Monday, March 20, 2017

Management of ACUTE CONDITION OF FEVER with #Ayurveda....

Views shared by several ayurveda professionals and non-ayurveda people in discussion group:
All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.

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(Any ayurveda or medical doctor, If you like this activity, and wants to be a part of this chat discussion on whatsapp, please send in your request. Whatsapp your full name, city / country name, short intro to +91-9824243567. Thank you.)

Next topic for discussion: Management of ACUTE CONDITION OF FEVER with #Ayurveda....
Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: Tulsi helps in reducing even high grade temp. Sponges soaked in Tulsi swaras diluted with simple cold water when kept over bladder region, and changed frequently, brings down high grade temp, as experienced by me in the case of my son. No allopathic medicines given concurrently at all. Avoid giving milk and preparations of milk during high grade temp.Use of chandrakalaras during Shrad Rutu, in pittaj jawar Or of pitta Constitution, when given with simple water helps a lot. Starvation plays a major role in hyperpyrexia.
Dr. Sujata Vaidya: Grated onion lepa on scalp and sole of feet plus as few spoon juice intake. Juice followed  with haldi, honey and suntha.
Shri Minoo parabia: I am using Calotropis buds. A tribal remedy. The DST sponsored project "development and standardization of.." resulted into the product namely Calomaline, an effective antipyretic and anti malarial. Fever subsides within 20 to 30 minutes. One can just take apical bud with some jaggery. Equally effective.
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani:
Dengue fever- Chandrakala rasa, Sanshamani vati
Fever with RTI- Tribhuvan Kirti rasa
Fever with UTI- Nimbatwaka kwath
Viral fever- Sudarshan Ghana vati
Ayulink: Dose and anupan please.
we use godanti bhasma - 1 gr + guduchi satva 1 gr - with water...and works like paracetamol...dose can be repeated after 1 hour.
Vd. Gurumahantesh: I use tribhuvana kirthi rasa 1 tablet every hour with shunthi swarasa and advice him to take guduchi siddha ushna jala for drinking.
Dr.sarang Patil: Laghusutshekhar 250 mg and Chandrakala Ras 250 with honey repeated after 3 hrs helps in high grade fever also.
Vd. Gurumahantesh: Tribhuvana keerthi helps in vatakaphaja jwara. While as chandrakala helps in pittaja And where as guduchi satva , samshamani helps in vata pittaja. My understanding.
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: In most of cases of RTI, Vata kapha dominate, while pitta dominates in Dengue.
Vd. Dhruti Nirav Bhatt: Sudarshan Ghanvati 6 hourly, Tribhuvan kirti Rasa twice with Tulsi patra or Tulsi patra swaras in Vat Kaphaj fever. Salt water Sponging on Forehead,Palm and Feet. Mayuphal lep on Brahmarandhra region. Light diet, panchkol frequently.
Vd. Kirti: In chikangunia- Asthisandhigt jwar composition from bhishyjyaratnavli gives best result. I know it's granthokt but gives best result.
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: To reduce fever along with Sudarshan ghan vati, Suvarn sutshekhar ras with ginger swaras and trikatu powder.  Kirattikta kashay. Vihaar chikitsa- rubbing cut side of Pumpkin dudhi or red one, bhopala. On palms of hands and soles of feet continuously for 15- 20 mins. Anubhut  temperature came dowm from 102 to 100. Head to be kept cooler when fever present. Juice of onion or dudhi on scalp. Ice packs on head if no sinus congestion.
Dr. Jaya Sambhus: Copper vessel with full of normal water keep on umbilicus , keep it for 5 min n remove, change water n repeat it after 15 min . This is very best in high grade fever and more effective in children.
USA Irene CCA: Does copper has cold properties?
Dr. Rinku Shah: Vettumaran gulika works nicely.
Dr. Uday H. Hanagal: Nidana Parivarjana, Pathya aharavihara sevana,   Amrutarista +  Mustakarista + Parpatakarista in equal quantity with Boiled water gives very good result  in  Acute Fever, fix the dosages according to the condition.
Dr. Jyoti Ashok: Amritarishta+ dashamoolarishta+ vasarishta equal quantity , 2tsf with warm water muhur muhur also helps.
Dr. Arvind Shahane: Sir 3 arishtha's r more expensive for fever.
Dr Jayesh Patel: Amrutashtak kwath with sundarshan ghanvati ghanvati, Amalakyadi churn gives excellent result in acute  fever.
Dr.Ravibhusan S Sonawale: Chandrakala ras 2 BD with Hot water,
Also help to acute fever.
