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topic for discussion: #Ayurvedic approach for wound healing....
Bhaskar B Nymathi: Classically Jaathyadhi grutha works very well
on Gambheera vrana , even taila also vrana prakshaalanartha Trifala jala help
full {Kashaaya rasa sthambaka}Property.
Saluja: We should
possibly be looking at different kinds of wounds separately.Superficial, deep, infected,
fractures with associated tendon and ligament injuries, isolated ligament
injuries etc.
Pulkit D. Patel:
jatyadighrut, yashsad bhasma, neema patra kwatha is very useful for pus.
triphala guggalu gives vary good result.
Saluja: For
fractures and associated tendon injuries?
Pulkit D. Patel: for
fractures gandhataila and aabhaguggalu and laksha good result. In
bleeding wound honey with jatyadi ghrut gives good result with vang bhasma.
USA Gary
Yuen: Is this of
external wounds? Caraka Ci 25.6 distinguishes two. Internal come from a
disorder of dosha, and that could mean they can be avoided, while external are
Gorakhnath Patil: त्रिफळा गुग्गुळ , जात्यादि तैल , मधु /old honey above 1 year
USA Gary
Yuen: Many therapies
like milk, animal fat and other things in Caraka.
ghṛta: this butter is supreme. Caraka Cikitsasthana 11.49
Gurumahantesh: But the management of vrana includes..Vrana
prakshalan - Vrana dhupan - And local application of taila/ghruta. Along with
that treat with internal medicines
Premsukh: Astamurti
rasayan 100mg, rajat bhasma 100mg, mukta sukti pisti 250mg, kaisoor gugulu 2tab
with varunadi kwath…Specially in osteomyelitis, ch. non healing wound…In
ayurved 2 forms are described in wound
healing. vrana shodhana and vrana ropan..According to symptoms and stage of
wound kashya, varti, kalka etc are used
Javeri: For cuts,
bruises & burns, I think application of aloevera works.
Ayulink: For the management of external
wounds - three points are important to consider.
Prevention from other infection
Prevention from sepsis
3. Support
to cell rejuvenation or cellular structure growth or building new cells
Pl suggest
herbs or formulas in these aspects.
Which herbs are good for vran prakashlana -
shodhana (kind of cleaning - washing and dressing), vran dhupana (preventing
from other infections - kind of antibiotic, antiseptic effect), and then vran
ropana (healing or promoting cellular growth). Samudrashosh (argeria speciosa
Lin) is very powerful in cell growth. One leading - very senior Allopath
dermatologist has developed a patent product Mayaderm ointment from this herb.
Saluja: Any clinical
trials on samudrashosh?
Supratim Bir:
Yashthimadhu+honey locally works in non healing wounds like bed shore. We used
to practise a lot in our housesraff days. Before d lepa wash can be done with
NS or triphala kwath
Vd. Ekta
D. Patel:
Panchvalkal kwatha is useful for vrna prkshalan & jatyadi for vrnaropan.
Vd. Nisha
Thakkar: Panchtikta
ghrita guggulu also give good result in wound
Vd. Ekta
D. Patel: During treatment
pt should strikly avoid junk food etc.
Ayulink: Internal use or external?
Dhruti Kagrana: Neem
patra( leaves), Bhrungraja(Eclipta alba) Lepa(paste) are also beneficial for
wound healing..
Gandhi: Wound
healing : Best is nimbadi kulk . Other choices are washing with
panchvalkav,triphala kwath, Applying
jatyadi Tailam is quite good. Internal Medicines - panchtikta ghrit guggul,
guggulutiktam ghritam , haridra khanda..avleha, neem twak kwath…Gandhak rasakan
for sometime to avoid possibility of reoccurring.
USA Gary
Yuen: foods that
make the body strong should help healing. Grains, red rice, millet, barle,y
wheat- gavedukha, legumes- moong, chana, rajma, chori, urad, vegetables, fruits,
nuts, walnuts, almonds seeds, sesame flax etc, chosen with dosha and need to
reduce or strengthen should be excellent. Internal use of guduchi,manjishtha,
shilajhit, chyawanprash, amalaki, bhringaraj, ashwagandha, tulsi, brahmi,
mandukaparni etc likely will help immune system.
