Friday, January 11, 2019

Essential Tremor #Ayurveda

Views shared by several Ayurveda professionals and non-Ayurveda people in discussion group:
All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.
(Any ayurveda or medical doctor, If you like this activity, and wants to be a part of this chat discussion on whatsapp, please send in your request by email to Thank you.)
Next topic of discussion: Essential Tremor #Ayurveda
Dr. Jigar Joshi: It's Vat vyadhi.. snehan must.
Dr.Amit Shukla: Vaat Pradhan vyadhi, can be associated with other doshas too. Before doing Panchakarma/Shaman chikitsa, pachan of doshas should must be considered.
 Vd Ashish Kumar: गोपाल तैल से लाभ मिलता है,नस्य अभ्यंग पान।

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14929: Chalatva sukshmatva mainly increased.  Mainly Vyana vata dushti.
Dr. Ravikant Prajapati: May be due to Avaran janya, Kshayaja ( mainly rasaj)
Dr. Rakhi Maniyar: Kapikachhu kshirpak, vishtundi vati, Aampachan, T.pulsineuron1 tid, mahamashadi tail abhyang It's very useful
Dr. Meenaxi Verma: Mustadi yapan basti, Ghrita pana, abhyanga,
14929: Kb taila abhyanga.. Kb 101 with milk .
Dr. Vaduvur S. Narayan: It I interesting that Parkinson's and Alzheimer's seem to be increasing in incidence and prevalence in all the countries where life spans have increased . Japan has more 100 year old people per capita and it should be interesting scientifically to see if the incidence of these neurological diseases are more prevalent in Japan ?
Dr. Phanindra Narayan Gundu: Not in Japan I believe, they generally have an intake of more than 600 mcg of iodine every day(sea food) and we don't even consume 50  mcg. Forgot to add, depression and poor memory are some of the symptoms of iodine deficiency. And most of the 7 billion population are deficient.
Vd Tushar Trivedi: I have used Lasoon ksheerapaka. It covers both dhatu kshayaja and Avarana janya samprapti. Bala Ashwagandha taila shiropichu. All vrishya dravya will be useful. Anuvasana basti -  Vata pradhana - Bala ashwagandha taila, Vatpitta pradhana - ksheerabala taila.
Dr. Siva Kumar: It is an involuntary action
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Tremor is mentined in Ayurveda as VEPATHU. It's VataNanatmaja vikar.
Gary Yuen: Japan's longevity is likely due to their former eating of plants: rice, dal, vegetables, sea vegetables etc. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's is likely due to recent changes in adopting a Western diet. Processed and fast foods are growing everywhere. With wealth too, people are eating more meat. Fish too is possibly not safe anymore since all oceans are polluted. Some call Alzheimer's type 3 diabetes. Perhaps prahema treatment might work. That's one condition I'm not sure if it is treatable once it reaches some stage. Type 1 seems possible at a certain point. Agree it seems vata. Looking at studies, there's not much info. Some suggest distinction in neurotransmitters, i think it was GABA receptors. Anything that reduces anxiety like jatamamsi and ashwagandha i think might show some minor effect. Cause is certainly diet. Dysfunction in neurotransmitters
Colombia Dr Mario Herrera: It Is recomended to associate Kapikachhu plus Gokshura in order to increase absortion of the former. Brahmi reduce tremors but also reduce the risk of dementia associated to Parkinson's
Gary Yuen: Yes brahmi seems effective. Likely also mandukaparni. That is still a vegetable in some places like villages and south India and south east Asia.
We should look at causes. Anthocyanins from blueberries shown to enter the brain and improve memory. Possibly also has an effect. Purple cabbage. Possibly unstudied other colored flavonids such as flowers: rose, chrysanthemum, anything. In the brassica family, there is a yellow plant once used as yellow dye for clothing, root now used in chinese medicine. Woad, isatis tinctoria. My feeling is it might be stronger than moringa.
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: In case of suden onset of tremors  ... history of newly started  /changed modern medicine should also be asked ... as some medicines may  show  their unwanted effects like tremors .