Anoop S. Anand: In Kerala based pharmacies these arishtas are given as loose medicine. i mean the 3 arishtas are mixed and filled in 3 bottles and given to 3 different patients
------------------------------------- Ayulink 2 ------------------------------------
Dr. Shantanandkumar: Tepid sponge bath.
Vd. Manhar Prajapati: Trishun gives good result..
Dr. Dipalee Malviya: maha sudarshan ghan vati n tab Liv.52  r also good.
Ayulink: Dose and anupan?
Vd. Piyush Prajapati: I give only sunthi panak or sunthi danyak him to drink . And eat only Khichadi. i get rapid result by only this..mostly fever relieved by this. If not relieved,than Sudarshan or Tribhuvan ..
Germany Stefanie Erb: What does sunthi panak or danyak mean, please?
Dr. P. A. Deshpande: In high fever rectal circulation of chillled  water give instant relief and save brain from damages.  For thus purposes  two rubber or plastic tubes are inserted in anus . From one tube  chilled water is injected by gravity which circulate un colon and drained out by other tube.  The temperature comes down in few minutes.  Sponging with  salt water also helps.
Dr. Shubhanda Gunjal: Mahasudarshan kadhaa gives good results in fever.
Vd. Manhar Prajapati: Plz guide for child trt also how to treat fever...bcz they not take easily medi specially bitter test...
Dr.Piyush Dodiwadiya: In acute condition cold sponging is best at any age cold water enema is also beneficial. Only in rigors one should not do cold sponging persistent fever is harmful to body so one has to reduce down the temperature Then go for yukti praman and think the cause of fever.
Vd. Jignesh Thakkar: Cold water anema is i think against our pathy Please don't mind but I think cold water anema or cold water applied by any mean via rectal root may vitate vata...which is basic principal of Ayurveda.
Vd. Pritam Bharat Veer: Cold sponging can be done and repeated after every 20 min done especially in axillary region, forehead. But it has also limitations as when there is shivering such cases are mostly small children. In such cases what can we do? experts plz guide. I prefer paracetamol suppository. We have very less options for acute fever. Everyone plz reply.
Martina Kobs: Basti is reducing fever very fast.
Stefanie Erb: We do cold compress with eg towels on calfs/ lower leg. Change a few times But not too cold.
Vd.manik Soni: we must admit that we don’t have much options for acute high grade fever. Sponging will reduce any fever within 15 minutes if done properly.
Dr.Mahesh P: If we stop seeing cases with modern spectacles we can find medicine. If we approach with "this disease - that medicine" we will not find 100% result. Then why rasa guna virya vipaka kala desha bala etc etc etc  are explained??? We can find medicine if approach with real Ayurveda.
Vd.manik Soni: Can I have a single example where we can lower temperature within 15-20 minutes of drug administration..
Dr.Mahesh P: There is example of treating malaria in 2-3 days
Dr. Supratim Bir: As the topic raised is very crucial I want to put my words in d forum Jwara occurs due to ama. Other then Kshya anila bhoya krodha kama soka sramodvaba Jwara langhan swedan kaala n javagu is advised. Now aampachan is intended to cure Jwara. That's for why the body temp increases to burn d ama internally. Interference  with hyper thermic state how much intended is my doubt ! Rather intending hypothermia aamapachan should b d priority. Is it ??
Dr.Kale Vishvnath: Can anyone differ action/results between cold water per rectal (i doubt to call it basti), basti of shit(cold) guna dravya, & basti of jwarhar dravya ?
Dr. Supratim Bir: Temperature will settle automatically. Vasti dravya always should b of body temp. Sheeta dravya produce vyapad. As pakvasaya as the seat of vata N sheeta.  Is the quality of vayu so cold water enema will provoke vayu. It's theory . But kindly share if any body got hypo thermic action with this.
Dr.Kale Vishvnath: Though classically aamapachan is important, for aatyayik chikitsa & integrated approach we can think of hypothermia... i think if so, what ayurved advice among above 3 (cold water, shit gun yukta or jwarhar)?
Dr. Supratim Bir: Jwarahara
Dr.Mahesh P: Using cold water sponging is unscientific.
Dr. Supratim Bir: Jwarahara n kafanashak dravyas carry kasaya n tikata gunas.
Vd. Shrinidhi: In acute fever mrityunjaya rasa 250 mg with 2 ml of adraka swarasa will subdue body temperature 1-2 F within 3 hours in addition i add maha sudarshana khada or amritarista 20 ml tid depending on other associated complaints.
Compiled by: Vd. Dhruti Kagrana

