Friday, June 17, 2016

Leucorrhoea (white discharge or shwet pradar) and its managment with #ayurveda

Views shared by several ayurveda professionals and non-ayurveda people in discussion group:
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Next topic for discussion:   Leucorrhoea (white discharge or shwet pradar) and its managment with #ayurveda
(We will discuss rakta pradar separately some time. Pl do not mix with this discussion. Thnx)

Dr. Meghdoot Satvekar: Leucorrhoea / shwet pradar - Excessive discharge of a white, sticky, foul-smelling material from the vagina is called Leucorrhoea. This common problem may occur due to unhygienic conditions, infection of the genital tract, or impaired immune function .
The causative factor is  Kapha Dosha. This increased Kapha, along with other factors, can impair the Rasa Dhatu  present in the vaginal tract, ultimately leading to the painless discharge of white colored fluid from the vagina.
Vd. Kinshuk Hirpara: The causative factor like improper food and lifestyle aggravates Kapha Dosha and vitiate rasa dhatu. Which causes whitish discharge from vagina.
Most common causes
1. Due to anatomy of female genitals they are more prone for infections
2. Poor hygienic conditions due to lack of knowledge
3. Due to having too much weight gaining foods which cause vitiation of Kapha Dosha and rasa dhatu
4. Sedentary lifestyle
5. Physiological reasons like menopause and pregnancy some females experience this during pms 6. Nylon based underwear it causes more n more irritation
1. Tab myron from alarcin
2. Soda by Carb tab
Is the main line of treatment as symptom reliever
Find out the main reason afterwards and cure like wise
If digestion system is poor
1. Sooktyn from alarcin
2. Shankhvati
3. Jethimadh
If ama condition then give agnitundi
If related to gynaec issues
1. Falaghrita
2. Manjisthadi
If related to stress
1. Jatamansi powder a pinch every alternate night
Food and lifestyle changes
1. Include 2 fruits and 2 high fibre veggies day
2. Use cotton based underwear n change twice a day
3. I recommend my patients to do dettol wash to clean vaginal parts with dettol( or any antiseptic 2 drops only) + warm water twice a day
4. Have more liquids in forms of lemon water  and different types of veg soups
An advice from ayurvedic doctor is must before experimenting above instructions
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: The word swetpradara has not appeared in our Bruhadtrayi. Yogaratnakara, Bhawprakash, Sarangadgara samhita and commentator cakrapani in charaka samhita have used the word swerpradara for white vaginal discharge ( leucorrhoea).
Mostly shwetpradara is not a disease, but a symptoms of so many disease.
Emotional stress
Nutritional status
Worm infestation
Uses of medication - including OCPills and above mentioned reasons are the causes of shwetpradara.
It is associated with Pain in the back, Felling of weakness, Loss of body fluids, Pruritis on & around the vulva etc..
Medicines with anupan of Bhata nu osamana (Rice water) is beneficial.
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: We can vaginal dishcharge with pratisyay according to vd ranjitbhai desai
If discharge before and after menstrual cycle it's temporally
If infected and foul smells it's should treated
Dipan-Pachan-Local hygiene-Dush
Nagguti tab
Ashotone lig
Myron tab
Pradrantak loh
Vd. Neeraj Pooner: Kukuttand bhasma best for shwetpardara. It can be correlated with mutra atisara
Dr. Priti Vikas Agrawal: Tab.chandraprabha vati
Gives best result to leucorrhea...
Vd. Neeraj Pooner: Bhav praksah and yr - nagkehsra along with takra or only tkra can diminish the shewet pradar
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Above 36women must go for screening test for ca uterus
Pep smear-Tvs-Not even to rule out erosion of cervix-Fibroids-Mass
Couple must be treat to prevent cross infection.If we diagnosis early ca we shaved the patients Humble request to all don't treat  as a sign find the causes
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: to find causative factors thats producing  sign of leucorrhea is imp. Normally during ovulation or around rutudarshankal, discharge normal,,not pathological. Chandraprabha vati, Dashmularishta, if due to dhatushaithilya. Ashokarishta , to maintain normal lunar cycle .Triphala kashay for yonidhavan , Jatyadi tail uttarbasti, if due to cervical erosion or pittalayonivyapad.Kshar tail uttarbasti, kaphaj yonivyapad.Sahachar tel uttarbasti if vatajyonivyapad.
