Monday, May 23, 2016

use of coriander in health management (#Ayurvedic way)

Views shared by several ayurveda professionals and non-ayurveda people in discussion group:
All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.
(If you are an ayurveda or any kind of medical doctor and wants to be a part of this chat discussion on whatsapp, please send in your request. Whatsapp your full name, city / country name, yr short intro to +91-9824243567. Thank you.)

Next topic for discussion:  use of coriander in health management (#Ayurvedic way)
Dr. Samir Suneri: Coriander commonly known as dhania in india and as a cilantro in America and scientific name is coriandram sativum .  We are mainly using this drug as a pittsamak dravya { fant kalpana} & again we are using dhaniya for the pt of thyroid hormones imbalance .in case of thyroid hormones imbalance how it works i dont Know but its working and in our pharmaceutical compny A drug atharvapittsamak the main content is dhaniyA

Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: Chutney of coriander, mint ie puddings, small mirchi, lime juice, Saundra very useful to ignite digestive fire,

Dr. Samir Suneri: And here drug working for pittsaman and as well as antacid and for stomuch disturbance

Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Botanical name: Coriandrum sativum Linn. In English, Coriander seeds are also known as Cilantro seeds
Coriander  seed and leaves – medicinal properties:
Rasa (taste) – kashaya (Astringent), Tikta (bitter)
Guna (qualities) – Laghu (light to digest), Snigdha (unctuous, oily)
Vipaka (taste conversion after digestion) – Madhura (sweet)
Veerya (potency) – Ushna (hot)
Effect on Tridosha: Tridoshahara – it balances all the three Doshas.

Qualities of Coriander :
Avrushya – does not have aphrodisiac property
Mutrala – diuretic, increases urine volume
Deepana – improves digestion strength
Jvaraghna – Useful in fever
Rochana – improves taste, useful in anorexia
Grahi – absorbant, useful in malabsorption syndrome and diarrhea
Daurgandhya nashana – helps to relieve bad odor (bad breath)
Hrudya – good for heart, cardiac tonic
Useful in
Trushna – Excessive thirst
Daha – burning sensation
Vami – vomiting
Shwasa – Asthma, COPD, wheezing, breathing difficulty
Kasa – cough, cold
Arsha – haemorrhoids
Krumi – worm infestation
The wet / fresh variety is similar to the dry, it is especially useful in treating Pitta aggravation.

Canada Nitin Shah: Creates alkalinity and also helps to reduce to load of heavy metals.

Dr. Sheetal Sumra: Those patients who can't retain basti dravya..  That means the moment we finish giving basti, patient need to go to toilet and all basti comes out easily.. So in this we can advice patient to take coriander seeds(dry) 1handfull soak in  1litre of  water overnight..  Drain that water in morning  and can have that water whole day sip by sip.. …..Try and tested and give results.

Dr. Vipin Pandey: Coariander is also use in as a diuretic For his pitt shamak properties
Dhaniya powder and yashtimadhu churna good result in burning sen in stomach

Vd. Jignesh Thakkar: Dhaniya is uttam stambhak,pachak,pittsamak. It is very use full in ulcerative colitis. As himkalpna patient can take whole day instead of water.
I have given to some patients along with other medicine. And got good result.

Baroda Dr. Jwalant: Dhaniya - Dhanyak .Kashay, ushna virya  - shukra dhatu nashak.
Anand Javeri: Coriander is good for stomach particularly during summers.
It has a acidity cooling property. When consumed with raisins, fennel seeds all crushed together in water containing rock sugar(unprocessed), it helps keep acidity and other stomach related problems at bay during singers. Also, it aids digestion. Syrups containing above ingredients are also easily available.

Dr. Meghdoot Satvekar:  Coriander  has eleven components of essential oils, six types of acids (including ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin-C),minerals and vitamins

Vd. Dhruti Nirav Bhatt: coriander powder mix and Sharkara (sugar) siak in water for 1 hour then make SHARBAT. Its very useful in pitt dusti, burning, it has Diuretic effect so its also useful in Stone, burning micturition. Excessive use of coriander can cause for libido and can stop periods in female

Dr. Bhavesh Modh: Anybody know about  why use of Dhanajiru  = A combination  of  dry coriander +  cumin seeds  in  many recipes  ( Sply in Gujarat) I mean it's medicinal view.

Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Best Liver Tonic  this combination

Vd. Dhruti Nirav Bhatt: Coriander and cumin seeds Both are Dipan, pachan, pittshamak, Vatanulomak, shulnashak also they have fragrance and good taste .so they have medicinal values and food become tasty

Dr. Bhavesh Modh: In " Bhagvodgomandal" show,  dry coriander  stimulating libido. As well as coriander is Stambhak & shit,  so used Dhanypanchak in dysentery .
Dhanypanchak  ingredients
1.Dhanyk = coriander   2.musta  3.sunthi  4.bilva  5.sungandhi valo ( Khas) Vetiveria zizanioides = उशीर =सुगंधित वाळो
I can't  understand  Dhanyak Kashay  is Ushan Virya ….ayurveda  suggest  it's Trushnigrahan property  so probably  Shit Virya……done "Fant" for saving it's Shit gun…..use as javarnashak & pitshamak , Stambhak , mutral  all r show its Shit Virya

Dr. Anup Torane: Dhanyak is antidote of bhallatak so when we want to use bhallatak then combine it with dhanyak

Dr. Bhavesh Modh: Dry coriander  is main ingredient of all types of PANJARI
PANJARI  is one type of  Prashad  which is made on  JANMASHTMI  in loard krishna's Temples mostly in Gujrat, Mathura & Vrundavan
Panjari's ingredients: 1.coriander dry  2. Sunthi powder 3. गुड की साकर (sply.jaggary )
4.coconut powder       5.Dill seeds  powder ( modern ppl use cardamom instead of dill )
Traditionaly  Panjari's medicinal benefit is श्रम क्लम हर  & for सद्यप्रसुता, स्तन्यजनन & energetic.

Dr Jayesh Patel: Dhanyak is main ingredients of dhanyapanchak kwath (bruhad ratnakar) for Atisar

Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: Mankato is made I Maharashtra also, during. Ramadan celwbrations in Maharashtra, Sorry it should be panjari

Dr Sandeep Madaan: Patient gave wonderful reviews about fresh coriander usage. He is 70 years and after continuous use of it his eye sight improved.

Bhuj Dr Jigar Gor: Yes dhanya pachak kwath is one of my fav jwar pachak .... Verymuch useful

Shri Minoo parabia: Dhana Coriander fruits are also good for nervine amelioration.
Dhana and kalonji are mixed in equal proportion and ground to powder. 5g three times a day with water. This is from memory. Anubhut too. Dhana, fennel, cumin, dill, ginger in equal measures are mixed in coarse ground. Boil about 100g in 2 litres of water. Add sugar and ask the cholera patient to drink at libido during the day. Most popular remedy , I had seen being used by my mother for cholera victims. I believe this is ancient ORS. Did help the patients.

Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Netrarog- fresh coriander leaves juice in eyes.  
Dhana+ black raisins+ yashtimadhu+pittapapada or parpatak - kwath for internal.
Coriander juice -Nasya for nasagat raktasrtrav..nosebleeds esp.  due to high BP.

Dr. Meghdoot Satvekar: 15  uses of  Coriander
To quench thirst or to prevent dehydration:
Soak aniseed, coriander seeds and poppy seeds overnight. In morning, grind the seeds in the same water .Strain it well. Have this water, it is a super coolant drink for the body. Pasted coriander seeds taken with water and honey helps to quench long-standing thirst.
Add 2 teaspoon of white cumin seeds and 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds to a litre of water. Leave this mixture overnight. On the next day, take a glass of this infusion twice to thrice a day. You can also add some palm candy as a natural sweetener. Repeat this for a couple of weeks.
Grind 20 gm coriander and boil it in one glass of water. Strain the solution through a fine cloth. Put 1-1 drop in both the eyes. It cures conjunctivitis, redness of eyes, watery eyes and pain in eyes. Put 1-2 drops of coriander juice in eyes. It prevents boil in eyes. Take and grind equal quantities of coriander and barley seeds. Prepare poultice of the paste and apply on eyes .It cures swelling of eyes.
Take 10 gm each of coriander and rice. Soak them in water for overnight. Next morning, prepare decoction of this mixture  and give 30 ml of decoction to the patient twice a day .It cures all kinds of fever.
Give 6 gm coriander powder with 10 gm sugar; twice a day.It helps to cure both joint pain and arthritis.
Boil 10-20 gm of coriander seeds in a glass of water and 10 gm sugar candy. Give this to the patient .It stops bleeding from boils. Take equal quantities of Harad and coriander. Boil them  in 4 times water; till it is reduced to 1/4th.Mix jaggery in it and give to the patient .It cures all kinds of piles.
In case of stomach heat, give 2 gm coriander powder with 5 gm sugar; 2-3 times a day. In case of stomach worms, give 1 gm coriander powder with 20 ml wine. It kills stomach worms. For stomach indigestion, give 10-15 ml of coriander oil. It gives immediate relief.
In case of foul smell from mouth:
Chew 5-10 coriander leaves everyday. It acts as a natural moth freshener and cures Halitosis.
Soak equal quantities of coriander and Indian Gooseberry overnight. Next morning, grind them and strain the solution. Give this with sugar mixed in it. It cures headache due to tension and heat.
Grind 10-20 gm coriander gm coriander in the rice water and sugar in it. Give this to the child thrice a day .It cures cough and is also beneficial for Asthma in children.
Give 10-20 gm of coriander decoction; twice to thrice a day .It helps to control excessive flow of blood during menstruation.
Prepare a paste of 100 gm coriander powder with 100 gm vinegar .Apply the paste on the bald patches and hairs .It is a very useful remedy for baldness.
Take equal quantities of ginger root, cloves and coriander. Prepare their powder. Give 2 gm of this powder with warm water twice a day. It strengthens the digestive systems and cures the bowel.
Grind 10-20 gm coriander or grind the same amount of its leaves. Apply this on face. It cures boils and acne in face.
Soak 5 gm coriander in 100 ml water overnight. Next morning, crush and strain the solution. Give this to the patient for gargle. It cures boils in mouth.