Gary Yuen: Pommegranate skin. pomegrante has been shown to have an effect on anxiety and motor function. Skin doesn't taste too good, bitter, so I blend them in a smoothie with amalaki. I think iodine maybe a reason why milk is considered rasayana. Sea vegetables, seaweed, is a good source of iodine and something I now have multiple times a week. Some varieties have too much iodine and can cause toxicity. Though I think iodine metabolism may not be understood, and acceptable levels might be higher if the rest of the diet is good. Same for selenium. Also shown to affect mood and anxiety. Selenium should be in all plants though the USDA database doesn't include it. Like iodine, highly variable with soil. Brazil nuts the only commonly known source, though that too is highly variable with Amazon soil conditions different with forest location. So no way to know how much selenium is in brazil nuts. Many varieties of seaweed also known to absorb toxic metals like arsenic. I think nori, dulse, alaria, and wakame are ok. Someone should verify.
Shahil H Bhavsar:
Parkinson disease have classical symptoms.
Short key: TRAP
Here,tremors are resting tremor.
It means when the person is not doing any activity the tremors appear and it decreses when person do some activity.
Here, the tremors have a characteristic feature of "pill-rolling" tremor.
Gary Yuen: Theres one study of fruits that help parkisons, alzheimers, and anxiety. All things colored: draksha pomegranate berries plums etc. Flowers are not studied but like in ancient times, an important food.
Croatia Branko Markovic: Sneha internal and external. Lashuna in capsules in big doses or ksheera paka showed best results..then balamoola, shatavari, ashwagandha..daily meditation and pranayama like nadhi shodhan, ujayi, brahmari..
 Dr. Arvind Shahane: Jatamansi fanta, Mansyadi kashay  Also useful.
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Yes , for long standing tremors as in Parkinson or in as a result of ageing  , I use Kavach beeja ghana vati in a dose 1 morning , evening preferrably with warm milk.
It is useful for as a yaapan (maintenance ) .
Dr.Satish Panda: Yes
1.Anubasana vasti
2.Vanari kalpana
4.Sarbhanga abhyang are the usual line of treatment. Result are also satisfactory.
Dr. Pritam Veer: Best treatment option for tremors . can add bruhan plus vataghn nasya also
Dr. Sushant Patil: Ayurveda can minimize symptoms it can't cure if patient will not follow regime then recurrence will be there
 Gary Yuen: in Caraka Ci 29.49 on vatarakta, section on treatment begins with cereals: yava, flour of godhuma, nivara (where to find?), sali, and shastika. Opinions about flour of godhuma? It is more easily digestable, and perhaps is useful in some cases as medicine. But for gut health, to build immunity and ojas, it's been shown flour is far less effective than the intact grain. Prebiotics are destroyed when processed as flour, possibly affects millet as ragi as well. Flour products may be an effect of kshatriyas. Modern medicine says they are quickly absorbing – with refined flour like bread or anything made with maida spiking blood sugar as bad as sugar itself. Caraka Su 27 also says flour is quicky absorbed.
In the same chapter, among vegetables, first is sunisannaka (marsilia minuta), though that is the only aquatic plant I've seen in formulas (rest I'm not too familar with). Maybe there is something unique about plants that grow in water, such as mandukaparni and lotus.
Dr. V B. Maheshwari: Kapikachu is best drug for tremors as it works on dopamine level. Murdhni tailam is also very effective in these conditions. These are due to vata chal guna and sukshm guna, so we can use snigdh sheet tailam for murdhni tailam like ksheerbala, bhrami etc.
Gary Yuen: Should be curable. Many things are autoimmune conditions or often ojas is a factor. With even the best intentions, most doctors do not know the importance of the dietetical rules. classical foods such as those in Caraka Su 27, no one that lives in the city has access to such plants, few eat flowers every day, few prescribe yava, millet, etc. – food, except for external allergens and toxins that one might find in one's occupation (farmer, factory, etc.), is often the main cause. living in the city, even with the best foods available, rasa is not high enough to treat severe conditions. We also do not strictly follow rules for preparation (krtanna varga : peya, vilepika, manda, gruel, porridge). effect on ojas compared to products made of maida, atta, or white rice is significant.