Gandhi: Its beneficial
in sandhiashthimajja gata Mishra kuashtha so it helps certainty even in deepest
skin problems
Pankaj Chhayani: For
dushta vrana :- Do shodhana with nimba kwath, katupatol kwath,vasa kwathetc.After
shodhana, do ropana karma with Kashaya dravyasa like panchavalkal kwatha.Sometimes
jaulaka also helps.
USA Gary
Yuen: I think if one
followed an ayurvedic diet, the body should be strong enough to fight any
disease. If that is a wound that is caused from a strong disorder of dosha,
best cure is same for many things: food.
Supratim Bir: Skin
conditions r not always ahar related, vihar also cause skin conditions like
USA Gary
Yuen: I do not say
all skin problems are from a disorder of dosha and that there are not other
causes, but a disorder of dosha and a weak body makes disease more possible. In
the case of varicose, if it is localized vata, there could be multiple causes
yet if vata is elsewhere or showed earlier signs, like years before varicose
appeared, maybe it could have been prevented. If some conditions take many
years to appear, they appear elsewhere as other signs and direct observation
and adjustment of lifestyle can prevent many things.Endogenous wounds and
lesions come from a congenital disorder of dosha. - Caraka Cikit 25.6
Supratim Bir: All
disorders result from doshik imbalance. But some times Nidan may b external.
Rachana Mumbai:
While treating wound we should give raktashodhak aushadi, pitta shamak aushadi
internally.For prakshalan we use trifala kwath, panchavalkal kwath .To check
the growth of germs or to controll koth we can use Rasa sindoor, that can have
an action similar to antibiotic.For vrana ropana jatyadi tail, jivantyadi yamak,
Vajrak tail helps to controll koth and has vran ropan properties also. Vrajak tail
varti in small sinuses gives very good results. Generally we use hydrogen
peroxide & betadine solution for cleaning the wound.But for vrana ropan
strictly ayurved preparations
USA Gary
Yuen: There seems to
be a habit to treat conditions with herbs. While they help and maybe often
needed, I am trying to say dosha imbalance can take many years to become severe
and many conditions could have been prevented. And without treating dosha,
other same dosha disorders could later appear. Many seem to treat only one
condition instead of all imbalances to prevent future disease. The philosophy
of ayurveda such as the beginning chapters of sutrasthana are supposed to teach
health that comes from the heavens. Divine health.
Supratim Bir: @Dr.
Rachana- In ayurveda microbes are not given that much importance right !
Dr. Jyoti
Yagnik: Wound
praxala. : Warm water only. Use karanj.+ amala+yastimadhu+ haldi+nimb
powder mix with ghee or honey or water
USA Gary
Yuen: śvadaṃṣṭrādi
ghṛta in Cikitsasthana 11.49. Is this available? Caraka calls it supreme.
Cleansing strengthening, can it be used for all skin wounds?
Supratim Bir: As we
can find ama as main pathology for any condition. Microbes r a factor for
maintaining a healthy inner environment or in other words doshik
equilibrium.Human microbiome project reveals alot of great Ayurveda. Those were
unknown to d fraternity…fecal microbiota transplants nothing but our niruha
vasti concept.Shaped or wrapped in modern tech..Now non communicable ds loa s a
challenge not d communicable ds. So anti microbial therapy loosing it's
importance gradually
That's for
why d world s inclined towards AYUSH
Rachana Mumbai: Yes,
sir u r correct, but the way we have learnt, we have developed this kind of
thinking concept.Trying to think totally ayurved, ayulink is helping me in my
process.Thanks to all the experts
USA Gary
Yuen: Also for vayu
conditions or would that be weakness or something else?
Dr. J. T.
Ghabajariyu ( don't know botanical name, Dr Minocharsha pl torch on it) it's
small flowering plant like sun flower but very small like coat button center
yellow outer circle small small white petals, found on road sides near fields,
the leave of this plant if squeezed with hand & applied on any wound gets cleared
without infection
USA Gary
Yuen: I am asking if
ama is main pathology for all conditions as you say or if in vayu, could there
be other causes without ama?
Supratim Bir: Vayu s
d ruler of creation so as of our body. Other doshas r like president and d army
chief. But ama s like intruders or bagis. There intensity direct influence d
doshs. I tried in my way to explain. Usually
Or in most of d cases-Ama s d factor
Dr. Uday
H. Hanagal: Vataja
condition-- Degeneration pathology, Pittaja condition-- Inflamatory pathology,
Kaphaja condition-- Obstructive pathology
Nitish Dubey:
male 60 year
Hypertensive with copd..No diabetes
Dr. J. T.
