Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Ulcerative colitis.... # Ayurvedic approach

Views shared by several ayurveda professionals and non-ayurveda people in discussion group:
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Today's topic for discussion:  Ulcerative colitis.... Ayurvedic approach

Vd. Jignesh Thakkar: Ulcerative colitis is shokatisar according to ayurveda.i treated few patients successfully at my clinic by shirodhara+basti. Overall i found that till 3 yrs after treatment patient was having no symptoms but medicines continued. But as soon as real estate prices crashed he is ill can see his testimonial on.
Ayurveda says because of financial loss or loss of life of close relative may lead to excessive stress and can lead to condition like sokatisar or ulcerative removing stress can be first line of treatment. Now a days, in competitive world there are so many Reasons of stress. and till today allopathy reached only at conclusion that ulcerative colitis may have psychosomatic origin. …….If in patient of ulcerative colitis if you find no reason of stress then can be treated as raktatisar…..It has different etiology that "पित्तातिसारी यो अत्यर्थं पितलानि निषेवते तस्य पित्तं असृग दग्धवा रोगाय कल्पयते।"………..

Bunty Gandhi: I have seen my relative who was even told by allopathic doctors that you are not going to live more after two years treatment was successfully treated by some tribal healer from nandurbar..

Vd. Jignesh Thakkar: Means a person who is suffering from pitatisar and still taking more pitt aggravating things can lead to raktatisar.(bloody diarrhoea)

Shri Minoo parabia: Amoebic,  gerardiasis,  irritable bowels ultimately culminate in to UC……Gluten free diet is the first advice. Stop wheat. Milk and fried food.
Bilwadi and/or brihat gangadhar administered with curd or buttermilk helps.
Brahmi + yastimadhu and Psyllium make effective treatment……As the case may be other symptom based drugs are sanjivani vati, kutaj vati and Karpurras vati.

Vd. Sunil Suthar : Nice topic !  I have treated a case in the past !  Suffering with ulcerative colitis, Sign & symptoms were , frequency of stool : 4-5 times in a day , but every time semi solid or liquid and occasionally abd. Pain is der , meleana is der ! Digestive system also dusturbed, weight loss 12 kg within 6 months and lots of tries in allopathy but did nt recover! When he came with me :
I simply treated with Tb. Kutaj parpati vati , Tb. Dysentrol( goswami pharma ), Ajmodadi + avippatikar churna, Bilagyl ( sandu), And kutajarishtam !
Within 4 months wonderful results der ! His all complains near to subside ,5 kg wieght gain ! And bowel is complete ok single time !
Diet restrictions : Spicy , oily , menda , non veg . Strictly prohibited , Butter milk with zeerak powder twice in a day after food ! And advise to take 40% less diet !
Here mochras or pichchabaati also gives good results but he is also suffering with piles so it was not managed by me ! But with only oral medicines and diet control ! Wonderful result is der !

Dr. Archana Panchal: Diet is most important , wheat & milk strictly stop, take roti of rice&bajara, mung dal rice, take Apple , anar, banana , dudhi parval galka turiya can be taken.     Shirodhara is benefited for this pt.I have treated pts with stricket diet & simple medicine

Dr. Devesh Kumar: Kutaj ghan vati+ jirkasava+ sutshekhar rasa is also beneficial in this case

Vd. Dhruti Kagrana: According to Ayurveda, ulcerative colitis is primarily a disease of Pitta dosha with varying degrees of Vata involvement. The latter determines how extensively the inflammatory process will spread proximally and the development of extraintestinal manifestations. Ulcerative colitis is, additionally, a disease of purisha vaha srota (channels carrying fecal material)………The excessive consumption of paittika ahara (Pitta-aggravating foods) and Pitta-aggravating regimens initially damages both rakta dhatu and mamsa dhatu. Vata dosha in the lower colon is also aggravated and in the early stages blocks the Pitta and Kapha channels causing further inflammation, mucous accumulation and edema.

Bunty Gandhi: Brihad Gangadhara Choorna is also very benefitial.

Vd. Jignesh Thakkar: Stop Milk totally is idea of allopathy. According to ayurveda goat milk is best remedy for raktatisar.... i have tried it on number of patients and got satisfactory results.

Vd. Dipam Tripathi: I agree qith dr. Jignesh

Dr Dipak Shirude: This era is very much easier to practice Ayurved effectively, as many standardised and effective aushadhikalpas are available ....Ulcerative colitis . as per my experience . needs to rearrange the food habit of the patient . I usually advice these patients to be on Takrahar or Dugdhahar . And to observe strict avoidance of leafy vegetables ……Initially a little dose of Haritaki very early in the morning with warm water for 2/3 days is useful to eliminate excess doshas …..Then onwards . .. . Mochras (gum of shalmali), kutaj, bilwa unripe fruit pulp, musta, shunthi, prawal, kamdudha, udumbar twak, arjun, shatavari are used as per situation . Bolbaddha Ras, Raktastambhak, Mouktikyukta prawalpanchamrit . are also some adjuvants …….Pichha basti by drip method is instant useful in severity ……Lajaanna, mudgayush, coconut water, sitaphalam pulp, dadim swaras etc.  .. These are useful as tarpan I.e. to keep the patient's bal normal ..

Shri Minoo parabia: Goat milk has antimicrobial property. Therefore acts well on TB too. Continuous consumption may even affect intestinal microflora responsible for vit B production hence stomatitis.

Vd. Mahesh Akani: ulcerative colitis means Shokaj Or Pittaj atisar . We advised Dhyan, simple Pranayama, Pitta shamak diet.... Shatavari swaras, Udumbar ghan vati, Kutaj parpati, Bilagyl sandu. Panchvalkal , musta, bilva,kutaj kwath + Dadim ghrit+ milk = Siddh ghrit basti

Vd. Ketan bhimani: Kashay ras pradhan panch valkal qwath orally is also best drug to control liquid n bleeding in colitis or IBS.

