Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Diseases and Conditions Menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding)...management with #Ayurveda......

Views shared by several ayurveda professionals and non-ayurveda people in discussion group:

All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.

Next topic for discussion: Diseases and Conditions Menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding)...management with #Ayurveda

Dr. Bhadresh Naik:  Please don't take ready solution interest. Please interest in root cause and etiology it's make lots of different in line of treatment.
Dr. J. T. Contractor:  Menstrual is a womanhood characterized condition based on female hormones, which if by chance unbalanced due to physiological conditions leads to either heavy fleet of bleeding or shows absence & irregularity of the same, it's co related with the psychological condition as well, any mantel pressure causes irregularities in its cycles.
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Please definition of menorrhagia explained.
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Practically to put & visualization bit difficult in precise manner as it varies from individuals cases.
Dr. Gaurav Makan: Menorrhagia is the abnormal excessive bleeding during menstrual cycle which may pertain for an unusual longer time leading to severe anemia in the patient.
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: We can consider Duration, Quantity, how many days, Iregular with large quantity, since how many months.
Dr. Gaurav Makan: Causes may include Fibroid, adenomyosis and hormonal imbalances.. Also thyrotoxicosis play an important role in it.
Treatment includes hemostatic drugs like nagkeshar or triphla kwath douche. Also, the underlying cause is to be found by lab investigations like USG, Thyroid profile. If nothing is of use in treatment even after hormonal treatment... Curettage is done.
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Menorrhagia is defined as cyclic bleeding at normal intervals; the bleeding is either Excessive in amount or duration or both.
Pelvic pathology:- fibroid uterus, Adenomyosis, pelvic endometriosis, IUCD inutero, chronic tubo- ovarian mass, Tubercular endometritis, Retroverted uterus, Granulosa cell tumor of the ovary.
Systemic :- liver dysfunction, congestive cardiac failure, sever hypertension.
Endocrinal:- Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism.
Hematological:- Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, leukaemia, willebrand's disease, platelet deficiency.
Emotional upset.
Due to disturbed H-P-O axis.
Ref: - D.C.Dutta
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Over 40 year irregular menstrual cycle, Spotting of blood after intercourse Or menorrhagia.
Consider serious condition. We must do tvs , Pelvic sonogram, Pep smear test to rule out mass, Ca, Erosion, Fibroids. It’s absolutely preventing misdiagnosis.
Dr. Suyog Kulkarni: Menorrhagia is one of the most common causes of anemia, which in turn leads to so many diseases. Unfortunately, many times it is not disclosed to the treating physician, especially if the physician is male. So, we need to be cautious while taking history. This is my experience as a physician.
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: In charaka samhita chikitsa sthan chepter 30.
Woman who consume excessive salty, sour, heavy, Katu, vidahi and uncutous substance, meat of domestic, aquatic and fatty animals, krusara, curd, sukat, mastu and wine, her aggravate vayu, withholding the rakta vitiated due to above causes increase its amount and then reaching raja carrying vessels of the uterus, increase immediately the amount of raja, in other words the increase amount of raja is due to its mixture with increase blood. This increase menstrual blood is due to relative more increase rasa. Because of increase in the amount of blood expert of this treatise named it asurgdara. Since in this condition, excessive blood is discharged, hence, it is also known as pradara.
Dr. Suyog Kulkarni: Today's lifestyle of youngsters , fast food , wrong working hours , vises , not following rajasvala paricharya etc also are contributing factors.
Vd. Piyush Prajapati: Actually using Pads for long time (more than 5hours) also create vaginal infection.. it also may also elevate Pitta Dosha..
Vaat sthan and elevated pitta dosha can encourage Raktpitta  avastha which may develop  metrorrhagia etc..
TV aid shows that do works in menses as usual as routine days but Rajswala rutucharya deny working during menses. .
Dr. Dayanand Bothre: Nowadays ads which are promoting that with the help of pad women can do anything during periods which are totally wrong.
Women should take sufficient rest during periods which will help in to maintain vat dosh
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Bamboo root's decoction for 6 to 12 weeks twice daily helps regularizes menstrual cycle & diminishes the fibroids as well.
Anand Javeri: Can it be due to early pregnancy? (age 19 years)
Vd. Piyush Prajapati: No.. This is very perfect age according to Our Shashtra.
Anand Javeri: One of my friends has menorrhagia. She says it is because of her child birth at early age of 19.  She also says that numerous gynecologist consultations also haven’t given any solution.
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Western girls come to puberty at early age than the eastern girls,
Anand Javeri: Her age is 38. Can it be due to prolonged intake of contraceptive pills? I understand this. This was discussed earlier.
Vd. Piyush Prajapati: Now a days, ladies started to take steroid based hormone pills for delaying menses and starting menses earlier.. it also causes imbalance of hormone in body..
Wife waits for her husband now a days for having dinner each other.. indirectly this causes Xudhaveg rodh and vaat prakop..
Then eaten dinner indirectly cause Vaat and pitta elevation... This damage to Apan vaat..
In female this apan cause endometrium proliferation disturbance... So also DUB or Irregular menses occurs.. She must be advised to have food at least 8pm at night and have 15 minutes minimum walk after one hour of taking dinner
Anand Javeri: Current age is 38, and she is having menorrhagia from the age of 19. Long span.  She also has under eye dark circles due to low hemoglobin. Moreover, has got hypo thyroidism for the last 2.5 years.
Vd. Piyush Prajapati: Pathogenesis as Adhog Raktpitta.
Anand Javeri: Her husband takes dinner around 11pm. I don't know if she takes dinner earlier or with him. But thanks for throwing light on dinner pattern
Vd. Piyush Prajapati: In this season her complain will increase .. isn’t it ??
Anand Javeri: That is also true.Why this season?
Vd. Piyush Prajapati: Pitta Prakop  Season.. Sharad Rutu.. and best season to treat it too..
Anand Javeri: I'll talk to her regarding treatment. Now, the question is whether menorrhagia is curable or manageable?
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Ancient girls even at the age of 12 or 13 starts menstruation & at 14 use to get married, yearly delivery & continued till age of 45, surprisingly we have seen 12 & 13 siblings in a family! No fibroids no cysts, regular menstruated & no gynecological monitoring! Nursed by Daima ( Dayan)!
Ancients were metabolically very  strong Fallopian tubes never chocked up, ovulation bloomed in non-affluence are main causes of strong fertility, nature has provided with a pair of these ( never a single).
Anand Javeri: Does menorrhagia have any relation with PCOD or vice versa?
Vd. Piyush Prajapati: I think clinically PCOD is not realated to Menorrhagia..
Today mostly diet is pittaprakopjanya . Lifestyle is vaatprakopjanya. So pittaprakop elevate discharge in Vaginal part of Uterus and vagina.. Vaat prakop increase dryness of this discharge so in future there r much more chances to have block in Fallopian tube..
Anand Javeri: Ohk. Actually, I asked this because she has gynaec problems. She also has hypo thyroidism for the last 2.5 years.
Vd. Piyush Prajapati: Pitta has its own place in body. Pitta dosh has come out from his place . In simple language.