Dr. Bhavesh Modh: Coriander from Umbellifeae Family,  including  cumin, caraway,feel seed,dill seed, Bishops seed,celery seed & assafoetida all rights use in kitchen for their pleasant smell & unique test. ,  centella asiatica  & carrot  also included.
Charak  mostly    used Dry coriander  named " धान्यकम् " means धन्यते शब्धते भक्ष्यार्थिमिः ……..Ppl prised for eating……Sushrut  called ,कुस्तुम्बरू  कुत्सितं ज्वरादिकं रोगं तुम्बति (immediately relief in fever etc.) Mostly  used fresh & whole plant in yoga.
Gujarati word kothmari for coriander ,  from  south India
In tamil - kothmalli & malayalam - kothampalari
* fresh & whole plant  full of vitamin. C (250mg/100gm) & vita A  it's beneficial for external use in Red & burning eyes as well burning skin reactions of BHALLATAK.
Internal use improve eye sight .
* DHANA = दधति पुष्यन्ति धारयन्ति  वा शरीरं गुणैः इति धाणा So, we distribute  ગોળ-ધાણા  in every auspicious occasion

Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: Dhana,jeera,ajmo, soova, variyari, mixture to be roasted, used as Deepak pachan

Anand Javeri: Dr. Meghdoot, kindly elaborate point 12 (hair baldness)

Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Coriander oil mentioned for indigestion. How to prepare.

Dr. Meghdoot Satvekar: Coriander essential oil is extracted from the seeds of coriander with the help of steam distillation.

Anand Javeri: Which vinegar to use with it?

Dr. Bhavesh Modh: 
METHOD 1 coriander oil…..1. Pick the freshest herbs, wash and gently spin dry or blot between two kitchen towels to remove as much moisture as possible.
2. Place the Coriander leaves in the bowl and crush slightly with the back of the wooden spoon to release plant flavors.
3. Pour half (1 cup) of the oil over the bruised leaves.
4. Stir and crush again slightly to release more of the plant oils.
5. Add remaining cup of oil and stir well to blend.
6. Pour into the large mouth jar and cap tightly.
7. Set on a sunny window sill for two weeks, shaking gently every day or so to mix the flavors.
8. Strain oil slowly through a double layer of cheese cloth set into a large funnel in the opening of a clean decorative bottle and cap tightly.
9. Add a few fresh sprigs of Coriander for decoration and identification purposes and label.
Keep the flavored oils out of direct sunlight after the seeping process in a kitchen cupboard or pantry. Oils tend to go rancid if left in the sun too long. The shelf life of flavored oils is approximately six months.
1. Wash herbs and spin dry or pat between two kitchen towels to remove excess moisture.
2. Pick out tough stems and damaged or discolored leaves.
3. Trim and chop the Coriander and measure 1/3 to 1/2 cup, depending on the intensity of the flavor desired.
4. Place chopped Coriander into the bowl and crush slightly with the wooden spoon.
5. Pour one cup of the oil into the sauce pan and heat, but do not boil.
6. Pour heated oil over the crushed Coriander in the bowl and stir with the wooden spoon to mix well.
7. Slowly add remaining oil into the bowl and stir to mix.
8. Once cooled, place in the large mouth jar and seal tightly.
9. Place jar on sunny window sill for two weeks, gently shaking the bottle every day or so to blend the flavors.
10. Slowly pour the liquid a little at a time into a funnel lined with a double layer of cheese cloth set on the top of a clean decorative bottle and cap tightly.
11. Add a few fresh sprigs for decoration

