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Next topic of discussion: Immunity - Ayurveda
Ayurveda: How long
it takes to improve immunity, with all our powerful immuno-promoters? or
immunity boosters, as AYUSH suggested? or I can re-frame the question: how much
time is needed to increase immunity in one healthy person ?jand should we (everyone) start having such immunity
promoting herbs?
Immunity is the
balanced state of multicellular organisms having adequate biological defenses
to fight infection, disease, or other unwanted biological invasion, while
having adequate tolerance to avoid allergy, and autoimmune diseases. Enjoy
interesting information on Immunity from experienced Dr. Prerak Shah in this
Gurumahantesh: I
think sir it depends on person's agni bala and prakruti
Minoo parabia: Innate,
adaptive and passive are the 3 types of immunity, one has.
Innate we
inherit with birth.
Adaptive we
develop against the cause or invasion of the vectors.
Passive is
by the process of immunizations like vaccines.
Ayurveda: I think
the rasayana herbs takes min 2 weeks to promote immunity.
Supratim Bir: In
Ayurveda do we have such immunity booster by direct reference?
Or the
principles of Agni dipan, aama pachan, srota shodhan and dhatu poshan are being
taken care of to produce immunity
Markovic: depends of
Minoo parabia: So
innate is there and passive developed immediately. Adaptive takes time. It is
the adaptive immunity, you are questioning. This depends upon personal
capacity, decided by Ahar, vihar
Markovic: indeed it
seems a lot of things as per texts to come to good immunity but for
"healthy" person I think it is good to follow seasonal taking of
rasayanas to keep up with kala, agni etc..
Dr. Savad
Kerala: Susrutha has
mentioned approx 7 days for nourishment
of sukra dhatu and ojus sara of sukra
Supratim Bir:
Ayurveda principles are not always needed to get interpreted with modern terms.
Ayurveda do prevent and cure with its own parameters.
Ayurveda: then how
long we should continue it to consume?
Supratim Bir: What
about if the person is having agnimandya and srota barodh ? How will we assess
the sukrasar formation ?
practically now patients are asking so many questions about immunity, herbs,
and formulas prescribed by our renowned practitioners and its effect - direct
an indirect on viruses.. This is really a headache to convince all of them
about the role of rasayanas and ayurvedic perspective
in this time
of pandemic, most people are feared and want to have something like quick
acting - kind of magic which can save their life.
lots of
messages over social media does not serve purpose and there are many confusions
are there. Finally such patients have started asking many questions, though I
clearly mention that I am not a Corona expert. and I have no separate
suggestions for anybody. Please follow government guide line. Still few questions
are there, which I wish to discuss here with all of you.
Markovic: well with
Amalaki you cannot go much wrong and also with Guduchi
Dr. Savad
Kerala: Obviously we
should maintain agni because sukra is 7 th dhatu and we should correct
jataragni and rasa dhatawagni
If we
compare ghee and milk both are madhura guru snigdha... but gritha still do
dipana ojus is like gritha... dipana is the thing which can fight against
anything and snigdha madhura is giving bala....
Dr. Vikas
Sharma Punjab:
Immunity depends on Agni bal if we
improve agni property then ultimately we improve immunity. More dhatu dushti
take more time to improve immunity.
Markovic: From all
Rasayna Haritaki and Amalaki are mentioned as ones which can be taken for long
time. Some of my ayurvedic frends even take Guduchi form more then 2 years
everry day and they dont have any problem like diseases
Ayurveda: (1) should
we ask all of our patients to start taking immunity promoting herbs?
(2) How long
it will take to build immunity - aprox time? No theoritical answers
(3) How long
one should consume such herbs or products?
(4) Are
these products really works? How to evaluate the actions? How they will come to
know that there immunity is now improved and good enough?
Markovic: All my
family is taking Amalaki and Guduchi daily small doses..and they rearly get sick
Dr. Vikas
Sharma Punjab: Here
not only we pasify tridosha but also we do work on manas dosha also
Dr. Savad
Kerala: Its done by
looking into rasa dhatwagni itself if rasa dhatu is formed properly then it
takes approximately 7 days for sukra dhatu nourishment
Markovic: Had few
cases of Corona in Croatia. Some with symptomes lasting for even 10 days of
fever, dry cough, pain in chest body each..all of them wore treated within 7
days only!
