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topic for discussion: Karna-nad (unusual sound in ears or tinnitus) and its management with #Ayurveda
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: As per shushruta aacharya Dosha :- mainly vata
When vata aggravated and go to sabdavahanadi
in ear the vata produced different type of sound called krana- nad.
Dr. Ravindra Upadhyay: Karnanad one of the symptoms ofSANGRAHANI
Vd. Neeraj Pooner: Bheri mridang shabdanam karnad sah uchayte
In today prespective its just a symptom of
other diseases
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Vaghbhatta also mentioned that if we not
treated krananad then it causes badhirya..
Vd. Neeraj Pooner: Other than ear disorders kidney diseses,
heart diseses, high bp, anemia, use of some drugs. Causes tinnitus
Vd. Hardik Bhatt: Pratisthay , pravat sevan, ajirn, shit snan,
shital jal pravesh, karna arsh , throat infection are causes for karn nad
Vd. Neeraj Pooner: Smanaya chikitsa in all tyoe of karn rog use
ghrit pan, rasyan aushada,
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: Antimalarial drugs Quinine and Chloroquine
are also causes temporary tinnitus.
Vd. Neeraj Pooner: Charak use khshar tail for all type of karn
rog, Also use hingwadi kshar tailam, kushthadi tailam, darvyadi
tailam, mulika tailam
Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: In vagbhatta T/t of krananada:-
Karnanade hitam tailam sarshpotham cha
Kranapurana of sarshpa taila is
Vd. Neeraj Pooner: For internal use indu vati., sarivadi
vati, rasnadi guggul
Refrence shushrut samhita ambika datt shastri
vimarsh bhag
Vd. Jignesh Thakkar: Please notice that. "Avashyay jalkrida
karna kanduyane marut.mithya yogen sashtrasya kupito anyescha kopane prapya
shrotam shira kuryat sulah shrotashi vegvaan .tevai karna gata rogah
ashtavimshati ririta……..These are the etiological factors of karna
roga…When tympanic membrane is perforated usually
karnaxved is symptom and not karna nad
Dr. Bhaskar B Nymathi: *कर्ण-नाद*
➡As preventive स्नानमार्दितनेत्रास्य कर्णरोगातिसारिषु|अ,ह्रु सू २.
In any sort of Ear disorder Snaana is {Contra-indicated}
but by proper covering one can perform Snāna.
➡Internally Sneha- paana is beneficial.
➡Haridrā fumigation and Karna-pōrana alternatively helpful
in this condition.
Shri Minoo parabia: Anubhut follows.
Sanshamani vati 4x3
Sarivadi vati 2x3
Bilvadi taila ear drops
This regimen works very well, if it is not
Dr. Bhavesh Modh:
Dr. Bhavesh Modh: Dear friends, this topic is
very valuable for all of us , today need of
tinnitus's ayurveda treatment ,
" Finding a cure for tinnitus is ATA’s
priority. Research will help us reach this goal. ATA is the only patient-based
membership association that directly funds tinnitus research. Since 1980 we
have allocated over $6 million to advance tinnitus research."
Courtesy :
कुपितात् कर्णस्त्रोतः
स्थिताद् वायोः विविधशब्दश्रवणम् = कर्णनाद = tinnitus = वातप्रधान
Conductive deafness
भेरीमृदड्गशंखानां स्वरान्
Involved external or middle ear.
2nd type
कर्णक्ष्वेड : मारूतः कफपित्ताभ्यां …….. संसृष्ट शोणितेन च ।
कर्णक्ष्वेडं संजनयेत् ……….. क्ष्वेडनं वेणुघोषवत् ।।
In modern view like as a tinnitus ariur
or labyrinthitis
Nervous deafness
Mainly involved internal ear
वेणुघोषवत् = flute like musical sound
कर्णपूरण by medicated oil
1. 500 ml sesame oil + seeds of Datura metel
2. Oil of ingudi = balanites aegyptiaca
Both are easily available
Especially in kutch
Effective results.
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Ginkgo biloba is important drugs for
Dr. Suyog Kulkarni: I use Bilwa Taila for karnapooran. But do
not have sufficient data to comment .
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Even Dadima's vaidu says put 2drops of tal
tel tread with garlic bud in pain full eat.