If uttarbasti is not comfortable to patient pichu dharan.(Tampoon soaked in proper sneh, oil/ghee,maximum retention 2 hrs)
Nowadays, it may be an allergic reaction to scented dry cover sanitary napkins. So history taking imp to R/o allergic reactions to Chemical in products used.
Overuse or continuous use of synthetic estro pro combi in newer ocps can induce leucorrhea.
Vd. Hardik bhatt, Idar: Boiled rice water --- chaval nu Pani .., is very good anupan for medicine  for leucorrhoea ..
Dr. Meghdoot Satvekar: Ashokarista, Lodhrasav,Chandraprabha vati, Pradarantak churn
Vd. Dhruti Nirav Bhatt: 5 days before menstruation and after is not problen but excessive white dischage, vaginal itching, Cervical ulcer or due to other cause it occurs.
Treatment: Ashikarist, Pradaranak loh churna Rice water, Amalki powder,
Panchvalkal kwath dush(vaginal wash)  and Nimb oil or chandabala lakshadi pichu best result…. Must rule out cause
Dr. Bhavesh Modh: Reasons for excessive white discharge – Pradara:
1. Viruddhahara- incompatible food
2. Madyapana –alcohol intake ( lower tribes )
3. Adhyashana – repeated food intake causing indigestion
4. Ajeerna – indigested food
5. Garbhapata – repeated abortion
6. Yana – riding the vehicles
7. Adhwa – long walk
8. Shoka- grief, stress
9. Atikarshana – emaciating disorders
10. Bharavahana –  weight lifting ( lower tribes, labour women )
11. Abhighata – injury
12. Divaswap – day sleep/sedentary lifestyle
13. Ashuchi – Unhygienic activities, infection
Origin of the diseases:
Due to the above said reasons ,the doshas are vitiated and lodged in the sites of Apana vata , namely Shroni (hip), Basti (bladder),उरू(thighs), Garbhashaya (uterus), Yoni (vagina) etc. Due to imbalanced doshas, body cannot withstand the vital strength and hence it is lost through vaginal route.
treatment of Pradara:
Bruhana बृहण– nourishing treatment – to improve strength, nutrition and immunity and
Stambhana स्तंभन – blocking treatment (stopping the excess flow) are adopted.
Single drugs useful in Pradara:
1. Lodhra- Symplocos racemosa Roxb.
2. Patha- Cissampelos pareira Linn.
3. Daruharidra- Berberis aristata Dc.
4. Shalmali- Salmalia malabarica Schott. & Endl.
5. Lajjalu- Mimosa pudica Linn.
6. Nagakesara- Mesua ferrea Linn.
7. Musta- Cyperus rotundus Linn.
8. Yashtimadhu- Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.
9. Sariva- Hemidesmus indicus Schult.
10. Tanduleeyaka- Amaranthus spinosus Linn
* Most popular  Formulations  in Pradara:
1. Pushyanuga choorna 
2. Jeerakavalehya
3. Shalmali Ghrita
4. Bola Parpati 
5. Lodhrasava
6. Chandanasava
7. Kadali कंदली कांड kanda Rasayana – prepared with banana stem
Ayurvedic Home remedies for white discharge: 
1. The inflorescence of Banana is taken (raw) and crushed well.10- 15 ml of this juice is mixed with honey, sugar candy and taken. This is followed for 10- 15 days. Early morning if taken in empty stomach, instant benefit can be observed.
2. One cup of rice washed (red rice) water is taken and 5- 10 g each of jaggary and cumin seeds are added to this and cooked for 5- 10 minutes. This is taken during noon time .This helps to relieve the debility caused due to Pradara.
3. 5-6 seed marrow (pulp of the seed) of amalaki(amla) fruits are collected and crushed well. This is added to buttermilk and taken twice a day for 14-21 days.
Correct  calcium & iron deficiency by दीपन,पाचन ,बल्य   आहार & औषधम्
मनोप्रसाद विहार
Vd. Manhar Prajapati: wash with panchvalak kwath. Sometimes Pt complains backache debility etc they are not aware about white discharge in rural area ultimately this was a reason behind this so history was very imp..
Dr. Bhavesh Modh: Use alum (फिटकारी ) water , Due to crisis of Grove (पंचवल्कल वृक्ष )
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Every patient showing leucorrhea sign -Punarnava mandur. With gomutra  best single drug therapy.