Contractor: This
seems acute cellulitis
Necrotizing fascitis
Nitish Dubey:
Pt was suffering
from pedal odemaAnd after a trauma a wound created. Any one gave him monocef
500 od only × 10 day with no wound care. So what to do in this condition?? Vayu
prakop Nidan 1) Dhatukshya2) Avaran
Bhadresh Naik:
Vatrakta-Uttan,Gambhir. Coreleted with,Dvt,Tao..Non healing ulcer.Treat
according to vatrakta. Not even polycythemia vera..Scleroderma…Mastoiditis…Can
correlate with vatrkta..I have done lot of work on this disease
Hardik bhatt: Pls
give photos of ghabajariyu.
Dr. J. T.
Bhaskar B Nymathi:
Dr. J. T.
Contractor: Yes
exactly this is the flower plant.
Minoo parabia: Gha
Bajariyu is Typha angustata. Let us see some of the ethnic regimens.As Dr.
Contractor suggested Tridax leaves are most favourite among tribes. Leaves are
crushed and applied on bleeding wounds,
bruises, athlets foot, whitlaw and insect bites. Effect is instantaneous. Since
sticky, remains at a place. All green leaves have chlorophyll-a phenolic,
natural protector from secondary infection…Argyreia also referred to by Dr.
Prerakbhai, is favourite for hastening the suppuration and rupture the boils
without any surgical intervention. Spirit-alcoholic extract has a long shelf
life and can be applied on emerging boils.Leaves of Vinchhudo-Martynia annua also
gives similar effect.
Shital Anandjiwala :
worked on panchvalka (pv) for her doctoral thesis. Surprisingly none of the
ingredients showed positive results in vitro. It was remarkable in vivo Beauty
of pv is, it can be used internally too. So in ulcers and colitis, it is being
used with great success. Abha, kaishor and panchtikta have been found excellent
in hastening the healing process.
Minoo parabia: Typha
inflorescence have minute flowers in couple of millions in a packed state.
People pluck the inflorescence and keep in a cloth bag or in a tin box. On
drying flowers look like cotton. Highly absorbant. Helps in blood clotting. Gha
is the gujarat word for a wound. Inflorescence look like Bajra inflorescence
hence named as ghabajaro. Normally found in water logged soil. Leaves used for
thatching huts. L.pomoea biloba or I.pescaprae is a seashore creeper. Leaves on
crushing turns sticky black. Useful in gangrene as well as filariasis.
Dr Dipak
Shirude: Long ago, one of my patient, who is
teacher in pharmacy, made a tincture or something like that from this wild
plant called as "Ram ful" here in Marathi region. That tincture was
amazingly effective not only in wounds but in some infected skin lesions too.
Arvind Shahane:
Panchgun oil also very useful
Vd. Rupa
Raval: Dipping wound
in neem kvath aids fast healing
Shraddha Gawade:
Neem kalka application on wound
Dr Jayesh
Patel: Rohini churn
with honey is also very effective in wound.
Shraddha Gawade:
Vranavarti dhupana is very useful. But right now I don't have contents of
vranavarti . But we r using different kinds of varti's very frequently. Ex
1.apasmarhar dhumvarti 2.Vranavarti 3.Vaman pashyat dhumvarti
Dr Feroz
Khan: One old man
was always used Leaves of aghada with some salt
for old wound he applied on wound he called it chhanni phoda (wound) the
wound having small-small hole all around it.He got best result.but he never
revealed it.but I came to know any how found useful in wound.
Dr. Vipin
Pandey: kotmuchyadi
oil also use for wound heal
Pravin Tirmare: Yes
it gives best result
Piyush Prajapati:
Vranantak Gugulu..
Piyush Prajapati: I
have used two master medicines
Panchtikta Ghruta Gugulu
2. Vranantak
Ravindra Upadhyay:
Gurumahantesh: I
have used PTGG that's very fine in wound healing. vrana dhupana also one should
keep in mind in view of any infections.
Ravindra Upadhyay:
Internally Gandhi Rasayan tab+
Arogyavardhini 500 mg tds with lukewarm water. Avoid curds + DIVASWAP.