Young generation when drive motor bicycle
specially in winter morning without using ear plug or ear cap, soon are they
victims of Paralyses, as an osculate responsible of controlling balancing
nerves, it's always over looked by many.
Vd. Hardik Bhatt: Karn, udar, akshi, shir na rog ma 7 days na
langhan are beneficial........Lashunadi vati, sari vadi vati , Nirgindi
oil, bilwadi oil, are good for karn puran... Snehpan is also advisable ...
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Vayu mudra is beneficial….Put tha finger in both ear opening than blow the air with
close mouth 10to15 three times a day good exercise for tinnitus
Vd. Jignesh Thakkar: Don't try this if tympanic membrane is
perforated.... and also don't do any karna purana if tympanic membrane is
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: Yes agree but after discharge of pus you may
advised according to condition……Stop of pus
Dr. J. T. Contractor: To cleanse ENT put, H2O2( hydrogen
peroxide), even punctuated!
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Karna nada treatment from sharangdhar
1. अथ बृंहणनस्यस्य कल्पना
........ कर्णनादे ......... युज्यते बृंहणं नस्यं स्नेहैर्वा मधुरद्रवैःl sharangdhar
samhita uttarkhand 8/ 31
In karnanada , nasya ( medication through
nasal route) is to be done which is bruhana ( which helps to
gain energy for body). This has to be done either by different snehas I.e. taila,
ghruta, vasa or majja ( oil, ghee, animal fat, or bone
marrow are four different snehas ) or by madhura (sweet) liquids.
2. कल्कक्वाथेन
यष्ट्याव्हकाकोलीधान्यकैः। शूकरस्य वसां पक्त्वा कर्णनादार्तिनाशिनी ।। sharangdhar samhita
uttarkhand 11/142.
Karnapurana ( pouring into
ear) with vasa (fat) of shukar (pig) processed with kalka
(paste) and kwatha (decoction) of yashtimadhu , kakoli , masha and dhanyaka
is karnanada (tinnitus) nashak and karnaruja (otalgia) nashak.
3. अपामार्गक्षारजले तत्क्षारं कल्कितं क्षिपेत्।
तेन पक्वं जयेत्तैलं
बाधिर्यं कर्णनादकम्।। sharangdhar samhita uttarkhand 11/ 145
Karnapurana with sesame oil
processed with apamarga kshara as kalka and apamarga ksharajala as drava dravya
, cures karnanada as well karnabadhirya (deafness).
Dr. Meghdoot Satvekar: Many times tinnitus is due to sinusitis /
ear drum perforation with / without pus discharge .
Sookshma triphala tab, kanchanar guggulu tab, khadiradi vati, laxmi vilas ras, Praval
panchamrute, Sarivadi vati, Ashwagandharista , Anu taila nasya , Don't use any
ear drops in case of perforation .
Dr. Bhadresh Naik: For mastoiditis: Panchtikta gugglu, Triphala
gugglu, Abha gugglu, For long periods effective Jatyadi tail apply on earbuds Or
panchtikta grut……Similar ways not as a eardrop…Experience in many case
Dr. J. T. Contractor: @A dr friend of mine found complaining
deafness due to a very big cracker's loud sound,
@ Ekmat Marathi (Latur)daily news editor
complaining deafness due to treadle printing machines noise 24 hrs!
@ an old man retired railway steam engine
driver complaining same as above due to constant engine noise
@ a rice Miller still operating an old age
plant-mill complaining the same as above... & so on!
Our ear osculate system doesn't have immunity
towards big sounds it seems, it's bearing capacity towards velocity of sound
has its own limitations, so one has to use ear plugs while at such works,at the
same time for safety sake one has to be alert as well!
Germany Helga Fuchs: Tinnitus is nervous disorder first I
think, most Patient have stiffness in schoulders and neck. If we work on the
spine and muscels, relaxion helps a lot for Balancing the work of the ears.
Nasya. Karnapuram, basti, massage relax mind and dryness. Push I do not know as
Tinnitus, Perforation is different.
Vd. Prerak Shah: Can we go with Nasya treatment for tinnitus?
Apply fresh ginger juice, around the ear -
outside of ear. That helps in tinnitus - faster.
