Saturday, November 17, 2018

Flatulence control with # Ayurveda

Views shared by several Ayurveda professionals and non-Ayurveda people in discussion group:
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Next topic of discussion: Flatulence control with  # Ayurveda
Vd. Hardik bhatt: vega nn dharyet .. vat, vit , mutr , kshav,  trut , k kshudham, nidra,  kas, sharam shwas, jrumbha,  ashru,  chchardi,  retsam. so never suppress the natural urges of vata..
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana:
Symptoms:  Controlling the urge to pass flatus can lead to painful upward movement of air or vayu in abdomen, distension of the abdomen, and even an abdominal tumor. It might cause physical weakness, loss of vision, loss of appetite, and heart disease. It may also obstruct the passing of flatus, stool, and urine.
Treatment: The symptoms of Vata vega can be relieved by oleation, hot packs, hot bath, oil massage, and use of boiled drinking water.
Croatia Branko Markovic: 1 liter of Hot water with ginger, fennel and cumin helps. Lashunadi vati..

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Dr. Pritam Veer: Ajwayan , hingwashtak, bhaskar lawan, Koshn jal muhurmuhu, Jirak, snouf, vidang sidhha jal
Gary Yuen: Called adhmana. Caraka Ci 13.16 seems to note udara begins with excess of foods sweet oily heavy hot and acidic. Meat cheese milk. Mainly as medicine though unsure how often and when. More as flavoring, a tiny amount. Total meat fish etc. maybe less than 500 g per month. Cheese and milk very very rarely. Maybe by season. Seems not needed.
Ayulink Ayurveda: I have a confusion. All measure we do for flatulence control - are they effect on production of gas? Or do they stop the release of gas? Or do they release more gas? Ingredients like ginger, hingu, anwain etc do they work on any particular symptom?
In general practice we use hingwashtak churna, Bhaskar lavan churna, chitrak vati, sarjika kshar and many more without much thinking. As soon as patient complaints of flatulence, we prescribe one or other of these. But there are different conditions. Some patients complain for lot of flatulence, sometime with flatulence with bad smell. Many a times bloated stomach and no flatulence passing. Sometime flatulence with big sound - fart. By prescribing such ingredients we get results, but which is good for which symptom exactly.
Gary Yuen: Im not sure if the ingredients directly aid in that way. It's said gas maybe over a dozen times a day is normal though the entire west has a bad diet. It happens with dal if one doesn't eat it often. I think it may be gut bacteria, the microbiome, that digests or is unable to digest foods. Ingredients that say help are all plants. They may help change speed of digestion of heavy foods like godhuma or masa. But i think once ones diet contains above some amount of meat fish milk ghee cheese etc. then the gut changes and becomes less able to digest.
Such as they say prebiotics and probiotics aid. Prebiotics i think are highest in plants, with dal being the highest. Higher fiber foods too like yava. Refined wheat maida, even a whole grain when ground like atta destroys all prebiotics.
Ayulink Ayurveda: Gary, I agree with you. But the point is, most ingredients or medicines are for Anah, adhman, and atopa, three conditions described in the Charaka. And then it is meant to releive the blockage of gas and  release the abdominal gas.  But many a times patient do have complain of excessive flatulence releases. Then what to prescribe?
Gary Yuen: Food preparations, krtanna varga, is mostly gruel like modern kitchari. Flour products like bread roti etc. Caraka says provides instant energy. Also said by modern science. Body treats it as sugar and absorbs it that fast. I think bread is a staple of those that need it, kshatriya class.
Ayulink Ayurveda: All vata aggravating food can be the cause for more production of flatulence. Flatulence is directly connected or understood with the disturbance of apana vata.
Gary Yuen: Blockage i think may be heavy foods and slow digestion. I will have gas and smelly gas only with improper foods that even the next day remain undigested and not eliminated. Medicines for such things may only restart and accelerate digestion but maybe not help with gas.
Frequent flatulence i don't think there is any treatment except the foods that pervent it : yava mung etc. Gruel like kitchari but better according to classical texts. Reduction in heavy and inappropriate foods. Problem i think then should go away within a few weeks.
Ayulink Ayurveda: Yes. Many a times, in practice, we forget to prescribe changes in diet, because we are so mechanical now to prescribe medications. But excessive flatulence is the condition where we hardly find any medicine. Still we prescribe the same medicines which are used for adhman
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Now a days , along with vata increasing  food  , seating for longer period  is big reason for flatulence disturbance . I recommend ,   Walk for 3 minutes after every 45 minutes .