Coriander essential oil (Coriandrum sativum L. ) is not a very well-known oil. Related to cilantro {Chinese} essential oil (which comes from the leaves of the same plant), it's steam distilled from the seeds of the plant. Its aroma is woody, spicy, and a little sweet.

Anand Javeri: Which vinegar to use with coriander powder for applying on bald spots?

Dr Jayesh Patel: Dhanygokshuradi Ghreet is also a very useful medicine for any urinary related diseases (Mutraghat).

Dr. Meghdoot Satvekar: Mix two tablespoons apple cider vinegar with one cup water, and use to douse your hair after washing. Rinse thoroughly, and follow with a light conditioner.

Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Ayurvedic medicines with coriander as mentioned in Charaka Samhita –
Saindhvadi churna – used in Kshata ksheena – Chi/Kshatakseena Chikitsa
Chitrakadi grutha – Shotha – Chi/Swayathuchikitsa
Dadimadi gritha – Gulma, Pleeharoga, Pandu – Chi/Pandurogachikitsa
Agruvadyataila – Jwara – Chi/Jwarachikitsa
Trayushanadi grutham – Gulma – Chi/Gulmachikitsa
Hingu sovarchaladi grutha – Gulma – Chi/Gulmachikitsa
Pippalyadi Gruhtam – Gulma – Chi/Gulmachikitsa
Hinguvadi gutika – Admana, Shoola, Gulma, Pandu – Chi/Gulmachikitsa
Shatyadi churna – Gulma – Chi/Gulmachikitsa

Ayurvedic medicines with coriander as mentioned in Sushruta Samhita –
Hinguvadigudika – Admana, Shoola, Gulma, Pandu – Chi/Vatavyadi 
Ayurvedic medicines with coriander as mentioned in Ashtanga Hrudayam –
Hinguvadi churna – Admana, Shula, Gulma, Pandu  – Chi/Gulmachikitsa
Dadimashtaka Churna – Atisara – Chi/Atisarachikitsa
Pootikaranja Churna – Arsha – Chi/Arshachikitsa
Yavanyadi Churna – Rajayakshma – Chi/Rajayakshmachikitsa
Kushmanda Rasayana – Kasa, Swasa, Kshaya – Chi/Kasachikitsa
Ayurvedic medicines with coriander as mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali –
Dhanyakadi Hima – Daha – Raktapitta chikitsa
Dhanyagokshura Gritam – Mootravata – Mootravata chikitsa
Dhanyanagaradi kwatha – Jwaratisara – Jwaratisara chikitsa
Dhanya shunti – Jwaratisara – Jwaratisara Chikitsa 
Ayurvedic medicines with coriander as mentioned in Sharangdhara Samhita –
Dhanyaka panchaka kwatha – Amatisara – Amatisaraprakarana
Guduchyadikwatha – Jwara, Raktavata – Sarvajwaraprakarana
Abhayarishta – Arshas

Dr. J. T. Contractor: To add the last line to our discussion on coriander: it's alkaloid is instigative for secretion of digestive enzymes
Germany Helga Fuchs: What I know about coriander is already said her.

Dr. Bhavesh Modh: Imaging fact abut coriander  cultivation. seed-corn  of coriander  must be blurt out  (ભરડી લેવા) before sowing  for best crop. The name coriander is derived from the Greek word koris, which means bug. It may have earned this name because of the  "buggy" offensive smell that it has when unripe. The Latin name for coriander is Coriandrum sativum. (That's different Morden & Ayurveda You can see previous msg. ) The use of coriander can be traced back to 5,000 BC, making it one of the world's oldest spices. It is native to the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions and has been known in Asian countries for thousands of years. Coriander was cultivated in ancient Egypt and given mention in the Old Testament. It was used as a spice in both Greek and Roman cultures, the latter using it to preserve meats and flavor breads. The early physicians, including Hippocrates, used coriander for its medicinal properties, including as an aromatic stimulant.
The Russian Federation, India, Morocco and Holland are among the countries that commercially produce coriander seeds. Coriander leaves (cilantro) are featured in the culinary traditions of Latin American, Indian and Chinese cuisine.
* 1/4 th cup (about 4gm) coriander leaves (non cooked ) have 270 iu  Vitamin - A.