With enough ojas, we should be immune to all viruses, zika, HIV, tb, malaria, etc. But we are so far from the foods mentioned in classical texts to reach that. we are struggling to fight simple conditions like the cold and flu.
Somewhere in Caraka, there's a description of a hospital. Among staff, the first mention is of cooks. Some or many of us understand the importance of food, but only very simply. The ancient way of cooking is much like formulas. Many dozens of ingredients, each changed in quantity, some herbs added or removed as we see the effect on the patient. Food is the same way; the proper way to "cure" someone is to cook for them, monitor progress, and change any and all ingredients as needed, quantity, moment, frequency etc.
For all conditions, food should be treated as such. Yet how many of us follow such practices, strictly making our own food, carefully observing the effect of each ingredient, and modifying each and everyone daily like a formula? some studies suggest elevated creatinine can be associated with tremors. Looks to be a sign of declining kidney function. cause is possibly excess meat. numerous studies for chinese medicine. another mentions high doses of prthvika/kalonji.
 one modern science study of essential tremors, from bangalore, mentions "sleep disturbances, fatigue, pain, anxiety, and depression". I think tremor might be a symptom of a greater condition, more than disturbance in vata.
maybe it will help to better understand related symptoms and other changes. Non-motor features in essential tremor
it's not that creatinine is associated with tremors. maybe. it's that elevated creatinine, maybe there are other reasons, is one sign of failing kidneys. we might not be meant to eat animal foods, even milk. no other animals consume milk in adulthood, perhaps human milk is useful, seems certain though few drink it now despite widespread use in ancient times among many traditional medicines. – elevated creatinine might not be the only symptom of declining kidneys, but declining kidney function, in some cases (or more?) shows in changes in motor function. it could be modern studies suggesting declining kidney function with changes in motor function and the nervous system is indeed disturances in vata. One doctor cites a study that among some rural Indians, they have some of the lowest rates of dementia so far reported.
Seems it is the people of Ballabgar. Opinions about mushrooms? Rasayana according to some medicines, and increases immunity and ojas. Heavy. Studies mention benefits for dementia thus perhaps tremors. One mentions "reduced beta amyloid-induced neurotoxicity". Modern science has never said Alzheimer's can be reversed. I don't know if it's possible. One would need to completely remove the cause, diet, and then perhaps go on rasayana treatment for months or years. Would it be possible then, i don't know. As far as quantity of mushrooms, i also don't know. One doctor says 5 a day. I normally have one or two. With good agni, more might be beneficial. Some doctors mention B12 as preventative for Alzheimer's. There are studies associating low levels with tremors. B12 I think helps metabolize an amino acid, homocysteine. Mostly from meat, and bad oils many people eat today like palm, safflower, sunflower, etc. There are numerous factors though B12 is important. We once were like monkeys and other animals, and drank water from rivers, ate bugs and dirt (unwashed vegetables), etc. So we evolved to not need B12. Now essential. Polyphenols in Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review of In Vivo Studies
One study associates low levels of various substances in the brain such as ergothioneine with Parkinsons. Highest they say is mushrooms. Texts don't often mention them but seems important. Oxadative stress also a role as with it seems all conditions so thus amalaki, haritaki, and other rasayana perhaps should be used more often. Perhaps ojas affects much more than we think.
Compiled by - Dr. Dhruti Kagrana

