Thursday, January 18, 2018

Understanding of Thyroid (T3, T4 and TSH) according to #Ayurveda

Views shared by several Ayurveda professionals and non-Ayurveda people in discussion group:
All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.
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Next topic for discussion:Understanding of Thyroid (T3, T4 and TSH) according to #Ayurveda
Vd. Jayesh Thakkar: Thyroid effects seen at Dosha-Dhatu-Agni level commonly.
Hyperthyroid: Vata-Pitta vriddhi, Rasa Dhatu paka, Tiksna Agni
Hypothyroid: Kapha vridhi, Mamsa-Meda dushti, Manda-agni


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Dr. Arvind Shahane: Hypo thyroid is like our kafaj ajirn. I had treated like this theory my pts have completely relief. No need thyroxin since 1.5 yrs all pts
Ayulink: some scholars count Thyroid in shotha and some says thyroid is agni dushti
Dr Jayesh Patel: Some says it's atya-agni ...So basically it's related with agni duahti
Ayulink: View of Gopakumar sir on Thyroidism and Ayurved
Thyroid --- कफ स्थान (Place of Kapha)
Hypothyroidism --- वात आणि कफ दोष
Hyperthyroidism --- वात आणि पित्त दोष
कफहर आणि मेदोहर उपचार आवश्यक वमन अत्यंत आवश्यक .
कफाचे मंद , शीत गुरु गुण शरीरात वाढतात

उपचार --
Step I (अग्नी दीपन, आम पाचन, क्लेद शोषण)
.षडधरण चूर्ण + पाचनामृत काढा
. हंसपद्यादी कषाय
. चित्रकादी वटी
. शिवा गुटिका
Step II (संग निर्हरण – Removal of Obstruction)
. पुनर्नवादी काढा
. पुनर्नवा मंडूर
. अष्टवर्ग कषाय
. वरुनादी कषाय
. गुग्गुळ तिक्तक कषाय (भूक कमी असेल तर देवू नये.)
. असणादी क्वाथ
. गायात्र्यादी क्वाथ (खादिरादी क्वाथ)
. कांचनार गुग्गुळ
. नवक गुग्गुळ
१०. सिंहनाद गुग्गुळ
११. नस्य अणुतेल, षडबिंदू तेल
Step III --- रसायन उपचार
.चित्रक रसायन
. भल्लातक रसायन
. शिलाजित रसायन
. लसून रसायन (क्षीरपाक)
आहार ---
कुळीथ युष
मुग डाळ युष
पंचकोल पेया
दोष वात पित्त वृद्धी
धातुगत अग्नी वृद्धी झाल्यामुळे वरील अवस्था निर्माण होते.
पित्ताचे उष्ण तीक्ष्ण गुण वाढलेले असतात.
रस क्षय होवून धातुपाक होतो.