Pankaj Chhayani:
Many drs suggesting Chloroquine as a prophylaxis in Covid19. Chloroquine is
Tikta rasa, I think Guduchi is also Tikta Rasa and helpful to combat Covid19,
to improve immunity.
Markovic: Some 15
persons I gave Guduchi, Amalaki and Tulsi/Yashtimadhu and they are taking
combination for 1 month and not single person report any symptomes and they
move around also
Pankaj Chhayani:
It's not always true. First we should understand DhatuPoshana nyaya.
Dr. Vikas
Sharma Punjab: I
think rsayan provide instant immunomodulater effect.if we want stable immunity
we should fortify our agni with meda yukta ahar etc
Ayurveda: I think
Chloroquine is from cincona bark....same with sudarshana?
Markovic: In the
world we live in with all polution (guduchi take care of ama, garavisha and
amavisha), food which is depleating agni, manas opinion is that it is
good to take something daily to keep up
Dr. Laxmi
Divya: Pippali
vardamana rasayana mentioned in rajayakshma chikitsa in particular to swasa
kasa can be an option to think at this particular time
Pankaj Chhayani:
Guduchi and Sudarshana in high dose is very beneficial in viral condition.
Markovic: Yes
Guduchi often is prescribed even in doses up to 25 capsules of kashaya daily
Pankaj Chhayani: I
myself take even 20-30 tablet per day. I also prescribe it in my family members
Markovic: yes! Same
with Amalaki..even Yashtimadhu can go in big doses, Tulsi etc..depend of
Vd. Pankaj
Chhayani: One should
consume more water when Amalaki is being taken in large dose, otherwise there
is chances of formation of stone. As amalaki having many minerals
I took
Tulasi in very large dose when I was in tour of South India. It gave good relief
in Respiratory problems but I had burning micturation as side effect
yashtimadhu - licorice in big dose can produce vamoit (as it is vamanopag) and
also I have read somewhere that it higher BP. So be careful for that matters.
Branko Markovic: Indeed! It is not for long time and
doses are goin like in Vardhamani Pippali Rasayana.. slowly up and then down
It is said
that it is increasing BP. And here in EU everybody are paranoid by that but so
far with bigger doses I dindt notice that
Rasayana is
the means of obtaining the best qualities of body cells and tissues and is able
to defeat aging and disease. All rasayanas are ojovardhaka i.e. promoter of
ojas or immune strength in the body, imparting vyadhikshamatva i.e. immunity in
the body. The mode of action of rasayana remedies has been deliberated for
long. Many scholars consider rasayana effect as the prabhava (specific
therapeutic effect) of these remedies without really giving rational
interpretation. However, Professor RH Singh et al (1972) have suggested that
the rasayana remedies and measures act at three levels and produce subtle
molecular nutrient and immune-enhancing effect with a range of secondary
impacts such as improved nutritional status, immune-enhancing, longevity,
healthy aging, promotion of health and prevention of disease. The three levels
of action are:
At the level
of rasa acting as a direct nutrient enriching the nutrient value of plasma.
At the level
of agni acting as digestive and metabolic booster.
At the level
of srotas acting as srotoprasadana promoting the microcirculation and tissue
perfusion. The net effect of all the three levels of action is an improved
Dr. Pankaj
Chhayani: Rasayana
topic is interesting as it's a branch in 8 branches लाभों पायो हि
शस्तानां रसादीनां रसायन! As per this definition, Prashasta
(High quality) Dhattu can't be produce without Normal state of Agni, and heathy
state of Srotosa. Rasayana must be used at end of all treatment. Without giving
Rasayana therapy treatment never be completed as per Chikitsa definition given
by Caraka
Markovic: What is
interesting that even without all treatment before. This is not per classics
but from experience of my mentors and myself it is Functioning without all
Gurumahantesh: In
short advice patients to undergo Rutu Shodhana and prescribe Rasayana. And
vaidyas forget to practice in the run
2168: Yasti is supposed to cause a person
to retain sodium and it also interferes with potassium metabolism. I haven't
studied the mechanism but I have seen recommendations in secondary ayurvedic
texts to use a low salt and high potassium diet.