Monday, January 7, 2019

AyuCafe - Live chat - Breathlessness (Shvas-kashtata)

Views shared by several Ayurveda professionals and non-Ayurveda people in discussion group:
All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.
(Any ayurveda or medical doctor, If you like this activity, and wants to be a part of this chat discussion on whatsapp, please send in your request by email to Thank you.)
AyuCafe - Live chat
Topic of discussion:Breathlessness (Shvas-kashtata)
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Some of diseases where dyspnea swasa kashtata is symptom asthma,  bronchitis,  pneumonia, pneumothorax,  anemia,  lung cancer anxiety,  COPD, congestive heart failure, arrhythmia,  allergic reaction, anaphylaxis, lung disease,  obesity tuberculosis, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary artery hypertension,  pleurisy,  sarcoidosis, rib fracture, carbon monoxide poisoning, obesity please elaborate these conditions
Ayulink Ayurveda: Considering these many possibilities..we can't say blindfolded that shwas-kashta -> Virechana, or use of bronchodilators in all is always better to go for detailed history and proper diagnosis before we suggest any treatment....

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Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Allergic reaction -When someone breath particular allergen / s , bronchial tree react on that allergen/ s & constrict some  part of bronchial tree → intake of O² ↓ → blood need ↑ O² →lung has to work ↑ → resulting → breathless ness.
Dr. Madhura Phadtare: Heamatogenic and psychiatric diseases also includes the symptom dyspnea
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: If  Kapha accumulated in stomach, it could go to lungs and trachea. Kapha increased in respiratory system difficulties normal air flow. So first you have to find cause of K increased (heavy diet, winter season, dairy products, lack of exercise, etc.) and correct them. Then try have to return Kapha to stomach to eliminate it excess. and give some herbs to improve normal lungs function
Ayulink Ayurveda: Yes. I agree. And for that you can use purgative or laxative
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Udgar veg dharan -> Shwash Charak sutra 7/18
Ayulink Ayurveda: Disorders of the breath affect  Whether due to a common cold resulting in bronchitis or something more serious such as asthma or emphysema, difficulty  to breathing  (dyspnea) as “swasa”.kashtata The breath is disturbed when vata is obstructed by kapha. Vitiation is classically stated to occur in the pranavaha srota (respiratory system), the ambuvaha srota (water metabolism system) and the annavaha srota (stomach). Kapha is given the greatest role in the pathology. Vitiation of kapha results in obstruction to the movement of air in and out of the respiratory system. This condition has its origin in the stomach, the site of kapha. Hence, kapha accumulates and becomes aggravated in the stomach, overflows into circulation and relocates into the respiratory system where it obstructs the movement of vayu (air.)
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: In today's stressful modern urbanized living, incidence of Asthma is considerably increasing. The rapid industrialization , excessive crowding , Increasing pollution are some of the factors responsible for this increase in incidence of Bronchial Asthma.
Ayulink Ayurveda: Five types of 'Swas Roga' are described in Ayurvedic texts
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana:
A] Factors related to diet:
Excessive indulgence in lablab beans ,black grams, raw milk, soar curd, excess salt, flesh of aquatic and wet land animals.
Excessive use of 'Ruksha'(dry) and 'Guru'(heavy) diet, excessive use of cold water and cold drinks.
Excessive use of 'Abhishandi'(Kapha producing) diet, Excessive use of not easily digestible and irritant food.
B] Factors related to work :
Excessive exposure to dust and smoke.
Excessive wind, cold, cold bath or excessive heat, sun bath.
Exhaustive exercise, walking, excessive sexual activities.
Supression of natural urges
Psychological factors
C] Other Factors :
Trauma to vital organs viz. - chest, throat
Asthma may be as a sequaelae in other diseases like -
Fever, Long standing common cold, Tuberculosis , Anaemia, Heart disease, Poisoning
Ayulink Ayurveda: Ajwain stem inhalation is helpful
Dr. Jigar Joshi: And lowered immunity, Ojakshay
Ayulink Ayurveda: please elaborate effect of diet, life stye; side effects of season, any medicine, or any other physical disease condition..and then treatment....
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Herbal tea made up of Trchyspermum, (Ajwain), Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi), pepper, and ginger is useful natural expectorant for it. Ginger , Clove, Black peeper, Camphor  are common herbs