उपचार ---
बृहण उपचार आवश्यक .
तिक्त रस युक्त वनस्पती वापराव्या.
STEP I (वातपित्तहर)
विरेचन आवश्यक त्रिवृत्त लेह वापरावा (स्निग्ध विरेचन).
STEP II (धातुगत आम पाचन)
.शतावर्यादी क्वाथ
.शतावरी क्षीरपाक
.तिक्तक क्वाथ
.गुदुच्यादी क्वाथ
.महामंजीष्ठादी काढा
STEP II (बृहण)
.कारस्कर घृत
.तिक्तक घृत
.दाडीमादी घृत
.पंचगव्य घृत
STEP III (रसायन उपचार)
.गुडूची क्षीर
.गुडूची सत्व
.अश्वगंधा क्षीर
.शतावरी क्षीर
.आमलकी अवलेह
•          द्वौ श्लेष्मभुवौ .शा..११
•          श्लेष्मभुवौ कण्ठस्य पार्श्वयोर्व्यवस्थितौ कठिनौ भागौ चक्रपाणि
Thyroid disorders
•          कफस्थान
•          श्लेष्मणानुगता वृद्धिः
•          सर्वैव वृद्धिः प्रायोऽतिसन्तर्पणनिमित्तावाच्छ्लेष्मणानुगता .सं.सू.११.१३
•          व्यान- धातुव्यूहन
•          .... वाय्वात्मकं...... धातुव्यूहनम् ....शा..१२
•          धातुव्यूहनं धातुरचना धातुवहनं | चक्रपाणि
•          मारुतो वा धातुपोषकरसवाही व्यानरूपः चक्रपाणि .सू.२८.
•          रस- कफ संबंध
•          रस- सर्वधातुपोषण
•          कण्ठ- रक्त संबंध
•          बृहत्त्व- मांसमेद
•          मेदोवृद्धिः
•          सार्वदेहिक शुक्र, ओज --> नूतनोत्पत्ति
•          रसदुष्टि
•          अग्नि-पचनविकृति-->रसदुष्टि
•          रसदुष्टि--> रक्तदुष्टि
•          रसदुष्टि--> रजोदुष्टि
•          रसदुष्टि--> विकृत साम मेदोवृद्धि
•          मेद एव उपचीयते तथा इतरे धातवः
•          विकृत साम मेदोवृद्धि--> अन्यधातुपोषण रुद्ध
•          प्रारंभे अस्थि-मज्जा-शुक्रक्षय ,पश्चात् अन्यधातु
•          सार्वदेहिक शुक्र, ओजक्षय,
•          मानस विकृति, धी-धृति-स्मृतिविकृति
•          साम-विकृत मे्दोवृद्धि-->शैथिल्य, पार्थिवभावदौर्बल्य
•          रक्त-मेद विकृति--> सिरा, कण्डरा, स्नायुविकृति
•          अग्निमान्द्य--> आमनिर्मिति-->स्रोतोरोधजन्य पाण्डु
•          मेदोरोग
•          अजीर्ण
•          आवृते श्लेष्मणोदाने वैवर्ण्यं वाक्स्वरग्रहः||२२४||
•          दौर्बल्यं गुरुगात्रत्वमरुचिश्चोपजायते| .चि.२८
•          अस्वेदो वह्निमान्द्यं लोमहर्षस्तथैव ||२२६||
•          कफावृते समाने स्याद्गात्राणां चातिशीतता| .चि.२८
•          हीनवातस्य तु श्लेष्मा पित्तेन सहितश्चरन्|
•          करोत्यरोचकापाकौ सदनं गौरवं तथा||५३||
•          हृल्लासमास्यस्रवणं पाण्डुतां दूयनं मदम्|
•          विरेकस्य वैषम्यं वैषम्यमनलस्य ||५४||
•          हीनपित्तस्य तु श्लेष्मा मारुतेनोपसंहितः|
•          स्तम्भं शैत्यं तोदं जनयत्यनवस्थितम्||५५||
•          गौरवं मृदुतामग्नेर्भक्ताश्रद्धां प्रवेपनम्|
•          नखादीनां शुक्लत्वं गात्रपारुष्यमेव ||५६|| .सू.१७
ग्रंथाधार रुग्णानुभव यांच्या आधारे 👆
By Vd.Upendra Dixit sir jee  (of Goa) on another group discussion
Dr. Dipa Mehta: Yes thyroid is agni dusthi
Croatia Branko Markovic: Hypothiroidism is seen as "easy" to solve by majority of Vaidya’s, but hyper is not. Please tell us from your experience how to treat hyper successfully. Anybody with good results regarding hyperthiroidism?
Gary Yuen: Has anyone seen hyperthyroidism more common in some people? Some suggest it may be related to eating meat and vegetarianism helps.
Shri Minoo parabia: I don't think the non-vegetarian diet promotes HT.I know of quiet a few Jain patients, strictly vegetarians, are suffering with Hyper thyroidism.  Mental stress, aggravation of bile, loss of appetite following a strict dieting, are the general triggers to precipitate HT. Its my humble observation. Please correct me.
Gary Yuen: In those cases, it could be an excess of milk and ghee.
Dr Jayesh Patel: I have seen some cases are positive during pregnancy & some cases  are after delivery.....
Gary Yuen: There is one study that shows a significantly reduced risk of hyperthyroidism among vegans, those that don't consume any animal products including dairy. Since the cause seems not well understood by modern medicine but seems to perhaps be an autoimmune disease, it may be worth a try.
Shri Minoo parabia: Indeed.
Dr. Bindiya U Shanghvi: Kanchnar gugglu is best for thyroid or not?
Croatia Branko Markovic: Hypo is treated excellent with kanchanar g and Varanadi kashayam. But didn’t find good results with hyper.. with shatavari, guduchi and kaishora g had some results..
P A. Deshpande: Thyroid cancer case has been treated successfully by me. As per naturopathy thyroid diseases are related liver.  If the inputs are not provided  to thyroid glands  its function is affected resulting into hypo or hyper thyroidism. . The cancer case was treated purely with my treatment . No surgery was done as it could have harmed  vocal cord. The treated was topical and oral-
Croatia Branko Markovic: How did you treat it?
Vd Rameshwar Dhanaji: Great please enlighten about medicines .
Shri Minoo parabia: Dr. Deshpande, we appreciate your achievement. Kindly educate us on your findings and the line of treatment. If it is too long to type, please use audio facility on the phone.
