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Compilation courtesy: Vd. Nikul Patel, Ahmedabad
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Next topic for discussion: Triphala
churna....#an ayurvedic rejuvenator
Javeri: Triphala is a
combination of 3 fruits - Amla, Baheda, Harde.
Triphala is a
mild laxative & used for proper digestion when one has had over eating,
constipation, mouth ulcers, acidity, stomach uneasiness, etc. However, it is
not advisable to consume triphala on a daily basis as daily use may loosen the
intestinal flexibility. Also, it is habit forming in nature.
Nitin Shah: Triphala
powder can be customized according to dosha. For vata predominant 50 % Haritaki,
and 25% each of bibhitaki and Amla, for Pitta 50% Amla and 25% each of Haritaki
and Bibhataki, for Kapha 50% of bibhitaki and 25% of each Haritaki and Amla.
Jayeshbhai: In case of
indigestion we can take triphala churna n it helps to improve our digestive
Tilak Raj
Gujrani: triphla is
helpful in weight management as being laxtive in action, clears biotoxins from
the body, thus improving digestion
Ravindra Upadhyay: Mind
well while using Trifla always use full grown harde, not Balharde, it does not
have medicinal properties as much as
Shiva, the full grown, which helps in Rasayan too. There are 2 formulae,
( a ) equal proportion of all. ( b ) haritaki 1 part, behda 2 parts, amla 4
parts, both are acceptable, the main hitch is use of. Balharde instead of.
Shiva. the full grown Haritaki, which gives desired results. During detoxification dryness of the bowel is
to be avoided by using. Shiva.
In all GI
disorders, the Anupan should be. Lukewarm water. hijmaj small harde though
causes loose motions, causes dryness of the interlining of the intestine, which
is overcome by using Bigger harde.
Dr. Swarup
De: In pittaja disease
use with ghee or milk, in kaphaja use honey, in Vataja use with warm water or
warm milk. Milk is general anupan of all condition, in piles, fistula use
jaggery, in eye disorders use honey and ghee both in unequal amount
Ravindra Upadhyay: Agreed,
but whenever there is Agnidushti either milk should be avoided or be medicated
( siddha) then only it should be used. Nothing wrong to use milk per se, but it
should be processed.
Mithun Arya
sansk: For any kind of
injuries you can apply triphala churna on it and it will heal all wounds. Thriphala+ghee+lump
sugar churna all mixed equally and taken as an avleh (Paste) early morning is
good for the eyes. If Triphala is soaked in water for 1 night then that water
can can be used to clean the eyes for better eyesight. Triphala churna +
turneric equally can be used as bathing scrub powder
Vasavada: -Triphala churna
with Luke warm water does Vatanuloman
- Triphala
churna with pur Honey is used in Prameh (Diabetes).
- It is
Tridosh shamaka, dipana , Pachana.
-It's powder
is useful for eyes ..Cold effusion is used for Eye wash ...
churna is used in udawartana (Powder Massage) which helps in vilayana of
excessive Medas (Fat).....
Javeri: Triphla known to
reduce even harmful effect of atomic radiation a true incident of bhabha atomic
reaserch scientist as told by raeev dixit.
Vd. Pankaj
Chhayani: Triphala should
be given soon after having meal to avoid problems of fault dietary
habits(annapana krita dosha)...
Prashaant: Triphala: what is the opinion and advice
when nausea occurs after taking triphala (probably due to lot of ama that is
being released).
Agrawal New Delhi: What
should be the composition of Triphala Churna, would it be equal quantities of
Amla, Beheda and Harada or 3:2:1 or 1:2:3 ? Some people say that Triphala
attains its Rasayana form only when we put Amla = 3, Bahera : 2, and Harada : 1
or something like that ?
Dr. Samir
Gadhia: When there is
Amla, Baheda and Harde in equal quantity then and only it is called Triphala..
Hemalkumar Dodiya Bhavnagar: Both are same. Bhavprakash told weight/weight
told volume/volume so its as 1:2:4…….Weight of 1 haritaki (almost 2 karsh) =
weight of 2 bhibhitaki(almost 1 Karsh for 1 fruit) = weight of 4 amalki (
weight of original small amalki is 1/2 Karsh or 5 gram, not highbred amalki)……..So
w/w = 1:1:1 and V/v = 1:2:4
Dr. J. T.
