Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Ayucafe Webinar Backpain – Katishula # Ayurveda

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Ayucafe – Free Webinar Topic of Discussion: Backpain – Katishula # Ayurveda
Dr. Mehul Joshi: Kati shool?
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Backpain due to vata dosha
Ayulink Ayurveda: Katishula or backpain can be a symptom of several pathology in the area.
Dr. Jwalit shah: Disease or symptom of underline disease?
Ayulink Ayurveda: both
Vd. Jayesh Thakkar: Back Pain generally is of joint/lumbar reason like spondylosis, stenosis, osteoporosis, osteomyelitis but can be of other reason like bladder infection or PID pelvic infection
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Dr. Pulkit Baxi: Reason is always vat- and vat does not mean only air but quality and quantity ,, leads to stuructural deformity ,, again leads to pain.
Neurological etc sometime
Refferd pain too
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Most common complain in female backpain due to white discharge
Ayulink Ayurveda: Common causes are:  Muscle or ligament strain. Repeated heavy lifting or a sudden awkward movement can strain back muscles and spinal ligaments. ... Bulging or ruptured disks.   Arthritis. ...  Skeletal irregularities. ...     Osteoporosis. etc
lower backpain and upper backpain are also having different causes
Vata is common causative factor according to ayurveda
Ayulink Ayurveda: but at the same time, we must consider various other factors causing pain in back area In today's lifestyle Backpain due to poor posture
Vd. Jayesh Thakkar: Yes of vata-vridhi or asthi kshaya....Ruksha guna of Vata is disturbed so oil snehana both externally and internally good
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Lack of physical activity. Stress also one of the cause of backpain
Ayulink Ayurveda: Pain in spine - Lumber area involves ligaments, vertebra and nerves too
Dr. Dhananjay Bairagi: It's sandhi स्थान according to ayu
Dr. Pulkit Baxi: I think treatment depands upon ---as per symptoms and which quality of vat ,, is vitiated.  Ruksh,, laghu, shit, shukshma,, khara, chal etc guna of vat.
Dr. Prasad N Dhule: Kati shul
Dr. Jonky N.tawar: karma relief symptoms??
Ayulink Ayurveda: yes...treatment will depend on sthan (location) of pain, severity and causative factors
Dr. dhananjay Bairagi: Spasm / sprain in main cause
Dr.Prasad N Dhule: Yes .
Ayulink Ayurveda: what can be done if the pain is generated in muscle?
local abhyang and svedana is good enough for muscular pain
Ayucafe 01 2020 26: Ligament tear madhe apan Kati Basti, snehan, pinda swed karu shakto ka?
Dr. Pulkit Baxi: Muscle relaxers - fomentation. Hot or cold.
Ayulink Ayurveda: rest and relax the muscle is the main suggestion
 Dr. dhananjay Bairagi : स्तंभ दिखाई देता है क्या?
Ayulink Ayurveda: abhyang with ? any oil or Narayan oil, Maha narayan oil, nirgundi oil etc
Ayucafe 01 2020 30: What/how will be done for RA / OA with CKD pt. please t/t
Ayulink Ayurveda: if complete tear is there, then it will need surgical treatment. if partial tear is there, mostly it take 8-9 months to coverup. yes, you can do katibasti etc..but cant expect result - heal of tear in 8-10 days. stambh = stiffness? can we see stiffness?
Dr. Pulkit Baxi: Stop movement - first of all. In such case. As movement increase tear and pain both
Ayucafe 01 2020 26: Yes
Dr. Pulkit Baxi: Restricted movement is stiffness
Dr. Dhananjay Bairagi : Then it can be due to aam or vat
Ayucafe 01 2020 34: Glutius medius muscles tendinopathy ??
Ayucafe 01 2020 34: Ligament tear ?? Ayurved view which treatment For back pain
 Dr. Pulkit Baxi: Bandhan, Sandhan, Wrapping
Ayulink Ayurveda: most common condition is Lumber spondylitis, or degenerative changes in lumber spine
It's not correct that ayurveda dont have fast acting pain management....we can also manage the pain faster like modern medicines
Alejandra: What happen when the person has a loss of muscle and, of course, lost of muscle in the lower back?
Ayucafe 01 2020 26: What about Partial and complete stenosis management??
Ayucafe 01 2020 34: Masa ras ni matra basti api sakay
Ayulink Ayurveda: abhyang and pind svedana are good according to me
Ayucafe 01 2020 49: How sir
Ayulink Ayurveda: partial canal stenosis - grade 1 and grade 2 can be managed ...we do in our hospital
complete stenosis? do you mean complete blockage of nerves...then surgery is the only option
Dr. Anand Hanumant More: Agni karma and viddhakarma
Dr. Jemin Dibariya: How sir?
Ayulink Ayurveda: Rajyapan basti
Dr. Mitang Parikh: Can manage by medicines only?
Ayulink Ayurveda: agnikarma, marma chikitsa, arthrothermia etc
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: The description of backpain is available in some other conditions like ‘katigraha’, ‘prishtagraha ’etc.
Low back ache may be a pre-monitory (prodromal) symptom in fistula in ano, sciatica, gouty arthritis, hernia, emaciation disorder etc.