Vd. Sachin Kadlag: Nasya is definitely useful, as
mentioned in sharangdhar samhita bruhana nasya is specially beneficial in
Dr Jayesh Patel: We are using paribhadra patra churna
in all type of karn rog. (Ref-bhavprakash) With bilvadi
ghreet & sarivadi vati
Germany Helga Fuchs: will try this with fresh Ginger juice. Thank
Vd. sandeep Ahirkar: Panchaindriya vardan tailam nasya may help
in tinitus
Vd. Prerak Shah: @Helga: it is local - outside of ear
application. Not to put drops inside ear. Or no karnapuranam. Ginger juice can
be very good option for any Vata aggravation.
Germany Helga Fuchs: Thank you Prerakbhai, yes Gingerjuice only
lokal, no karnapuram. But Karnapuram with oil yes? ??
Dr. J. T. Contractor: Dadima's vaidu used in olden days to chew
dry coconut with few black pepper seeds, probably hard chewing makes skull
joint muscles release the twisted muscle fibers close to year! Black pepper
releases vata, some how it was working those days, but now immediate to ENT,
MRI scan (radiation affects thyroid glands),
Germany Helga Fuchs: relaxing this area is a must. About black
pepper. Some Vaidya told that black pepper aggrevate Vata. Pipper longum Vata
up, Marica Vata realise ? Yes? We should try this way, in combination with
gingerjuice around the ear. Tinnitus is one of biggest problems in the modern
world. But Routine must be good too.
------------------------- comments from
Ayulink active group --------------------------
Dr. Hiral Sengal: I have pt of karnan NAD
sarivadi vati2 TDs, tribhuvan kritiras 2 tds,
apamarag xartail for eardrops
also pathyapathya ………vthin 15 days its
work………2 months regular taken medicine ………….totaly fine now
LVG Shriram Gandhi: I have this problem , since long
Vd. Avni Kaneria: Karna puran with maha Narayan tail is also
effective in tinnitus pt...
Vd. Khyati Jariwala: Saarivadi vati works effectively
Dr. Nayan Thacker: karna puran with bilvadi oil , chandra prabha vati 2 bd, sarivadi vati 2 bd, shilajit
rasauan vati 1 bd, till long term result.. at least 3 to 6
Dr. Mrugeshkumar Patel: Pathayadikwath & bilwaditail is very
Vd. Hardik J. Patel- MD: Karna puran with lashun sidhdha taila in
karna naada
Dr. Amal JP: Karna purana with eranda sigruvadithaila or
lashunadi taila. thalam with kachooradi choornam in nimbamrutadi eranda tailam.
Sarivadi vati , lakshmi vilasa rasa are beneficial in karna nada
Vd. Binal Jagani: In tinitus pt. is Suffering from insomnia and
depression...for that what we can do??? Are Marsh nashya
or shirodhara beneficial???
Dr. Gaurav Makan: Sarivadi vati is good for karna Nad
Dr. Hiral Sengal: marsh nasya ....also. effective..
when u given his/her treatment symptoms of
depression insomnia automatically subsided
Vd. Binal Jagani: In marsh nasta what we can give??
Vd. Avni Kaneria: Brahmi ghreet can be use....
Dr. Anjana Prakash: Karnapoorana with deepika taila,bilwa
taila,nirgundee taila,apamarga kshara taila...karnadhoopan with guggulu,aguru
etc is effective in karnanaada
Dr. Dayanand Bothre: I have doubt …….How can we differentiate
between karn nad nd karn shwed practically?? And if so is there any changes in treatment??
Dr. S. P. Deshpande: We have treated Tinitus by Advanced
Naturopathy and Electro Stimulation. Shall post the video's for
information tomorrow.
Vd. Ekta D. Patel: Karn-nad krnapuran with bilvadi oil followed
by karna dhupan.& nasya by mahanarayan...In that snehpan is also
Dr. Bhaskar : *कर्ण-नाद*
➡As preventive स्नानमार्दितनेत्रास्य कर्णरोगातिसारिषु|अ,ह्रु सू २.
In any sort of Ear disorder Snaana is
{Contra-indicated} but by proper covering one can perform Snāna.
➡Internally Sneha- paana is beneficial.
➡Haridrā fumigation and Karna-pōrana alternatively helpful
in this condition.