Friday, March 17, 2017

Rajswla paricharya – daily schedule during menstruation according to #ayurveda, considering modern life style..

Views shared by several ayurveda professionals and non-ayurveda people in discussion group:
All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.

File with all photos, is available on
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(Any ayurveda or medical doctor, If you like this activity, and wants to be a part of this chat discussion on whatsapp, please send in your request. Whatsapp your full name, city / country name, short intro to +91-9824243567. Thank you.)
Next topic for discussion: Rajswla paricharya – daily schedule during menstruation according to #ayurveda, considering modern life style..
Dr. Jaya Sambhus: Do’s during mc- Keep personal hygiene, Take rest  physically as well as mentally, Keep calm , Eat 1 spoon sesame seeds.
Don't - No heavy works, yoga , pranayama , Jim , Don't visit to parlor, No  head-bath, Avoid heavy , spicy food, No contacts.
Vd. Kirti: 1 st Start from female Vaidya- Having holiday on Rather holiday must be during periods day.
Ayulink: Thanks for sharing diet suggestions. But can someone suggest complete dincharya or work pattern too?
Dr. Rajendra Joshi: Avoid these foods: Food containing Caffeine: chocolate, caffeinated soda, tea and coffee. Fatty and fried foods. Salty and sour foods containing high amounts of sodium: pickle, canned food, chips, snacks, salted popcorn, Asian food made with sauces. Sugary foods like candy. Dairy products like milk, cheese, buttermilk, yoghurt, Red meat.
Include these in your diet: Food rich in omega-3 fatty acid: Salmon, tuna, walnuts, flax seeds. Calcium and magnesium rich foods: Broccoli and fortified cereals. Foods rich in vitamin-C: Green leafy vegetables, zucchini, tomatoes, oranges, lemon, strawberry, Fresh fruits, Whole grains, Green tea, peppermint tea, Drink plenty of water
Explanation: Menstrual Cramps are caused due to the contractions of the uterine and abdominal muscles to expel the menstrual fluid out of the body. These muscle contractions are caused by certain chemicals called prostaglandins. Dairy products and red meat contain arachadonic acids that instigates the production of cramp causing prostaglandins. Food rich in omega-3 fatty acids inhibit the release of cramp causing prostaglandins. Calcium and magnesium has been found to relieve menstrual cramps. Bloating is caused by excessive water retention by the body. Salted, processed and canned food contain high amounts of sodium. Consuming such food causes bloating. Consuming fiber rich food like whole grain cereals and vegetables and drinking plenty of water alleviates bloating. Green leafy vegetables provides iron to the body which prevents iron deficiency anemia. Consuming vitamin-C increases iron absorption by the body.
USA Gary Yuen: Is breakfast a modern invention? Some ancient cultures looked at it as the sign or lower spirituality, much like some strict Hindus eat only once a day. Even with modern lifestyle, if eating ancient vegetables maybe not necessary.
Dr. Jaya Sambhus: I think complete dincharya is depend on work, rutu n age of lady.
Vaidika Kashikar: What should be done if pain increases and persists for longer time?
Dr Poornima: If she is already taking some Ayurvedic medicine for some other ailments and she is having her period, whether she has to stop the medication during this time?
Vd.manisha Kanchare: Give dashmoolarisht before 10 days of period for pain.
Dr Poornima: Aloes compound 2 BD  ten days prior to the date is also helpful in dysmenorrhea.
Shri Minoo parabia: I recommend mixture of Kath 100g and camphor 10g. 5g twice a day for 3 months bearing days of actual menstruation. Pain disappears. Light exercise involving abdomen muscles is an additional help. Kath_Uplet is Saussurea lappa.
Vd. Pulkit D. Patel: Raktakshaya is also responsible for  pain..
Vd.pallavi Maharastra: kath and camphor how this medicine works? please explain
Shri Minoo parabia: I don't know the drug action. However, kath is a muscle relaxant and camphor is vedna sthapak, just un supported assumption.