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Now in present era antibiotics, analgesic, man made hormones, unwanted & unnecessary C-Section delivery, cosmetic therapy, bariatric surgery, extra calcium extra iron folic started by default the moment conform pregnancy! has done a big mash in female hormones due to which female suffers the most.
Dr.Yogesh Gorakhnath Patil: Fibroids, polyps, hypothyroidism, VWD deficiency ,liver disorder, NSAID are causes of menorrhagia.
Dr. J. T. Contractor: If come closer to nature, firstly rinse the female metabolically, by fasting, Aqua therapy that maximize the water intake, give antioxidants to eliminate free radicles, Ultraviolet rays bath, innocent laxative like sona patti or haritaki, deep breath,light yoga. Then a day only on  grapes-no solid food, next day start with organic foods, fruits like Papayya, coconut water, almonds ( as apricot kernels are effective eliminating fibroids cysts, the entire body once rinsed tends to activate the hormonal glands to secret required balanced hormones thus the entire genetical, renal system returns to normal functioning.
Dr. Uday H. Hanagal: Asrugdhara can occur when person consume pittaprakopaka ahara vihara, consider as svatantra vyadhi (nija roga).
If Asrugdhara occur abhighataja(accidentally)  consider as paratantra vyadhi, arbuda, granthi in prajananga also comes under this group.
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: In hypothyroidism irregular and scanty Menstrual cycle.
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Thyroxin( hormone) unbalanced.
Shri Minoo parabia: This one has given good results. Devdarvyadi kadha freshly decocted every day. Ashokarishta -Mixture of nagkesar, mochras, sphatika. Stop heavy diet, refrigerated food, papaya, alcohol if any.
Dr. Supratim Bir: Dhatukshya janna vata get viiated and shows vatik symptoms. So the management would be pitta vata nashak. Tasmad vikar prakriti(pittaja) adhisthan antarani(vatik) buddhang hetu visesasha   (pittaja nidan sevan n vata prakop) upakrama is to b planned as per availability or yukti of Vaidya.
Vd. Khyati Jariwala: V can compare it vid lohivaa. Pushyanug vid rice starch. Darvyaadi kwath, Phatakdi vid gairik churma. Give very gud n effective results. I ask pt to use milk of goat also.
Dr. Supratim Bir: In most cases of menorrhagia the bleeding consists of clot. Along with usual flow. If not treated on time the pt suffers from many systemic diseases as yogavahitwat vata helps pitta n vitiate kafa to turn the case Krichhasadya- Sannipatik. Ghrita preperation shows good result.
Dr. Sreedevi N V: Pusyanuga choorna and satavari gulam effective in menorrhagia..Avoiding pittavardhaka aharas like spicy ,hot foids and consuming raktavardhaka   balya ahara helps.
Dr. Supratim Bir: Pushyanug is one of the best prep in pelvic organ disorder.
Dr. Sreedevi N V: Avoid heavy work and mental strain during menstrual periods .
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Intra uterine device is one of the most important cause.
Vd.  Mahavir Vora: Treatment should be considering apan vayu dusti  i prefer mahayograj or yograj guggul then for ras dhatu dusti vasant kalpa  lagu malani or madu malani  or ras pachak yog refrance vagbhata ras dhatugat jwar then  stank agnidipan   by   chandraprabha and maka powder or  soothshekar  and then raktapittagna  pushanug churna or chandrakala ras kamduda ras.
Vd. Binal Jagani: Shonitargal ras is effective in menorrhagia. Marsh nasya with shatavari ghrita. Krishna mitti lep on pelvic region (below umbilicus to pubis).
Shri Minoo parabia: One very senior vaidya once referred to 'PADTRAN BHASMA'. Means ashes of animal leather! As an effective regimen for menorrhagia. I am not aware of any classic reference. Some one can throw light.
Godanti bhasma prepared in associations with Giloy works miraculously well. One of the local healers, I knew used to give with the anupan of cow's ghee. Godanti is called Ghapan locally.
Vd. Khyati Jariwala: I also heard abt this..I think bhashma of wool is effective....
Dr. J. T. Contractor: It's a bio dermic ash acts as catalyst without reaction just instigative role, this oxide is practiced by native interior of African countries, even post delivery, beneficial for feeding mothers to instigate hormones responsible for secretion of milk production for the child, condition is that animal shouldn't be carnivorous!
Dr. Supratim Bir: In this connection one of my sir from kerala said me to make ashes of 1' X 1' white cotton cloth & mix it in a glass of water n to drink after filtration. Though I had not applied it.
Vd. Avni Kaneria: Sonitargal ras -ashokarisht  - M2 tone syrup of chark pharma.
Dr. Mrugeshkumar Patel: Tab Ayapon 2Bd+ Tab Myron 2Bd , sfattika suddh +Rice starch+ cinnamon cardamom +banana is very effective.
Shri Minoo parabia: Yes. Rice wash daily is certainly considered desirable for feminine disorders.
USA Irene CCA: menorrhagia during per menopause around 50 Years old is common in some women why? because should be on the contrary so they are close to menoapause.
Dr. Jyoti Ashok: Some of the medicines which I use in my practice apart from some of the above medicines are---
2)Pradarantaka rasa
3)Ashokarishta  or ashoka grita
4)Lodrasav + ushirasav
Depending the conditions of the patients
Pushyanuga churna + nagakeshara churna with madhu followed by tandulodaka.
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Menorrhagia which literally means in ayurveda as atyartava .
Differential diagnosis can be raktayoni , asrugdara (raktapradara) ,  pittaja yonivyapada , adhoga raktapitta (yonigata raktapitta) , yoni arsha with raktasrava.
USA Gary Yuen: Caraka mentions diet first. Modern research seems to also including for PCOD.
Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: Looking at the causative factor of  Menorreghia or ATYARTAVA EXCESSIVE SEXUAL INDULGENCE, PITTAPRAKOPAK  AAHAR VIHAR. If this occurs in an elderly lady, CANCER SHOULD BE RULED OUT.
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Artav-vah strotas Avrodh.. caused artificially for controlling fertility by ocps, by iuds, by tubal ligation , Nidan parvarjan main T/t.
Awareness among all, whats are the unintended effects of Controlling fertility as a lifestyle choice.
Ocps or hormonal implants synthetic steroids. - disturbing normal hormonal feedback mechanism. Suppression of ovulation, giving unbalanced mixed signals through HPO axis,, Endocrine pathology triggered. Any endocrinal gland may ultimately get involved. Including ovary 1st then others.
IUCD - foreign body . Body tries to throw away by way of  bleeding, normal immune response is triggered  by IUCD causing heavy menstrual blood loss. T/t is suppression of normal immune responses,,i.e. stopping bleeding .. not satisfactory.. nidan parivarjan is only way.
By tubal ligation.. blockage of fallopian tubes artificial Avrodh caused in Artav-vah strotas so doshas sanchay and  vimarggaman, artavvah vyadhi etiology started.
So 1st chikitsa sutra. Nidan Parivarjan. is very very imp to Prevent Artavvah strotas vyadhi and consequently related vyadhis as As per Ayurvediy physiology, Mentruation is a way of Nature to Detoxify or  natural Shodhan kriya - female sharir. if too much,, then the causative factor  needs to be found and addressed properly.
Vd. Rupa Raval: Ashokarishta, nagkesar, pitta shamak ahar vihar, weight loss if needed.