Ayulink Ayurveda: Yes. I agree totally. And also excessive travel. Like 50 km or more kilometres riding on two wheelers (ati-ratha or similar word is used in the books). Excessive air travel too.
Gary Yuen: I think the medicines may work because they are plants. Caraka states too fried floured grains, Su 27.263 increase vata. Exactly what the north eats. Paratha, roti, naan. I think food is the only cure and is medicine, just like with previous topic, raktapitta, long section in caraka of what food to prescribe.
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Yes , These are significants and they are few mentiines under the title " Atimahadishakar Bhavas " by Charaka .
Ayulink Ayurveda: For me all types of lentils, potato, sweet potatoes, raw onion, several vegetables are more flatulence producing, which should be controlled.
Few conditions are here, we need to consider:
1. Blackage of abdominal gas
2. Excess flatulence passing
3. Flatulence with bad smell
4. Flatulence with loud sound
I wish we can discuss one by one condition later with all other group members.
Gary Yuen: But you have excessive kapha.  Enough that with proper diet, may take half a year to a year or more to correct. I have wondered that if from improper diet, improper substances from foods may be stored in dhatus, and they are eliminated as the dhatus restore to health.
Potatoes are not natural to India. Like rice, it comes in many colors and dark is best. In my area, only good type available are purple, yet in the native South America, there are various colors. White is said to cause inflammation.
I eat most type of lentils, mainly cooked garlic and onion (maybe 2–3 grams raw in a meal), sweet potato, purple yam, beets, many kinds of vegetables, and so forth. But I tend to always cook my own food, and change ingredients according to moment, just as one should. Gas, frequent gas, smelly gas, mainly comes only when I deviate and eat the food of others.
Vd. Jayesh Thakkar: Agreed...vata should also be anulomana...Dhanwantari Gutika helpful in prevent diet lifestyle check should never be neglected as trapped gas can be worse to cause heart attack even...
Gary Yuen: I think the natural state is to be as thin as a yogi, or forest dweller, or very close. I have noticed as my diet changes, I get hungry less frequently. If given correct food, now possible only by cooking oneself and avoiding modern habits or even non-classical ones, hunger and needed food quantity (if using correct foods) should reduce as the body naturally consumes fat. For a man, anything other than a flat stomach maybe unnatural. If one gets hungry more than once a day, it may be either from needed activity (like a farmer that needs large quanitites) or one eats improper food thus the body is asking for nutrients it never receives. Its said natural hunger is felt not in the stomach but in the throat. It may take a long time for most of us to return to that.
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Flatulence with Bad Smell (Daurgandhya ) is always  denotes indigestion  (Ajeerna) and Saama condition . Hence Aama pachan is always necessary in such condition , Langhan , Deepan , Paachan and laghu aahar are key factors ,  and  if frequency and quantity is more than  accordingly virechan  followed by Sansarjan kram.
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani:
आमं शकृद्वा निचितं क्रमेण भूयो विबद्धं विगुणानिलेन।
प्रवर्तमानं यथास्वमेन विकारमानाहमुदाहरन्ति।।
) आमज आनाह:-
तस्मिन भवन्त्यामसमुद्भवे तु तृष्णा प्रतिश्याय शिरोविदाहा:
आमाशये शूलमथो गुरुत्वं ह्रल्लासं उद्गार विघातनं च।।
सुश्रुतोक्त आमाज आनाह चरकोक्त अलसक समान लगता है।
) पुरीषज आनाह:-
स्तम्भ: कटी पृष्ठपुरीषमुत्रे शूलोऽथ मूर्छा शकृद्वमेच्च।
श्वासच्च पक्वाशयजे भवन्ति लिङ्गानि चात्रालसकोद्भवानि।।-- (सु.विसुचिका प्रतिषेध अध्याय)
अमरकोष:- आनाह विबन्ध: स्यात। 
आनाह-णह- बन्धने धातु।।
ह्रत्स्तम्भ मूधॕामय गौरवाभ्यामुदगारसङ्गेन सपीनसेन।
आनाहमामप्रभवं जयेत प्रच्छॕदनैलङ्घनपाचनैश्च।।- .चि.२६

चक्रपाणी:- ह्रदित्यादिना उदावतॕस्यैव हेतुलक्षणं विशेषकृतामानाहसंज्ञा प्रदशर्य तत्र भेषजमाह।--उदावर्त का प्रकार विशेष ही आवास है।
अष्टांग हृदय:-
साटोपमत्युग्ररूजमाध्मानमुदरे भृशम।