92325: Whatever may be the etiology, it al results in Vaat dushti. Vaatanuloman is must in all types of shwas kashtata
Croatia Branko Markovic: Yashtimadhu as tea or in capsule form showed good results
Dr. Jigar Joshi: Yes.. vaat pradhan vyadhi
14929: Clinicaly divided can be divided  in to apana dusti karana nd udana.  In apana dushti mainly due to shakrut,  vayu vega dharana.  In udana dusti due excessive talking udgara  etc can be taken. Foods like oily foods cold drinks deep fried foods etc.  Exposure to dust.
92325: Basti, followed by appropriate medication according to associated dosh-prabalya and symptoms gives desired result.
14929: Beetal leaf with maricha nd honey,.  Tulsi swrasa with honey. Small onion with khanda sarkara.In vata pittanu bhand Gandarvahsadtadi ksh abhayarishta dhanvantara vati lavangadi churna,  e/a gandharvahastadi taila Or plain castor oil can be used.  In kapha pradhanya vasakarushta kanaka kalpana dashamoolarishta nayopayam kashayam,  saindavadi taila. Can be given.  For anulomana nd deepana vaishvanara churna dadimadi churna triphala churna can be done
92325: Ras kalp like Mallasindur, Samirpannag in Aatyayik awastha
69576: Use of trikatu.
60735: Haritaki is hot and has special action on the lungs and the heart
14929: Agastya rasayana
60735: Ginger powder and jaggery in equal quantity is good for asthma
Dr.Satish Panda: Apamarga and navasadar fume usually used as bronchodilator
60735: If bronchitis or allergic rhinitis are not treated,then it may leads to asthma,
Vd. Manhar Prajapati: Yatkinchit kaph vatgna usna warm water diet and vihar also
60735: Remove constipation and stomach should be corrected,bowels should be clear, obstructions in the channels of circulations have to be cleared
Vd. Manhar Prajapati: First indentify amajirna most case noted so first clear that than go for classical vaman followed by virechan if needed
60735: Treatment should always begin by correcting the stomach
 Dr Venkata swamy: Dasamula is very good results
Dr Venkata swamy: Gives
Vd. Manhar Prajapati: Allergic case simple cows ghee nasya can help
14929: In chornic condition shodhana is best
 60735: 4 teaspoon of turmeric powder with one teaspoon of butter and add a little jaggery or sugar powder, should take 4 time's a day for acute attack. Ginger juice with honey will melt phlegm
 Vd. Ekta D. Patel: Ajwain & jirak given 1 tsp 4 time in a day is good for pranavaha stroto dusti
14929: Hot water for daily use also helps in Prevention
60735: Peacock feather bhasma is a wonderful one for asthma
14929: Anybody having any experience of using manashiladi dhuma in swasha
60735: No, clarify pls
14929: Anybody have used manashiladi dhuma in their practice..
 Vd. Vishal Rajparia: How to make and how to use
14929: Please share Rasaoushadis can be used in this cibtext
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: was dealing with the case of paediatric asthma ....  bal shwasa. It was first follow up. Good results in one week. Case was of female pt , aged 5 and half years  old , having shwasa since 2 years. it starts always on season change with kasa , followed by urakaphapurnata , followed by shwas kruchhata i.e. breathlessness. patient was on modern rx mainly inhalers ... bhronchdilators ... and also on steroid inhalers. First main thing I advised to have early dinner witout rice , which I advise to all shwasa patients. And also to avoid all types of liquids like water , juices , milk , icecream etc.after dinner .if thirst is there then warm water in small quantity was advised. I started 7 days before Chyawanprash  1/2 teaspoonful two times a day .. morning empty stomach and evening after dinner
 19722: Sir can u explain d exact method ....wen n how to give d inhalation
 Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Yashti kantakari pippali amruta   freshly prepared kwatha after dinner. morning ... sitopaladi yashti and praval panchamruta with honey. In last 7 days , no shwas krucchata , not any inhaler required.
Dr.Satish Panda: Just like dhuma kalpna usually used after vaman
 Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Now , from tomorrow patient is going on holiday tour in south India for more than 2 weeks ... so 3 weeks medicine is given    ..just krumikuthar is added to morning dose .... and Kanakasav /Somasava is advised 10 ml od /bd if required. After 3 weeks planning to give Vardhamaan Pippali ksheerpaak .
Vd. Dipak Upadhyay: Tumeric Lozenges helps as a co- prescription. France Lata Luxmee: Interesting.
Dr Sandeep Madaan: In presence of thick mucus and bronchospasm  sameerpannag rasa 60mg twice a day with honey prove effective
Compiled by - Dr. Dhruti Kagrana