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Aloe vera is gr8 for restoring hormonal balance in females. Fresh pulp , no commercial juices of aloe. As any ingestible that has preservatives, acidity regulators or color or flavor enhancers or plastics bottle storage may act as endocrine disruptor.  Female hormones are very susceptible  to disruptors ,be they chemical, medicinal ( eg Combiflam reduces blood flow and lessens duration) psychological, or somatic, or physical( e.g. too much exercise or athletic activity delaying and lessoning menstruation ).
Dr. Bhavesh Modh: For hormone balancing in female body Soya bin  & fenugreek seeds.
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: soybean-  i wont  recommend as GMO, Too much protein not good for fe body. Fenugreek good but needs to b used judiciously as Rktapitta prakopak agnivardhak.
Dr. Bhavesh Modh:
USA Gary Yuen: How about shatavari? That is usually the first herb mentioned by many.
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Estrogen sufficiency or not, and artavavah strotas vyadhi are not always codependent. Normally during menopause estrogen is less still no fe repro vyadhis seen. lack or less of estrogen is a normal physiological phase. We can’t supplement too much when monthly cycle needs it on lower side for normal and optimum functioning of physiology.
USA Irene CCA: How then compensate less estrogen during menopause?
Dr. Bhavesh Modh:  Indication of shatavari - To improve inadequate lactation. For regular and longer lactation
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: How to compensate Menopause.??.... which is most natural phenomena, no need to interfere Normal physiology with supplementing estrogen,. .. Any how it is a short term measure till psychologically this phase is accepted.  Ayurved approach is Vatpitta shamak  T/t. along with proper snehan as per sthiti of dosha and dhatu.  its modern approach to menopause that itself needs correction. Why is it a Problem, if it is Normal physiological phenomenon. Change needs to be accepted with positive mindset.
Vd. Tanuja Gokhale: I completely agree with Dr Madhun as I hv the same opinion. Body is slowly getting rid of a few hormones as a natural process. Besides Soyabean in long term have been seen to cause Thyroid disfuction. In y'day's topic of Thyroid too, I didn't find mention of soyabean which is a major cause these days. Soy is GMO grain n in want of high protein diet is being used widely but is showing many side effects. Similar to female complaints, the high estrogen of soyabean ie phytoestrogens are also showing adverse effects on adolescent boys in making them filthy n growing complaints of gynecomastia. Soyabean is not a safe food at all. Chinese eat soy a lot but not GMO, besides the soya is much processed like fermentation etc. in traditional Chinese preps which reduces the amount needed. Soy milk is a hyped product as an alternative to good quality A2 milk. A1 milk usually causes lactose intolerance n hence soy was suggested instead of correcting milk type A1 intake.
\Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: Soy or Soybean does not have any nutritional value. Discarded by USA.
Vd. Tanuja Gokhale: GMO corn, Apples, soy n similar are being produced n converted in various consumer products and are being sold worldwide by big brands. We have to be careful n insist on organic n locally grown, traditional foods n food habits which have been passed down to us through our genes. GMO foods are major culprit in genetic disorders.
USA Irene CCA: Nothing to compensate neither balance. But I was thinking of herbs such a shatavari  that was the herb related to menopause when I studied Ayurveda.
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Shatpushpa Nagkeshar helps in easier transition during menopause. But Aloe vera is best, as my observation is if liver and pancreas are in good working conditions, menopause is easier, as  products that are not discarded by menses on monthly basis, gets properly out of body through sweating and all normal detoxification routes..
USA Gary Yuen: Much like red rice raktasali is considered best, there are other varieties such as black soybean. Soy has names such as raam kurthi and bhat, though I do not know how old they are. I do not know if it traditionally grew in India, and perhaps that is a reason it is not mentioned. Soy, like all other foods, have properties, and are used as such.
Dr. Lokesh Mehta: Combination of ashok ghaN,  pushyanug powder and nagkesar along with lodra asav and usheerasav gives good result in raktpradar. Styplon from him... Ayopan from alarsin  bandish khoon  from hamdard and bolbadh ras, chanderkala ras, rasanjan vati. All r useful.
USA Gary Yuen: As far as etiology, heaviness and other properties are mentioned. Ancients did not consume as much meat, milk, and eggs as us moderns. It is not easy to simply attribute it to salty or sour when everything about food today is different. Among ancients, grains, dal, and vegetables, in different forms (such as no atta flour or much much less) were commonly eaten and assumed. Etc. everything is different and it is needed to think deeply about the time and re-interpret the old texts.
Shri Minoo parabia: Soya beans also contain anti trypsin , which hinders the digestion of proteins.We don't know how to eat soya. Elsewhere it is eaten ad Tofu. Shatavar Trapa and Lotus seeds are  superior to others. Soya was introduced in India perhaps in seventies.
Aloe vera and its products like Kumariasava, kanyalohadi and Rajpravartini increase the blood flaw. Almost equivalent to Warfarin in my view (I stand for correction). It does enhance liver and other digestive glands function. Good to facilitate blood flaw for the heart patients.
Dr. Jyoti Yagnik: Menorrhagia : Shonitargal ras. Bolbaddhras. Chandrakalarras.. Dhatrirrasayan.. Ashokarist. Lodhrasav...  Churn:Lodhra+kutaj+nagkeshar+shatavari+bilv
Bed rest : Dietconttrol: Rutumati charya necessary
Anand Javeri: Females with menorrhagia usually suffer from anaemia. Does consuming madar bhasm help?
Germany Helga Fuchs: Menorrhagie.....Most due aggreavated Pitta. We have to control Pitta. Less oil, no heat in any form, no alcohol, No emotional heat due Anger or stresstension. No physical overwork. Aggreavatet Vata will get calm too. (Most ladys do not follow simple dinachary Daily Routine and Vata get disturbed). As Pitta prakruti this will lead allways in typical situation. So Ladys have to start a good routine for her Pittaprakruti. Typical Vataprakruti do not get in Menorrhagie, here we see Amenorrhöe. Pittaprakruti can take Ashoka, Ashwaganda, Arjuna, Aloe Vera, Bhringaraj, Amla. Start one of them 1 week before up to 4day of Menstruation. And take rest in this time. There is a need also for healthy element to care herself during this time, all over the year. No heavy housework, no cooking, no laundry. Family can organise food   during this time. Husband can not cook? Ok, he can take his wife in a beautiful restaurant or you learn him to cook. If he is not able for both, cook before and eat it in this time. Not easy in India. Definitely avoid in Menorrhagia to salty, spicy, sour food or hot water.  healthy women... One teaspoon morning and evening, boiled milk as anupan for ashwaganda, the others boiled in water, drink  lookwarm.
Dr. Dayanand Bothre: While treating menorrhagia we should consider is it pradhan rog or its came as a upadrav of other pradhan rog?
If we only concentrate on upadrav then it's become only symptomatic treatment hence we should go through details history to find out cause and any pradhana rog.
Many times we found that it's not a disease it's a symptom of other disease.
Vd. Manhar Prajapati: Atarav is updhatu of rasdhatu so here atayratv means rasdusti so first trt  rasdhatu like langan dipan pachan.....also raktpit chikittsa....