Tukaram Shinde: त्रिफला quath for व्रनधावाण
Vd. Piyush
Prajapati: Wash part
of wound by using decoction of Panchvalkal.. Then apply Panch tikta ghruta .If
it is around to heal,u can let it b open Or wound is too much open,keep ghruta
on Gause piece and bandage it. Day after
that, again open it, wash it by Decoction of Panchvalkal, and then apply
Ghruta. U can use ghruta (Plain cow ghee or sat dhauta ghruta when wound is
because of burning. )U can also usE Triphala dhruta.. Sometimes Triphala
decoction is not helpful bcz of its improper quantity mixture. panchvalkal or
Nimbadi Decoction is all tie best. When u want lekhan karma of toxins by
application of Ghruta,u can use Panchtikta Gugulu Ghruta. (Not in all type of wounds)
Dr. S. K.
Rai: Flesh of
aloevera meshed with jatyadi tailam provides fast healing.
Ravindra Upadhyay:
For wound healing. Trifla Guggul 2 tds,
Arogyavardhini 2 tds, application of jatyadi oil, SHATADHAUTA GHRUTA, ..Cleansing
of the wound with potassium permanganate
/ panchavalkal kwatha.
Bhadresh Naik:.For
wounds healing,Panchtikta gugulu,Radona tablet,Triphala gugulu,Yastimadhu,Jatyadi
tail apply every hourly,Mangistadi kashay. Updrav of vatrakta leads to Non healing ulcer.
Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Wound healing, if pus is present, Internally Sukshma Triphala tabs to
correct internal acidic or Saamaj condition of body. Sukshma Triphala
facilitates Natural process of wound healing esp. if pus is present. or wet/
oozing wounds.
Dr. Lalit
Kansal: for wound
healing mulathi churan with desi ghee aplly locally .
Sanjay Londhe:
Shukshama triphala, Jatyadi tail, Ropanasathi.
Mandookparni- centella asciatica is drug of choice for calcitrant non- healing
wound as it induces collagen formation and epithelialization.
Ayulink: I am using Cutis powder - a patent
medicine - combination of Pushpanjan Powder, Shuddh Tankan Powder, Shuddh
Gandhak Powder, Neem and Ajwain (Thymol) Oil.for antiseptic - anti biotic
purpse, in wound healing. Also I have seen that with this preparation, wound
healing is faster. Reason I dont know.
Ravindra Upadhyay:
Prerakbhai Pushpanjan Powder easily available everywhere ? If not Pl let us
its readymade mixed
- patent product available in the market...under the name "CUTIS
POWDER" - good for dusting. I think pushpanjan means zinc oxide…Zinc,
tankan, gandhak and neem - all together very good for anti-septic, antibiotic
Dr. J. T.
Dehydrated Aloevera fine mess powder is also good for dusting on wet wound to
dry faster
Vd. Rupa
Raval: Dhara with
yashtimadhu kvath is very good for healing
Dr. Kiran
Parihar: Wound
Healing. Trifla guuglu, saptviasnti guuglu, trifla yasti swarn garik yoga. L/a
yasti ghee.
Manhar Prajapati:
Hardikchandra Kalal:
"Jatyadi is the best wound healing, I think it is prabhav of jatyadi tail
in vrana chikitsa."
Chirag: Wound
healing can be aggravated by the use of honey with different ingredients like
salt with honey or curcumin with honey.I have heard from my elderly that it
works best and have also seen many villagers applying honey and dry cowdung
cake powder. And believe me it works best than antibiotics. Just we have to
take care of bandaging and cleanliness etc.
Vd. Mahavir Vora: Combination of ghandak rasayan and
saptavishanti gugulu bid after meals have given excellent result in non healing
wound of burn cases and seen one case of
non healing wound after Snake bite which
was not healed after one year.
Nitin Shah: Many a
times in dusta vrana first need to wound debridement with pratisharaniya kshara
and it follows vrana ropana.
Sandeep Madaan: Same
like we do with H2O2?
Nitish Dubey: In my
college ipd we use jatyadi tail for packing n dressing. triphla kwath for
Jayshree Y. Mahajan:
In shiv charitra I recently read Shivaji Maharaj had many puran ghrit wells for
soldiers wound for fast recovery is there any buddy has experienced dressing
with puran grit or honey
Nitish Dubey: I
think wound debridment is very necessary in secondary wound or infected wound.
Is there any diffrence in treatment for acute and chronic wound??
Sandeep J. Prasad:
We should not forget miracles of haridra in wound.