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

IBS( Irritable bowel Syndrome) # Ayurveda management

Views shared by several Ayurveda professionals and non-Ayurveda people in discussion group:
All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.
(Any ayurveda or medical doctor, If you like this activity, and wants to be a part of this chat discussion on whatsapp, please send in your request by email to Thank you.)
Next topic for discussion: IBS( Irritable bowel Syndrome) # Ayurveda management
Dr. Jigar Joshi: Bilwadi churna (bhang yukta) was very effective but now a days not available
40691: Patoladi Churna
Raman Kumar: Gandharv hastadi kshayam.. Bilvadi gutika.
40691: Takra Sevan is best in IBS
Dr. Sachin Bali: "Agni vichar" and "sthan vaigunya " should be taken care of...

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 Ayulink Ayurveda: It is clearly psychosomatic condition. Manodaihik vyadhi - should be considered here
Dr. Sachin Bali: Psychological instability can be one of the reasons of the disease...
14929: Dadimashtaka churna with takra
40691: Relation Between Pitta Dhara Kala and Majja Dhara kara
Dr. Chanchal Sharma: Mochras basti also give great results in grahni
Vd Ashish Kumar: पहले दीपन फिर स्तम्भन फिर वृहन ग्रहणी रोग में जिन दोषों की विकृति उसके अनुसार चिकित्सा करनी चाहिये।
Dr. Ravikant Prajapati: pachan should also be considered if amaja shool is also present. पियूषवल्ली रस, नागरादि चूर्ण of pittaj grahni Yes.. chikitsa varies according to dosha dominance. Bhunimbadi choorna of Grahnirogadhikar in B.R .  is also good in sama conditions. 🙏
Ayulink Ayurveda: Can you please give more details and reference on Majja. Dhara Kala? I have heard that Majja Dhara Kala starts from brain and goes to intestine, but could not find any information in classical books.
75636: Well said , also we have to treat mental depression
Ayulink Ayurveda: Very common diseases do to high stress, eating too fast or too much. Very simple remedy is Lashunadi Vati taken in the mid of meal. All the diseases ,we include in Grahni vyadhi by Ayurveda. Grahani dushti is always related to Manodushti. All parpati kalpana are useful in Grahani. Bilva and it's combination can also be used for grahani.
Dr. Siva Kumar: Ibs is caused as a result of adhyasana,visamasana. Inculcating proper Dietary practices May modify the condition.It can be because of delicate / sensitive intestine by birth also.
Ayulink Ayurveda: It is clearly psychosomatic condition. Manodaihik vyadhi - should be considered here
Vd. Jignesh Thakkar: One is group of diseases. Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease are also related condition.
Dr. Pritam Veer: All the diseases ,we include in Grahni vyadhi by Ayurveda. Grahani dushti is always related to Manodushti. All parpati kalpana are useful in Grahani. Bilva and it's combination can also be used for grahani.
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's are not related conditions to Irritable bowel syndrome.
Vd. Hardik bhatt, Idar: some type of antibiotic drugs taken long term effects on grahni.
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Inflammatory bowel disease= Ulcerative colitis +/ Crohn's disease.  There is mainly inflammation in GI tract specially in small intestine (Crohn's disease) and large intestine (Ulcerative colitis)
Dr Mario Herrera: There Is an important relationship between IBS and a Gut - brain - microbiome axis disorder. It Is always beneficial to address anxiety
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Irritable bowel disease:- Bowel is irritated by any reasons.
If some person is irritated then that person will react by two ways:-
1) He will become angry but will not show his anger, he will suppress his anger
2) He will show his anger.
Same thing happens with irritated Bowel. Bowel will react by two ways:-
1) Bowel will not show anger, Bowel will suppress anger and that is manifested as CONSTIPATION..