Dr. Anup Torane: Shwet pradar also known as a Somrog(according to yogratnakar)
+Hetu of somrog-
2)shok- stess tension
3)shram- exersion
4)gar dosh-toxins(STD)
Due to all this increases vat n disturbed apdhatu in female body which produce vaginal dischage.
Dr. Anup Torane: For differential diagnosis
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Shweta pradara or precisely yonigata shweta / pandu and /or picchila srava ( white and sticky vaginal discharge ) is mentioned in following conditions.
1. Kaphaja yonivyapad ( vagina vitiated due to kapha)
2. Sannipatik yonivyapad ( vagina vitiated due to all three doshas)
3. Upapluta yonivyapad ( mainly happens in pregnancy or immediately after delivery )
Kapha is main dosha . Hence line of treatment is
1. Ruksha and ushna chikitsa
2. Yoni vishodhan ( cleansing of vagina )
useful medicines  oral combinations  are
1. Pimpali  mandur haritaki
2. Kalka of root of rohitaka ( tacomella unndulata)
3. Aamalaki seeds or kalka of aamalaki fruit with khandasharkara and honey
4. Nyagrodha twaka decoction and lodhra kalka.
Local treatment
1. Yonidhavan
2. Uttarbasti with katu dravyas and gomutra
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: White discharge is Kha Mala( मल).. Kha mala is mala of Mansa dhatu..
So when there is problem in mansa dhatvagni, kha mala(White discharge) is produced more…In this situation dravyas effective on mansa dhatu should be used.. We use Ashwagandha and Kukkutanda twaka for shweta pradara..
Dr. Anup Torane: -Uttar basti with yashtimadhu,lodhra,udumber phal,jambu, ajamutra,dadim twak siddha  ghruth -pichu with jatyadi tail
-yonidhavan with trifala,kankshi,lajjalu,aamraphalmajja kwath
-yonidhupan with lodra,guggul,trikatu
Internal medicine
Amalki,lodhra,katfal,rohitak mul,mochras
-Pushyanug vati
-Triphala guggul
-Yograj guggul
Pippali rasayn
Pug pak
Suvarn vasant malati
+Suvarnyukt sarswatarisht+

Dr Premsukh: you know! How to use of lajjalu(mimosa pudica) in shwet pradhar .pls  explain

Dr. Anup Torane: Lajjalu havaing laghu ruksh kashay n sheet virya prperties due to this orally parn swaras act as stambhak( in pradar stambhan is essential for apdhatu)it is useful in consriction of vessel so useful in prdar arsh atisar grahini for sthanbhan n also useful for yonidhavn for vranropak properties
Dr. Bhaskar B Nymathi: पत्रंगासव (Caesalpania sappan) is useful. पुष्यानुग चूर्ण (pushyanug Churna)
  *सहपान* मधु
  *अनुपान*तण्डुलोदक{Use 2nd or 3rd wash onwards rice water better to avoid 1st wash.
·         योनि प्रक्षालन  done with   कषाय rasa dravyas.
·         रक्त शोधक dravya also helpfull like मञ्जिष्ट preparations.
Dr. Anup Torane: Yonikandu is related with shwet pradar or nt?plse gime me suggetions all resceptfull person.
Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: If it is infection oriented then only.
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Yonikandu and swetpradar  are different condition.  may co-exist in case of infections. Or only kandu or prader  as a sign of systemic problems.
Yonikandu- Karanj tel external application.
Dr. Meghdoot Satvekar: Ashoka, Lodhra, Nirgundi, Neem, Amla, Manjistha, Guggulu, Harikaki, Vibhitak ……..these single drugs useful in shweta pradar
Dr Sandeep Madaan: In my practice Chandra prabha, pushyanug churna, trivangabhasma, sfatika, and kukkutand twak bhasma prove effective.
Dr. Bhavesh Modh: Types Of Leucorrhea
1. PHYSIOLOGICAL LEUCORRHEA-This type of leucorrhea makes a defense mechanism. This yellowish, white discharge keeps vaginal area lubricated which helps to preserve the flexibility of the vaginal tissues. It also helps in maintaining the chemical balance. This white and sticky discharge called leucorrhea is result of estrogen hormonal stimulation. It is very common in different stages of pregnancy presents with white, milky substance sometimes with foul smell. As pregnancy time increases, amount of discharge also increases. Sometimes this discharge also occurs in female infants due to uterine exposure to estrogen which disappears later.
