Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Ayucafe Webinar - Insomnia – Anindra # Ayurveda

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Ayucafe – Free Webinar Topic of Discussion: Insomnia – Anindra # Ayurveda
Ayulink Ayurveda: anindra is considered major Vata problem
It is very common complain in todays busy life
Physical, physiological and psychological causes are there for insomina
Ayucafe  0220 91: According to Ayurveda, most chronic conditions, including insomnia, are triggered by a build-up of impurities brought on by diet, weak digestion, lifestyle, stress, and other factors. Eventually the accumulation of toxins interferes with the delicate biochemistry of the body, upsetting metabolism at every level, including brain metabolism and the regulation of sleep.
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Dr. vani bhadarka: Hows experince for mahishixir and piplimul churna..?
Dr. Dhruti Kagrana: Insomnia (or sleeplessness) is a sleep disorder in which a person can not come or where the duration of sleep is insufficient sleep. ... In Ayurveda, it is described as a condition that is caused by degradation of the 'Vata' dosha (One of the three bio-humors). Acute insomnia may, chronic or temporary.
Ayulink Ayurveda: anindra, ati nindra and asamyak nindra are varients of the condition
Ayucafe 122019 24: Kapha enhancing diet helps as its a vata pittaja vyadhi
Ayucafe  0220 91: Sleep is an essential component of human life to keep health and well-being absence of which cause a lot of neuro-psycho–physiological derailment in the body. In another words if normal sleep is disturbed for a short time it can be managed but if it continues for a prolong period than the condition is called as a diseases which can be termed on the basis of its characteristics like sleep disorder, insomnia etc.
Nidranasha is a term of Ayurveda used for loss of Sleep. Ayurveda mentioned three important facts to keep a person in healthy status as Aahara (diet), Nidra (Sleep) & Bramhacharya (Celibacy). Out of which Nidra (Sleep) is a state which refills our power of activity which we lose in daily routine. Due to loss of sleep person suffers too many problems related with health. Ayurveda explained may reasons for loss of sleep as like work, age, diseased conditions, constitution and some Dosha like Vata & Pitta.
Dr. Jignesh Chauhan: We count the main cause as men daily working hours also. Overtime working can cause sleep disturbing.
 Dr. Dhananjay Bairagi: Lack of exercise or heavy works can cause insomnia
Ayulink Ayurveda: The mechanism of Nidra (sleep) is complicated. Yes, we do consider that Kapha aggravation can cause sleep. But consiering various aspects / causes - physical or physiological or psychological how to maintain the health - proper sleep it is a major issue for today
Dr. dhananjay Bairagi: As it is described as श्रमहारी
Ayulink Ayurveda: Shall we discuss first the causes of sleep disturbances?
Ayucafe  0220 91: These factors directly affect on the sleep and causes loss of sleep (Nidranasha). According to modern scientific view, loss of sleep has many reasons as like illness, stress, elder age, pain, mental illness etc. Ayurveda prescribes several herbs in single or compound form to overcome the situation.   causes, consequences and management of insomnia with the perspective of Ayurveda can be focused in this chat
Dr. Jwalit shah: तम is responsible for sleep
Dr. dhananjay Bairagi: When to go for sleep is also important...
Ayulink Ayurveda: Yes, tamo guna is also important factor to understand
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: Insomnia - Difficulty in initiating or maintaining sleep, or both..on basis of duration ts defined
Change in shift work, stress, noise, hormonal dysfunction, illness, drug withdrawal or medication
Ayucafe 01 2020 38: Working schedule like shift duty,  mental disturbance
Dr. dhananjay Bairagi: Illness is also cause
Dr. Jwalit shah: 6 types of nindra told by charakacharya in sutrasthana...