Dr. Suhel Dalal: Menorrhagia (atyartav) is typically pitt vruddhi condition according to Ayurveda. I receive many patients in my opd and successfully treated
Endometriosis will be there too and raktkshay as a symptom due to heavy blood loss: In history u will find Ajirna in most of the case ( vidagdhajirna) . First go with dipan / pachan / langhan to cure Ajirna of Pitt ( vidagdhajirna- mostly )
Then  Arogyavardhini 2 bd (lekhan), Triphala churna + tankan bhasma , Shattavari kalp syrup.
For rakt kshay u can give abhrak bhasma added in triphala churna along with tankan (given for lekhan)
That's it Continue for 3 to 6 months and compare usg to usg. After the cure of Ajirna avoid Pitt vrudhdhikar aahar vihar.
Germany Helga Fuchs: if there are any rog behind, bleeding will Not be cured well and lady feel not much better. And if any rog is behind we do not call it Menorrhagia.
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: I think Jirak(cumin) is good in Atyartava as Jirak does purification of Garbhashaya... Jirak is widely used in south in gynec disorders.. Anybody has experience of Jirak in atyartava. While it also increase Pitta... So please share your experience of Jirak in atyartava.
Vd.Prerak shah: Many a times to correct uterine muscle tone and to stop bleeding in severe conditions...we give Basti treatment for 8-10 days. Usually patients with heavy bleeding for continues 20-30 days or more, and not responding with any oral medicines (Home remedies, Ayurveda or any other) then Ayurveda gynecologists prefer to go with basti course. And surprisingly with in 4-5 sittings bleeding stops.
Also in reverse condition......anartav (primary or secondary amenorrhea), alpa artava (scanty menstruation) or aniyamit aartava (metrorragia) - basti is the best treatment. Of course, one need to select proper herbs for preparation of basti. Selection of herbs, selection of basti type and proper process are major concern for basti treatment.
Dr. Mahavir Patil: sir how basti works ..... plz tell the " sampraptibhang"
Vd.Prerak shah: Role of vata - pelvic nervous system...particularly aapana vata controls mala (feces), mutra (urine) and artava (menses). Excess pravrutti, irregular or disturbed pravrutti or no pravrutti..all are caused by disturbance of apana vata. e.g. Constipation / loose motion or diarrhea, no / scnaty urination or excessive urination.... same with menses ...
Aapan vata is major causative factor in samprapti...by Basti treatment apana vata is controlled effectively.
Vd.  Mahavir Vora: Any specific reference from granth about basti sir kindly elaborate.
Dr. Nayan Thacker: which basti? one pt 26 yrs old last 6 month menses not come..amh is low. so now what can we do? i will start nasay satpuspa oil, dasmul kawth , raj pravatani vati, kumarya asav , satavari.
Vd.Prerak shah: jivantyadi anuvasan basti, Chandanadi anuvasan basti (Ch. Si. 4)
Mrunaladi anuvasan (Su. Chi. 37) and also separate chapter about garbhashay gat basti in the books of panchkarma (I refer book - 'Ayurvediya panchkarma vigyan' - author Vd. H. S. Kasture)
Dr. Supratim Bir: Apan vata role - Sukrartava sakrinmutra garbha niskramanh kriya. So in menorrhagia it would be pittanubandha vata prakop or vatanubandha pitta prakop ??? Just asking to clear my cofusion
Vd. Dhruti Nirav Bhatt: In Menorrhagia first rule out cause .Pushynug churna, Shonitargal ras,Syp M2Tone.If bleeding not stop give Bolbaddh ras , Cold water Apply or ice pack on Abdomen .Virechan karma and Basti treatment
Vd.Prerak shah: Which are the possible causes of menorrhagia? we need to judge vatanubandh or pittanubandh according to the cause.
Dr. Jyoti Yagnik: Amenorrhea: Rajpravrtini:  Kanyalohadi::Trifala gugal: Yograj gugal: Kumaryasav::Faldhrut: If constipation give virechan Dravy at bedtime. Also give cause related treatment.
Dr. Neha P. Bhatt: amenorrhea - as all said cause need to be know.
kanyalohaadi vati, patrangaasaw or kumari asaw, rajah pravartani and matra basti of sahchar tail upto two months has given good results!
Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: In Maharashtra the flowers of  banana tree are used as medicine for ATYARTAVA.  Seems to be pittashamak. It is known as kelful. Flowers of kela ie banana. Very effective
Anand Javeri: Is madar bhasm different from mandur bhasm or both are same? Someone told me that madar bhasm taken in capsule helps to improve hemoglobin. Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: Sir do u mean Mandur bhasma or Ark bhasm ark or snuhi is also known as Madar.. ? that must be Mandur bhasm. feso4, Mandur bhasm increases Hb.
Anand Javeri: Is there anything like madar bhasm? If yes, what are its uses?
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: ark bhasm is there  used like  a kshar,
Vd. Sandeep J. Prasad: Those are prickly fruits which used for hb . Develops on one type of cactus Snuhi.
IPR Chhayaben:
Dr. Arvind Shahane: If other medicine not responding
Please use combination of  Muktapishti(moti), Kaherva pishti , Giloy satva - U will get drametic results. Pathya :::  rice only for a week
Dr. Amal JP: Menorrhagia
Definition: Menorrhagia is the medical term for menstrual periods with abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding. Although heavy menstrual bleeding is a common concern among premenopausal women, most women don't experience blood loss severe enough to be defined as menorrhagia.
With menorrhagia, every period you have causes enough blood loss and cramping that you can't maintain your usual activities. If you have menstrual bleeding so heavy that you dread your period, talk with your doctor. There are many effective treatments for menorrhagia.
Symptoms: The signs and symptoms of menorrhagia may include:
     - Soaking through one or more sanitary pads or tampons every hour for several consecutive hours
     - Needing to use double sanitary protection to control your menstrual flow
     - Needing to wake up to change sanitary protection during the night
     - Bleeding for longer than a week
     - Passing blood clots with menstrual flow for more than one day
     - Restricting daily activities due to heavy menstrual flow
     - Symptoms of anemia, such as tiredness, fatigue or shortness of breath
Causes: In some cases, the cause of heavy menstrual bleeding is unknown, but a number of conditions may cause menorrhagia. Common causes include:
     - Hormone imbalance. In a normal menstrual cycle, a balance between the hormones estrogen and progesterone regulates the buildup of the lining of the uterus (endometrium), which is shed during menstruation. If a hormone imbalance occurs, the endometrium develops in excess and eventually sheds by way of heavy menstrual bleeding.
     - Dysfunction of the ovaries. If your ovaries don't release an egg (ovulate) during a menstrual cycle (anovulation), your body doesn't produce the hormone progesterone, as it would during a normal menstrual cycle. This leads to hormone imbalance and may result in menorrhagia.
     - Uterine fibroids. These noncancerous (benign) tumors of the uterus appear during your childbearing years. Uterine fibroids may cause heavier than normal or prolonged menstrual bleeding.
     - Polyps. Small, benign growths on the lining of the uterus (uterine polyps) may cause heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding. Polyps of the uterus most commonly occur in women of reproductive age as the result of high hormone levels.
