapati: My Guruji uses. Take one fourth bhallatak. Not processed. Then take 10 gm rice;100ml water and 100ml milk. burn total water.. then take out that bhallatak seed.. and add 3-5 gm cow ghee and drink it. For OA..
Vd Raksha Shukla: I have also got good results of jivanti,+shatavari kshirpak for lactation
 Dr. Siva Kumar: Bhallatak ksiri paka is also indicated in kushta? Jimutaka ksiri paka.
 Vd Tushar Trivedi: One more method of Kshirapaka is mentioned in classics:
First,  Mix Drug and water and make decoction. Then this decoction add in milk and Boil until decoction burns and only milk remains.
Dr. Sharmila Kulkarni: I believe Ksheerpaka is used when you want to reduce Tikshnatva in that particular drug.  eg.Rason kshirpak. Vardhaman pippali yog. Which work wonders in Lower Respiratory Tract problem s like Chronic Asthma,,ILD,etc. I have been using it in patients esp kids for Chronic bronchitis n bronchiectasis. I use Shatavari Kshirpak  for Second n third trimester pregnancy to avoid IUGR along with Masanumasik kashay. I have seen LVEF ie left ventricular ejection factor raised with Arjun Kshirpak .I ,myself was a patient of Cardiomegaly but no cardiomyopathy Was treated with the same by my husband Dr Suyog
Vd. Dhruti Nirav Bhatt: Arjun Kshirpak is also useful in heart problems. Shatavari,Yastimadhu,Brahmi Kshirpak is useful in Pregnancy and has good results. Lahsun Kshirpak mention in Kashyap sanhita it's really good
Dr. Sharmila Kulkarni: Bhallatak kshirpak is used in patients of RA Also in chronic cases of Psoriasis. Picchabasti ...Prepared with Mocharas by Kshirpak vidhi is very useful in Ulcerative colitis. It was Vaidya Lata shastri' s patha. I will strongly recommend it to you all as the results are jawdropping. It is used in CA of Oesophagus also.
Dr. Jaya Sambhus: Arjun kshirpak works better with bala in 3:1 proportion .  Arjun is vatkar when used as single herb , bala balance it. Sariva kshirpak used in 6th month of anc to increase complexion. Ashok + bala kshirpak works in hormonal imbalance. Vataj hrudrog salvan  kshirpak.
Dr Piyushbhai Prajapati: No  Just do 1/4 by knife. In winter,or in other season unriped and uncut
Dr. Bhavini Raja: Arjun 3 part n bala 1 part?
Vd. Sureshbhai Chavda: Ashwagandha and Arjuna, both have potent cardioprotective properties. Ashwagandha Arjuna Ksheer Pak is beneficial for patients with any kind of heart diseases. It provides strength to the heart muscles and improves pumping capacity of the heart. In addition to these benefits, it also improves overall health and reduces generalized weakness in the body. 
Dr. Amrish A Shah: All ksheer pak is Good
Dr. Pritam Veer: yes  but I have one question why we don't use ksheerpak Kaplan in our day to day practices?? We use asawa Arishta mostly than ksheerpak.
Vd Limesh Khatri: Bcz its not easy to use in present fastest life. Peoples are not agree to prepare at home.We needs to give them easy to use and practical approach products
Ayulink: Yes. That's my question too
Vd Limesh Khatri: Xir pak prepration dont have long self life
Dr. Pritam Veer: yes but their karmuktwa is more than asawas. i.e.we are unable to convince our pt
Vd Limesh Khatri: Personally I am using it in my of my Garbhasankar patient. Through preparing them mentally.Especially in case of complicated pragnancy.. do not provide any alternate of xirpaak prepration.Generally yastadi xir paak
Dr. R Prathiban: Due to non availability of readymade kshirapak, always fresh preparations needed
Vd Limesh Khatri: Chandan+ yastimadhu + shatavari xir pak. Madhur gan aushadhi xir paak. All mansanumasik aushadhi xir paak. Xir pak has 24hrs selflife only.