Ayucafe 01 2020 38: Chinta,shok, Kalnidra, vaishnavi,
Ayucafe 122019 24: Even वृद्धावस्था is a reason as old ppl complains (less sleep) of it but for them its natural actually and only counselling is needed in these cases
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: Ayurveda cause:
Vataprakopa, agnimandya, tamobhava, agantuj
Increased Vata: Nidranasa
Increased Pitta: Disturbed sleep/Alpa nidra
Ayulink Ayurveda: physical causes like : elder age,
physiological causes like: most chronic conditions, weak digestion, illness, pain  psychological causes like: bhay, chinta, shok, anger etc
Dr. dhananjay Bairagi: It's due to वात दोष वृद्धी Even snoring can disturb sleep. By others too?
Ayulink Ayurveda: life style, working schedule, night duty, Change in shift work, noise etc are also important to understand
Ayucafe 122019 24: For the partners, its agantuja karan of nidranasa ?
Dr.Madhura Phadtare: Vata Prakruti naturally has less sleep or intermittent sleep disturbance pattern ....can we take this into  consideration ?
Dr. Kiran Patel:  Develop OSA
Ayulink Ayurveda: No sleep at all - complete loss of sleep
Waking up early - short sleep, waking up in the night - disturbed sleep, difficulty falling in to sleep
Do these all have same principle?
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: Other causes: Frequent intake of tea, cofee, intake of alchohol, excess use of electronic gadgets mobile, tv in night, direct light fall
Dr. Vaishali Chaudhri  : Stress .anxiety. depression also causes.
Ayucafe 01 2020 38: But some people have less sleep naturally , what can be done in this condition?
Ayucafe  0220 91: Background of the Study Our treatises emphasized the importance of Trayopastambhas viz. Aahara, Nidra and Brahmacharya as the pillars of a healthy life. Nidra is the most neglected part of modern life style where one gives least importance to the timing, duration, and quality of sleep with stress playing an important role in inducing insomnia. This negligence is leading to Vata prakopa and in turn causing various physical and psychiatric illnesses.
Ayucafe 122019 24: Exactly? a amlapitta case of mine complaing of anidra as she gets dry mouth cause of acidity at night followed by more water consumption followed by more frequent urination n disturbed sleep  so pitta equals to disturbed sleep
Dr. Hardik bhatt: some reasons for disturbing sleep are stress, anxiety, lack of exercise, lake of physical fitness, iron deficiency, vata and pitta prakruti, day time sleep, shirodhara results very good sleep.
Ayucafe 0220 80: Which oils and meds.?
Ayulink Ayurveda: even pt with cold and nasal congestion also complains for sleep disturbance, as they cant breath properly
Dr. Hardik bhatt: brahmi oil is very good. but only jaldhara also calm down the mind like god  shiva.
Ayucafe 0220 80: How many sessions , duration to get optimum results in anidra ? Also how long do the effects of shirodhara last ? Is it a temporary benefit of longlasting ?
Dr. Hardik bhatt: it depends on pt. prakruti. a vaidhy can decide
Ayulink Ayurveda: As usual we all ayurveda doctors are ready to jump to treatments and particularly medicines. So let us start with first name of medicines, which we use practically in our practice.
Dr. Madhura Phadtare: Jatamansi fant
Ayulink Ayurveda: we do not have much choice in medicines....few of the herbs are really effective for insomina
Dr. Hardik bhatt: tagar, jatamamsi, yastimadhu, ashwagandha, mandoor bhasma, pippalimoola are different herbs used different time and anupan foe insomnia.
Ayulink Ayurveda: but let us know how to use it
Dr. dhananjay Bairagi: Plain अभ्यंग also works
Ayulink Ayurveda: any special method or preparation?
Dr. dhananjay Bairagi: Nasya
Dr. Hardik bhatt: calm and piece atmosphere, good fragrance, sound music , some novel reading , are effective for sleep.
Ayulink Ayurveda: we will come to other approaches after we finsh with medicines. Thnx
*Does anybody like to add any herb? or any special method or preparation?*
Dr.Madhura Phadtare: Vatashamak medicine also can be used ...along with above mentioned medicines
Ayulink Ayurveda: sarpgandha? is it effective?