Dr. Shriniwas Gujjarwar: Coriander leaves juice is the antidote of bhallataka side effects.

Dr. Bhavesh Modh: Nutritional value of Dry coriander seeds 1TSP approx  5gm)
Only Vita C - 1.1 mg  (Other  vita. R absent )
Calcium- 35.4 mg
Iron-0.8 mg
Magnesium - 16.5 mg
Phosphorus - 20.5 mg
Potassium-63.3 mg
Sodium - 1.8 mg
Zinc - 0.2 mg
Manganese - 0.1 mg
Phytosterols - 2.3mg
Niacin also present.
 so, easily  understand  why Unani Hakim's use dry coriander seeds for  boost libido (lust)

Dr. Prerak Shah: What I understand is, we use fresh coriander leaves from kitchen garden. And you can make a paste out of it, which can be squeezed in cloth to get fresh juice.

Exi Kir Moo: Take fresh Coriender. Cut it. Put it in juicer. Collect the juice in a glass. We can add Lemon drops, salt and paper powder. Black salt (Sanchar) is better than white salt in coriender juice.

Dr. Prerak Shah: Pl do not add anything in fresh juice, if you want to use it as a eye drop or Nasya.
---------------------- end of comments from active group -----------
 Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Coriander  : sanskrit words  - kustumburu  ,  tumour
 Seeds are  called  dhanyak. It's included in Harit varga ( green group/ fresh group ) in  Charak samhita
 Guna : tikshna , ushna , ruksha,  
Rasa  and vipaka : katu
Virya : ushna
Effect on dosha : kaphahar , vatahar
Other benefits :  rochana
above uses in ardra (fresh) form
In shushka (dry) form , it's mentioned in aaharyogi varg .
Uses : rochana , dipana,  vataghna, kaphaghna, daurgandhya nashana
Useful in following diseases /conditions
Shirogaurav( heaviness )  shirashula (headache) ,  pinas (rhinitis),   ardhavabhedac ( migraine) , krumi( worms)
Apasmar ( epilepsy) , loss of smell , pramoha/murcha (loss of consciousness)
- for this it is to be given as nasya/ shirovirechan ( nasal route).
- External use in kandu ( itching) , pidaka , kotha , and kushtha
- Coriander to be mixed with takra (butter milk) and to be used as udvartan . Prior to udvartan abhyanga is must
- Dhanyak is included in 2 mahakashaya in Charak samhita
1. Trushna nigrahana ( control of thirst)
2. Shitaprashmana ( control of coldness)
It's specially useful in aamaj type of trushna  (i.e. thirst developed due to indigestion).
 Due to its shitaprashamana effect it's advisable in shita ritu which are hemant , shishir  and also in Varsha ritu ( helpful for relief with coldness in winter and monsoon season ).
- dhanyak can be used in sthoulya ( obesity) , prameha,   and other santarpana janya diseases/conditions orally as well as externally

Dr. Sujata Vaidya: Corriander best source of sunlight energy. Good to all wellness🍀

Vd. Piyush Prajapati: Dhanyak  Him has so much practical uses.  Usually in summer..
burning of footsole,burning in abdomen,burning mituration,heavy tonsilitis in summer due to drink cool water etc,In Sun stroke,In summer diarrhoea also used it after adding little Sunthi Churna.
Also when u have continued kidney stone ,then using Dhanyak him thrice a day or as needed is much effective..
In tiredness or muscle pain due to Sun heat,dhanyak sarbat is also effective.
It's magical Summer medicine..

Dr. Arvind Shahane: Dhanyak him with variyali also more effective in above conditions

Vd. Piyush Prajapati: In infertility,Dhanyak Him is also used by paitik samprapti. Dhanyak mixed with Satahva.

Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Dhanyak siddha/pakwa  jala is said to be pathya ( beneficial) in Vataj Gulma.  Reference Charak chikitsa 5/111

Dr. Mahavir Patil: dhanyak and infertility...plz tell more sirji

Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Coriander ( ardra - fresh from) when applied locally as lepa it removes kushtha and mandal .
reference Charak chikitsa 7/122

Dr Feroz Khan: When burning of eye its swaras can be used 2to4 drops.BD.can relives also redness.