Vd. Dhruti Nirav Bhatt: We should educate women about Rajahswalacharya' and it's scientific reason. In those days Vat and Pitta Prakop. During Menstruation physical and psychological changes occurs so she should take rest. No exertion ,stress, no mass communication. I suggest Erandbhrist Haritaki before Three or four days of Menstruation date. Because many ladies have Constipation history. Dashmoolkwath for dysmenorrhea ,Ajwain,Jirak,blacksalt with warm water for two days of Menstruation. Hingwastak and Shankhvati are also defective with warm water, Swedan on lower abdomen but if Menorrhagia is there then Cold water or icepack is effective. Diet: Moongdal, Khichdi, Bottle guard, Parval, Bitterguard, Pumpkin, Makhana. Dates and Fig, Regular yog and Pranayam is very effective. Pavanmuktasan,Uttanpadasan,Surya namskar,Omkar gunakan,Bhramri pranayama.
IPR Chhayaben: There is custom in kharva community that during pregnancy, lady ll not take head bath from 3rd month onwards till delivery..May b some scientific reason..
Vd. Dhruti Nirav Bhatt: I think Nervous system and Glands are situated in Skull
Vayu is also there ,Head bath can cause exertion and abdomen pressure. Now a days junk food ,cold drinks, Icecreams, Smoking and drinks are in fashion and become passion so we should educate our patients and also to our society how those things are harmful. It may cause Infertility ,Uterine cancer.
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Vd. Piyush Prajapati: Must stop all spicy food. Try to be calm. Avoid to b anger.. B stress free. Compulsory follow regular life style i.e. get up at 6am or before. Have a bath with warm water. Wear dark color clothes. Breakfast must b very simple i.e. chapati etc. Avoid any juice like palak,gajar,beet like. Avoid Day sleep but must rest for 30 min to 1 hour in noon. Inspite wasting energy,Save energy as much as Sleep at regular time in night. Alp matra,Laghu bhojan is must.
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Increased water/liquid intake.
Dr. Ujwala Said: Must stop all junk food. Wake early and sleep early. Have breakfast healthy. Try not to eat dinner after 7pm. Not to drink water after food. Stop tea and drink healthy kada of dalchini powder, tea leaves, lavang,tulsi or cows milk. Drink water if thirsty and eat food if hungry. Sleep for 6-8hrs. Exercise.. If possible walk organize work and schedule peacefully.
Dr. Malathi Arjun: Most of my pts say they take tea first thing in the morning which has to be stopped. First thing in the morning on rising have to take water. Then warm lemon water  with honey or green tea or herbal tea.
Dr.mittal Thacker: Avoid travelling and do not wash hair for 3 days.
Dr. Malathi Arjun: Soaked almonds nd walnut.No Curd and fruits for dinner.
Dr. Jayshree Y. Mahajan: No tight cloths during M.C. Physical and mental rest should be taken.
Vd. Pritam Bharat Veer: Avoid heavy food as it will interrupt the flow.
Vd. Jignesh Thakkar: Who ever lady is suffering from DYSMENORRHEA should consume ajmoda and castor oil for vatanulomanam....if still pain persists she should take matra basti of mahanarayan tailam. Consecutive 3 months matra basti for 5 days prior to menstruation...lady should be given matra basti. DYSMENORRHEA can be treated by avoiding vegavrodh and vata aggravating food.
Ayulink: Any logic for not washing hair?
Dr. P. A. Deshpande: Light castor oil massage on abdomen, back and legs followed by  Kati  snan ( bath )  is pleasant.  Take proper rest , sleep on hard surface for better relaxation and self pressure action  reduces pains.  Hair washing to be avoided to prevent cold infection. Some immunity is lost during periods.
Vd. Jignesh Thakkar: According to our gynecology madam during my interns she explained cooling effect of bathing over head acts on pituitary and that alters hormones to cease menstruation flow. Scientific data not available but some  old la dies in touch explained same truth
Vd. Piyush Prajapati: Increasing Kapha Dosha may delay menses flow so avoid Curd in night as well as period time
Dr. Shantanandkumar: Curd having abishyandi guna.causes srotravarod.
Dr.mittal Thacker: It changes temperature of brain- that's why hormone secretion from  pituitary changes.
Compiled by: Vd. Dhruti Kagrana