2. INFLAMMATORY LEUCORRHEA - Type of leucorrhea where there is inflammation of vaginal tissues. It also presents with yellow, thick discharge, foul smell. Inflammatory leucorrhea occurs due to some bacterial infections or it may be due to sexually transmitted diseases.

Causes Of Leucorrhea
🔹Hormonal disturbances
🔹Improper hygiene
🔹Diseases like diabetes, anemia
🔹Local injury
Symptoms Of Leucorrhea
Thick, yellowish white discharge, Weakness ,Pain in low back or thigh region,Headache,
Ayurvedic Treatment Of Leucorrhea
White sticky discharge in Leucorrhea causes due to vitiation of kapha doshas which get aggravated due to kapha aggravating food leads to vitiation of rasa dhatu presents in vaginal track. First line of treatment in ayurveda consisits of enhancement of digestive fire which helps to remove the toxins and waste products out of body along with aggravated kapha. Ayurvedic medicines used here are to give strength to reproductive system. Ayurvedic medicines used are Aloe vera, Gandhak, Lodhra, Ashok, Udumber, Arjuna, Shatavari etc.
🔹Make a douche (Vaginal wash)from 2-3 tsp fenugreek seeds by boiling it in a 1 liter of water. After it starts boiling, keep it on low flame for about half an hour then filter it and use it.
🔹Take 1 teaspoon of powdered asparagus root with 1 teaspoon of honey twice a day.
 Ayurveda refers leucorrhoea to Shwetapradara. This word means excessive white discharge. It is believed to be caused by aggravation or vitiation of kapha dosha. This commonly occurs in patients who are weak, emaciated, and anaemic. Most women experience a certain amount of vaginal secretion, which is the body’s natural way of cleansing, lubrication, and guarding the vagina against infections.  Like the mouth and anus, the mucous membrane of the vagina constantly sheds and replaces its cells, passing them out of the body in the form of mucous secretion.
    This secretion occurs due to the action of cervical and endometrial glands and also because of the activity of bacteria which live harmlessly in a normal, healthy vagina. On the other hand, an abnormal vaginal discharge may be grey-white, yellow or green, brown or rusty. The consistency may be clumpy and thick or thin and liquid. There is usually a very offensive odour, and it may cause irritation and reddening of the part.(vulvitis)
If the discharge is thick and white and there is an itching sensation, it may be due to vaginal thrush, caused by a yeast-like fungus, the commonest cause of leucorrhoea. It may also occur in women suffering from diabetes or those who are being treated with antibiotics for some other condition.
🔹 If the discharge is greenish-yellow and has an unpleasant smell, it could be due to trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted disease, but it may also be transmitted via toilet articles from one woman to another, or perhaps  might have forgotten to remove a tampon or diaphragm.
🔹If the discharge is brown, like blood, and usually follows intercourse, it may probably be due to cervical erosion.
🔹 If the discharge is spotted with blood, either mid-period or following intercourse, it may be due to a cervical polyp.
🔹If a low back, or an abdominal pain accompanies the discharge, and you feel sick, it may be due to an infection of the pelvic organs (pelvic inflammatory disease).
I seen in my practice ,  women who are constantly under stress and are anxious by nature may also complain of leucorrhoea.
( मनोदवेग > मंदाग्नि > Improper digestion > रसादिधातु अपोषण > symptoms of leucorrhoea )
🔵Precautions for patients of leucorrhoea.
👉Maintain good health, take proper rest, and do stress reduction exercises regularly, as these increase your resistance to infection.
Avoid fried, hot, and spicy foods, pickles, maida, and its products. Cut down on sugar, fermented foods, mushrooms, pastries, sweets, cheese, puddings and alcohol.
👉Take plenty of fresh curds.
👉Keep your vaginal area clean by washing it 1-2 times daily with plenty of water. Pat dry afterwards, using your own towels.
👉Always wipe your anus after defecation from the front to back, to prevent infection from stools entering your vagina.
👉Do not use nylon panties. Wear clean cotton panties and change out of wet clothes promptly.
👉During your periods, use a clean cotton cloth or pads instead of tampons, especially at night.
👉Both you and your partner should wash hands and genitals before and after intercourse.