2) Bowel will show anger, and that is manifested as DIARRHOEA.
Alternating CONSTIPATION and DIARRHOEA is cardinal symptom of Irritable bowel syndrome..
Bowel is mainly  irritated by faulty dietary habits and Mental stress.
So Medhya RASAYANA along with Dipana, Pachana help in irritable bowel syndrome..
Mental stress is one of important cause of Irritable bowel syndrome. Bowel is easily irritated by stress.
Shahil H Bhavsar: IBS can be classified as per chief complain
1- IBS-D- diarrhea predominant
2- IBS-C- constipation predominant
3- IBS-A-alternating stool patern
4-pain predominant
Dr.Sanjeev Gupta: In IBS , " Bowel care " capsule from Organic company is very effective .
Ayulink Ayurveda: IBS and IBD are very different conditions. Please do not mix up in the discussion.
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Sadhak Pitta Dushti is found along with food disturbances .... usually both hetu are simmultaneous for more than one year . Usually many patients in chronic stage .... young age .   college .. who experience hostel life first time ... feeling of loneliness .. and also  food habit changes ... from home food to mess food ... and altered timing of food and sleep. In such chronic cases , I got permanent  results in few patients with Drakshaasav followed by  Mahatiktak ghruta as Apunarbhava along with counselling for mind as well as for diet . I treat it mainly on line of treatment of Grahanidosha chikitsa. itta dhara kala and majja dhara kala are same , it is mentioned in Sushrut .
 Dr. Rachana: For IBS kutaj being the 1st choice of drug. But as we give kutaj immediately pt comes with c/o bloated stomach .Since than I started giving sanjeevani vati along with any treatment of IBS. Recently one case of IBS gave kutaj Parpati, panchamrit Parpati, but not so good result Than I gave vasant Malini ras along with sanjeevani vati Excellent results. 2 vasant Malini ras tabs + 4 sanjeevani vati tabs crush it mix it. Make 3 packs and give 3 times before meal. Advice pt to avoid usna tikshna aahar and aushadh.
Gary Yuen: I think perhaps IBS might not happen except in people with kapha, and then other doshas are considered. Ideal weight and diet would be those that lived during krtya yuga, those well-done. perfect weight, perfect dharma. is it possible we no longer consider that ideal, and everyone has some excess kapha that's ignored? studies do associate IBS risk with high fat foods. we are used to eating too much oil, ghee, milk, meat, fish, without classical fruits and vegetables. common Indian fruits and vegetables, same as all over the world, are low rasa, and perhaps have little effect on balancing doshas. of studies. mint has shown an improvement in IBS. likely others. mint can be used in more than traditional dishes like pulav. add it to everything. reduce oil. reduce ghee. most people are not using real ghee anyway, very important. meat and fish perhaps should be limited to once a week or less. Lotus and chrysanthemum I now have everyday. It is very cooling.They seem to be also excellent anti-virals though don’t know how they compare to other plants for that.
Croatia Branko Markovic: Very common diseases do to high stress, eating too fast or too much. Very simple remedy is Lashunadi Vati taken in the mid of meal
 Dr. Vivek D. Shah: Lack of  sound sleep/Disturbed sleep is a big reason i've found in my day to day practice in IBS patients...
Gary Yuen: Not convinced anything except diet is the true cause. Habits and emotions can exacerbate an already existing excess of one dosha. But i think we are not looking at its origin.
 Dr. Jaya Sambhus: I treat ibs as bhayaj atisar (भयज अतिसार ) .  My first line of tt is shirodhara n shankh vati.
Dr. Pritam Veer: Reasons - Adhyashan , atitashan , virudhhashan Bhay , shok , kaam , krodh. Chikitsa Sutra - Agnidipan + Aampachan + Mal shodhan.
Compiled by - Dr. Dhruti Kagrana

"Rainy Season Woes: Protecting Your Eyes from Monsoon Infections"

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