Nitish Dubey: one
point i want to share - There r some systemic conditions which we have to
consider—Malnutrition,Diabetes ,Drugs like steroids,Obesity,Shock,immunodeficiency,Renal
Some local
condition,Wound infection,Necrosis,foreign bodies,Wound hypoperfusion nd
hypoxia,Repeat trauma,Irradiated tissue,neoplasm,nd so on...
Dr. Jaya
Sambhus: Yes puran
ghrut is best for any wound . I m using 5 yrs old ghrut n having nice results
in bed sore , traumatic wound , In uttan varn of pittaj prakruti pt virgin
coconut oil is also good
Dr. J. T.
Contractor: Diabetis
shouldn't be taken for granted while treating wound is rightly said
Dr Kusum
Pawse: What should
be used for wounds caused by dog bite?
Vd. Rupa
Raval: Yes, my
experience, long before I was working
within one hospital, even though it was surgical hospital we use nimb kvath hot
bath following dressing applying Honey and it always works in diabetic ulcers and post snake bite
Minoo parabia: For
wound same but take special care for tetanus and possible rabies.
Nitish Dubey: Any
wound from animal bite must be wash by tap water properly.
Brazil Anália
Meirelles: If is a
wound from a venomous animal?
Anoop S. Anand: is a chinese product
which we can correlate with Ayurveda.This product is routinely used in Kuwait
for dressing of amputation cases and diabetic foot cases in Kuwait Government
Sharmila Kulkarni:
For Wound healing, even Parnaphuti is a good option it's bryophyte.
Washing with triphala Kwath and apply honey for wounds it is also best
Dr. Sharmila
Kulkarni: In Marathi
we call it पानफुटी.
Minoo parabia: Yes
panfuty kalanchoe is called zakhme hayat in unani. Excellent healer Also called
Bryophyllum pinnata.
Nitin Shah: Wound
cleaning with Sitafal leaves decoction. While doing my PG at Jamnagar one of my
colleague did the detailed study and found quite helpful in secondary wound
healing by promoting collagen tissues
Saluja: How is
sitafal leaves decoction made?Is it for topical use?Is zakhme hayat also for
topical use?
Minoo parabia: Yes
for topical use. Kalanchoe leaves are also given orally on renal calculate.Contains
crassulacean acid.Vatpatri pashanbhed also belongs to the same family
Mrugeshkumar Patel:
I use tandadjanibhai's ras in internal 50ml BDS venomous snake bite wound excellent results.
Patil: Shankhjeerak
churna with trifala churna equal amount to be mixed with double of that
goghrit.Good results in bed sores
Dr. Jyoti
Ashok: What is
tandadjanibhai's ras??
Vd. Rupa
Raval: I think it
mean Amaranthus , tandaljo or tandalja bhaji
Surbala Badgaiyan:
For wound marigold flower leaf paste is vry effective.
Ghrita with
honey is also good remedy n durwa drug paste with til tail also good
Hardikchandra Kalal:
Which are pathya - apathy for vrana ??
Bhaskar B Nymathi:
Dhruti Kagrana: In
charaka samhita:-लवणाम्ल कटूष्णानि विदाहीनि गुरूणि च|वर्जयेदन्नपानानि
व्रणी मैथुनमेव च||९७||नातिशीत गुरु
स्निग्धमविदाहि यथाव्रणम्|अन्नपानं
व्रणहितं हितं चास्वपनं दिवा||९८||….
The patient
having ulcer avoid such ingredients of food and drinks which are
• Lavana –
saline• Amla – sour,• Katu – pungent,• Ushna – hot, Vidahin (whichcause burning
sensation) and• Guru – heavy ..He should also avoid sexual
intercourse.Depending upon the nature of [the Doshas in the causation of], the
ulcer, the patient should take food and drinks which are not too cold, too
heavy, too unctuous and drinks which are not too cold, too heavy, too unctuous
and vidahin (which cause burning sensation) he should not sleep during the day
time. [97 – 98]
Dr. Suyog
Kulkarni: I have
very good experience of Vrana ropana oil on diabetic & varicose wounds…Along with oral medicines.
Sharmila Kulkarni: I
have used Parnafuti in nonhealing surgical wounds. even post episiotomy nonhealing
USA Gary
Yuen: Are there
particular herbs that can be used in any type of wound formula? Such as
Dr. Amal
Rajendra Joshi: Go
for plastic surgery…
plastic surgery
Ujwala Said: For
such kind of wounds debridement and cleaning is done used jatayadi calendula
ointment useful. For bedsores jatayadi ointment useful..Oxum solution also
Vd. Rupa
Raval: For this wound,
hot bath with nimb or yashtimadhu kvath following debridement and dressing with
honey or jatyadi tailam is useful.. Dr. Vd. Ajayraj V. Bal: What's the
age of patient - viper bite?