     - Adenomyosis. This condition occurs when glands from the endometrium become embedded in the uterine muscle, often causing heavy bleeding and painful menses. Adenomyosis is most likely to develop if you're a middle-aged woman who has had children.
     - Intrauterine device (IUD). Menorrhagia is a well-known side effect of using a nonhormonal intrauterine device for birth control. When an IUD is the cause of excessive menstrual bleeding, you may need to remove it.
     - Pregnancy complications. A single, heavy, late period may be due to a miscarriage. If bleeding occurs at the usual time of menstruation, however, miscarriage is unlikely to be the cause. An ectopic pregnancy implantation of a fertilized egg within the fallopian tube instead of the uterus — also may cause menorrhagia.
     - Cancer. Rarely, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer and cervical cancer can cause excessive menstrual bleeding.
     - Inherited bleeding disorders. Some blood coagulation disorders — such as von Willebrand's disease, a condition in which an important blood-clotting factor is deficient or impaired — can cause abnormal menstrual bleeding.
     - Medications. Certain drugs, including anti-inflammatory medications and anticoagulants, can contribute to heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding.
     - Other medical conditions. A number of other medical conditions, including pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), thyroid problems, endometriosis, and liver or kidney disease, may be associated with menorrhagia.
Risk factors: Menorrhagia is most often due to a hormone imbalance that causes menstrual cycles without ovulation. In a normal cycle, the release of an egg from the ovaries stimulates the body's production of progesterone, the female hormone most responsible for keeping periods regular. When no egg is released, insufficient progesterone can cause heavy menstrual bleeding.
Menstrual cycles without ovulation (anovulatory cycles) are most common among two separate age groups:
     - Adolescent girls who have recently started menstruating. Girls are especially prone to anovulatory cycles in the first year after their first menstrual period (menarche).
  - Older women approaching menopause. Women ages 40 to 50 are at increased risk of hormonal changes that lead to anovulatory cycles.
Complications: Excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding can lead to other medical conditions, including:
     - Iron deficiency anemia. In this common type of anemia, your blood is low in hemoglobin, a substance that enables red blood cells to carry oxygen to tissues. Low hemoglobin may be the result of insufficient iron.
    Menorrhagia may decrease iron levels enough to increase the risk of iron deficiency anemia. Signs and symptoms include pale skin, weakness and fatigue. Although diet plays a role in iron deficiency anemia, the problem is complicated by heavy menstrual periods.
    Most cases of anemia are mild, but even mild anemia can cause weakness and fatigue. Moderate to severe anemia can also cause shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, lightheadedness and headaches.
     - Severe pain. Along with heavy menstrual bleeding, you might have painful menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea). Sometimes the cramps associated with menorrhagia are severe enough to require prescription medication or a surgical procedure.
Tests and diagnosis: Your doctor will most likely ask about your medical history and menstrual cycles. You may be asked to keep a diary of bleeding and nonbleeding days, including notes on how heavy your flow was and how much sanitary protection you needed to control it.
Your doctor will do a physical exam and may recommend one or more tests or procedures such as:
     - Blood tests. A sample of your blood may be evaluated for iron deficiency (anemia) and other conditions, such as thyroid disorders or blood-clotting abnormalities.
     - Pap test. In this test, cells from your cervix are collected and tested for infection, inflammation or changes that may be cancerous or may lead to cancer.
     - Endometrial biopsy. Your doctor may take a sample of tissue from the inside of your uterus to be examined by a pathologist.
     - Ultrasound scan. This imaging method uses sound waves to produce images of your uterus, ovaries and pelvis.
Based on the results of your initial tests, your doctor may recommend further testing, including:
     - Sonohysterogram. During this test, a fluid is injected through a tube into your uterus by way of your vagina and cervix. Your doctor then uses ultrasound to look for problems in the lining of your uterus.
     - Hysteroscopy. This exam involves inserting a tiny camera through your vagina and cervix into your uterus, which allows your doctor to see the inside of your uterus.
Doctors can be certain of a diagnosis of menorrhagia only after ruling out other menstrual disorders, medical conditions or medications as possible causes or aggravations of this condition.
Treatments and drugs: Specific treatment for menorrhagia is based on a number of factors, including:
     - Your overall health and medical history
     - The cause and severity of the condition
     - Your tolerance for specific medications, procedures or therapies
     - The likelihood that your periods will become less heavy soon
     - Your future childbearing plans
     - Effects of the condition on your lifestyle
     - Your opinion or personal preference
Drug therapy for menorrhagia may include:
     - Iron supplements. If you also have anemia, your doctor may recommend that you take iron supplements regularly. If your iron levels are low but you're not yet anemic, you may be started on iron supplements rather than waiting until you become anemic.
     - Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or naproxen (Aleve), help reduce menstrual blood loss. NSAIDs have the added benefit of relieving painful menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea).
     - Tranexamic acid. Tranexamic acid (Lysteda) helps reduce menstrual blood loss and only needs to be taken at the time of the bleeding.
     - Oral contraceptives. Aside from providing birth control, oral contraceptives can help regulate menstrual cycles and reduce episodes of excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding.
     - Oral progesterone. When taken for 10 or more days of each menstrual cycle, the hormone progesterone can help correct hormone imbalance and reduce menorrhagia.
     - The hormonal IUD (Mirena). This intrauterine device releases a type of progestin called levonorgestrel, which makes the uterine lining thin and decreases menstrual blood flow and cramping.
If you have menorrhagia from taking hormone medication, you and your doctor may be able to treat the condition by changing or stopping your medication.
You may need surgical treatment for menorrhagia if drug therapy is unsuccessful. Treatment options include:
     - Dilation and curettage (D&C). In this procedure, your doctor opens (dilates) your cervix and then scrapes or suctions tissue from the lining of your uterus to reduce menstrual bleeding. Although this procedure is common and often treats acute or active bleeding successfully, you may need additional D&C procedures if menorrhagia recurs.
     - Uterine artery embolization. For women whose menorrhagia is caused by fibroids, the goal of this procedure is to shrink any fibroids in the uterus by blocking the uterine arteries and cutting off their blood supply.
    During uterine artery embolization, the surgeon passes a catheter through the large artery in the thigh (femoral artery) and guides it to your uterine arteries, where the blood vessel is injected with microspheres made of plastic.
     - Focused ultrasound ablation. Similar to uterine artery embolization, focused ultrasound ablation treats bleeding caused by fibroids by shrinking the fibroids. This procedure uses ultrasound waves to destroy the fibroid tissue. There are no incisions required for this procedure.
     - Myomectomy. This procedure involves surgical removal of uterine fibroids. Depending on the size, number and location of the fibroids, your surgeon may choose to perform the myomectomy using open abdominal surgery, through several small incisions (laparoscopically), or through the vagina and cervix (hysteroscopically).
     - Endometrial ablation. Using a variety of techniques, your doctor permanently destroys the lining of your uterus (endometrium). After endometrial ablation, most women have much lighter periods. Pregnancy after endometrial ablation can put your health at risk — if you have an endometrial ablation, you should use reliable or permanent contraception until menopause.
     - Endometrial resection. This surgical procedure uses an electrosurgical wire loop to remove the lining of the uterus. Both endometrial ablation and endometrial resection benefit women who have very heavy menstrual bleeding. Pregnancy isn't recommended after this procedure.