If it is secondary, earlier history of fall or injury may be associated.
Ayucafe 01 2020 26: Agnikarma che kahi specific point var karayche ki aatyagre shula:
Ayucafe 01 2020 34: Complete transvers mylietis treat ment ayurved view??
Alejandra: Is recommended asanas to improve muscle increase or tonification for the lower back?
Ayucafe 122019 19: Heat conduction Near Marma Sthana and dahan at MAXIMUM pain pt
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana : How?
Alejandra: For improve condition of muscle loss, and prevent pain and other problems?
Ayucafe 01 2020 26: How we can differentiate Maans, snayu, sira, sandhi gat vaat ??
Ayucafe 01 2020 28: For vidhha karma is there any specific points?
Ayucafe 122019 19: RAKTMOKSHAN is also very useful in Chronic cases and disc degeneration or disc prolapse
Shri Minoo parabia: Aswagandha gives great relief in moderate muscular pain.
It is better with oral administration of Spondygo oil 5ml x2 orally
Ayucafe 01 2020 26: How can we treat, Retrolisthesis one vertebra over another
Ayucafe 01 2020 26: Structural deformities panchkarma ne cover hote ka?
Ayulink Ayurveda: I think NO
Dr. Pulkit Baxi: Traction is helpful? I think it's subject of physiotherapy// vyayam
Ayulink Ayurveda: There are some very good formulations available in the market...e.g. Tab. Shallaki MR (Gufic), Tab Fleximuv (Cadila), Lin Arnopen, Lin Rumalaya are few of them to relive pain
Dr. Uday Thevar: If there is deformities in muscles, weak muscles pressure comes on joints..
Yoga helps in re aligning the joint and strengthening the muscle..by modifying the asana and use of yoga props..
Ayucafe 01 2020 26: Ankilosing spondilosis var Ayurved Kay vichar karu shakto?
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Lashuna – Garlic
Eranda – Castor root and oil
Chincha – Tamarind fruit and leaves
Rasna – Pluchea lanceolata C. B. Clarke.
Shunti – Ginger
Bala – Sida cordifolia Linn.
Sahachara – Barleria prionitis Linn.
Ajamoda – Trachyspermum roxburghianum (DC.) Sprague
Haritaki – Terminalia chebula Retz.
Masha – Black gram
Prasarini – Sida cordata (Burm. F.) Borss.
Nirgundi – Vitex negundo Linn.
are helpful
Dr. Uday Thevar: Posture correction, many are times bcz of flat feet the effect is on the back. Ease the stiffness by special.oils ..
Ayulink Ayurveda: Assessment criteria for katishula can be : Pain, Flexion, Ground Extension-Left lateral movement, Right lateral movement, Difficulty to sit in squatting position,
lets share the specific treatment / management part for Katishula
Ayulink Ayurveda: if it is arthritis or degenerative changes - internally we can take guggulu forumlation, dasamula formulations etc and externally application of oils and svedana - fomentation
If it is muscular pain_: apply more local treatment - abhaynag, svedana
If it is vertebral issues : kati basti, Marma chikitsa, agnikarma etc can be choice of treatment
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana : Classification of backpain as per modern:
- Somatic Back pain
- Osseous Back Pain
- Back pain cussed by Nerve lesions
- Referral Back Pain
Ayucafe 122019 19: Yes, but not in each and every case.
We can correct structural deformities with AYURVEDA and Physiotherapy along with MARMA CHIKITASA
Ayucafe 01 2020 34: Complete transvers mylietis treat ment ayurved view??
Dr. Samir Suneri 1: If Back pain is due to urine infection Than  Katti vasti is also use full  I don't know y But it works
Dr. dhananjay Bairagi : Tikta ksheer basti works nicely..
Ayucafe 122019 19: In case if Tuni-Pratituni vedana or radiating PAIN from loin to groin VIDDHAKARM on Great Toes gives INSTANT relief.
Vd. sandeep Ahirkar: Most of the time Kati shool because of adharniya Vega like mala ,mutra..resepective treatment like awagah ,snehan swedan , avpidaka sneha pan will give better results
Dr. Giriraj Sharma: Please focus on ankylosing spondylitis and its management
Ayulink Ayurveda: very difficult condition..as it is ankylose ...difficult to make them separate
Ayucafe 01 2020 49: This procedure also used katishul due to renal calculi
Ayulink Ayurveda: Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory disease that, over time, can cause some of the small bones in your spine (vertebrae) to fuse. This fusing makes the spine less flexible and can result in a hunched-forward posture. If ribs are affected, it can be difficult to breathe deeply.
Dr. Mitang Parikh: Stenosis can we cure by medicine?
Vd. sandeep Ahirkar: Drug of choice for katishool
Rasnasapthaka kashay
Rasnapanchak kashay
Trayodashang guggul
Dr. Samir Suneri : Panchamrita lauh gugulu And tail pan sahcharadi oil
Dr. Pulkit Baxi: I show some bone TB ( vertebral) ,, cause pain. To. In that case any instant relief procedure is there in Aayurveda???  Where tramadol and other painkillers fail
Ayulink Ayurveda: we can try with arthrothermia... please bring patient to us
Compiled by - Dr. Dhruti Kagrana

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