उध्वाॕधोवातरोधेन तमानाहं प्रचक्षते।।- नि.११/६०
सुश्रुत ने जिसे आध्मान कहा है, उसीको अष्टांग ह्रदय ने आनाह कहा है।                 👇
साटोपमत्युग्ररुजमाध्मातमुदरं भृशमं।
आध्मानमिति जानियाद्घोरं वातनिरोधजम।। - सु.नि./८८
तुल्यकारणकार्यत्वादुदावर्तहरी क्रिया।
आनाहेषु कुवीॕत ...।।
इदानी विगुणानिलजत्वेन समानचिकित्स्यत्वेन आनाहमाह-
भा.प्र. एवं माधव ने आनाह एवं उदावर्त को एक जैसा ही माना है,और दोनों में वायु की ही प्रधानता है।
Ayulink Ayurveda: Langhan is not always mean to renounce food and liquid completely.  There are many special foods and medicines by which we should do Langhan in order to achieve Langhan properly at the same time not compromising body's health too! In "langhan" it is not necessary to remain "nirahaar" .Laghu, supachya aahaar can be taken in "langhan " Is staying totally niraahar benefit the body? Totally renouncing food must be sometimes beneficial for body.  are there any benefits mentoined in samhitas of total langhan?
Croatia Branko Markovic: Eating fast is also one factor
Gary Yuen: One commentator states langhana is used when dosha imbalance is minimum. When in excess, sodhana. I am unsure what is ideal. Everyone has far deviated from a traditional diet. How many now live past 100 or reach 120? Villagers still do. Isn't freedom of disease and never needing medicine a benefit? Memory and intellegence so we can fullfil the purpose of ayurveda, proper understanding of dharma and study of vedas and sastras? Shouldn't that mean that with perfect diet, there is never a dosha imbalance or we are constantly changing diet so it does not occur? Have we forgotten what is dharma? Is proper karma as suggested in Caraka Vi. 3 understanding daiva and puruskara so that we can understand proper action? Who asks these questions? Are such the real purpose of proper diet for development of mind, freedom of disease and study of ayurveda?
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: आहारमग्नि: पचति दोषानाहारवजिॕत:! धातून् क्षीणेषु दोषेषु
Agni digests Food, in absence of food it digests doshas , in absence of food an doshas it digests dhatus and after diminish dhatus it destroys body.
Ayulink Ayurveda: Patient is a business man. Age 50+. Pitts vata prakruti. Controlled diet. But having excessive flatulance. Give me suggestions. Thnx
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: If pt wants to complete cure and he is ready to follow whatever is suggested to him then pt should be educated with RULES OF TAKING FOOD. One should eat only that food in proper quantity which is Ushna, Snigdha,... Food should be taken without laughing,talking, with concentration of mind. Exercise helps in releiving vata. Stale food should be avoided.  If pt only wants medicine than I always prefer SHIVAKSHARAPACHANA CHURNA with ghee before having meal.. SHIVAKSHARAPACHANA balances all three doshas. We should think about factors responsible for transformation of food:- Ushma, Vayu, kleda, Sneha, Kala, samyoga. I think there is no need of medicine in flatulence in 90% cases. It's cured by little bit modifications in life style. Always check mental status of patients too. In many cases, Medhya RASAYANA should give along with Aamapachana etc.. Excessive thinking also causes faltulence.
Gary Yuen: Controlled diet may not be correct. With herbs, we have specific formulas and know properties of each, how combine, if a formula is correct, etc. Food is the same, each may be used in incorrect way or amount, or one ingredient may be inappropriate. Meal time, method of preparation, if food is appropriate for his prakriti, etc. So many factors. We do not think food as medicine in the same way and with the same care.
Dr Ashi Vaidhya: Avoid fried foods and have aavippatikar tab 2bd
Gary Yuen: Flatulence is listed as the first symptom of udara. What is considered less than perfect digestion may be difficult to define. From my eating habits, with correct food i automatically lose weight everyday and become less hungry. Seems perfect diet will lead to naturally being thin. Possible that any diet that creates even the smallest amount of excess kapha is heavy and inappropriate.