Dr. R Prathiban: That too depends on milk sources sir
Vd Limesh Khatri: For more longer self life we are conver milk in to dahdhi than butter and than Ghrita
Dr. Anita Phadatare: 
 1. Body pain which is shifting in nature also pain which is arises due to sitting in ac for whole day
2. Useful in Vataj kas
3. Useful in acute abdominal pain
4. Useful in gulm
5. CRP level get decrease
B. Yashtimadhu Kshirpak
Good results seen in dry cough
C. Arjun kshirpak basti usefull in CP
d. Pippali or march kshirpak
Useful in hypothyroidism & shoth
e. Ashwagandha Shatavari Shunthi siddha kshirpak 
Psychological relaxation reduces stress anxiety.usefull for dipan ,balvardhan
f. Arjun Kshirpak
Useful in all types of  hrudrog
g. Arjun +Bala 3:1 combination
Is more useful in hrudrog.
h. Laghupanchamul kshirpak
Useful in shwas, kas, shirshool,jirn jwar, pinas ,parshwshool.
I. Panchakol kshirpak
Useful in Agnimandya,jwsr,Arsh
J. Shatavari kshirpak
Increase milk production
K. Sariva kshirpak
Used to increase complexion of new born given during 6 th month anc
l.Jivanti + Shatavari kshirpak 
Good results seen in increasing lactation
M. Shatavari + Anant+ Amruta kshirpak 
Usefull in jirn jwar
N.Marich kshirpak
Useful in chronic fever weight loss weakness 
O.shatavari + ashwagandha sidhha kshirpak 
Useful in IUGR
P.Ashoka +Bala kshirpak 
Works in hormonal imbalance
Q.Mocharas pichhabasti made by Kshirpak Vidhi 
Very good results in Ulcerative colitis
R. Ashwagandha + Arjun kshirpak 
Useful in any kind of heart disease, improve overall health and weakness 
S.Bhallatak kshirpak  
1/4 bhallatak +10 gram rice + 100 ml water+ 100 ml milk. Boil & reduced to 100 ml.
Used in amavat , chronic cases of psoriasis,CA oesophagus.
Dr. R Prathiban: Nowadays source of milk is questionable, will pausteutized milk have same effect as other milks, whether there is difference in medicinal effect if aja kshira, gow kshira, mahisha kshira etc used in kshira pak?
Vd Limesh Khatri: Use My approach always to be practical.. what ever  type avilable in your you can use. But the best option in general is cow milk some as per different indications of ayurveda. So explain to patient further next upto patient. Our work is to guide and make aware to patient
Dr. Pritam Veer: can we discuss dose and duration practically prescribed ? means how much Raw material should be taken.
Ayulink: And I would like to know the logic of kshirpak also.
Gary Yuen: That is also my question. Reading about it, I think it would a similar effect though pasteurized milk would have other negative health effects. I believe it is the milk fat, as fat has been shown to help increase absorption even in food. Some studies suggest it's the milk casein (protein) that helps protect ingredients and make them available for digestion. If it is mainly the fat, maybe water and ghee would work as well.
For the mechanism of why kshirapak works, another study uses vidari and suggests it's possibly the isoflavones. It also mentions soya has a similar effect so soymilk may work though I don't think any comparison has been done.
Dr. Vasupradha R: And also it has been noted that the pregnancy complications like eclampsia, etc are almost nil with the gokshura ksheerapakam
Dr. Kalpesh Vani: Shatavari and Gokshur kshirpak in mutragat raktasrav
 Dr. Shantanandkumar: Yes I am using  it is giving good result and maintenance bp
Mr. Jayesh patel: We can prepare freeze dried kshir pak in powder form and the is packed in 5 gram sachet so one can use is everyday easily. Dried powder retains 100 % properties. We have done trials with patients and found to be equally effective.
Dr. V B. Maheshwari: So how should we prepare that type of ksheerpaka or is it available in market?
Mr. Jayesh patel: Not available in market. It is custom made. Can be used for 2 years. Period of usage can be prescribed by a  doctor. Self life is 2 yrs. It is prepared in bulk say 10 kg. 50 kg. Than dried. Dried powder may be 15% to 20% of of the condensed milk preparation. The advantage is one does not have to prepare it everyday. We did it for ayurveda practitioner and he successfully used for his patients.
Compiled by - Dr. Dhruti Kagrana

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