Friday, January 11, 2019

Essential Tremor #Ayurveda

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Next topic of discussion: Essential Tremor #Ayurveda
Dr. Jigar Joshi: It's Vat vyadhi.. snehan must.
Dr.Amit Shukla: Vaat Pradhan vyadhi, can be associated with other doshas too. Before doing Panchakarma/Shaman chikitsa, pachan of doshas should must be considered.
 Vd Ashish Kumar: गोपाल तैल से लाभ मिलता है,नस्य अभ्यंग पान।

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14929: Chalatva sukshmatva mainly increased.  Mainly Vyana vata dushti.
Dr. Ravikant Prajapati: May be due to Avaran janya, Kshayaja ( mainly rasaj)
Dr. Rakhi Maniyar: Kapikachhu kshirpak, vishtundi vati, Aampachan, T.pulsineuron1 tid, mahamashadi tail abhyang It's very useful
Dr. Meenaxi Verma: Mustadi yapan basti, Ghrita pana, abhyanga,
14929: Kb taila abhyanga.. Kb 101 with milk .
Dr. Vaduvur S. Narayan: It I interesting that Parkinson's and Alzheimer's seem to be increasing in incidence and prevalence in all the countries where life spans have increased . Japan has more 100 year old people per capita and it should be interesting scientifically to see if the incidence of these neurological diseases are more prevalent in Japan ?
Dr. Phanindra Narayan Gundu: Not in Japan I believe, they generally have an intake of more than 600 mcg of iodine every day(sea food) and we don't even consume 50  mcg. Forgot to add, depression and poor memory are some of the symptoms of iodine deficiency. And most of the 7 billion population are deficient.
Vd Tushar Trivedi: I have used Lasoon ksheerapaka. It covers both dhatu kshayaja and Avarana janya samprapti. Bala Ashwagandha taila shiropichu. All vrishya dravya will be useful. Anuvasana basti -  Vata pradhana - Bala ashwagandha taila, Vatpitta pradhana - ksheerabala taila.
Dr. Siva Kumar: It is an involuntary action
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Tremor is mentined in Ayurveda as VEPATHU. It's VataNanatmaja vikar.
Gary Yuen: Japan's longevity is likely due to their former eating of plants: rice, dal, vegetables, sea vegetables etc. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's is likely due to recent changes in adopting a Western diet. Processed and fast foods are growing everywhere. With wealth too, people are eating more meat. Fish too is possibly not safe anymore since all oceans are polluted. Some call Alzheimer's type 3 diabetes. Perhaps prahema treatment might work. That's one condition I'm not sure if it is treatable once it reaches some stage. Type 1 seems possible at a certain point. Agree it seems vata. Looking at studies, there's not much info. Some suggest distinction in neurotransmitters, i think it was GABA receptors. Anything that reduces anxiety like jatamamsi and ashwagandha i think might show some minor effect. Cause is certainly diet. Dysfunction in neurotransmitters
Colombia Dr Mario Herrera: It Is recomended to associate Kapikachhu plus Gokshura in order to increase absortion of the former. Brahmi reduce tremors but also reduce the risk of dementia associated to Parkinson's
Gary Yuen: Yes brahmi seems effective. Likely also mandukaparni. That is still a vegetable in some places like villages and south India and south east Asia.
We should look at causes. Anthocyanins from blueberries shown to enter the brain and improve memory. Possibly also has an effect. Purple cabbage. Possibly unstudied other colored flavonids such as flowers: rose, chrysanthemum, anything. In the brassica family, there is a yellow plant once used as yellow dye for clothing, root now used in chinese medicine. Woad, isatis tinctoria. My feeling is it might be stronger than moringa.
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: In case of suden onset of tremors  ... history of newly started  /changed modern medicine should also be asked ... as some medicines may  show  their unwanted effects like tremors .
Gary Yuen: Pommegranate skin. pomegrante has been shown to have an effect on anxiety and motor function. Skin doesn't taste too good, bitter, so I blend them in a smoothie with amalaki. I think iodine maybe a reason why milk is considered rasayana. Sea vegetables, seaweed, is a good source of iodine and something I now have multiple times a week. Some varieties have too much iodine and can cause toxicity. Though I think iodine metabolism may not be understood, and acceptable levels might be higher if the rest of the diet is good. Same for selenium. Also shown to affect mood and anxiety. Selenium should be in all plants though the USDA database doesn't include it. Like iodine, highly variable with soil. Brazil nuts the only commonly known source, though that too is highly variable with Amazon soil conditions different with forest location. So no way to know how much selenium is in brazil nuts. Many varieties of seaweed also known to absorb toxic metals like arsenic. I think nori, dulse, alaria, and wakame are ok. Someone should verify.
Shahil H Bhavsar:
Parkinson disease have classical symptoms.
Short key: TRAP
Here,tremors are resting tremor.
It means when the person is not doing any activity the tremors appear and it decreses when person do some activity.
Here, the tremors have a characteristic feature of "pill-rolling" tremor.
Gary Yuen: Theres one study of fruits that help parkisons, alzheimers, and anxiety. All things colored: draksha pomegranate berries plums etc. Flowers are not studied but like in ancient times, an important food.
Croatia Branko Markovic: Sneha internal and external. Lashuna in capsules in big doses or ksheera paka showed best results..then balamoola, shatavari, ashwagandha..daily meditation and pranayama like nadhi shodhan, ujayi, brahmari..
 Dr. Arvind Shahane: Jatamansi fanta, Mansyadi kashay  Also useful.
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Yes , for long standing tremors as in Parkinson or in as a result of ageing  , I use Kavach beeja ghana vati in a dose 1 morning , evening preferrably with warm milk.
It is useful for as a yaapan (maintenance ) .
Dr.Satish Panda: Yes
1.Anubasana vasti
2.Vanari kalpana
4.Sarbhanga abhyang are the usual line of treatment. Result are also satisfactory.
Dr. Pritam Veer: Best treatment option for tremors . can add bruhan plus vataghn nasya also