Dr. R Prathiban: Do virechanam with plain castor oil after 2 days start gandharva hastadi kashayam and abhaya arishtam
Dr. Lalit Heda: Can Nabhipuran improve digestion,reduce flatulance
17400: If excessive flatulance is there...., We need to go for LFT check. In case of liver disorders, Flatulance will be there
Vd. Avni Kaneria: Nabhipuran with ardrak svaras ... it's improve appetite...
Dr. Vikas Sharma: Viryvardhak aushadh in gradually increased form give better result to improve digestion and also redeused flatulence and other symptoms.
Dr.Satish Panda:
1.Balanced diet
2.Hingwastak chuna with warm water after food
Almost sufficient to control flatulence related problem.
Dr. Jyoti Ashok: If the flatulence is bec. of vegavarodha - Gandahrva hastadi eranda taila or kashaya . Sooktyn tabs is good in too much of gas(it improves digestion). Hingvashtaka churna with ghee in first bite. Hareetaki with Nagara churna & guda
Italy Daniela: Talking about yoga postures: pavan mukhtasan. Knee to chest. Very useful
Gary Yuen: Perhaps anything that is untuous, oily, and reduces vata like godhuma, masa, and tila can be gas forming in an improper amount or at the wrong time?
Dr. Rachana Mumbai: I have seen in people around me that whose digestive system is weak have more flatulence.I that case sunthi, gud and ghee gives good results. It proves to be grahi
Dr. Arvind Shahane: Vaishwanar churn 1-1-1 before food. Himaj churn 1tsf hs
Ayulink Ayurveda: Can we use hingu (asafoetida) in all conditions of flatulance? I know in adhman (blockage of vata) it is very effective - internal as well as external application also gives good result.  But can it be same effective in excess flatulance too?
Dr. Rachana Mumbai: I think hingu has anuloman property. It may aggravate???
Ayulink Ayurveda: I think hingu is also having stambhak property? I am not sure.
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Hingu is neither   anulomak  nor stambhak in my opinion , more specifically  its  grahi in action . Stambhan medicine is dominant in shita guna. Hingu is ushna , dipan  and paachak ...
Dr. Rachana Mumbai: Sir you might be knowing that in India when ever a kid below 6 month cries with pain we check the abdomen, find it hard we apply hingu on abdomen or we do nabhi puran with hingu And within short period of time the kid passes the gas and feels relieved So I thought it might have the property of anuloman
Dr Venkata swamy: Fatty liver aslo one of cause
Ayulink Ayurveda: Hingu can have different qualities when it is applied external. Similar with ginger too. One side talk: fresh ginger juice applied in nabhipuran can stop diarrhoea. This is practical and experienced many times.  Ginger does not have any property as anti-diarrhoea. Similarly hingu can also acts differently internally and externally.
Dr Venkata swamy: And do Lft if not control. Check whether any viral infection in liver. Arogya vardhini vati, Chitrakadi vati good result.
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Yes , even I give this  advice to patients . It acts  definitely . Here action on samaan vayu , takes place . Saman vayu is located near agni as well as swedavaha  srotas is location of samaan . Swedavaha srotas has its roots as lomakupa and meda .  So hinga even becomes useful in making shakha koshtha gati happen , and thus  dipan , paachan and shulaprashaman can happen  externally to some extent . It is not   completely anuloman as expexted in defination of Sharangdhar  where example is given as haritaki .  Anuloman by definition needs to fulfill 3 actions
1. Do Paachan of Mala
 2. To break  (bhedan ) vibandha of mala
 3.To take mala  downwards .
Hingu is more potent to much extent in first two actions but not in third . So its not a classic anuloman .
Shri Minoo parabia: My child hood experience follows. Hing+chuna+honey , mix a spoon of each and apply over an abdomen. Relief is instantaneous. So far tested umpteen times, successfully.
Dr.Aksht Sapare: For recurrent flatulance..we must think about...KRUMI...and deworming is necessary
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Yes, Purishaja and kaphaja krumi  ... Hingu acts on krumi as well as Prakruti-vighatakar .
Gary Yuen: Caraka Su 4.15 has two groups of herbs. Astringent to firm and another to depigment, remove color, from feces. The second i have been curious about. What is the meaning and use? In aiding digestion, they may be of aid.
