Friday, October 9, 2015

Acne Vulgaris (yauvan pidika - Khil) #ayurveda approach and treatment

Views shared by several ayurveda professionals and non-ayurveda people in discussion group:
All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.

Todays topic for discussion:  Acne Vulgaris (yauvan pidika - Khil)

Group 1:
Dr. Rajnish:
Madhu & haldi mixture is more benificial acne vulgaris (mukhdusika)

Group 2:
Vd. Hardik bhatt:
Cleanliness is very important to cure acne Vulgaris.. 2. Manjistha sariva yastinadhu aamalaki, trifla,  chandan are choice of drug for oral and local application according to prakruti

Dr Priti Khainy Surat: 
Virechan is best treatment for acne.and  10days facial treatment(ayurved)  with fruits pack like pappya, herbs like mint, neem . Herbal steam can take twice in a week

Group 3:
Vd. Mahesh Akhani:
Vaman karma is best therapy for acne. Also medohar, rkta-shuddhikar, mrudu rechak, as.....aarogyavardhi ras, triphala, for internal & ext. leapam with Eladigan churna

Group 4:
Vd. Dipa Mehta: Yauvan pidika is urdhvajatrugata vyadhi so yastimadhu ghee nasya or Pratimarsh nasya will help. Nidana parivarjan is also beneficial. Rakta and pitta dusty so give internal medicine accordingly

Vd. Nisha Thakkar : Kaishor gugulu, bri.manjisthadi ghanvati, amruta guggulu, and salmali kantak churna for external best result

Vd. Rajal shukla: Give Triphala and Punarnava with Sarpagandha. can prevent side effect of Sarpagandha like nasal congestion. Pl don't afraid of or stop medicine because of side effect find solutions with other Ayurvedic medicine. Best result with Personal Microderm device. ...based on our Ayurvedic basic consept of raktmokshan.

Dr. Nita Goswami: Acne is not only urdhvajatrugat vyadhi.acne is raktadustigat  vyadhi so raktasuddikar treatment is a necessity.we can give neempanchang yog,combination of triphala,kher, kariyatu, lodhra, Katuki, neem, haridra, manjitha, suddha Gandhak etc.orally. Lepam is also very useful. Varnyakar aushad & steam on face (sauna) with fresh neem is also very useful. Nnever give kumkumadi or any type of oil and ghrit prepration for local application.

Vd Ami Mehta: In acne
1) mahamanjisthadi ghanavati 2tab/ twice
2) Kanchanar guggulu 2tab /twice if acne with severe infection
3) Eranda bhrusta Harde  2tab - at bedtime with hot water. Or Give mild virechan,  if pt has no constipation.
4) give combination of manjistha, haridra, Vasa, yastimadhu, triphala, neem,  satavari,  upalasari, kamdudha ras, sutshekhar ras, godanti in powder form/ 3 times daily
5) Aarogyavardhini 1tab/twice daily
6) use any facepack for local application,  avoid oil or cream products.
I used this preparation in so many pts,  got 💯% results

Group 5:
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana:
Acne Vulgaris:-
Kapha, Vata and Rakta dushti.
-  Virechana and Raktmokshana.
-External application
* Dashang lep
* Lodhra, Vacha, Saindhava and Sarshapa lep.
*Jatiphala and Chandana lep
*Massage with Kumkumadi Tailam, Manjishthadi Tailam.
*Aarogyavardhini rasa
*Kaishora guggulu
*Panchnimbadi Churna
*Haritaki Churna

Group 6:
Vd. Bhavesh Thakkar :
-          Panchatikta greet guggul or Kaishor guggul or Trifala guggul
Along with Arogya vardhini and Sanasamni vati
-          Prakshalan with Panchavalkal kwath  And mild virechan with Swadist Virechan or Shivakshar pachan.  For local apply kumkumadi

Vd. Jignesh Thakkar:
According to ayurveda Pimples is vatkaf disease while people has wrong belief that it happens by usnata of body. See etiology of youvan pidika acc to modern
Teen ageincreased gonadotrophinsincreased sebum secretion from sebaceous glandsfull ness of glandsinfection pimples….Means increased gonadotrophins level leads to pimples. According to ayurveda secondary sex characteristics are because of kafa.
‘Snehobandha sthiratvam cha gauravam vrushta balam,
Kshama dhruti alobhascha kapha karma avikarajam.’

Here vrushta (sexual power) is because Of kapha.  So gonadotrophins are kapha in ayurveda.
In gland excessive secretion is also snigdha. Again in madhav nidan youvan pidika is kapha-vatj vyadhi.
Here ruksha (opp of snigdha) is treatment.
One should avoid fermented food. Avoid Oil,ghee etc.
One should avoid applying cream but should apply ruksha face pack.
One should wash face again and again to remove oil.

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