Friday, March 22, 2019

BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia) #Ayurveda

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Next topic of discussion:BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia) #Ayurveda
Vd. Shrinidhi:Ashteela  description closely resembles BPH(one among 13 type mutraghata). In Ashteela  due to swelling (generally mobile) it obstructs urine and faeces.
Dr.Piyush Dodiwadiya: BPH- Generally the weight of prostate considered for surgery. If it is more than 50 gmsBut many times symptoms not relate to weight. The site of the growth of prostate is mai cause for symptoms. If growth is towards urethra that is medially growth then symptoms will aggravates. If it is laterally then , may be pt will symptoms free.

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Croatia Branko Markovic: Good prevention is to take every morning 1 table spoon of pumpkin seed oil or powder of pumpkin seeds. It is good for all man over 45. Medicines like bangshil, GokshuradiGuggulu showed good results.
Dr. Pritam Veer: BPH is mutrasthila. Mutragranthi.
Treatment :Gokshuradiguggul, Gomutraharitaki, Chandraprabha, Panchtiktaghrutguggul, Gokshurghrut, Bastyamayantakghrut, Varunadikadha, Veertaraadyasawa.
Basti- Niruh-erandmulaadi, Anuwasan - pippalyadi.Anuwasantel
Have given uttarbasti also.Anuwasan with Bastyamayantakghrut- got instant results.
Nabhipuran - with gandhakdruti.Ahar, viharpathya.
Also shwetparpati which is best for mutravahastrotasvyadhi.Yavkshar.
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: A condition in which a non-cancerous growth of the prostate gland makes urination frequent, difficult and uncomfortable is called benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).
BPH are closely resembles with the clinical featutes of Ashtheela. It is one of the 13 types of  Mutraghata (obstructive uropathies) described in Ayurveda. Ashtheela is a mobile and elevated swelling, which obstructs the passage of urine and faeces. Generally vataprakopakaAhara (like dry, cold and light food in insufficient quantities) and vihara (like starvation, over exertion and suppression of urine) aggravate vatadosha which leads to Ashtheela (Paurushagranthivrddhi - Prostate gland enlargement)
Clinical features:
1. Frequent urination, especially at night
2. Urgency of urination
3. Hesitancy and intermittency
4. Leaking or dribbling of urine
5. Interrupted weak stream
6. Bladder pain/ dysuria
7. Urine incontinence
8. Prolonged emptying
9. Urine retention (in severe BPH)
10. Hematuria
1. Urinary tract infections
2. Urinary stones
3. Blood in the urine
4. Hydronephrosis
5. Urinary retention
1. Digital rectal Examination
2. Urine analysis
3. Ultrasound : Kidney, Ureter, Bladder
4. Cystoscopy
5. Serum Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Blood test
6. Prostate Biopsy
7. Uroflowmetry
Advice the patient to
-  Urinate when ever the urge and at regular intervals
-  Take plenty of fluids, but in divided quantities at regular intervals
-  Try to evacuate bladder completely
-  Practice of kegel exercise:  simply tighten and relax the pubo-coccygeus muscles for 3 seconds about 20-30 times a day for strengthening the pelvic floor
-  Avoid alcohol and caffee, especially after dinner.
- Try to avoid decongestants and antihistamines, which can worsen BPH symptoms
Dr. Pritam Veer: Its cancerouss also
Dr. Arvind Shahane:Bangshil 2—2,Fortage 2—2,Alarcin PHARMA
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani:Mutraghata are 12 n numbers. In BPH, Chandraprabhavati, GokshuradiGugglu ,Varunadikwath give excellent result
Gary Yuen: What is the cause? Looking at modern medicine, it is diet. Excess of animal products. So far foods studied to reduce risk: garlic onion dal flax seed. Flax has secondary names uma and himavat, denoting ancient importance. Carakai think notes it can affect visuon, meaning heavy? If it is a question of immunity and ojas, and shows similarities with cancer, treatment is like for ojas : dal, yava, maybe gavedukha, brassicas at least according to modern medicine. Cauliflower and radish, but classical black mustard and moringa are stronger. Garlic onion.Rasayanas. Etc. Every topic discussed is easily treated with classical diet.
Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: In AstodariyaAdhyaya(where classification of rogas is given), Mutraghata classified in 8 numbers. So according to Charaka, Mutraghata are 8. According to susrutaMutraghata are 12.
Dr. Rajendra Joshi:Cap.ural BPH is useful in prostate
Vd. Ashish Kumar:शिलाजीत
Nitin Shah:A herb- saw palmetto.
Compiled by - Dr. Dhruti Kagrana

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