As far as
how long it takes to build immunity, I think a certain regime of rasayanas
might be enough to kill viruses. Take a wide range of antivirals like triphala,
manjistha, arjuna, other tree barks like banyan and ashvattha, flowers (rose, agastya,
chrstanthemum, etc.).
itself I think takes a long time to build. How many people never get flus
despite no vaccine? How many people rarely if ever get colds? How many rarely
cough or even sneeze? Such is one sign of immunity but I think still not
enough. As said, the diet that allows one to live for maybe 200+ years I think
is the normal diet. Triphala rasayana in its quantity is not recommended
without reason. Hominids like chimps get thousands of mg of Vitamin C daily,
thousands of mg of calcium from very bitter green leaves (think classical
vegetables), etc. Anyone with excess kapha is already immuno-compromised.
Anyone that wears glasses, if they are eating the same diet that caused such a
condition is already immuno-compromised.
Sachin Kadlag: For
healthy person , following all ideal
rules of Aachaar Rasayana, initially doing Shodhana till Puraana Purisha
gets out , then it takes 30 days to get complete benefits by Kutipraveshik
rasayana , ( Now a days due to lockdown situation is automatically in between
Kutipraveshik and Vatatapik conditions) , and then after complete Rasayana
again at least 5 to 7 days extra has to follow Aachar Rasayana and
Kutipraveshik rules to the maximum level possible , Home quarantine situation
in a strong , healthy minded person is a different kind of Kutipraveshik
Rasayana /Rejuvenation.
For the
persons doing regular duties and who are healthy Vatatapik rasayana through
out the year to be taken such as in the form of
Rutu haritaki , Only Amalaki , Chyavanprasha , Guduchi ksheerpaaka with
cow ghee ( Remember Ksheer ghruta Abhasa
is best Rasayana Charaka sutrasthana 25/40) .
All this
medicines should be taken early Morning empty stomach... nothing should be
eaten or drunk after that for at least 30 minutes.
In current
situation also ideally 40 days period should be told to patients to improve
immunity...40 days period is what I
learnt in my college days by My Guru is ideal for Rasayana. By coincidence it matches with old definition
of quarantine period which I think is also 40 days .
Pankaj Chhayani: विकारो
धातुवैषषम्यो।। What is Vikar(disease)? Dhatu Vaishmya (inequalibrium) is called
धातुसाम्यक्रिया चोक्ता तन्त्रस्यास्य प्रयोजनम्।। The object(Prayojana) of Ayurveda science is the maintenance
of equalibrium in Dhatus. याभि:
क्रियाभिर्जायन्ते शरीरे धातव: समा: । सा चिकित्सा विकाराणां कर्म तद्भिषजां
स्मृतम्।।३४।। Such of the actions as bringing about
equalibrium of Dhatus, called Cikitsa(treatment). So purpose of Cikitsa is to
bring equalibrium of Dhatus. All Cikitsa do this. After achieving equalibrium
of Dhatus, it's also important to maintain its equalibrium and to produce high
Quality (Prashasta) Dhatus. High quality Dhatus can be produced only by Rasayana Cikitsa. कथन शरीरे धातूनां वैषम्यं न भवेदिति। समानां
चानुबन्ध: स्यादित्यर्थ क्रियते क्रिया।।३५।। The purpose of Cikitsa is also to prevent disturbance of the
equalibrium of Dhatus and maintain their
equalibrium. This is done by Rasayana Cikitsa- लाभोपायो हि
शस्तानां रसादिनां रसायनं।। Rasayana is therapy by which one gets
the Excellence of Dhatus.
2168: opinions about kakamaci? Seems few
here regularly use it. It is listed as a vegetable and rasayana in Charaka. In
my area, it's available only in the spring. There is a question of
glycoalkaloids and possible overuse and as modern medicine would call it toxic
effects. Some note to double boil. Still commonly used in Tamil Nadu as are
many classical vegetables, dried fruit is available as manathakkali.
Compiled by - Dr. Dhruti Kagrana
Compiled by - Dr. Dhruti Kagrana
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