A movement has started from Teachers Association, Institute of Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurved, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar 361 008, regarding demoralization of Ayurvedic community by promoting non-Ayurvedic persons on leading Ayurvedic positions. Many a times, for key posts in AYUSH Department and/ or Ayurvedic institutions, a person without having basic background and understanding of the AYUSH systems are appointed. It is not justifiable by any means that a person from allied sciences is appointed on such key post.
We wish to have your support to this movement. For more detail sharing, pl email to info@ayulink.com
i am strictly against to those person who don't have the ayurvedic qualification and are dealing with the ayurvedic jobs, those person should be kept behind the bars so that we the qualified ayurvedic degree holder doctors should get the opputunity to work in our ayurvedic field.