Dr. Sushant Patil: Ayurveda can minimize symptoms it can't cure if patient will not follow regime then recurrence will be there
 Gary Yuen: in Caraka Ci 29.49 on vatarakta, section on treatment begins with cereals: yava, flour of godhuma, nivara (where to find?), sali, and shastika. Opinions about flour of godhuma? It is more easily digestable, and perhaps is useful in some cases as medicine. But for gut health, to build immunity and ojas, it's been shown flour is far less effective than the intact grain. Prebiotics are destroyed when processed as flour, possibly affects millet as ragi as well. Flour products may be an effect of kshatriyas. Modern medicine says they are quickly absorbing – with refined flour like bread or anything made with maida spiking blood sugar as bad as sugar itself. Caraka Su 27 also says flour is quicky absorbed.
In the same chapter, among vegetables, first is sunisannaka (marsilia minuta), though that is the only aquatic plant I've seen in formulas (rest I'm not too familar with). Maybe there is something unique about plants that grow in water, such as mandukaparni and lotus.
Dr. V B. Maheshwari: Kapikachu is best drug for tremors as it works on dopamine level. Murdhni tailam is also very effective in these conditions. These are due to vata chal guna and sukshm guna, so we can use snigdh sheet tailam for murdhni tailam like ksheerbala, bhrami etc.
Gary Yuen: Should be curable. Many things are autoimmune conditions or often ojas is a factor. With even the best intentions, most doctors do not know the importance of the dietetical rules. classical foods such as those in Caraka Su 27, no one that lives in the city has access to such plants, few eat flowers every day, few prescribe yava, millet, etc. – food, except for external allergens and toxins that one might find in one's occupation (farmer, factory, etc.), is often the main cause. living in the city, even with the best foods available, rasa is not high enough to treat severe conditions. We also do not strictly follow rules for preparation (krtanna varga : peya, vilepika, manda, gruel, porridge). effect on ojas compared to products made of maida, atta, or white rice is significant.
With enough ojas, we should be immune to all viruses, zika, HIV, tb, malaria, etc. But we are so far from the foods mentioned in classical texts to reach that. we are struggling to fight simple conditions like the cold and flu.
Somewhere in Caraka, there's a description of a hospital. Among staff, the first mention is of cooks. Some or many of us understand the importance of food, but only very simply. The ancient way of cooking is much like formulas. Many dozens of ingredients, each changed in quantity, some herbs added or removed as we see the effect on the patient. Food is the same way; the proper way to "cure" someone is to cook for them, monitor progress, and change any and all ingredients as needed, quantity, moment, frequency etc.
For all conditions, food should be treated as such. Yet how many of us follow such practices, strictly making our own food, carefully observing the effect of each ingredient, and modifying each and everyone daily like a formula? some studies suggest elevated creatinine can be associated with tremors. Looks to be a sign of declining kidney function. cause is possibly excess meat. numerous studies for chinese medicine. another mentions high doses of prthvika/kalonji.
 one modern science study of essential tremors, from bangalore, mentions "sleep disturbances, fatigue, pain, anxiety, and depression". I think tremor might be a symptom of a greater condition, more than disturbance in vata.
maybe it will help to better understand related symptoms and other changes. Non-motor features in essential tremor
it's not that creatinine is associated with tremors. maybe. it's that elevated creatinine, maybe there are other reasons, is one sign of failing kidneys. we might not be meant to eat animal foods, even milk. no other animals consume milk in adulthood, perhaps human milk is useful, seems certain though few drink it now despite widespread use in ancient times among many traditional medicines. – elevated creatinine might not be the only symptom of declining kidneys, but declining kidney function, in some cases (or more?) shows in changes in motor function. it could be modern studies suggesting declining kidney function with changes in motor function and the nervous system is indeed disturances in vata. One doctor cites a study that among some rural Indians, they have some of the lowest rates of dementia so far reported.
Seems it is the people of Ballabgar. Opinions about mushrooms? Rasayana according to some medicines, and increases immunity and ojas. Heavy. Studies mention benefits for dementia thus perhaps tremors. One mentions "reduced beta amyloid-induced neurotoxicity". Modern science has never said Alzheimer's can be reversed. I don't know if it's possible. One would need to completely remove the cause, diet, and then perhaps go on rasayana treatment for months or years. Would it be possible then, i don't know. As far as quantity of mushrooms, i also don't know. One doctor says 5 a day. I normally have one or two. With good agni, more might be beneficial. Some doctors mention B12 as preventative for Alzheimer's. There are studies associating low levels with tremors. B12 I think helps metabolize an amino acid, homocysteine. Mostly from meat, and bad oils many people eat today like palm, safflower, sunflower, etc. There are numerous factors though B12 is important. We once were like monkeys and other animals, and drank water from rivers, ate bugs and dirt (unwashed vegetables), etc. So we evolved to not need B12. Now essential. Polyphenols in Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review of In Vivo Studies
One study associates low levels of various substances in the brain such as ergothioneine with Parkinsons. Highest they say is mushrooms. Texts don't often mention them but seems important. Oxadative stress also a role as with it seems all conditions so thus amalaki, haritaki, and other rasayana perhaps should be used more often. Perhaps ojas affects much more than we think.
Compiled by - Dr. Dhruti Kagrana

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