Can we define normal flatulence? I haven't tried to keep track of it. For me in recent days, nearing end of digestion when there are movements and sounds (small intestine?), 1 or 2 non-smelly. Though food recently has been small amount of heavy godhuma and masa. Earlier today, after triphala, guduchi, dashamul, punarnava, fruit of amalaki/blueberries, uma and tila, once. that last part is not usual, maybe from some food from yesterday can others describe their gas and if they believe if normal or excess, etc.
Dr. Sachin Bali: Adhmaan ,aatop are symptoms of aajirna mostly vishtabdhajeerna and aamaajeerna ,so to deal with aadhmaan and aatop we should correct aajerna.  Nitya vyayam, avoid adhyashan and vishamashan
Ayulink Ayurveda: I agree with you. Flatulence is most common symptom in both condition. Diet also plays a major role in both.
Aay Stu Dhruv Jani: I think there should be more production of gas due to bad habbits of food like Adhyashan, Vishamashan etc. So the first it should be avoided. Then langhan, saman or shodhan can be done acco. severity of Dosha
Dr.Amit Shukla: Well, As we all know, production of gases in the intestine is natural during the process of digestion(by intestinal floras/enzymes etc).  It is basically one of the by-product of digestion. Whereas conditions like bloating, excessive flatus are definitely not natural, which are actually due to low digestion(Agnimandya), which occurs by numbers of Aāhar & Vihār factors.
- Excessive consumption of Vistambhi Aahar (Dairy Products, Rice, Potatoes etc)
- Sleeping immediately after taking meal, which decrease the secretion of Acid, enzymes etc
These conditions lead to excessive formation and excessive gas release than normal due to fermentation of undigested food material in the intestines. After few days this whole thing leads to Aam formation, which blocks the strotas and hence blocks the Vaat anuloman kriya leading to bloating(Aadhman), Abdo Pain, Abdo Tenderness, Anorexia, Tastelessness etc. Our drugs cure such conditions by different different ways, (of course selection of these drugs depend upon the type of Samprapti). Few drugs do Aampachan, which lower further gas formation by digesting undigested food. Few drugs do Vaat anulomak kriya, which releases trapped gases(in bloating). Few drugs straight eliminate undigested food from the system, i.e. Rechak drugs The drugs mentioned here are not applicable in all the cases.  Few are choice of drugs in VatajAgnimandya(VistabdhaAjirna), Few in PittajAgnimandya(VidagdhaAjirna) and few in KaphajAgnimandya(AamaAjirna)
Dr Anshul Bahl: What is the reason of gurgling sounds due to flatulence? Gurgling sounds in stomach.
Ayulink Ayurveda: May be apan vata
Dr.Amit Shukla: Normal flow of Vaat doesn't produce any sound in the body.  When there is strotorodh by Aam, Kapha, Krumi etc flow of vaat gets disturbed and  back flow(Pratiloma), diagonal flow(Tiryak) occurs. This produces gurgling sound by trapped vaat/liquid in a limited space in a case of Ajirna. Similarly, Normal flow of stool doesn't produce sound but in a case of atisaar, strodusthi as atipravritti of vaat leads to gurgling sound or spasm
Dr Anshul Bahl: Without having any aushadi, we can cure minor flatulence by pathya, apathya. Deepan, paachan dravya and langhan can cure this.
Dr.Amit Shukla:  but severity of complaints shoukd not be ignored!  We can not and should not give slow acting drugs in a case of emergency or acute condition. Means Pathya-Apathya things are surly beneficial but they have certain limitations too in terms of potential Langhan, Deepan, Pachan are the prior choices in every case of Annavahstrotas dusti
Dr Anshul Bahl: Most of this starts with minuteness first. In order to prevent further,Adding medicated water and slight change in aahar vihaar can easily prevent the emergency stage.Right? Correct me if I'm wrong
Dr.Amit Shukla: See!  Emergency cases should be 'treated' first along with 'prevention'.  Emergency can not be managed just by prevention.
Dr Anshul Bahl: According to ayurveda, Hunger is one of the adharniya vega (urge) .We should not supress it.Then do langhan affect our body if it is done for more days?
Ayulink Ayurveda: First goal is to stop excessive production of gas.  One more goal is to produce flatulence without bad smell and loud noise.  One more goal is to produce flatulence in 'sam' - balance. Not too much or too frequently and not to stop production of gas completely.
Dr.Amit Shukla: Plz understand the context in which it is written. Langhan is complete treatment in itself and there are clear cut indications and protocols regarding same.