Vd. Jignesh Thakkar: When tympanic membrane is perforated usually karnaxved is
symptom and not karna nad
Dr. Chaitrali Nalage: What are the precautions to be taken during
Dr. Arvind Shahane: Karnpooran with nirgundi oil, apamagkshar oil
Dr. Mrugeshkumar Patel: Tab Septilin is effective +Tab Mental is
helpful (insomnia & depression.@ Dr Binal
Vd. Hemant k shah: Patient reduced stresss&dhayan&good
listen music&change the atmosphere for insomnia pt's
Dr. Mamta Patel: Is karnanad cureable of 90 years aged pt?
Dr. Sharmila Kulkarni: Karna nad is a common complaint in Sutika
So sutikaparicharya is very important……..Bilwataila
karna puran with Dashmool kwath n Devadar yadi kwath is used……….In some cases
Nasya with Panch end riya taila helps……Gandush with Triphala kwath n Tilatail
I give this treatment…………Cover ears n soles
with warm clothes….This is applicable in Sutikaparicharya n aged patients
Dr. Lokesh Mehta: Nasya first with shadbindu followed by
ksheerbala . karnpuran by brahmin ghrit .followed by ashwagandha cap. sarivadi
vati . shilajeet cap. chanderprabha vati and bala arishta orally.
Dr. Abha. l. Ravi: Padabhyanga with tila thaila is good. Also
gandoosha and karnapoorana with same oil
Dr. Jyoti Yagnik: Sarivadi vati ; trifalagugal ; & drops ;
bilvadi tail or anutail
Dr.Yogesh Gorakhnath Patil: Causes anemia, HTN ,Ear
infection,Hypotension,vitamin deficiency,Diabetes ,hypothyroidism…….Tab-Lavangadi vati Tab-Mahayograj guggulu
Pathyadi kwath oil Bilvadi tail
Dr. Dipa Mehta: Karna Puran with oil and vatashaman treatment
is useful
Dr. P. A. Deshpande: Causes.... Cold .
Sinus . Hyper acidity . Constipation. .noise at work place.
By naturopathy treatment as follows..
colon irrigation
for detoxification diet to detoxify liver Pranayam
and ozone blanching on ears skull daily for 30 minutes.
Process..... Juice of onion with haridra 4 drops in
ear. Wheat grass juiced cotton pack is applied covering both ears
and head. Ozone tubes on both year again covering with soaked cotton pack
ice pack on top of head Tieing with elastic Band.
after treatment vear flushing with oxygen for five minutes
if ear infection do not put drops in ears. Only other treatment be
given. Takes six to eight weeks for cure. now photos.
Dr. P. A. Deshpande: What actually makes noise in ear ?
Blockage of capilleries inner middle diaphram disorder or
fluid changes due to reasons mentioned above.. What is correcting
mechanism ? The ozone . Wg juice and onion juice removes
blockage reconstruct inner karna correct fluid density
..disinfect etc. Ice pack during treatment
prevents rise of temperature ... I have best results even in cases
of old pts. besides this it improves hearing power also
Dr. Amal JP: Causes of tinnitus
Impacted wax
Fluid in the middle ear
Acute and chronic otitis media
Abnormality in eustachian tube
Meniero's desease
Nose trauma
Ototoxic drugs
Tumour of 8th cranial nerve
b)Non otologic
Desease of CNS
Vascular tumours of middle ear
Aneurysm of carotid artery
Dr. P. A. Deshpande: Agreed. Still other causes also
responsible. According to me disorders are due to
reasons discussed.. Correcting measures in treatment helps since
all conclusive. When inputs are provided body acts as a doctor. In my
treat. Medication part is not there it can be through ayurvedic
medication. Allopathy has no remedy thousands of pts in States r
committing suicide. Hence if given relief many lives can be saved.
There is need to be open for options available ……with coordination and rectification as needed.
I feel I have achieved very important technique which can be used
in many unanswered section. Sorry if I have bored Pl.
Vd. Sandeep J. Prasad: Dayanand sir acc to susrut Karna naad is hearing noice in ear and shwed is wax in
Dr. Dayanand Bothre: Sorry sir…..But in sushrut, Karna ghuth means
Karna shwed is different ….I am sending samhita
reference image
Plz look out this
Brazil Keli Paratana Sao Paulo: Tila tail means sesam oil?