👉You must ensure that your sexual partner is free of any infection.
👉Use a condom to provide added protection.
👉Keep your blood sugar always under control.
👉Do not self-medicate and avoid unnecessary medication.
👉Avoid perfumes and chemical products such as deodorant soaps, perfumed powders, perfumed sprays, and coloured toilet papers.
👉Do not scratch, as the fungus may get under your nails and spread.
👉Drink at least 10-15  glasses of water daily and include plenty of green-leafy vegetables and salads in your diet.
 Season special remedy for leucorrhoea
आम्रफल 🍋की गूठली =Mango seeds: Dry and grind the mango seeds to make a powder. Add a little water to this powder to make a fine paste, apply this paste outside and inside the vaginal tract to treat leucorrhoea.
------------------------------- end of comments from Ayulink Active  Group --------------------------------
Dr Feroz Khan: Powder of dhaity flower is useful in white discharge.
Dr Ganesh pawara.: anemia may cause leucorrhoea..
Dr. Binni Shah: Stambhak aushadhi lodra, pushyanug, nagkesar. Chandraprabhavati, arogyavardhinivati……Need to diagnose first the cause.
Dr Ganesh pawara.: pushyanug churn and ashokarishta gives good result..
Dr. Saritha Reddy: Pushyanuga churnam with thandulodak, gave good result
Dr. Archana Panchal: Yoni dhavan with panchvalkal & avchuran of yasimadhu..
Dr. Narendrakumar Meena: white discharge is symptom of many disease .so treat it according to disease . fungal,bacterial etc. site like vaginal,cervical   ,uterine cavity . examine the patient to diagnose then treat.100% success . there r so many ayurvdic frugs having antifungal n antibacterial properties .
Dr Bhagyashri Panchal: Tab chandraprabha vati and yonidhavan with tankan for itching...good results. Tankan water for yonidhavan will give fast relief from kandu
Mr. Premkumar Yadav: Excessive exertion and high stress can contribute to formation of leucorrhoea, so care should be taken to reduce those elements. A lower impact exercise may be used instead of high impact exercise, while some forms of exercise such as yoga and meditation have been shown to lower stress
Vd Raksha Shukla: Yoni davan (dush)from pachavlkaal,lodra,tankar.pichu of nimbtail or jatyadi tail give good result
Dr. Arvind Shahane: Sir Please suggest few drugs Like antifungal n antibacterial
Vd. Krutika Suhas Chaudhary: Pushyanuga churna with tandulodak.. Ashokarishta, Krimi/kafahar chikitsa are useful. Nidan parivarjan of kledkar..amla lavana padartha
Dr. Saritha Reddy: Same Questions sir, ayurvedic anti fungal drugs internal and external use ,,please, please
Vd. zalak dhruv: Main cause  :_female anaemic condition
1) puayanug  100 gms
   Nagkeshar 100 gms
   Lodhra.      100 gms
   Sfatik bhasma 10 gms
2) lucocin syrp
3) chandraprabhavati
Pathya : tandulodak
PKD : yonidhavan (dush pichu)
Dr. Rahul: We have used Following combination is most cases....
Chandraprabha vati, ashokarishta, &  Arogyavardhini
Jeetsaya + Jivanti + pushyanug
Cranberry fruit or juice
Dr. Narendrakumar Meena: all panchvalkal and panchkshiri drugs are having antifungal property ,antibacterial like giloy,shubhra etc
Dr. Binni Shah: Any readymade preparation for antifungal nd antibactarial for the same ?
Dr. Narendrakumar Meena: lodhra churan ,lodhrasav,giloysatva,subhra bhasam,jatyadi tail Amlki churan etc.
Vd. Sushmaben hirpara: Tablet myron for vaginal discharge & Laghu vasant malati for fungal infections.
Vd. Ketan bhimani: Femiplex gel for vaginal fungal problem local applyFemiplex tab for white discharge by Charak pharma.
Vd. Sushmaben hirpara: Any antiseptic liquid like dettol or savlon ( diluted ) act faster as vaginal wash...specifically during travelling.  Coz maximum infections occur due to usage of different washrooms.  If the cause is cervix erosion  pichudharan acts best. Instead of making pichu anyone can use tampon. I advice patient to  Dèep tampon in caster oil and insert in vagina. Got good results. This is tampon. Mostly it is used  vaginal pad for menstruation.