Dr. Ravikant Prajapati: 'Sarve rogou mandagnau' this case  Samagni will not cause adhyamaan or aatop
Dr Anshul Bahl:  I just asked the langhan in general terms not in terms of flatulence or gurgling sounds. I just meant by doing fasting, are we supressing our urge?
Dr. Meenaxi Verma: First daily routine should be managed...langhan+ deepan+ pachana+yoga basti+shaman aushadhi
Dr. Ravikant Prajapati: One of the end product digestion process is Vayu.....which when in samyawastha results Anulomana but when in vishmawastha.....causes flatulence pakwashyotha and belching when amasthyotha
Dr.Amit Shukla: Langhan is not always mean to renounce food and liquid completely.  There are many special foods and medicines by which we should do Langhan in order to achieve Langhan properly at the same time not compromising body's health too!
Dr. Sachin Bali: In "langhan" it is not necessary to remain "nirahaar" .Laghu, supachya aahaar can be taken in "langhan "
Dr. Ravikant Prajapati: Treatment according to dosha dominancy....when due to Vata dosha...Anuloman .,Deepan, and brunghan chikitsa should be done. laghan chikitsa  When Pitta dosha involve.....Sama - Niram Pitta vichar.....pitta shaman and anuloman and deepan chikista  When Kapha or Aama   dosha is dominant......Langhana ,Pachan then deepan chikitsa When due to Dushi visha ...... Agad chikitsa., raktashodhak , pachan , deepan and anuloman chikitsa... When due to Degenerative ds. or kshya janya....... no langhan chikitsa .....only pitta shamak and bhrunghan chikitsa should be done  This is my view .... plz correct me  if something wrong
Dr. Priyanka Gupta: In the case of emergency,  if pt feel flatulance in abdomen give triphala basti and pt will get relief instantly after that we can prescribe saman ausadhi, ahar -vihar
Dr Anshul Bahl: Is staying totally niraahar benefit the body? Totally renouncing food must be sometimes beneficial for body. are there any benefits mentoined in samhitas of total langhan?
Dr. Ravikant Prajapati: Whichever Panchakarma therapies / medicines  / lifestyle changes that bring about lightness and thinness to the body is called Langhana – de-nourishing treatment.
14929: Hinguvastaka is agnideepaka amapachaka it's important karama is mooda vata anulomana nd hingu vachadi can used in kapha associate with vata.
Ayulink Ayurveda: Can anyone guide me treatment for excessive dlatulance?
14929: Sir u can go with triphala Or vaishwanara churna  with hot water
Ayulink Ayurveda: Patient is a business man. Age 50+. Pitts vata prakruti. Controlled diet. But having excessive flatulance.
Dr. Akshay Jadhav: Ama and agnimandya are root cause for production of flatulance. First line of treatment is Ahara.... ie diet first follow langhana , there after avoid guru,vistambha ahara intake . 2nd is vihara avod asya sukha, swapnasukha do vyama
Bhojanagre sadha pathyam lavanadraka hingubhi agnisandhipanaruchya jivha kantha vishodhanam. Simply advice panchatikta ghrata
Dr.Amit Shukla : Why Snehan??
Vd. Hemant k shah: Sir pt is business man&business man mind,so please add psychological treatment&advise for 8 to 10 days pick nick(toor)
Dr. Ravikant Prajapati: No any single drug or fixed  prescription can cure flatulance....prescription should be according to Dosha involvement or Doshic Anshansh kalpana.....Those who practice know it.....the prescription which works well in one pt. ....  not may get desired result in others. Advice Sutshekhar ras 1-2 tab BD if sama pitta ....or Kamdukha rasa in Nirama pitta 2 tab BD before meal ....and shankha vati 1-2 tab BD after meal...........avipattikar churna or panchasakar churna in Night anulomana dose
Dr Avadhut Mohite: Vegdharan of Adharniya vegas is a commonest hetu for Vayu dushti seen in many Business professionals these days due to their work commitments
Dr. Rajendra Joshi: Madiphala rasayana bd
30995: Vatanulomana chikitsa . Action on Apana vayu. Normal Peristalsis movement
Dr. Akshay Jadhav: Not snehana but for pitta shamana
Ayulink Ayurveda: Can anyone suggest good diet for each condition?
Dr.Amit Shukla: For pitta shaman,  Plain ghee is enough!  Whereas, Panchatikta Ghruta is drug of choice for Vāt-Pittaj Tvak vikar. as it has different strotogamitva i would say dadimadi ghruta is comparatively more precise!