Ayucafe  0220 78: Abhrak brahmi mansi vidari
Always gives result in insomnia due to stress
Ayucafe  0220 62: Yes
Ayucafe 0220 80: Jaiphal - nutmeg as a pathya at bedtime.  With milk gives good results
Ayucafe  0220 62: Manasamitra vatakam
Dr. dhananjay Bairagi: Medya drugs can be used
Ayulink Ayurveda: but it has side efefcts as modern reasearch says...is it true?
Dr. Jayesh Patel: Shankhpushpi ghreet is very effective in insomnia...
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: Jyotishmati, Sarpagandha, Ptaval pishti, pancha-arvinda.
Dr. Vaishali Chaudhri: Brahmi, Shatawari, Jatiphal
Ayulink Ayurveda: I think jyotishmati improves brain activation, is it also good for producing sleep?
Ayucafe  0220 62: Which one ?
Ayulink Ayurveda: yes. that is used for even kids from ages
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: Jyotishmati kshira kasayam in psycho cases
Dr. Hardik bhatt: among all the herbs the quote that a man has to work so hard in day time that man can sleep sound in night.. so do work hard.. and honestly.. in day time if one had worked anything wrong, he cannot get good sleep. that I mean.
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: Kshira kasaya kalpana of single herb good. As like with milk - sleshma anupana
Ayulink Ayurveda: another subject - but i found this:
Long-term use can cause depression. Other possible side effects of Indian snakeroot include nasal congestion, changes in appetite and weight, nightmares, drowsiness, and loose stools. Some people experience depression, muscle aches, headaches, chills, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
Dr. Hardik bhatt: pippalimoola siddha kshir at bed time is good for sleep.
Dr. Hardik bhatt: ashwagandha kshirpak is also good for sound sleep.
jatamansi siddha jal is good for sound sleep.
punarnava mandoor is also good for old age people who has iron deficiency.
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: Similarly Panch arvinda mandur or Padma kitta yoga due to guruta/kapha or Prithvi mahabhuta...helps reducing Vata or vayu mahabhuta adhikta..
Dr. Hardik bhatt: control of diabetes for diabetic pt. because frequent urination disturbs sleep
Ayulink Ayurveda: Let us start now other then herb / medicine treatments - like panchkarma or household therapies
Ayucafe 0220 80: Yes long term use of sarpagandha ( more than 3 months ) is shown to have side effects
Ayulink Ayurveda: Nasya is good for insomina
shirodhara is good for insomina
Ayucafe  0220 62: Shirodhara with jatamamsi taila
Dr. dhananjay Bairagi: Seen effects of स्नान before going to bed
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: Abhyanga, pada foot massage specially, listening music
Dr. Hardik bhatt: pad champi.. foot massage is household remedy.
Dr. Anand Hanumant More: अभ्यंग
Dr. Jignesh Chauhan: Go ghrita nasya best for Snoring
Ayulink Ayurveda: please mention the oil or formula to perform the treatments like abhyang, pad-abhyang or shirodhara
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: Pada abhyanga with Kshirbala taila Nasyam
Ayulink Ayurveda: shiropichu is the best, easy and cheaper treatment - but we hardly practice it
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: Anu tail, Dhanvantara taila full body
Ayulink Ayurveda: shiropichu with brahmi oil or ashwagandha oil is my favorite
Ayucafe 032019 49: How much time we have to put?
Ayucafe 0220 80: Bedtime Paadabhyanga with ksheerbalatailam / mahatikta ghrut , followed by gharshan with kaansyavati is effective
Ayulink Ayurveda: for 2-3 hours
Dr. Sanjay Chajed: Sleepless ness can also be considered as altered sleeping patterns
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: Ya, Narayan tel, kshirbala, bhringamlaka Talam & pothichil also
Ayulink Ayurveda: until the water start dripping from eyes, nose etc....but I dont wait for such symptom. We usually suggest to keep it for 2-3 hours, particularly in evening time. anybody practice Marma for insomnia?