Dr. P. A.
Deshpande: For non
healing wounds of vericose ulcers, diabetic neuropathy, post surgical wounds,
bed sores and even breast cancer, bone cancer are very well managed and cured
by oxygen plus ozone treatment. In non healing wounds there is short supply of
oxygen and blood supply also. As a result infection is not controlled and may
convert to gangrene. Oxygen plus ozone bagging enhanses oxygen supply with deep
penetration in deep cavities around the wound. Blood circulation is also
accelerated with oxygen - ozone pressure. Clean the wound with wheat grass
juice or any other antise-antiseptic solution apply panchgavya ghrita and insert
polybag over the affected part. Insert ozone oxygen tube upto the bottom of the
bag. Close the upper end tightly with Velcro strip. Put the oxygen ozone tube
with a flow of 10-15 lt per min. Bag inflats with pressure. The mixture of
oxygen ozone penetrates deep into the wound and purifies. It kills bacteria
also. Do it for 30-60 min. every day till healing. Generally it takes 4-6 weeks
but may take longer time in diabetic conditions. Photographs given. The above
photo shows process of bagging. For prevention of bed sore very simple process
helps a lot . Use rubber mat having grill on the bed. Apply 4 oxygen tubes at
the centre of each mat and cover it with bed sheet. Let the patient sleep on
it. Very minimum portion comes in contact with body with good comfort, which
does not allow body contact parts to increase the temperature. Bed sore is the
effect of continuous rise of regional temperature leading to infection and
ulcers. For curing bed sore also this system is also useful. Psoriasis patient
have very good relief by using this system. Photographs given below.
Dr ujwala:- Sir can this be use in initial
stage and routine for bedsores patient..U suggest which ointment?Oxygen tubes
if we don't use will do cause daily cylinders costly..Oxygen flow is to be kept
just 200 cc per minute. This is for
healing for prevention instead of oxygen simple air pump which is used for a
quarium can also give desired effect. For bed ridden pts use
is from beginning to prevent. For pts having bed sore
oxygen is better. One jumbo
cylinder can give service for 4 / 5 days. U can stop also periodically. As regards
ointment I use past…Paste of
wheat grass juice and panchagavya grut.
U can use any ointment u will get result. bcz
there is no ruse of regional temp. and wound gets aeriation preventing
from decomposition.
Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Kled is to be controlled for healing in diabetics, kled.causes inderance
, rukshan by ozone therapy
Krutika Suhas Chaudhary: Honey, yashti, haridr, .kumari are best remedies for it
Bhagyashri Panchal:
Haridra is best wound healing agent
Dr Ganesh
pawara.: ropan
Vishal Rajparia:
Prakshalana with triphala kwath.Madhu sarpi for local application..
Siddharth Panchal:
For the cellular growth on wounds i have experience of using Shorea robusta ..
it's found as very good healing agent..
Krutika Suhas Chaudhary: For vranadhodhana tankana, nimba, panchavalkala,triphala.Vranadhupam...all
rakshoghn drvay like jatamansi, sarshap etc.
One we can differentiate Shudhdha, dushta vrana etc.
Sujata Vaidya:
Wound Healing with enhanced IgG from
whole Cow colostrum. Reimmugen plus soft laser therapy for 5 sessions done in
15 days…Ayurveda expands on "inner strength and rejuvenation at cellular
level...Now dry. Chronic acute diabetes. 2 cardiac incidences. Age 74. Over
weight. Alcoholic.
Bhagyashri Panchal:
In our clg, very used to apply jatyadi
tail in place of betadine in allopathy.. It gives very good result in would
Sujith Shetty:
Application of Ghee + Honey+ Eranda taila in equal quantity beneficial in wound
healing...Along with triphala prakshalana
vikram delhi:
Jatyadi ghritam is wonderful..
Vd. Rajal
shukla: Trifala
haridra mixture gives very good results ropankarm
Komal: Jatyadi ghrt
n jatyadi taila..Also shatdhout ghrt is very gud
Vd. Komal
Kalavadiya: Karpur
with ghee use after vran praxan n we also use jatyadi ghrit.
End of
courtesy by: Vd. Dhruti Kagrana
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