Contractor : The oil of
these three herbal fruits, is highly active in arthritis (oraly:few drops in
hot water,externally: gentle massage on painful part after hot water
fomentation), orally in body reduce, digestively, upgrades liver & heart
Vd. Manali
Davra: Triphala is a
powerful liver cleanser and detoxifier, to improve gallbladder function and to
rejuvenate and strengthen the kidneys. It is also used as treatment for kidney
Vd. Dhruti
Nirav Bhatt: Trifla is
agni pradeepak and aampachak. Its useful in Shoth, Prameh, skin disease,
Medojrog. Also have Rasayan properties……sometimes I found that Triphla churna
is not responding as laxative on some patients so in Pitta and Kaph prakriti
patients have more benificial for laxative effect
Deshpande: How to prepare
triphala solution from Powder ?
2-3 Gm powder
in 100 ml. Keep for atleast 1 hr, or overnight; filter and use for Eye wash.
Dr. Swarup
De: In pittaja disease
use with ghee or milk, in kaphaja use honey, in Vataja use with warm water or
warm milk. Milk is general anupan of all condition, in piles, fistula use
jaggery, in eye disorders use honey and ghee both in unequal amount…..As per
Acharya Charak for Rasayana purpose one can use it signally as One Haritaki
(Approx 12gm) after digestion of food, 2 Bibhitaki (same as Haritaki) before
food and 4 Amalaki after food with Madhu
and ghee in unequal amount.
In triphala
decoction,add one tea spoon jaggery and one tea spoon cow ghee ….Give this one
is Rasayan Kal,in morning,after bath ….It works for rejuvenation of body.
Vd. Manhar
Prajapati: Akshyamayeshu
triphala....means eye disorders triphala works good...
Vd. Ajay
Pithiya: Again when we r
talking about trifala.. Some r using
only fruit bark.. If bark only is used
(with out seed) than all should be take
equal by weight
Helga Fuchs: Useful in
aggrevated VP conditions, to much aggravate V. Can be used as daily rasayan in
small quantity. Triphalaquwat for eyebath, red eyes.. Generally very good results by burning skin irritation and to
clear the skin. Best results I got in strange skin roblems where tridosha was
irritated, with PK, lifestyle and food changing. Here I use triphala as body
paste. Brown, broken mustardsheeds roasted in ghee, then add triphalachurna.
Only roast it for some minutes. Itching, redness and dryness are gone for 12
hours. If there is to much kaph in skin, it works not well with ghee. Better
skinbath with haldiwater. Triphala can be used as ONLY spice in food by burning
sensations in body. Triphala have some virechan effekt, but not in people with
hard (dry)colon. Only in soft colon.
Vd. Pankaj
Chhayani: Triphala having
3 ingredients... Amalaki and haritaki are famous...Amalaki and Haritaki both
having five taste(panch rasa), so both are help in balance all three doshas...
While less famous bibhitaki cures problems related Rasa, Rakta, Mansa,
Meda Dhatu, according to Charaka...
Haritaki, bibhitaki both having pancha rasa and. Bibhitaki works on first 4
dhatu, so why Triphala is main Ingredient of many Ayurveda formulation...
Triphala increases bioavailability of formulation..
Shri Minoo
parabia: Harada...vat,
Behda.....kaff, Ambla.....pitt…..What a wonderful balancing to keep the one
handy! Purgative of course….With warm
water it mobilizes fat, reducing body weight.
Topical as
well as oral use as trifala ghrita is good for eye health. But not on glaucoma.
Good as dentifrice to maintain oral health.
Dr Dipak
Shirude: Nowadays, we are
getting many fruits, artificially protected - ripen and grown with ample
chemical fertilizers etc. These are very much harmful for all of us and our
coming generation. It is not easy to get rid of this bad circle. …..Many
endocrine disorders including thyroid disturbance, diabetes, male and female
fertility problems are spreading like a jungle fire due to this vicious circle.