Dr. Arvind panchal: My own practical experience of Dhanyak's too good for burning micturation....

Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Coriander is useful In shushka arsha ( non bleeding piles)  in many ways
1. It's indicated for siddha ghrita along with other aushadhi dravyas.
2.  In diet of arsha patient shaka ( vegetables both leafy and fruit type) is to be given mixed with dhanyak and sunthi
3. Dhanyak and sunthi siddha shishir jala (processed cool water) is indicated as anupan in arsha.  It does vata and purish anuloman.
4. Kustumburu is also indicated for dhupana in arsha.

Brazil Fatima Sardinha: I find this topic very interesting! Are Coriander effects related to a anti-inflammatory property?

Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Yes,  it's shothaghna ( anti inflammatory)  as well. For that it's  patra swarasa (leaf juice ) can be used as lepa ( local application).

Dr. Arvind panchal: One question....please reply....why we add coriander with GUD in celebration of some muhurt...??

Vd. Sachin Kadlag: For celebrating Shubha muhurta we use GUD as  it is sweet but in ayurvedic perspective GUD is krumikar , to overcome that we add coriander which is Krimighna as well as rochana,  and mukha daurgandhyahar. Coriander and Gud combination is balancing in many ways. Gud is snigdha , kledakar  while coriander is ruksha , kledashoshak. Gud is guru (heavy to digest) , coriander is dipan ( increases appetite and improves digestion ). Pandu , udar , pinas , prameha , gulma , agnimandya , atisar , pleeha vriddhi in these diseases /conditions  drinking water is not beneficial.
But if patient cannot bear thirst , then dhanyak siddha jala mixed with sugar and honey should be given to drink. Reference charak chikitsa 22/59-61

Vd. zalak dhruv: I prepared dhanyak yog 1) Kali draksh 100gms 2) Khadi sakar 100gms
3) Dhana 100 gms 4) Gulkand 200 gms 5) Honey 100 gms 6) Praval 10 gms Its best in pit vikar#menopause #  low H.B.# thalassemia minor…its my practical experience no any reference

Dr. Arvind Shahane: Please sir tell us Praval bhasma or pishti

Vd. Rahul Marwah: I yesterday got to know that many years ago there was a Vaidya in Mumbai who gave people fresh coriander decoction to drink for any gynaecological problems

Baroda Arti parimal: Yes in menopause Very effective…..Coriander juice at -4-PM
Dr Bhagyashri Panchal: Why at 4 pm??

Baroda Arti parimal: Vatu and pitta time

Vd. Akshata Swami: Fresh coriander decoction but how...? Fresh leaves if subjected for decoction its all active principles get lost..Might be juice it is.... Doctor ji will u plz clarify this

Baroda Arti parimal: Not decoction ,Fresh juice with jeera powder and watermelon seeds powder

Baroda Zehra Torabally: Does it have to be coriander leaves?  Not coriander seeds?  I was adviced to drink coriander seeds with fennel seeds and yellow misri to reduce heat in my body overall.  Especially now as I am in premenopausal stage, I experienced skin problems (blisters on palm )and I suspected that my histamine level higher than before. I am drinking this every morning and I feel it has removed excess heat from my body

Dr. Rahul: Dhane + jeere + badishep seeds along wid Chia seeds &  niranjan phal is a grt combination of excess heat in body... Especially for pitta prakriti patients having prblms in summer season...

Vd. Piyush Prajapati: Coriander has shape similar to internal media of kidney.. It's kidney purifier.. In summer,we drink sometimes less water.. so it's not easy to detoxify some contents from body by purification of blood in kidney.  So there is loaded work .. so we use coriander as normal diet in every food and salad in this summer..  
So that KIDNEY get relaxed by proper work of purification.
Also it makes urine Alkaline.. so also itself it prevents to become stones in kidney..
Sometimes we get this one (parsely) instead of Cilantro..
 Sunthi and Dhanyak has a very good result in mostly having stickiness in stool. Mostly in patients of Kaphaj Grahani. Is dhanyak works for sperm count +????

USA Parulben: Parsley is totally opposite of cilantro effects wise pregnant woman should avoid parsley.