Friday, March 10, 2017

Management of Vomiting with #Ayurveda...

Views shared by several ayurveda professionals and non-ayurveda people in discussion group:
All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.

File with all photos, is available on
For details abt and how to download the file, please whatsapp me. 

(Any ayurveda or medical doctor, If you like this activity, and wants to be a part of this chat discussion on whatsapp, please send in your request. Whatsapp your full name, city / country name, short intro to +91-9824243567. Thank you.)
Next topic for discussion: Management of Vomiting with #Ayurveda.
Ayulink: First of all we discuss the Acute case of vomiting with Ayurveda.
Vd. Gurumahantesh: Mayura piccha bhasma with honey and laja for drinking whole day will alleviate acute case of vomiting.
Dr. Manju Mishra: Ginger juice with lemon and salt.
Dr.Priyanka Sampat: Normal lemon water with jeerak powder and saindhav.
Vd. Rupa Raval: Boiled water with salt + sugar + black pepper powder, add few drops of lemon juice and have it very small quantity every 5 to 10 min.
Dr.Priyanka Sampat: Amalaki mashi, sootshekhar gives good results when vomit like motion sickness or drava guna is there.
Dr. Samir Suneri: Syrup pittasamak 2tsf with cold water every 3 hrs.
Dr Jayesh Patel: A pinch of Ashvatth valkal kshar is very useful in acute type of vomiting.
Shri Minoo parabia: Mix equally coriander, fennel, dill, ginger, kalonji, coarse ground . Boil 20g churna with 300 ml water, till 250 remains. Filter, add sugar and fresh lemon.Ask the patient to drink often.
Dr. Jyoti Yagnik: Tab. Chhardiripu,  Tab lasunadiivati, Tab. Shutshekhar rasa, Avipattikar churna.
Vd. Dhruti Nirav Bhatt: Chardiripu tab, Sharkara for Chewing, Tab.Vomitab.
IPR Chhayaben: Hing + jaggery
Vd. Kirti: Half lemon + sugar + salt  - Heat it upto Cadman formation Nd eat it.
IPR Chhayaben: Small pinch of hing add with jaggery n prepare tablet-  Gull up it at an interval of 10min thrice  N it ll stop .This is my recent personal experience..
Dr. Sujata Vaidya: 2 Bread burnt to black charcoal with 3 to 4 spoons of ghee pushed  hot water.
Ayulink: How to apply then?
Vd. Kirti: I think it's hygroscopic action. It absorb dravibhut pitta
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Charcoal  - Adsorbption..different way than absorbption.
Adsorption -partricles attach to surface of substance. So Charcoal is used.
Shri Minoo parabia: Is this burnt bread/roti is to be eaten? In what quantity? Suppose, if crushed in to a powder and taken with water?
Dr. Lokesh Mehta: Couple of drops of amrit dhara in 1 tsf  of sugar or glucose gives good results in vomiting.Amrit dhara is a combination of sat pudina . sat ajwain and karpoor mixed in equal quantity.
Dr Dipak Shirude:
|| ACUTE case of vomiting with #Ayurved ||
When the situation called " *acute* vomiting " occurs, one must think or suspect first for *poisoning* !!
Treatment plan should be like that requirement.
Something is proved or seemed to be as *shalya*..
And our body want to remove it as a natural reflex action ...
We should help body in that situation ...
If we tried to put unnecessary medications in such situation, the problem may worsen
So observe the vomit or ask details about it to the patient or concerned person
Decide whether to stop the vomiting at once or wait up till the overall vitiated dosh in the form of shalya is removed.
