Monday, September 14, 2015

Fibromyalgia and ayurveda

Views shared by several ayurveda professionals and non-ayurveda people in discussion group:
Sub.: Fibromyalgia 

 Aus- vd. Khushdil:
There are cause and nature in fibromyalgia..... As per medical science
Cause and nature of fibromyalgia is unknown.... How we define that's more important..
Main symptoms are pain, sleep disturbances and numbness/ tingling sensation and anxiety
We can treat it as vata disorders

Group 3;
Parabia sir:
Aswagandha 2tds.
Ekangvir ras
Erand paak
Spondygo oil 5ml bd
One may contemplate a therapeutic combination.

Vd. Joban Modha:
Basti treatment

Group 6:
Vd. Mehulbhai:
Only do niramikaran in fibro...its a condition of saam doshh...
Maharashnadi kwath is the best pachankwath....ref.too in basic shlok
Sarvesam pachananam...
Use pure yavkut in 50gram adultdose

Vd. Kundan Gadhavi:
virechana ,snehan with indukant or guggulutiktak  as involvement of mamsa dhatu
basti - guduchyadi ,
mainly counselling,as psychological involvement and DMR-Deep muscle relaxation or dhyan

Vd. Vimalben-Anand :
One orthopedic surgeon was suffered from this disease... I had done virechana karma then given maha rasnadi qwatha,maha yograj  guggulu, rheumo pravahi, vat vidhavans rasa.... Adv to do Regularly Anulom vilom pranayam
He was happy from rx and having good improvement in pain

Vd. Mukulbhai-surat:
Oral medication for vat shaman ( including. ERAND MOOL). ( most of us use erand sneha, but we rarely use erand mool)
Basti may prove very effective . if it is  inconvenient to give anuvasan/asthapan,  I think even simple matra basties will prove very benifitial.
The modern trend amoung  us is to think about complex and difficult treatments, to use very  expensive or difficult to get  medicines,  or to go in for complicated  combinations( not classical): sometimes using more than 8 tov10 drugs in n a single dose.   which is rarely necessary.

Basic treatment using fewer drugs  often single drugs is usually more effective.

Instead of learning from pharmacy MRs  it becomes simpler if we learn from our classical texts.

Vd. Jignesh thakkar -Bhuj:
True. classical formulations are more effective.ayurveda is easiest therapy but as we are used to think in more complicated manner we are where we are

All views shared here are only for knowledge. This information doesn’t have any scientific validation. Various doctors and non-medicos have shared their views and experiences in this discussion. Please do not try any of the suggestions described here, without prior consult from your regular, qualified doctor. Dr. Prerak Shah and no other person is responsible for any unwanted effects, side effects or contra-indications in your health. Thank you.

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