Vd. Akshata Swami: Cha. Sutra. 27/173-  Harita varga, wat charak explained is it is tridosha utkleshakara... ashtanga hridaya, sutra 6/108 …..sushruta samhita, sutra 45/231. About dhanyaka as kaustumbura. Sushruta explained both wet n dry dhanyaka properties…..mentioned in sloka Snigdha, trishna daha nashaka, doshaghni, sroto vishodhini……. Charak ji and sushruta ji totally opposite reviews anyone if experienced these things please share it

Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Dhanyak in shushka form is vata kapahagna- Charak chikitsa 27/307

Vd. Shrinidhi: dhanyaaka धन्याकगुणाः . मधुरत्वम् . शीतत्वम् . कषा-यत्वम् . पित्तज्वरकासतृषाच्छर्दिकफनाशित्वम् .दीपनत्वञ्च . इति राजनिर्घण्टः ..
स्निग्धत्वम् .वृष्यत्वम् . मूत्रलत्वम् . लघुत्वम् . तिक्तत्वम् .कटुत्वम् . वीर्य्यकारित्वम् . पाचनत्वन् . रोच-नत्वम् . ग्राहित्वम् . स्वादुपाकित्वम् . त्रिदोष-दाहश्वासामार्शःकृमिनाशित्वञ्च ..आर्द्रन्तु तद्गुणं स्वादु विशेषात् पित्तनाशनम् ..इति भावप्रकाशः ..
शिलायां साधु संपिष्टं धान्यकं वस्त्रगालितम् .शर्करोदकसंमिश्रं कर्पूरादिसुसंस्कृतम् ..नवीने मृण्मये पात्रे स्थितं पित्तहरं परम् ..राजनिर्घण्टः ..

Dr. Satyendra Sharma: Coriander ,a member of the parsley family, the leaf,stem,roots and ripe fruits have potential health benefits. Cineol and linoleic acid present in coriander having several benefits as detoxification of toxicity and reducing oxidative stress by antioxidant properties. Ayurved management: 1-soup of coriander roots enhances physical strength as well as fertility capacity. 2-Fresh juice of coriander leaf and stem is effective in reducing weight management by eliminating  bad cholesterol. It increases H D L.3- coriander works as a natural antibiotics due to rich source of dodecenal compound. 4-Fried coriander powder with misri one spoon  in morning prevent from heat stroke and gas formation.It increases bone mass density 5-Corinder leaf and stem  help in formation of collegen  fiber,so it is good for skin also.6- Entire coriander is useful from roots to fruits

Dr. Prerak Shah: Same question is asked in 2 groups; how to make coriander juice? Pl answer it.  What I understand is, we use fresh coriander leaves from kitchen garden. And you can make a paste out of it, which can be squeezed in cloth to get fresh juice.

Dr. Satyendra Sharma: Very simple,this is my family drink in morning. 1.Take fresh coriander leaf and stem,curry leaf,a piece of ginger, 100ml water ,paste in grinder,stain & drink & reduce your weight

Baroda Arti parimal: Washed coriander immediately grind in mixi
--------------end of comments from group 1-----------------

IPR Chhayaben: Take out juice of fresh coriander leaves n put one drop in eyes,  it helps reducing stress I  eyes..

Vd. Pulkit D. Patel: vacha + lodra+ coriander powder  maka lepa frm it and apply on face it has good result in acne.........mukha dushika

LVG Shriram Gandhi: Dhaniya, kalidraksha (black resins), saunf (fenel),misri generally used by common people for cooling effect in summer.

Binduben Jayeshbhai: Fresh coriander juice helps to reduced LDL n improves HDL...

Dr. Rajeshkumar Radadiya: Fresh coriander reduce acidity also

Dr. Neha P. Bhatt: Dhanyak hima - popular formulation to beat heat

Pt. Nirali Kaushal Shah: How to prepare this?

Dr. Neha P. Bhatt: according to shashtra. .take four times of water than dhanyak....mix them well for a night ..n drink it in early morning after filtering

Canada Vd Priti Patel: Cooling and digestive property.  Diuretic as well.
Useful in Digestive disorder, high blood pressure,  UTI, high cholesterol etc.
USA Irene CCA: cold virya, good for pitta dissorders in general
especially in summer when pitta dosha goes up

Vd. Nidhi Awasthy: For raised Uric acid-
Shunthi dhanyak giloy churna (equal amount) decoction is very useful
In indignation aur acidity …Take one bottle normal water soak 1 tsp corridor seeds 1 tsp souf  keep it overnight ……..Have it next day ……..Also useful in burning micturition

Dr. Sachin A. M.: Coriander is Avrushya, Mutrala, Deepana, Jvaraghna, Rochana, Grahi, Daurgandhya nashana, Hrudya, Trushna , Daha, Vami, Shwasa, Kasa, Arsha, Krumi

Germany Rabia: Fresh green Coriander boiled in water until 2 glass becomes 1. Stir and drink luke warm for liver inflammation 👍

Tilak Raj Gujrani: Read somewhere that coriander taken in large doses and for longer duration, decrease libido. In unani, Itrifal kishneezi used as nervine tonic, main constituent being dhania.