Now think which kalpas in Ayurveda act anti - vish ?
When one looks at the Fal-shrutee of some medicinal kalpas, one can find this "Vish-ghna" property ...
These kalpas can be used properly along with the use of Ghrit which is universal antidote of various Vishas, in my view !!
One case :
A young female student was brought to me for acute vomiting and after that she remained semiconscious उन्मिलित नेत्र and skin color turned somewhat श्याव ..
{Those were my initial days of practice ... I don't want to hide that I felt some sweat on my forehead looking at such patient ....}
She was brought to my hospital by her colleagues and one professor ..
They told the history that, 'just now', she accidentally consumed some strong acid in chemistry lab through pipette, while performing some experiment and this happened ... please do something ...
I was really remembering all the deities in Ayurveda and they suddenly pinged one thought in my mind ....
I asked someone to run and  bring pure cow ghee from the neighborhood .. luckily he brought the desired thing and that too was Luke warm as needed ...
We literally opened her mouth manually and poured the ghee into her mouth by small spoons ... As the ghee entered into her GI tract, she got some freshness, opened her eyes totally ... She consumed remaining half quantity at her own hands !!
And after 20 minutes approx., all moved back to the university, thanking me a lot !!!
I saluted in my mind the word परम औषध said in Ayurved ! How simple things can be, if we stick to the basics and keep faith in our science !!
Dr. Sushant Patil: Charaka explained Chhardigna ie anti vomiting drugs . We can use them too.
Ayulink: Please share *PRACTICAL #AYURVEDIC TIPS for any kind of Vomit* (Chardi)....
Vd. Ajay Pithiya: Ela masi + honey. Repeatedly may be given up to vomiting subsides. Mayur picha bhasma +honey (125 mg) Can also be administered. Hetu viprit arthkari chikitsa (as like homeopathy principle). Vomiting for acute vomiting case (a kind of stomach wash)  If needed some medium is given, like milk or ghrita pan upto max. Level (akanth pan).
------------------------------------- Ayulink 2 --------------------------------------------------
LVG Shriram Gandhi: Kapur kachali give good results.
Vd. Jignesh Thakkar:
आमशयोतक्लेश भवाः सर्वे छर्दयाः मता।
लंघनमेव तस्मात् प्राक्कारयेन मारुतजानां विहाय संशोधानं वा कफपितहारी।
Means all vomitings are due to irritation in langhnam is the best remedy in starting. Accept vata chhardi you can plan kaf pitt sodhan. So langhan is best in acute conditions. After langhnam for 6hrs if vomiting persists we should give medicines. -Mayurpicchha bhasma with honey.
-Madiphal rasayan in pregnancy induced.
-Medicines should not be swallowed but applied to tongue in acute cases.
6hrs Langhanam is the protocol I have applied several times on patients and myself. it never fails.
Dr. Malathi Arjun: Avoid dairy products for 24 hrs after vomiting. Consume watermelons and muskmelons because they contain a lot of water. Drink 8 glasses of water daily to prevent dehydration.  Eladi Vati, Talisapatradi choornam/ vati for Vomit due to gastritis. Kamdudha ras/ shankha bhasmam/ soothshekar ras.
Dr.Piyush Dodiwadiya: Vomiting
We have to diagnosed first
1 neurological... Patient will vomits as soon as pt takes orally any liquids.
2 GI... After taking fluids, pt will vomits after 20/30 minutes, once irritation starts