Lowering immunity and physical capacity is also an outcome of this hybreed era……In
these circumstances, eating fruits of Trifala is great way !!....... Yet
amalaki, bibhitaki and haritaki are not grown by modern methods and hence they
are organic and genuine….. This should be our view towards Trifala, not
medicine but fruits !!..... Many people are afraid if being habitual to it but
one can be convinced, if recently discussed view explained……. Another thing, It
is fact that prolonged consumption of 3fala induces some Ruksh gun into the
intestines which leads to make it habitual. So if 3fala is given with suitable
adjuvant (anupaan) like ghrit etc as per season and personal situation…..
trifla is great again as it is ingredient of hundreds of Ras and Bhaishajya
kalpaas. It's cleansing and rejuvenating nature is best in class !!....| हरितकी मातैव हितकारिणी ||…. This is greatness of this one fruit amongst Trifala .. It says that
Haritakee cares for us like a mother !!.... It means that almost in any
situation haritakee is never harmful to the patient. Though it is meant for
purgation, it is indicated in saam and or initial stage of Atisaar, until the
harmful doshas get eliminated. Haritakee can be administered in many ways for
different indications. It will be interesting for a studious person to look
into it's versatile effects as per it's form while intake. Unripened and
ripened haritakee, different sizes of the fruits also bears various meanings,
so far the affectivity and indications are concerned !! We are really very
lucky and proud to have this great knowledge !!
Vd. Mahesh Akani: Triphala masi is very good for external
application with ghrit in Upadansa
Vd. Kinshuk
Hirpara: One Indian study reported
by C.P. Thakur, demonstrated the enormous value and effectiveness of Amla, in
reducing serum, aortic and hepatic cholesterol in rabbits. In another study,
extracts of Amla fruit were found to decrease serum free fatty acids and
increase cardiac glycogen. This helps to prevent heart attacks by providing
significantly greater protection and nourishment to the heart muscle. ……Studies
of the fruit of Bihara found that it contains up to 35% oil and 40% protein.
The oil is used in soap making and by the poorer classes,as a substitute
cooking oil for ghee. The sweet smelling oil is 35% palmitic, 24% oleic and 31%
linoleic. Linoleic oil is an essential fatty acid important for increasing HDL
cholesterol, associated with a healthy state and reducing LDL cholesterol,
considered to indicate a higher-than-average risk for developing coronary-heart
disease. One of numerous studies of
Harada demonstrated its anti-vata or anti-spasmodic properties by the reduction
of abnormal blood pressure as well as intestinal spasms. This confirms its
traditional usefulness for heart conditions, spastic colon and other intestinal
disorders. Courtesy- planet herbs
Vd. Jignesh
Thakkar: I have cured some cases
of canadial balanoposthitis in diabetic patients with the instructions given as
to place penis in triphla churna added warm water . Same way we can cure
canadial vulvo vaginitis although i have not cured and as not got any. Yes for
vulvo vaginitis yoni dhavanam with triphla qwath. All canadial infections are
happening due to wet surfaces and triphla is ruksh so we can use it this was
the hypothesis i applied. Dont use triphla with milk.
Dr. Hardik- MD: Trifala was indicated in kapha and pitta pradhan
roga, prameha, kushtha, vishama jvara( charak has also mentioned
in kafa and pitta pradhan roga like in only two dashemani like virechnopaga and
jvarahara dashemani. It was mentioned in drug of choice for sthaulya
( and in mustadi and trifaladi kwath yoga for santarpanottha roga.(ch . su.23/10-12)
Trifala has been mentioned in anupan for eranda sneha in udavarta roga.
(CH.chi.26/29) it was mentioned in falatrikadi kwath for all type of sadhya
prameha.(ch.chi.6/40)trifala mentioned in falatrikadyarishta in
shotha.(ch.chi.12/39)it was mentioned in so many yogas of kushtha roga like
kanakabinduarista, trifaladi churns, siddharthak yoga(ch.chi.7/68 &
77&92)etc and mentioned in pathya of kushtha……Trifala is mentioned in so
many yoga but I try to highlight some useful and facilely preparation.
Germany Helga Fuchs: I also know to not use triphala with milk, sweet
and sour vipaka is not compatible, honey and milk not compatible. I know about
honey and ghee in unequal sie. There is same. Honey is hot veerya, ghee cold.
Up today I am not shure that it is enough only to use in unequal quantity. I
guess, this measure is fine if there is one substance more, who have same
veepaka as one of the two. Or is it enough to be compatible in rasa and veerya?
I think not.
Compilation courtesy: Vd. Nikul Patel, Ahmedabad
Thanks for sharing the info about triphala. This type of information helps an individual a lot.