Surat Vd Medha Patel: Yes,  Dr Sushma,  I too have been using tampons as pichu since years,   very convenient.  
I just tell them that in the normal course, u pull it out when soaked,  in this case, u soak n then put it in,   I usually advise to let it stay for maximum 5hours, but even if it stays overnight,  there is no problem. Since it is pre sterile,  it is very  convenient  to use.  
I have been using the Johnson  n Johnson  tampons for pichu  soaking them in whichever  tailam,  ghritam  that is indicated
Dr. Prerak Shah: In west, women are more aware abt Tampons....Indian women are not so. But it is very hygienic and convenient. For me: In west, my most common suggestion is to use plain ghee for pichu - tampon and keep it over night...always gives me good result
Vd. Rahul Marwah: Common causes of white discharge--
1. Malavasthamb- constipation
2. Yoni vyapad -- diseases of the vagina mentioned in sushrut n vaghbhat
3. Gulma
4. Vaginal unhygine
5. Excess exertion or excess stress
Pyshyanug Churna is the drug of choice. Even though it's very much kashay in rasa, still it's use with tandulodak (rice water) helps in all three dosha association Chandraprabha, Chandrakala, Kamdugdha, Sutshekhar, Triphala , Kuberaksh vati, Laghu malini vasant, Are the other drugs useful
Dr. Hardikchandra Kalal: Leucorrhoea :-
(1) Physiological:-
(a) As Natural defense to preserve the flexibility of the vaginal tissue due to estrogen stimulation.
(b) In pregnant woman :- for increase blood flow to the vagina due to increase estrogen
(c)In female infant:- for short time after birth  due to uterine exposure to estrogen .
(d) Before menstruation , before and during ovulation , during menopause.
Physiological w/d is without itching, burning and foul smell.
So, it is helpful for differential diagnosis &
No need to treatment of physiological leucorrhoea. Just counselling  for hygiene.
"panchavalkal kwath avagah sved" & "jatiyadi oil pichu"  best as local hygiene.
Type of leucorrhoea:-
(1) Vulvar leucorrhoea:- Mostly in puberty time or menopause time
(2) Vaginal leucorrhoea:- Between After puberty to 1st pregnancy .
(3) Cervical leucorrhoea:- Mostly in pregnant women.
(4) Uterine leucorrhoea:- Mostly in pregnant women but occasionally red colour discharge.
Another two types according to cause:-
(1) cervicitis.
(2) Trichomonal vaganitis.
1st try to diagnosis and find the cause then treatment :-
It is better for us & patient
Because most common complain of patient :- with treatment she feel better but when it  stop , disease is again  occur.
May be possible cause of leucorrhoea is  STD. so, its require long time  or life time treatment.
And cause of simple infection .it is easy to treat and recover with in short time .
Mostly we diagnose  leucorrhoea in Ayurved as "श्वेतप्रदर " but in bruhatrayi or laghutrayi no mention such type of word.
In charak samhita describe 4 type of pradar
(1) vataj
(2) pittaj
In among all 4 type  
Only kafaj may be we can consider as leucorrhoea.
In bhavprakash describe "सोमरोग "
And its symptoms match with leucorrhoea but we can't considere because
 "सोमरोग" is related to mutravahsrotas.
Treatment :-
As hygiene and treatment
"Panchavalkal kwath avgah swed" & "jatyadi oil pichu"
Pushyanug churna with tandulodak
Amalki bij  churna with honey
Devdavyardi kwath
Tab.Myron (Alarsin pharma)
 Dose As per severity and cause .
Vd. Shrinidhi: Chandraprabha vati along with gandaka rasayana do work wonder
Dr. Satyendra Sharma: Permanent solution of Leucorrhoea   
Solution 1
Take powder ( 50 gm ) of
1. Gaabh 2. Ashwagandh. 3. Bidhara 4. Safed musli 5. Pataal garun   mix each in equal amount and take  1 spoon with milk twice a day
Solution 2  
Take  peepal and gaabh fruit powder and mix with Juice of
1. Bargad 2. Pipal 3. Guladd 4. Semar 5. Kikar  chaal (skin)  and boil it and concentrate it and make a tablet . Take 3 tablet twice a day
Dr. Rajnish MP: what is gaabh fruit ?