Vd. Pankaj Chhayani: In diarrhoea, there is reverse movement of fluid ( fluid move from all tissues toward GI tract, rather than GI to Tissue).. In this case movement from GI mucosa to general circulation (absorption) will become difficult..whatever the  condition may be of the mucus membrane of the GI tract, howsomuchever inflamed may it be, sugar is always welcome, it will instantly absorbed and with the sugar molecules whatever other molecules are accompanying it Will also get instant passage inside e.g. they also will get absorbed easily………..There is inflammation of mucosa in UC. Honey is best healer,containing sugar will help in absorbing other dravya too. I think honey must be added in all basti.. अतिद्रवसरण मलप्रवृति..this is cardinal symptom of Atisar...Drava and Sara both are gunas of pitta..सस्नेह द्रव अम्ल सर कटु...- पित गुण.... So we can say that there is pitta dominance in atisar.. And why susruta says that pitta should be treated first in case of tridishoja atisar while in other tridoshaj vikaras vata is first to be treated. So its clear cut there is pitta dominant in atisar(with vata and kapha)..………In UC, there is inflammation of mucosa, according to inflammation is not possible without pitta.... According to Ayurveda inflammation is not possible without pitta..

Dr. Rajnish MP: Takra kalp &  Pichha vasti good for ulcerative colitis
[12/9/2015, 1:08 AM] +91 98242 43567: I have very good results in all kind of colitis...with pichchabasti most cases we give 10-12 days basti course + followed by formulas from Kutaja and/or  bilva .....within 2 months I start tapering the dose of Tab. azacol or Tab. mesacol (modern medicine) and steroids....within 4 months from basti, usually I am able to discontinue with modern continues with ayurveda (Kutaj, bilva, indrayav etc.) ....nearly after 8 to 12 months, I can see that patient gets complete freedom from ayurveda medicines too.  I have also good result in Crohn's syndrom. I will post colonoscopy reports (pre and post) in  short time for all members.

Vd. Dipam Tripathi: Pichha result

Vd. Neha Dipam Tripathi: Pichcha basti yastimadhu sidhdha sneh for healing if colon bilv,kutaj ,sutsekahr ras and if bleeding is there aja khsir and bleeding is not there takra gives good result…..Any condition related to mental stress shirodhara sankhpuspi etc medhya drugs are useful in ulcerative colitis

Germany Helga Fuchs: Good information s thank you, I remember if patient come with this problem.

Vd. Hardik bhatt: I will share an experience…. One pt. was advised to take medicines for tuberculosis (TB) without confirm diagnosis……He got reacted….developed ulcers in intestine…then pt was on steroids…...  Daily motion freq. 15-20  times…with blood and pus .I started  piccha basti…8 days every month ….for 6 month. pt got complete relief for 1 year….advised for Pathya diet… .. tapered dose of Steroid by allopath doctor… .

Dr. Hardik- MD: Vatsakadi vati(punarvasu) is helpful in sannipataj and raktaatisar.
Tab shallki 400mg (gufic) is also very helpful in raktaatisar. we can add sfatika powder in pichcha basti for better relief. And jatyadi taila  matra basti will helpful in complication of pichcha basti like vata pravruti.

Vd. Ajay Pithiya: Nice all post…..In acute phase of UC (as pitta is more) dare to use any of ushna virya drug..  Not even stambhana drug...  Sama rakta and pitta relation create problems if we use any stambhana or ushna drug... In this condition picha basti is best to check the profuse bleeding…Drip method is again ideal…Drugs - paripathadi kadha,  audumbaravaleha,  praval,  mukta etc…Musta
Unripe Bilva fruit pulp, Ativisha , Are beneficial in this condition

Raymond Parabia:  Aragwadharish 2 spoon Tds, Belgarbh 100g + Boveline 200g
10g par day, If bleeding  Himegon, 6-8g par day, Success rates of 80% …15% Relapse

Vd. Ajay Pithiya: For chronic cases..  We can give anuloman (if needed) but with a lot precautions..  Again drugs are same but use of gold or rasayan is needed..  Parpati prayog can help here..  Takra kalpa also beneficial……My favorite yogas are from sharangdhara for this disease and they are Vatsakadi kashaya and
Laghu gangadhar churna..… As this disease also have psychosomatic relation shirodhara and medhya aushadhi help in some of the cases.. …Many of the uc cases turns into colonic cancer,  so we must have to think and watch the condition for betterment of pt.

Vd. Milan prajapati: Indrayav is choice of drug

Vd. Bhavesh Thakkar: Almost everything is said about ulcerative colitis.
Parpati is missing which I use a lot in UC patients…..Panchamrit Parpati
Along with herbs mentioned by vaidyas like kutaj bilva indrayava mochras nagarmoth ativish sunthi haritaki nagkesar etc when and needed

Vd. Kundan Gadhavi: tab enterid also works good, panchamrita parpati, ativish,shankh bhasma,pippali

Vd. Prerak Shah: If all are finish with their remarks, let me put a last evidence of pichchabasti treatment in Crohn's. Pl carefull read the dates of pre and post reports. Unbelievable Improvement...Can it be possible with any other medicines?

Vd. Jignesh Thakkar: Plz share sir and also send detail composition of basti given by you

Vd. Prerak Shah: Basti combination: Panvalkal kwath + mocharas + kutaj + indrayav + shatavari ghrut + Padmakadi oil…......let's conclude this subject. Thnx all.


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