     - Hysterectomy. Hysterectomy — surgery to remove your uterus and cervix — is a permanent procedure that causes sterility and ends menstrual periods. Hysterectomy is performed under anesthesia and requires hospitalization. Additional removal of the ovaries (bilateral oophorectomy) may cause premature menopause.
Except for hysterectomy, these surgical procedures are usually done on an outpatient basis. Although you may need a general anesthetic, it's likely that you can go home later on the same day.
When menorrhagia is a sign of another condition, such as thyroid disease, treating that condition usually results in lighter periods.
Lifestyle and home remedies: Menorrhagia is the medical term for menstrual periods with abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding. Although heavy menstrual bleeding is a common concern among premenopausal women, most women don't experience blood loss severe enough to be defined as menorrhagia.
With menorrhagia, every period you have causes enough blood loss and cramping that you can't maintain your usual activities. If you have menstrual bleeding so heavy that you dread your period, talk with your doctor. There are many effective treatments for menorrhagia.
Dr. Hardikchandra Kalal: What is different between metrorrhagia and menorrhagia?
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Metrorrhagia - Menstrual bleeding that occurs at frequent, irregular intervals.
Dr. Rachana Mumbai: A 22 yr old female had complain of mennohragia. She lives in London, she met gync in London several times, but every time they would give her a course of birth control pills for mennohragia and I gave her kshirpaak of 4 drugs mixed all together Lodhra, nagkesar, shatavari, and ashok. Pt felt very good her flow and pain both reduced.  In some cases I use following also Kumariaasav, Chandra Kala, Pradarantak loha, Recova of atharva pharma to tone uterus But my first choice is herbal treatment than ras aushadhi
Dr. Madhuri Patil Chaudhari: In Niram conditions, atyaartav, pittanubandhi, - 1 ripe banana with a pinch or 2 of kaapur ( cinnamomum camphora) , on empty stomach, no cold water. with laghu aahar pathya.in Raktapradar, Rasanjan (made from daruharidra)0.5 gm + rice water 20 gm + khadishakker 1gm + madhu 3 gm  3 times/day. anubhut yog.
----------------------------- Ayulink Gujarati -----------------------------------
Vd. Vaishali Hirpara: Vandya stree ma stnya vaha nadi vat purna thavati asrugadar Thai che.
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana:
 Updrava:-Daurbalaya, Bhrma, Murchha, Tamaha pravesha, Trusha, Daha, Pralap, Pandora, Tandra, Vatik roga (Su. sha.2)
Vd. Divyakumari solanki: Pittavardhak and raktadusti kar ahar main reason che atyartav mate nu. but ek var usg karavi pathological koi reason nathi e confirm kari levu. Stambhan and raktapitta hara chikitsa karvi.
Vd. Vipul Patil: Ataya artav - Masik rajstrav ,more than 4-5 days or during rajstrav heavy bleeding is prime symptom of ataya artav. Along with heavy bleeding,foul smell,clots, daurbaly,panduta,bhram are seen.
1.In menarche Sometimes initially,first 3-4 months such conditions r seen but it subsides by naturally. But during this time some dietary precious should follow
Like ,avoid katu- tikat,usan,heavy food, Should take rest,
Med:Stavari kalap+ milk
2.In post menopausal stage also such condition r seen Again Visharanti ; rest ,head low position,keep pillow between legs, r recommend
Rx- Pravalbhasam,maukatik bhasam,kamdudha ras,chandraprabha vati,chandanadi vato,stavarikalap,stavari ghrut,nagkeshar churn,durva swarna,ashokaristam
3. In fibroid Again rest + med above mentioned + Kanchnar guggul,
4.After pregnancy also such conditions r seen. After pregnancy ,it takes 1-1 1/2  months to normal the size of uterus,in some conditions it takes more time also
Rx Rest+ above med acc condition . Yoni dhoopan with lodhra,
4 In some condition Adhog rakatpitta  also ,ataya artav seen. Yoni dah,yoni shool,
Rx Stavari ghrut,vasa ghrut,vasa avhel,
5.In high blood pressure, Javar, Mansik stress, Kark rog
Do Rx acc to condition
6 Mainly if due ulcer in uterus also such condition r seen
Rx Rest+ med acc conditions , Yonidhavan with nimab kwath,triphala kwath,panchvalkal kwath And yoni picchu with yastimadhu tail,eladi tail,chandan balalakshadi tail.
Dr. Bhavesh Modh:
લોહીવા હોય તો ગર્ભ રહી શકતો નથી, અથવા અધુરે મહીને ગર્ભ પડી જાય છે.
() જીરુ અને સાકરનું પાવલીભાર ( ગ્રામ) ચુર્ણ ચોખાના ઓસામણમાં પીવાથી લોહીવા મટે છે. () વડની છાલના ચુર્ણની સ્વચ્છ કપડામાં પોટલી બનાવી યોનીમાં મુકવાથી લોહીવા મટે છે. () નાગકેસર લેવાથી લોહીવા મટે છે () ગાય કે બકરીના એક ગ્લાસ દુધમાં એટલું પાણી ઉમેરી એક ચમચી અશોક વૃક્ષની છાલનું ચુર્ણ નાખી પાણી બળી જાય ત્યાં સુધી ઉકાળી, ઠંડુ કરી સવાર-સાંજ પીવાથી અને આહારમાં ગરમ પિત્તવર્ધક દ્રવ્યોનો ત્યાગ કરી, સંપુર્ણ આરામ કરવાથી રક્તપ્રદર-લોહીવા મટે છે. ()  સવાર-સાંજ જમ્યા પછી બે ચમચી અશોકારીષ્ટમાં થોડું પાણી ઉમેરી પીવાથી વધુ પડતા માસીક-લોહીવાની તકલીફ તથા ગર્ભાશયની શીથીલતા દુર થાય છે. () જેઠીમધ, કાંટાળું માયુ, દાડમનાં ફુલ અને ફટકડી સરખા વજને લઈ ઉકાળીને ઠંડુ કરેલું પાણી નાખી લસોટી નાખવાં. મીશ્રણ જ્યારે ઘટ્ટ થાય ત્યારે ખજુરના ઠળીયા જેવી લાંબી ગોળીઓ બનાવી છાંયડે સુકવી, એકથી બે ગોળી રોજ રાત્રે યોનીની અંદર મુકવી. દોઢથી બે માસ સુધી નીયમીત ઉપચાર કરવાથી લોહીવા, શ્વેતપ્રદર, ગર્ભાશયના મુખની જુની ચાંદી, ખંજવાળ, બળતરા વગેરે વિકૃતીઓ દુર થાય છે. રાત્રે મુકેલ ગોળી સવારે અર્ધી બહાર આવી જાય તો પણ ફાયદો કરે છે. લોહીવા અને રકતપ્રદર  એટલે DUB
Source:-  https://gandabhaivallabh.wordpress.com/2011/01/29
માસિકધર્મ  વખતે માસિક વધુ આવવુ જેને અત્યાર્તવ કહેવાયુ છે. આયુર્વેદ  માં માસિકસ્ત્રાવ વખતે આવતુ રૂધીર સામ છે કે પ્રાકૃત એના લક્ષણો  બતાવેલ છે  પ્રેક્ટિસ  માં દર્દી ની ફરીયાદ  પરથી  menorrhagia નુ નિદાન  કરવુ  ઘણીવાર મુશ્કેલ  બને છે. જેના માટે  આધુનિક શાસ્ત્રીય  સમજ નો આશરો લેવો  પડે.