Dr. Satyendra Sharma: Gaabh is a big plant,fruit and plant  looks like amla,effective in leukorrhea
Vd. Hitendra Gohil: pl write botanical name or Sanskrit name.
Dr. Satyendra Sharma: Botanical name of gaabh is diospyros peregrina
Dr.Surendra Davanagere: Shwetapradar, especially caused due to Pitta vitiation can be treated very well with the use of Chandanasava.
Cervical & Vaginal inflammation is commonly seen in Shwetapradar, in which this local inflammation is reduced spontaneously due to the Tikta, Kashay Rasa & Pittashamak properties of Chandan.
These properties also help to reduce the occurrence of white discharge
Dr. Kumar S K: Shwetha pradhara has multifacet etiology and pathogenesis. It may be due to  systemic diseases like anemia, tb , decreased immunity etc and local diseases such as infectious and inflammatory treatment varies accordingly but we need to address local and internal drugs. Drugs having kashaya ras will help in treating local and drugs having tiktha, katu and madura rasa helps internally.
--------------- end of comments from Group 1 ----------------------
South Africa Tamlyn: The remainder of water used to wash rice is excellent for treating leucorrhoea. When rinsing rice before cooking collect the water seperately in a bottle and drink 3 times a day.
Dr. Amal JP: Pushyanugha choorna + rice wash water is very effective
Vd. Nidhi Awasthy: Pushyanug churna, Naagkesar churna, Pradarantak loh, Chandra prabha vati, Leukol syp (Himalaya)
 I have found good results by it
Triphala kwath prakhshalan or shubhra pichu dharan if needed
Vd. Kinjal Patel: Lodhra churna  with ricewash water  Also with krimighna dravya
Dr. Shilpa Kachhawaha: Kaharawa pishti n lodhrasav...with rice wash water, Kukutandtwak bhasma has also good result in this
Dr. Ravi Dewan: Sphatik bhasam with rice water. Very effective.
Dr. Gaurav Makan: Syp leucol and triphla kwath yoni dhawan
Dr. Neha P. Bhatt: yoni dhoopan also works good
Dr. vikram delhi: Patrangasava, Lodhra... Rice water can be good on drinking. Use water plus sphatika
Vd Ami Mehta: 1.Combination of saurastri,  kamdudha ras,  godanti,  punrnava,  gokshur, rasayan,  avipatikar, satavari,  
2. Chandraprabha Vati
3. erand bhrusta Harde if constipation
Give best result in leucorrhoea
Vd Daxa Patel: Pusyanug, satavari,  amalaki combination and chandraprabhavati are very effective . Gulkand is also very usful in leucorrhoea
Vd. Pulkit D. Patel: puyanug churna.......rice water lodra is vary usefull. first rule out main cause...then treat otherwise best treatment also have no results.all ayurveda treatment has same result....we r dignose roga acc to allopathic and then after treatment acc to ayurveda so you cant get result.and all blame going to ayurveda.......
DR. Jenil Nayak Valsad: Any disease must be by ayurved point of view...if wish to treat with ayurved medication and principals...
Dr. Jyoti Ashok: I agree with Dr.pulkit. First find out the nidhana,then find out which dosha pradhana,then select the the prakriti of the pt.
Medicines r mentioned in the above posts.dr's should use their yukti & select med.0:30
Vd. Amarish Pandya: Pancha valkal kwath prakshalana and pichu dharan by Nalpamradi Taila provides good results in leucorrhoea due to cervical erosion. Triphala guggulu, Chandraprabha vati,  Supari Pak can be used orally. Advice for personal hygiene, particularly after defecations is very important. Take proper history most of the women consider normal discharge as leucorrhea and get never cured after any treatment.
----------------------- end of comments from Group 2 --------------------------------------
Vd. Sandeep J. Prasad: Pushyanug churna with mand . Pradarantak loh. Manjisthadi kwath. Patranagasav. Yoni prakshalan with trifala kwath and sfatik .works well
 Ayapan and myrron of alarsin are also very effective.
Vd. Ekta D. Patel: 1.Yoniprkshlana with panchvalkal kwath gugglu chandraprbha vati.
Sometimes its also realted with asthidhatu at that time  kukutand bhasma is effective..
Dr. Sreedevi N V: Swetapradara treatmnt includes yoni kshalanam ,yoni pichu,uttara basti……Musalikhadiradi ks,satavari gulam vry effective….Dhanvantara tailam ,maha narayana tailam fr external use…..