Ayucafe  0220 91: कुंकुमादी घृत Nasya also Works very well in Insomnia
Dr. Sanjay Chajed: Padabhyanga with ghee and to be carried out with bronze utensils also helps to induce sleep
Ayucafe 122019 24: Pada abhyanga and sarir abhyanga works as well
Ayucafe  0220 100: Yes
Ayucafe 0220 80: So the pichu is tied on the scalp or just applied. Or bandaged
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: Lepa, Anjana may from the point
Ayucafe 122019 24: Pranayam helps too by relieving d  stress
Ayucafe 01 2020 49: Bandaged
Dr. Hardik bhatt: which lepa and anjana.pls
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: Chikitsa Manjari a ref of Katak bijadi lepa and anjana
•Rukshanna•Ratriprabhutashana•Upavasa•Visamashana•Adhyashana•Alpashana•Viruddhashana•Ati-madhyapana•Direct drug effects (Including Alcohol)•Drug withdrawal effect
•Chinta•Shoka•Bhaya•Udvega•Krodha•Atiharsha•Manastapa –includes all psychic disorders •Manobhighata•Tamojaya •Satvaudarya
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: Yogic posture and asana can be helpful
Ayucafe  0220 62: Will rasna churna help ??
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: If cause is cold or indication of Rasnadi churna, then can!
Dr. Dhruti Kagrana: Sleep disorders are associated with an impairment of melatonin production.
Melatonin produced by pineal gland at night, plays a role in regulation of sleep - awake cycle and diminished - melatonin secretion may cause insomnia.
Can any herb work on melatonin?
Ayulink Ayurveda: this is good for everybody...I am sharing the link herehttp://www.gacollege.in/pptns16/krutika%20joshi.pdf
*Let us have now practical suggestions*
If you have any practically proven formula or suggestion for insomnia patients of any particular cause, please share it here
Ayulink Ayurveda: I suggest : Nutmeg powder 250 mg + sakar 2-3 grams with milk - for senior citizen
Ayucafe 01 2020 49: How vadan lep act on Anidra...vadan lep herbs...?
Ayucafe 0220 80: Manasmithradi vati gulika - 2 at bedtime
Ayulink Ayurveda: Shiropichu with brahmi oil is my another favorite suggestion for all age group and particularly for women
Dr. dhananjay Bairagi: Anybody tried tagar cap?
Ayulink Ayurveda: For executives: meditation, pranayam, Tab Neo (charak pharma) or Tagar cap (himalaya)
Ayulink Ayurveda: yes, Tagar does help, but needs to combine with other herbs
Ayucafe 0220 11: Esp maahishi dugdha
Ayulink Ayurveda: Tab zzowin form Charak pharma is also good
Dr. dhananjay Bairagi: If stress induced then medha vati by patanjali..works well
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: Yes but like Sarpagandha it also lowers BP so one for all formula may not work...combo good
Ayucafe 0220 80: Stresscom ( dabur ) 2 tabs help.
Ayulink Ayurveda: but charak products are costly, so patients hesitate for long use of that products
Ayucafe 0220 80: Also ashwagandha at bedtime with milk
Dr.Jayesh Thakkar: One impt qn...can we reduce alprazolam or sleeping pills with our...have tried to taper, any practical insight plz share
Ayulink Ayurveda: yes, I agree
Ayucafe 0220 80: Has anyone tried basti for insomnia
Ayucafe  0220 62: Tablet sumanas
Dr. dhananjay Bairagi: Is दिशा/ directions of sleep affects??