આચાર્યો  વ્યાધિ  ને પિત્તજ યોનીરોગ અંતર્ગત  સમાવેશ  કર્યો  છે  જોકે  નામ જુદા જુદા  આપ્યા  છે.
સુશ્રુત  -  रूधिरक्षरा
માધવ - लोहितक्षरा
असृगदर रकतयोनी   વિગેરે
દરેક  આચાર્ય  શીતલ તથા રક્તપિત્તહર ચિકિત્સા કરવાનુ કહ્યુ છે.  અહી પણ દોષ સામ હોય ત્યાં સુધી સ્તંભક દ્રવ્યો ના વાપરવા જોઈએ  એમ છતાંય  પુષ્યાનુંગ તથા લોધ્ર ના પ્રયોગો  જોવા મળે છે.
ટૂંક માં પંચવલ્કલ તાજી મળે તો યોનીપ્રક્ષાલન અથવા શુષ્ક ચૂર્ણ થી યોનીપૂરણ.
આધુનિકો પોલીપસ્ અને થાઇરોઇડ ફંકશન કે  HRT ની કથા કરે  પણ ત્રિદોષ બેલેસીંગ ઉત્તમ પરિણામ આપે છે
મહર્ષિ  ચરક તો તમામ યોનીરોગ માં વાતદોષ પ્રમુખ  છે  એમ જણાવે છે. રકત અને પિત્ત નો આશ્રયઆશ્રયીભાવ હોય છે  જેમાં વિરેચન શ્રેષ્ઠ  છે. આંમળા સુકીદ્રાક્ષ નિશોતર તથા આરાગ્વધ જેવા ઔષધો  મૃદુવિરેચક  હોવા ની સાથે  રકતસ્તંભક  પિતઘ્ન પણ છે. કામદુધા  (ગૈરીક) તથા પ્રવાલ કે મોતીછીપ પિષ્ટી અથવા ગોદંતી શીતવીર્ય તથા રકતસ્ત્રાવ માં ઉત્તમ તો છે અને કેલ્શિયમ સપ્લીમેન્ટ તરીકે  પણ ઉપયોગી.
પ્રદરના આયુર્વેદની દ્રષ્ટિએ બે પ્રકાર છે: પહેલો પ્રકાર છે રક્તપ્રદરનો. લોકભાષામાં એને લોહીવા કહે છે. આયુર્વેદમાં 'અસૃગ્દર' કે 'અત્યાર્તવ'ના નામે પણ ઓળખાય છે અને અંગ્રેજીમાં એને 'મેનોરેજિયા' તથા 'મેટ્રોરેજિયા' નામથી ઓળખવામાં આવે છે.
બીજો પ્રકાર છે - શ્વેત પ્રદરનો આમ જનતા એના માટે શરીર ધોવાવું પાણી પડવું કે ધાત જવી એવો શબ્દપ્રયોગ કરે છે. અંગ્રેજીમાં એને લ્યુકોરિયા કહેવાય છે.
પ્રદરાન્તક ચૂર્ણથી બધી જાતના રક્તપ્રદર તથા શ્વેતપ્રદર મટે છે. સ્ત્રાવ અનુસાર પણ પ્રદરના પ્રકાર પાડી શકાય પાણી જેવો સ્ત્રાવ, ઘાટો સફેદ સ્ત્રાવ, પીળાશ પડતો સ્રાવ રક્તસ્ત્રાવ (રક્ત પ્રદર) અને દુર્ગંધ મારતો પરુવાળો સ્ત્રાવ પણ જોવા મળે છે. વાયુ, પિત્ત અને કફ એમ દોષ અનુસાર એના પ્રકાર પાડી શકાય અને રીતે એની સારવાર પણ વિચારી શકાય. મહિનામાં બે કે ત્રણ વાર, નિયત સમય પહેલા અને વધુ પ્રમાણમાં આવતા માસિકને રક્તપ્રદર કે લોહીવા કહેવામાં આવ છે. અતિ માત્રામાં અને વધુ દિવસ સુધી માસિક આવવાથી સ્ત્રી ખૂબ કંટાળી જાય છે એને ક્યાંક બહાર જવું હોય તો તકલીફ પડે છે. અતિશય માસિક આવતું હોય એવી સ્ત્રીનું શરીર ફિક્કું અને અશક્ત થતું જાય છે. થોડું એવું કામ કરતા પણ થાકી જાય છે. ક્યારેક એવી વ્યક્તિને ચક્કર આવે છે લો બી.પી. રહેતું હોય એવી સ્ત્રીને તો ત્રાસ થઈ જાય છે આવી વ્યક્તિનું પાચનતંત્ર પણ બગડી શકે છે અને જમતી વખતે અરૂચી  થઈ શકે છે ઘણીવાર તો લોહીવા થયો હોય એવી સ્ત્રીનું આખું શરીર તૂટે છે કમર દુઃખે છે પીઠ પણ જકડાઈ જાય છે. સફેદ પાણી પડતું હોય કે શરીર ધોવાતું હોય તેવી સ્ત્રી માનસિક રીતે ખિન્ન રહે છે. દિવસે દિવસે એની શક્તિ ક્ષીણ થઈ રહી છે કે ધોવાતી જાય છે એવી ધારણાના કારણે ક્યારેક વધુ પડતો થાક લાગે છે. હકીકતમાં શ્વેતપ્રદર કોઈ એવો ભયાનક વ્યાધિ નથી કે શરીર ખલાસ થઈ જાય. શ્વેતપ્રદરની શરૃઆતમાં કમરનો દુઃખાવો, પિંડીઓમા કળતર અને આખા શરીરમાં દુઃખાવો થઈ શકે છે. યોનિમાર્ગમાં અતિશય ભીનાશ પણ વ્યક્તિ અનુભવી શકે છે. પછી સફેદ, ચીકણો અને ભાતના ઓસામણ જેવો સ્ત્રાવ શરુ થઈ શકે છે. ગુપ્ત ભાગમાં અતિશય ખંજવાળ આવે છે. શરીરમાં સુસ્તી અને તાવ જેવું રહે છે અને જો રોગ તરફ બેદરકારી રાખવામાં આવે તો લાંબા ગાળે પાંડુ (એનિમિયા), ઉધરસ, છાતીનો દુઃખાવો શ્વાસ અને દુર્બળતા ઘર કરતી જાય છે. મોટે ભાગે રોગ વિવાહિત બહેનોમાં વધુ જોવા મળે છે. છતાં પણ નાની ઉંમરની અવિવાહિત કન્યાથી માંડી આધેડ ઉંમરની સ્ત્રીઓને પણ પજવી શકે છે. પ્રદરાન્તક ચૂર્ણના ઘટક દ્રવ્યો મોટા ભાગે તૂરા રસવાળા છે. તૂરોરસ कषायरस  આયુર્વેદની દ્રષ્ટિએ 'ગ્રાહી' એટલે કે વહેતા પ્રવાહને અટકાવનારો છે જેમનું પાચનતંત્ર નબળું હોય એવી વ્યક્તિને એકી સાથે મોટી માત્રામાં ચૂર્ણ આપવું. તૂરો રસ પાચનતંત્રને સતેજ નથી કરતો હરડે એક એવું તૂરા રસવાળું (અપવાદરૃપ) દ્રવ્ય છે જે ગ્રાહી નથી અને જઠરાગ્નિને પ્રદીપ્ત પણ કરે છે. તૂરા રસવાળા આઠ દ્રવ્યો શામક હોવાથી શ્વેતપ્રદર અને રક્તપ્રદરમાં લાભ કરે છે. ઉગ્ર સ્વરૃપમાં પ્રદર હોય, સ્ત્રાવમાંથી સડેલા માંસ કે મડદા જેવી ગંધ આવતી હોય તેવી સ્થિતિમાં ચૂર્ણ કશો લાભ કરતું નથી.( ?आमअवस्था )
બન્ને પ્રકારના પ્રદરની સંપૂર્ણ ચિકિત્સા