Dr. Hiral Sengal: pushyanug churna….Chandrprabhavti also given erandbhrutharitaki,triphala churna…..yoni praxalan vth triphala kwath/panchvalkal kwath…turmeric
USA Sivakami Kapoor: Uttara vasti
Dr. Shreedevi N.V:
USA Brooke Sulivan: Yes uttara vasti with astringent herbs such as rose, red raspberry and mugwort (used in western herbalism and traditional Chinese)
Dr. Sreedevi N V: Asokaristam , lakshmanarista and pradarantaka loha ref.frm BR amsughatadhikara are useful…. Lukol tab (2 tabs twice)of himalaya company,leucorid tab ( 2 tab bid) of nagarjuna ,v_ gel (intra vaginal application) of himalaya company,tricawin pessaries (1 pessary to be inserted in vagina at bed time) of dabur are some of d patent mdcnes .
Dr. Manju Mishra: Pushyanug churna ,,pradrantak ras  panchvalkal prakhalan ,,praval bhasma,supari pak ,,,femiplex forte ,
Dr Ashi Vaidhya: Yes syp satavari Himalaya  2tsf TDS along with tab leuconil 2 tab bid is very effective give powder mushli pak with milk for 1 month
Dr. Dharna Tiku: Pushyanuga choornam, audumbaravleham, shatavari gulam, yoni prakshalana with Triphala kwath, kadal kalp Rasaynam, go dugdha acts as balya
Vd. Avni Kaneria: Lodhra +nagkeshar churn+sphatika+kukkutand twak bhsma
Vd. Bhavesh Sirvi: Ashokarishta ,Lodhrashav
Dr. Nitish Dubey: Putom plus from salveo-- luckol from himalaya ---
Dr. Jyoti Yagnik: Bolbaddhras; chandrnshuras; chuavanprash;    lodhra;shatavari;nagkeshar churna       ashokarist; lodhrasav.     dashmulkwath+panchvalkalkwath for yonipraxalan   mahanarayantail + both kwath uttarbasti      Chandan Bala laxadi tail or irimedadi tail for. Yonipichu
Mr. Arvind Avadiya: Is there any role of Panchvalakal in shwet pradar ?
Dr. Chirag Vaghela: Gokshuradi ,Chandraprabha vati
Dr. Manju Mishra: yes,  panch valkal acts as astringent,  kashaya  so it  controls / suppress discharge ..
Dr. Nitish Dubey: No one want to do yoniprakshan now days, Because easy options r available, So what we can do which is easy
Dr. Manju Mishra: Sir  tanduliyak swaras ka botanical name  not clear??,   
Dr. Sreedevi N V: Chandrakala ras..tanduliyaka z amaranthus tricolor
Dr. Shreyas Bhalodia: In cervical erosion Kshara karma  or Agni karma may be done....
Dr. Hiral Sengal: cervical erosion best yonipichhu ne yonidhupan
Dr. Shreyas Bhalodia: With ?
Dr. Manju Mishra: Udumber tail ka pichu best results…..Apamarg kshar
Vd. Binal Jagani: Jatyadi taila also beneficial for yoni pichu
Dr. Hiral Sengal: yes jayltyadi tailam or dhupan vth ajmo, nagkersar dhanyak ,gugullu..
Dr. Abha. l. Ravi: For chronic cases musalikhadiradi kashayam with honey and thandulodaka along with pushyanuga choornam and sathavari gulam has shown good result.
Vd. Binal Jagani: Nimb taila also beneficial for yonipichu in curd like discharge in leucorrhoea
Dr. Abha. l. Ravi: Yonikshalana with thriphala kwatha added with one pinch tankana kshara is very good in curd like discharges with itching.
Vaidika Kashikar: Symplocus racemosa or lodhra that has a big tree bark which acts as an astringent can often be used in leukorrhea. Lodhra works well in case of excessive menstruation, painful menstruation and delayed menstruation.
----------------------end of comments from group 3 ----------------------------
Compilation courtesy : Vd. Kinshuk Hirpara

1 comment:

  1. Hi...!
    Very Interesting post……
    This gives so much knowledge to me. Nowadays leucorrhoea problem is increasing and becoming a big concern.
    I can also suggest very effective natural leucorrhoea treatment for all women.


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