3 psychological... Difficult to diagnosed with neurological, But pt will have more nausea then the vomiting.
4 metabolic... In case of high creatinine level, pt may have vomiting
5 food induced or medicine induced...
6 sometimes amlapitt  also can cause vomiting..
Initially Langhan is very important in every case.
Sometimes vomiting itself treatment, after vomiting pt feels better if it is due to some virudhahar janya.
Vd.  Mahavir Vora: Chewing of lagusoot shekar & eating laja ( used for laja mand) in maharastra it is known as shali lahaya is very use full.
Vd. Pritam Bharat Veer: Garbhini Chhardi Mayur pichha mashi with Honey Muhurmuhu. Black tea and toast also useful. Rull out the reason for vomiting.
Mostly the reasons are related to stomach. Kaf- pitta  vitiated in such conditions. So work on that. Kamdudha , laghusut, praval panchamrut acts well when drava gun of pitta is increased. Langhan should be advised for Dosha pachan. We advice Dhan ki kil for them as they do aampachan and are also pittaghna. Sali lahya water works as saline water in Ayurveda. Also the fruit which can be advised is Pomegranate. Give sips of its juice works well in vomiting.
Dr. Chirag: Vomitab syp is what I generally use.  Adult dosage 2tsf 3 times a day or
Children 1tsf twice a day Or in adults muhur muhur.
Dr. P. A. Deshpande: Bettle leaf juice of  25  leaves around  15  gms by weight  mixed with  2pgms of  calcium carbonate . Chill the juice and give 2 tea spoon  every two hours orally.  Keep ice bag on stomach. Kati bath with cold water coriander juice haridra is also very useful.
Dr.Piyush Dodiwadiya: What is dhan ki kil and how it should be given and in which dose and how should it prepare
Vd. Pritam Bharat Veer: Dhan ki kil is Sali Lahya which is a kind of Murmura which we offer to Goddess Laxmi on Laxmi pujan in diwali.
Fistfull of Sali lahya+ Water 1 glass water. Rest it for 15 min and then drink that water by adding khadishakkar. Sips only.
Dr. Ravi Dewan: Boil some ginger, 2-3 pcs each of lavang, chhoti ilaichi and dal chini in water along with pudina. Mix karpardak bhasam in this and take 1-2 tsf half hourly.
Vd.manik Soni: sucking a piece of shunthi smeared in lemon juice will help in vomiting incase of gastritis induced vomiting Himcocid gives good results.
Dr. Malathi Arjun: Himucocid must be himalayas?
Vd.manik Soni: yes himalya.. wonderful drug for short term hyperacidity relief.
Ayulink: please share *PRACTICAL #AYURVEDIC TIPS for any kind of Vomit* (Chardi)....
Dr Nitish Pandit: Sips of cold & sugar added milk Or Sucking Ice cubes.
Dr. Shruthi Arun: Yastimadhu ( chardi nigrhaka) - from Dhanvanthri nigantu. Yastimadhu ksheera paka is helpful in garbini chardi
Dr.Piyush Dodiwadiya: In case of ketosis in pregnancy i.e acetone in urine.
Uncontrolled vomiting in 1 st trimester. This condition generally in starvation. Initially langhan and then charcoal. Even allopathy person used roasted bread or chapathi, that is nearly charcoal state. With supplement of glucose in high dose. Then gradually allowed other food
Vd.Dipa Dodivadiya: Kaporkachali + sauverchal(sanchal) give good result in vomiting.
Pranav Shah Vd.: Vomitab syrup n tablet very effective in all cases as well in pediatric also.
         Compiled by: Vd. Dhruti Kagrana

"Rainy Season Woes: Protecting Your Eyes from Monsoon Infections"

  Views shared by several Ayurveda professionals and non-Ayurveda people in discussion group: Disclaimer: All views shared here are only...