Australia Vd. Neerja Ahuja: Sesame oil in ears
Dr. Shekhar Gole: Ozone therapy along with bilva tel karna
puran and trifala guggul gives excellent results in tinitus
Vd. Rupa Raval: Pranayam, specially omkara and bhramari gives
excellent results with karna puran in tinnitus
Australia Vd. Neerja Ahuja: Yes!
Dr. Tukaram Shinde: Sir kya triphala churna skin disease
me use ker sakate hai kya?
Dr. Manju Mishra: For tinnitus vishtinduk vati
,chandra prabha vati, 1 tab bd ...ashwagandha churna
Dr. Minakshi Kaundal: Tinnitus is a symptom of prana vayu
disturbance. Prana vayu is a subdosha of vata. This resides in the head and is
responsible for all higher cerebral functions.
Lack of proper sleep
Continuous talking
Excess fasting and too much exercise
When the nerves get tired due to increased
Sudden shock or fear or grief
Excess bitter substances like medicines or
depletion of dhatus ( minerals ) and this is
also a reason for the cause of tinnitus
symptoms of tinnitus are headache, vertigo
and memory loss.
Preparations of ashwagandha can be used. 1-2
tablets of ashwagandha can be taken along with a cup of warm milk at bed time.
This results in sound sleep which reduces vata dosha. Also Ashwagandharishta
can be taken. 15 ml should be mixed with equal water and taken after dinner.
Sarasvati Churna in the dose of quarter
teaspoon two times daily after meals can be taken.
Yogaraj Guggul reduces inflammation in the
ear. 200 mg should be taken two or three times in a day after food.
Bilva Tailum, Amrut Bindu and Kshar Tailum
can be used as ear drops. 2 drops of these oils can dropped in the ear at bed
time and early morning.
Garlic oil is also considered to be very
beneficial for this disease. 3 drops of garlic oil can be put into the ear at
night before going to bed.
Dr. Hiral Sengal: ginger swaras!?? karn puran....did u mean ? where exactly
LVG Shriram Gandhi: Around ear, outside, written by Prerakbhai
Vd. Prerak Shah: Yes. Outside of ear.Not inside the ear. Not
karnapuranam. ……Everyday once or max twice
Dr. Hiral Sengal: if any one had in heridity....its can works??
Vd. Prerak Shah: No idea. Never treated such heredity cases of
Dr. Shruthi Arun: Nasya with changeri swara gives good result,
I tried to some of my patients
Australia Vd. Neerja Ahuja: Ginger juice outside the ears! Never done
before but makes sense. Thanks
Dr. Jinal Thakkar: Changeri swaras use I have never heard of..
Can u temme the probable thought behind using it? Like prerak sir mentioned... I have seen use of
pushkarmool and kala bol lep outside the ear in some cases of tinitus
Dr. Shruthi Arun: Mainly causes of karnanada is - Prana vayu
vikruti - destroy of hair cilia/ cells
in inner ear - in case of sinusitis And other causes
Changeri is having Amla and kashaya rasa
yukta , and ushna veerya helps in kaphaja and vataja disorder
Also acts as vrana ropana …..I chosen this
drug and got good results
Even we can use changeri swarasa karna purana
in case of perforation of tympanic membrane ( as in that case we see pt c/o of
karna nada)
Dr. Hardikchandra Kalal: With above treatment ,we must advice to the
patient : to keep the cotton in both ears. It is helpful as
nidanparivarjan also in recurrence of disease.
----------- comments from ayulink 3 group
Compilation courtesy: Vd. Kinshuk Hirpara
& Vd. Dhruti Kagrana
What about vascular tinitus? My wife is suffering from that. When she do pressure on area around carotid, sound goes away, on realise pressure sound comes. This sound is like wind sound not GHANT OR DRUMM like.
ReplyDelete@Rajan: Apply ginger powder paste around the ear (NOT inside). This will help her to relieve sound and pain, if it is there.
ReplyDeletei went under surgery of otosclerosis at right ear, after some time ringing started in my left ear and afterward its begun start at right ear as well, im suffering from tinittus since last three year. please suggest me.