Ayulink Ayurveda: Dadimadi ghrut for flatulance? For adhman or for excessive flatulence?
Dr.Amit Shukla : Patient in above case has just bloating, and nothing else has mentioned. Based on given history he has VatajAgnimandya i.e.VistabdhaAjirna.I feel we should not use any ghruta or tail based drugs which actually in turn aggravate his complaints even more by indigestion itself! Atleast in intial stage without doing AamPachan! Yes! Dadimadi ghruta has  main ingredients like Dadima, Chitrak, Dhanya, Pipaali. They have Vaat-kapha shamak properties with Jathar-Dipan, KledaPachan, AamPachan, Vatanulomak actions. Ras dhatu and Rasvahastroto Gamitva. Thts why we do use it in Annavah and Rasvahastroto vicar. Like Pandu, gruhani, Parinamshool, hridvikar etc
Dr. Sachin Bali: Yes, anxiety is many times found along with abdominal complaints
75636: FALTULENCE--It's a roga and lakshan too.  Root cause is aniyamit dincharya, hurry, worry and curry. I agree with Vd Pankaj.  When I treat pt I try to give mansik chiktsa and dipan pacan chiktsa so that pt feel better. I got good results with  two A.
First A--Agnitundi vati, Abhyarista, Ashwagandha..
Second A---Agnihotra, gives mental stress relief. 
Ayulink Ayurveda: Any trial with nabhipuran? For flatulence?
30995: Done with eranda taila in children.... Also local application of eranda taila smeared Nagavalli patra in infants to relieve pain abd due to gas
75636: A small हवन in which I tell pt to take deep breath and say Gayatri mantra, महामृत्युंजय मंत्र Jaap.By doing this pt itself say that he/she is feeling mentally sound and slowly digestion also ।
Dr. Chanchal Sharma: I have done it in many patients with sarshap tailam. Got good results also
Ayulink Ayurveda: Sarshap tailam means mustard oil? Which one yellow mustard or black mustard oil? Can it produce skin burning or itching?
 Dr. Chanchal Sharma: Yellow oil. No it doesn't create burning or itching
Dr Anshul Bahl: Is sesame tailam is good for both vata and kapha?
Ayulink Ayurveda: For me; yes. I consider seasme is good for all Disha. But sometimes it increases pitta.
Dr Anshul Bahl: In Ashtang Hrdiyam Vaghbhatta have written about sesame oil that it makes lean person and strong and sthula person lean. But in other sthaan(Annaswarupa adhaya) vaghbhatta had written that sesame seeds increases pitta and kapja. This shloka is on oil and other one is on seeds
Ayulink Ayurveda: Can we use hingu (asafoetida) in all conditions of flatulance? I know in adhman (blockage of vata) it is very effective - internal as well as external application also gives good result.  But can it be same effective in excess flatulance too?
Dr Anshul Bahl: If the flatuence is supressed forcibly, the apana vayu gets disturbed. And If it is done on daily basis then the vayu changes its direction and start moving in the body to the upward direction . This abnormal movement of apaan vayu gives rise to Udavarta. Mostly the patients who comes with problem of flatuence have problems like teevra swasa,constipation, klama,gurgling sounds in the abdomen, kasa,pratishyaya. And its all because of supression of flatulance. So the first treatment option should be Nidaan parivarjana
Dr. Ravikant Prajapati: Hingu is not not useful in ...... P dominant adhyaman..
14929: Hingu can't use in all case...i had one experience..In one of my pt due to came c/o feels gas filled stomuch and pain in chest..if he passes gas he feels relief.. I adviced him to take hingu in hot water in empty stomach but he felt naesue nd started with moving of gas in side his abdomen.  So I shifted him to take hingu with salt and butter milk.  He felt comfort.
Dr.Amit Shukla : Hingu being Tikshna, Ushna, Sukshma,Vyavayi etc should be carefully prescribed in terms of dose.As it's Vāt, Kapha shamak and also Pitta Prakopak too, even slight increase in its dose could cause Pittaj Shool!  As per Ansha-ansh kalpana, it is better to use  in every cases of bloating where sheet guna of Vaat has increased! Whereas, If bloating is due to aggravation of ruksha guna of vāt, we should use snigdha anulomak like haritaki or erand kalpa!
Compiled by - Dr. Dhruti Kagrana

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