P A. Deshpande: The case of thyroid cancer which I successfully cured was of one female age  51 years  and she was a classical singer. When diagnosed as cancer she went in depression because the surgery could damage vocal cord. For a singer it is more than a life. She was  from Mumbai but had arrangement to stay in Pune. As like Prostate cancer the thyroid gland in cancer enlarges and create obstruction on food pipe , resparatory track  with loss of speech also. The enlargement may deshape neck also. The temp. Of gland rises  significantly due to growth of tumour. Fortunately it was on external area of gland. As a primary part of treatment  , colon cleansing for ten days was done to remove toxins.  Simulteniously  topical and oral treatment was also started as under. All around neck massage with wheat grass juice ( fully pure extracted without adding water. )  then oil prepared from juice . Then cotton packs soaked in same juice were wrapped around neck. Encircled ice pack covered in cotton was applied above it. This was kept for one hour then ice pack was removed.  But soaked packs wrapped around neck were retained and removed after eight hours. The same process was repeated for another eight hours. By using fresh packs. Orally also 4 tsp of juice was given every three hours. The was hold in mouth for 10 - 15 minutes and it was drunk. This was done six times a day. In diet she was totally on fruit / veg juices  coconut water and soup of sprouted Moong and methi seeds.  Just in three weeks the regional temp. Of gland settled to normal. The redishness on neck and wrinkles disappeared with speech improvement.  In three months  the selling reduced to 50 %  with saliva secretion and speech clarity.  A scan after nine months did not show any tumour but slightly thickening was seen. This also gone after fifteen months.  After couple of years she started singing and lived very happy life. Now how this has happened , I mean what is mechanism in the whole process .Every part of body say .muscles tissues. Glands etc needs nutriants and phyto chemicals for proper function. Liver process and. Through metabolism  the supply is done as per directions of pitutory through a signaling system operated through receptor or inlets.  When the supply chain do not work efficiently the organ muscle tissues gland area starved. It's temperature rises due to extra stress to procure and inspire of it when fails to procure  the damages takes place.resulting into cancer. . Oxygen molecules ares destroyed and its place is taken by hydrogen. The further changes are fermentation  , fungal formation then yeast molds and carsinogene .This patient was singer and there was excessive strain on oral organs including thyroid. Now how it was corrected ? 1 )  colon cleansing removed toxins from gastric track and veg juices  bottle gourd cocumber  reduced load on liver.increasing its functional capacity  to cater needs of bio chemicals.  Fruits / veg juices  bridged up nutritional imbalance.  alkaline  diet reduced toxicity. The wheat grass juice has anti cancer components such as Ltryle B 17 . Powerful antioxidants like Vit A almost every compound of Vit B  , vit C  and  chlorophyl. The cold topical treatment nutralised gland temperature which is a first stem of cancer conversion chain.  The oil provided lubrication and medication.  The juice it's high power paste provided  nutruants and anti cancerous contents plus chlorophyll  stopped malignant cells mutation giving more space to normal healthy cells. Oral juice treated all affected inner parts to prohibit tumour growth.  Improved health of saliva glands. and vocal cord etc. the chlorophyll releases oxygen and absorbs toxic gases which also play important role in malignant mechanism. Photographs I will put tomorow.  If any clarification needs I will be happy to do.
Croatia Branko Markovic: Wow amazing 🙏 Thank you for your effort to write everything! Here in EU quite some number of people prescribe wheat grass but in powder form. Will that be also good enough and what should be the doses in such hard cases? In croatia we have on the market oils from sprouted wheat. Will this do the job also?
P A. Deshpande: I will reply above questions at the same time would suggest how best it can be. managed by Great ayurveda also. by comparison as well as missing  points too. Every thing is plenty in nature only there is a need to co relate.  Thanks for listening
Croatia Branko Markovic: Thank you. It is always good to use every possible way to treat person regarding any system.. wheat is world wide available so that is also why it is interesting. People here use it a lot!
 Vd. Hemant k shah: Respected sir  as per my opinion thyroid  is kuf+ ajirna  so I give lakhaniya dravya like arogya vardhani vati +kanchanar guglu+triphla
Vd. Dhruti Nirav Bhatt: Hypothyroidism  is Kaphaj dusti ,Mandagni,Ras dhatu dusti, we can find symptoms of Pandu in those patients. Pathyapathya helps a lot. Madoharvidangadi loh,Kanchnar guggul, Varunadi and Dashmool Kwath have good results. Trifla for laxative. Pranayam and yogasan very effective role, PANCHKARMA therapy like Vaman and Basti give good results.
Dr. Amrish A Shah: I Had treated like this theory my pts have relief trikatu choorn Punarnava mandur kanchnar gugal Vrunadi Qwath Arogya Varthini Ras giloy tab Churna.
compiled by - Dr. Dhruti Kagrana

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