Thursday, April 16, 2020

Asav – Arishtam - Vitamins # Ayurveda

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Next topic of discussion: Asav – Arishtam - Vitamins # Ayurveda
1771: what do you think of taking Kumaryasav and Drakshasav 15 ml with equal water trhice a day to balance good and bad bacteria in our Gut?

Ayulink Ayurveda: But there is no 'Bacteria in Guts' theory in Ayurveda.
Kumaryasava is rasayana and can be good as immuno promoter or antioxident. Goof liver tonic too. Drakshasav is good for digestion, pitta aggravation related problems, mild virechak (purgative). If this information can help you further.
Gut-Brain connection is complex subject. Modern science is still in initial stages of research. If someone wishes to understand Gut-Brain axis or connection, one has to understand Prana Vata - Apana vata connections.
That is CNS and Pelvic Nervous System connection. We had recently discussed this topic (I think last month). You may go for our blog to find all details of last discussion on Gut-Brain connection. It is very interesting. Thank you.
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Shri Minoo parabia: Moreover, all our asava and arishtas have yeasts. Perfect source of Vit B 12. Of course I am here supporting our age-old tradition with modern perspective.
Ayulink Ayurveda: Sir, any relation of Vit B 12 with bacteria in Guts? this will be interesting to know
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Yes it has relationship
Shri Minoo parabia: Actually gut bacteria do produce Bit B components, which is reabsorbed in the colon.
This vitamin is essential to promote repair mechanism of the body- like reproducing buccal mucosa or skin damage etc.
In absence of this mouth will have Stomatitis
Dr. Pankaj Chhayani: There are many myths regarding Vita 12.
Shri Minoo parabia: So in cases of Stomatitis the supplements are to be given.
Ayulink Ayurveda: I found this on net: Vitamin B12 is produced in nature by certain bacteria, and archaea. It is synthesized by some bacteria in the gut flora in humans and other animals, but humans cannot absorb this as it is made in the colon, downstream from the small intestine, where the absorption of most nutrients occurs.
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: It's true. Every highly proliferative cells need Vita B12. GI mucosa is highly proliferative so B 12 is needed for proliferation
Shri Minoo parabia: Even when antibiotics are administered, good and bad both kinds of bacteria are lost.
Or in cases of chronic diarrhoea  and constipation.
The "garam padavu" of antibiotics is this reaction of the body
Ayulink Ayurveda: It says Bacteria produce B12. Now in our case, we supply B12 from asava and arishtas. So we are bypassing bacteria's role. Is it so?
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: I think Asava Arishtas provide appropriate atmosphere for absorption of B12
Shri Minoo parabia: One more thing associated with this is, antibiotics are not to be given with calcium- say milk- as calcium chelates antibiotic molecules, rendering them defunct.
Ayulink Ayurveda: Our basic question is: asava and arishtas are effective on good and bad bacteria in our Gut?
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Usually there is no problem in intake of B12(except in pure vegan). Usually problem in B12 absorption. In most of cases of B12 deficiency, there is absorptive problem. Vita B12 absorption is complex.
Ayulink Ayurveda: may be asava and arishta provides good atmosphere to grow bacteria too.
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Yes, Asava Arishtas helpful for good bacterias.
Shri Minoo parabia: People living in hygienic conditions loose their gut flora and can never regain it in natural way. They are now a days given capsules containing bacteria, faecal bacteria!
In western world they do faecal transplant!!
Branko Markovic: Indeed, people coming with B12 deficiencies have problem like Sir said problem with loose motion or constipation. But often there is problem also with stomach which manifest and gastritis, swollen tongue and after some time they can develop symptoms like in diabet neuropathy
Ayulink Ayurveda: There are number of theories for Vit B 12 ---- deficiency can occur at any stage out of 4 stages :  production, storage, release during digestion and re-absorption in system -- its complex. But we dont have proper understanding. And just blind folded ask all patients to go for Vit B12 supplements time to time.
Shri Minoo parabia: Asava and Arishtas, may not have direct implications on the gut bacteria but since it improves digestion and adds to the Bit B magnitude, as said earlier, it must help their proliferation. This is my assumption, I don't have any supportive evidence
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Causes of B12 deficincy and Ayurveda Treatment.           
 1) Achlorhydria- Chitrakadi Vati, Lavana Bhaskar etc.         
 2) Pernicious Anemia (autoimmune problem)- Aam Pachana herbs like Pippali, Panchakola, etc....                   
 3) Panctreatitis:- Shivakshara pachan churna.                               
4) Bacterial Overgrowth:- Krimighna dravya like Vidanga etc...                            
5) Absorptive problems:- Asava Arishtas....
Branko Markovic: There is also supplements based on yeast which are you mainly fro B12
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: People who consume Ghee and Milk daily never get B12 deficincy due to lack of intake.
Ayulink Ayurveda: this is new. Ghee and milk for B12 ?
Branko Markovic: Yes indeed!
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Modern drs are spreding false info regarding B12. If pts ask what should I do to maintain my B12? How can I avoid injection of B12?   Drs always reply u will have to take injections if u don't want then u have to eat NonVeg... If it's  true then all vegetarian should get B12 deficiency
Branko Markovic: All dairy products actually
Ayulink Ayurveda: Dear Branco, I know you love ghee very much. Croatia dont have good ghee, but you produce very good cow ghee. But I am not aware that ghee or dairy products can be useful for B12 deficiency.
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Ghee, Milk, meat etc
Ayulink Ayurveda: I think they say curd - dahi or yogurt is good for B12.
Branko Markovic: Lassi or takra I think is better for gut and it will benefite B12
 Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: In majority of cases, there is no problem related dietary intake. In Most of cases ,real problem is defective absorption.
Shri Minoo parabia: I remember good old days, when yeast tablets were sold 25 for a Rupee!
Family doctor would freely distribute to the patients.
All alcohol factories used to make yeast tablets as their by product.
Under the pretext of unstandardized product the MNCs got it banned.
Be careful, many of our herbal products can meet with similar fate.
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Takra Basti
Branko Markovic: Yeah in whole Eu is not the same as in India..but lot of my veg friend who eat diary products don’t have any B12 deficiency
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: I have some pts who got cured with Snehana therapy only
Ayulink Ayurveda: innovative idea.some day share more details of it...if you have applied in patients. Not now..but someday sure we will discuss on this.
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: Sure... B12 is curable with Ayurveda. 110%
Branko Markovic: B12 is essential for enzymes and for hemoglobin and for absorption it body need to absorb deceit intrinsic factor. There is also one protein in saliva which binds B12 and transports it through acidic stomach into the ileum where it should be absorbed.
Compiled by - Dr. Dhruti Kagrana

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