Dr. Vaishali Chaudhri  : What should be advice in insomnia in premenopausal
Ayulink Ayurveda: yes, we need to taper the dose of modern medicine, once patient is comfortable with ayurveda
Dr. Uday Thevar: Certain Yog asanas do work on pituatry glands helping nidra
Ayucafe 0220 80: This tapering of dose is should be advised by the doctor who has prescribed or is done by youll
 Pleasant smell, sound, touch
 Psychic pleasure
 Sense of satisfaction
Thinking of things pleasant to mind and fulfillment of desire
Follow the Brahmacharya
To embrace with beautiful lady
Comfortable bed and home and proper time
Ayulink Ayurveda: being a panchkarma vaidya for last 32 years, we have tried basti in various disorders and basti produces good sleep as a positive side effect.
Dr.Madhura Phadtare: Prasham << Back
A)    Reference      :       Proprietary
Composition: 10 ml. Prasham contains
Vekhanda (Acorus calamus) 0.1 gm
Pimpalmool (Piper longum)0.1 gm
Khurasani owa (Hyoscyamus niger)0.2 gm
Ashwagandha (withania somnifera)0.1 gm
Shankha pushpin (Convolvuvulus pluricaulischoisy)0.1 gm
Tagar (valeriana wallichii)0.2 gm
Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi)0.4 gm
Bramhi (Bacopa monnieri)0.4 gm
Manuka (vitis vinifera)0.4 gm
Dhayati (Woodfordia fruticosa)0.2 gm
Madhur dravya Q.S
B)    Nature of Product        :       Self Generated Alcoholic Preparation.
C)    Dosage   :       2 to 4 Teaspoons 2 times with water after meal.
D)    Indications    :       Anxioytic and Tranquillizer, Induces natural sound sleep. No addiction or Hangover. Supportive medicine in hypertesion, memory enhancer.
Ayucafe 0220 80: since nothing will cure Vaata as well as basti does .
Dr.Madhura Phadtare: Prasham syrup of rasashala pune is proprietary medicine ...which also has symptomatic good result
Ayucafe 122019 24: Yes tried tappering and pt was able to be free from alprazolam wid help of ayu treatment
Ayucafe  0220 62: This should also include counselling (satwavjaya chikitsa)
Ayucafe 0220 80: Also while treating insomnia it's important to treat the vayu of the gastrointestinal tract - if a person is having constipation and other symptoms of poor peristalsis then also the sleep is affected.  So a good vatanulomak medicine helps in relieving abdominal Vaata and also insomnia
Ayucafe  0220 100: Yes
Ayulink Ayurveda: the problem is, we all know that removal of nidana (cause), is the correct line of treatment.
But we - ayurveda doctors - also want to start symptomatic medicines faster, and get the response faster...and the earning faster too. This is reality.
Dr. dhananjay Bairagi: Does sarswataristam give results?
Ayucafe  0220 100: Pippali Moola Churna with Jaggery According to bhav prakasha
Ayucafe 01 2020 49: Yes
Dr. Bhavesh Thakkar: Cortisol control karavathi saru result male chhe. High potesium diet is best for cortisol reset
Ayucafe 0220 80: Today our patients are all well informed. They already know the hetu of their nidranaash. Most important being screen time. Which acts like an ocular stimulant and prevents the mind from sleeping however much the body desires. If the mind is alert ,however much the body is " klaant " it can't sleep. So nidaanparivarjan Is main.
Dr. Sanjay Chajed: Sariva works excellent on melatonin,  but  adding Ashwagandha will solve the problem
Dr. Uday Thevar: Yoga makes the breath long and smooth thus effecting mind..calming the mind, had a student who couldn't sleep at night bcz of anxiety, by going yog practices, his sleeping pattern was improved..
Dr. Bhavesh Thakkar: Atyare most of insomnia ma high acidic diet jawabdar chhe
Raj Badlani: Yes surely it does. Sleeping with your head towards the North on a daily basis will gradually but surely will result into disturbed sleep
Ayucafe 122019 19: Shankh, Shrungatak and Stapani Marma Chikitsa helps to induce sleep.
Adhipati, Shankh and Apang marma chi helps to relieve Stress.
www.ayuaesthetics.in or visit https://urlzs.com/CXdRs
Compiled by - Dr. Dhruti Kagrana

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