રક્તપ્રદર- લોહીવા-ના આમ તો આયુર્વેદમાં અનેક ઔષધો છે ગમે તેવો ભયંકર લોહીવા હોય તો પણ પ્રદરાન્તક લોહ, પુષ્પાનુગ ચૂર્ણ, શોણિતાર્ગલ રસ, ચંદ્રકલારસ, બોલ પર્પટી, નાગકેસર, શતાવરી અને મુક્તાપિષ્ટી જેવા ઠંડા, સ્તંભક ઔષધો માનવામાં આવે એવું ખૂબ ઝડપી પરિણામ આપી શકે છે જેમણે દ્રવ્યો મેળવવાની માથાકુટમાં પડવું હોય તેમણે સવાર-સાંજ એક એક ચમચી પ્રદરાંતક  ચૂર્ણ દૂધ સાથે અથવા ચોખાના ધોવરામણ સાથે લેવું. મરચા, લસણ, રાઈ, મરી, અડદ અને આથો આવીને તૈયાર થતા કે ખૂબ ખાટા પદાર્થો છોડી, દૂધ, ઘી, સાકર, શિંગોડા, આમળા, કેળા, પરવળ, તાંદળજો, ખાંડ, માખણ જેવા દ્રવ્યો ખાસ ખાવા. દૂધપાક, ખીર, શિંગોડના લોટનો શિરો- રાબ વગેરે લોહીવાના દરદી માટે પરમ પથ્ય છે. શતાવરીના ક્ષીરપાક બનાવીને લેવાથી પણ રક્તપ્રદર ઝડપથી મટે છે. ગામડાના લોકો કે જે આવા કોઈ દ્રવ્યો મેળવી શકે તે માત્ર નદીકાંઠે થતું 'ઘા બાઝરિયું' લાવી તેની રૂવાંટી ગોળમાં મેળવી ગોળી બનાવીને દિવસમાં ત્રણ- ચાર વાર બે બે ગોળી લેવી. જેઠી મધ લોધર, ફટકડી અને કાંટાળા માયાનું સમભાગે ચૂર્ણ તેની પોટલી બનાવી ઠંડા પાણીમાં ભીંજવી યોનિના અંદરના ભાગમાં મૂકવી અથવા દ્રવ્યોનો ઉકાળો બનાવી ડૂશ લેવાથી પણ રક્તપ્રદર મટી શકે છે. શ્વેતપ્રદરમાં પણ આમાના ઘણાં ઔષધો લાભપ્રદ થાય છે. આમ છતાં ત્રિફલા કવાથ કે પંચવલ્કલ કવાથી વિધિવત્ ડૂશ લેવામાં આવે તો આશાતીત લાભનો અનુભવ થાય છે. માત્ર ડૂશ ચિકિત્સા (યોનિ પ્રક્ષાલન વિધિ)થી અનેક મહિલાઓ રોગમુક્ત થઈ છે.ઔષધોમાં પુષ્યાનુગ ચૂર્ણ ગ્રામ ગ્રામ લોધ્ર ચૂર્ણ ગ્રામ, કુક્કુટાંડ ત્વક ભસ્મ / ગ્રામ, પ્રદરાન્તક લોહ / ગ્રામ, સુવર્ણ ભસ્મ / ગ્રામ સવાર-સાંજ તાંદળજાના રસ અથવા પાણી સાથે લેવાય. પુનર્નવા મંડૂર ચંદ્રપ્રભા વટી બે બે ગોળી સવાર-સાંજ પાણી સાથે ચાર ચાર ચમચી પત્રાંગસવમાં ચાર ચમચી અશોકારિષ્ટ મેળવી તેટલું સામે પાણી ઉમેરી જમ્યા બાદ પીવાથી શ્વેતપ્રદર ચોક્કસ મટે છે. માત્ર એક પ્રદરાન્તક ચૂર્ણ એક ચમચી જેટલું ચોખાના ધાવણ અથવા તાંદળજાના રસ સાથે લેવાથી પણ શ્વેતપ્રદરની તકલીફ દૂર થાય છે.
સ્ત્રોત : આરોગ્ય ગીતા વૈદ્ય વત્સલ વસાણી અમદાવાદ
Dr. Ronak Rathod: Ayurveda cure Irregular & Excessive Menstrual BleedingIn Ayurveda, Irregular & Excessive Menstrual Bleeding (heavy periods) is known as Rakta Pradara. Excessive discharge of blood during the monthly periods is known as Menorrhagia, but when the bleeding is irregular, it is known as metrorrhagia.
According to ayurveda, both these conditions may arise due to the imbalance of the hormones. This imbalance of hormones is caused by the aggravation of the Pitta in the body. Excessive bleeding may be due to the abnormal growth of the uterus or any other organ.
If the bleeding continues for long, the woman may feel headache, pain in the calves, giddiness and restlessness. The woman may experience pain in the back, the abdomen, or the hips when the menstruation starts. The flow may be excessive and may leave the patient excessive weak.
The ayurvedic prescriptions for the treatment of Menorrhagia and Metrorrhagia are given below.
MEDICINES- Ashokarishta, Lodrasava
30ml of each with equal quantity of water should be taken after meals twice daily.
Mukta Pishti,Praval Pishti- 50mg of each should be taken four times a day.
Pushyanuga Churna, Chandraprabha, Pradarantaka Lauha
1gm of Pushyanuga Churna, 500mg of Chandraprabha and 240mg of Pushyanuga Churna should be taken with decoction of Kusha grass in the morning and evening.
Chandanadi Churna, Pradararipi Rasa, Bol Parpati
1gm of Chandanadi Churna, 240mg each of Pradararipi Rasa and Bol Parpati should be taken with honey two times daily.
Vd. Vaishali Hirpara: Pradarripu vati, Gokshuradi guggalu.

Compiled by Vd. Dhruti Kagrana


  1. Menorrhagia or raktpradar is basically due to Vata dushti acc to Charak. Vata shaamak aushdhi & Pushyanug along with Shatavari ghruta gives excellent results. Vataprakopak Hetusevan should be ruled out!


"Rainy Season Woes: Protecting Your Eyes from Monsoon Infections"

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