Australia Vd. Neerja Ahuja: Coriander for pitta skin rashes. Also as anti fungal , good for fungal infections

Krup Vasavada: Coriander juice is Good for Eye gives relief in Burning of eye. .
Coriander is useful in Anemic conditions ..It is anthelmintic also Useful in Krimi .... If we use coriander chutney every day will free from Any abdominal discomfort due to indigestion….. If a person is having Hyperacidity can use coriander juice with crystal sugar gives wonderful relief....

---------------end of comments from Group 2 ------------------

Greece Sofia: Can be used for for acidity- cold infusion of coriander seeds :soak overnight,crush in the morning, add little sugar . take on empty stomach

Dr.Sandeep Saluja: A unani medicine containing coriander has been shown to be effective in gastroesophageal reflux
Animal studies have shown potential as anxiolytic and sedative
A clinical trial from Iran showed it helps prevent and treat migraine

Dr. Mamta Patel: For pitt shaman and dipan , pachan.Dhanyak him is used in acidity and fever.

Vd. Khyati Jariwala: Coriander leaves r very nice cleanser....especially for kidneys

Ms. Beena Amlani: Coriander also beneficial for healthy eyes.

USA Sivakami Kapoor: Coriander is known to lower blood sugar by stimulating the secretion of insulin.  It helps the heart by lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and raising good cholesterol (HDL).  This herb also works on the heart chakra.

Vd. Sandeep J. Prasad: but all leafy products are avoided in kidney disease coz it contains potassium . So how can we use coriander leaves in kidney disease.

USA Sivakami Kapoor: I thought coriander leaves are good for cleaning our kidneys...

Vd. Sandeep J. Prasad: But in my guru parampara coriander dry as well as leaf is contraindicated for kidney diseases. Does not it contain potassium. All k containing products are avoided in kidney disease Is there any classical reference for coriender's effect on kidney

Dr. Mrugeshkumar Patel: Basti sodhanm...

Vd. sandeep Ahirkar: Dhanyak is mutral  it's snigdh it's act on Vata and Kapha dosha .it acts purifier it's pachak (improve digestion) it's used as toxins purifier

Dr. Nitish Dubey: any information about antioxidant property of coriander? Is it anti hyperglycemic or antioxident for diabetic stress?

Vd. Tanuja Gokhale: Coriander seeds ie Dhanyak is said to light, sweet n astringent in taste, hot in property yet pacifies all doshas. It is ideal to b used in vomition, fever, tastelessness, thirst, burning sensation, etc. The leaves are of similar property, especially for pacifying Pitta

Vd. Jitu Hadiya: Dhaynak is pittashamak

Dr. Sreedevi N V: Dhanyaka used to prepare chandraprabha vati,brahmi vati,kankayana vati ,kalyana gulam etc. Effective as krimihara,daurgandhyanasana also..
Included by charakacharya in trushna prasamana n daha prasamana gana susrta n vagbhata  in guduchyadi gana..

Vd. Bhavesh Sirvi: Dhanyak is having kashay is main rasa n madhura is anurasa
Ushna virya, Madhura vipaka, It is Tridosh shamak , Main karma is Trishna nigrahan
Mostly use as kwath or him

Dr. Hiral Sengal: dhaynak also used in hyperacidity .. for instant relief of acidity just used one tps powder of dhanyak & sugar mixed it take vth water

Vd. sandeep Ahirkar: Coriander is useful in diabetes also to give stimulus to pancreas for increasing insulin levels which WL help in reducing sugar levels

Dr. Chirag: Coriander swaras (distilled) nasya is very helpful for kaphaj shira : shool. I have used volatile oil from seeds which is very effective

USA Sivakami Kapoor: How do you we do coriander swaras... Can you please explain?

Dr. Prerak Shah: Pl do not add anything in fresh juice, if you want to use it as a eye drop or Nasya.

Dr. Chirag: Take some seeds in good quantity n soak them in lukewarm water tonight. If you have a distillation flask then put them @ light temperature n on the other hand there wud b certain water n volatile oils in mixture form which can be used.
If not flask then cover one vessels with other n do d same.

-Compilation courtesy: Vd. Kinshuk Hirpara

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